extension ExtPose

ImageAssistant Batch Image Downloader

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Description from extension meta

An image extractor for sniffing, analyzing and batch downloading images from web page.

Image from store ImageAssistant Batch Image Downloader
Description from store ImageAssistant Image Batch Downloader Is an image extractor for sniffing, analyzing and downloading images from web page, it's good compatibility allows users to easily extract images loaded by flash or ajax. What's more, online favorite service is now available! More information about usage, shortcut and FAQ please visit Project Home(simplified chinese).

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-03) JS C: itwas good, but now it cant create folder and rename images
  • (2024-04-11) Yagarian: Chrono 다운로드 매니저와 같이 사용시 폴더가 생성되지 않습니다. 해결방법을 부탁드립니다.
  • (2023-11-12) 雷楼某: 该助手挺不错的,就是读取有点慢 异步请求并发数最多才8
  • (2023-11-11) 苏涵: 现在批量下载会漏掉好多是不是出bug了
  • (2023-11-07) Gimwai Can: 希望能增加一个复制图片的选项
  • (2023-11-05) w w: 要載的是Jpg卻一直Webp無法轉JPEG,擴展選項也弄了, 下載圖片格式轉換,選中的圖片格式將在下載時轉換的格式: 沒反應~只能PNG但不太想用,因檔案KG會變大,救救JPEG JPEG還想用
  • (2023-11-04) DonElitED (therealone85): Perfect! Better than the other bulk downloaders which don't fetch the images which are loaded later when scrolling
  • (2023-11-04) Jimmie Leo: 会导致直播页面崩溃,半个小时左右必崩溃,B站直播、咪咕直播都出现了,禁用插件之后就不会出现。
  • (2023-09-27) Lethe: 做的很棒!!! 额外提个需求——希望增加导出嗅探出来的图片网址的功能,这样markdown中配合插件,好批量添加图片链接
  • (2023-09-26) 一一一: 工程師加雞腿 神之擴充 太讚啦 謝謝再謝謝!
  • (2023-09-17) Xia Gao: 启用此插件时chrome会持续大量读写硬盘,停用后正常
  • (2023-09-08) Kerr Cheng: 不曉得是不是因為有在變更版本的關係,我沒在記錄版本,有變更版本也不會跳通知,所以我也不知道是不是因為如此,我只知道這個擴充有時可用,有時不能用,所謂不能用也有可能是抓圖的狀況出錯,或者是抓不到圖,因為我會在購物中心上使用這個抓商品的圖片,因有時東西買多了,還真的會忘記買過,所以我習慣保留圖片以方便記憶,之前用這個擴充能抓到購物中心放大為1000*1000的圖片,只要滑鼠曾移動過去到圖片有顯示就可以抓到,我都是按滑鼠右鍵的『提取本頁圖片』,以前不但可抓放大的圖,商品說明中的圖片650*650的也可以,結果現在都只能抓到250*250,甚至80*80的縮圖,根本看不清楚,還不如直接在圖片上按滑鼠右鍵儲存就好了,只是要花很多時間...
  • (2023-08-30) Toivo: Worked great. Simple and organized all the pictures too
  • (2023-08-06) John Brown: 很牛逼,但是发现一个问题,为什么我自动下载,会每张图片都会重复下载?例如abc.png和abc(1).png
  • (2023-08-05) 李干: 非常好用 太牛了
  • (2023-07-29) Simba 623: 很喜欢这个拓展,但有个问题可以早点修复吗?就是自动重命名功能,很久以前的确有用,但现在下载发现名字都是乱码。我用的是chrome版本。
  • (2023-07-28) JL lulu (luhoney): 下载的图片都带有原平台的水印,无法去除,希望能下载无水印的图片
  • (2023-07-10) 幽隐恋梦: 就差下载排序的功能了,下载漫画时排序很糟
  • (2023-07-08) Rui Tao: 初次使用,请问为何下载后均为txt格式文件啊?
  • (2023-07-02) 诺徐: 为什么我最近用都失效呢
  • (2023-06-28) lilith lee: 其他功能都很强,但是为啥我下载下来的图片没有自动重命名?下载的文件名都是乱码,顺序全乱了……
  • (2023-06-20) 杨致: 基本需求全能满足,若能加上下载时压缩图片大小的功能就完美了。有些图太大了,传到其他平台有图片大小要求。
  • (2023-06-14) 九號易路扒佐: 先去設置chrome的下載資料夾,還有別問儲存位置,以免每下載一張按一次確定。 全選→下載選中→自動下載(on)→繼續下載。
  • (2023-06-05) 倪可: 抓取能力很强
  • (2023-06-03) Apple Soda: 很好用,赞
  • (2023-05-06) Y G: 好用,操作也很方便,还有自己选择的可能。有些别的扩展一股脑全下,包括无用图片,和这扩展比差多了
  • (2023-05-06) m: Good for single URL extractions, but the multi URL extractor doesn't seem to work
  • (2023-05-01) Jeffrey Thompson: 替换功能在“提取本页图片”中使用无效。测试匹配规则可以生效可以读取到图片尺寸
  • (2023-04-16) 蘇詰閎: 擷取MyPPT.CC圖片類型無法顯示:JPG格式 請修正錯誤
  • (2023-03-06) bao yuan: 非常方便,筛选功能很好
  • (2023-02-21) 恒蓝彼岸: 太好用了!
  • (2023-01-31) Luca Benazzi: Excellent extension, allows to download all pics on a number of different websites, with the option to filter them so you only download the highest res. Bulk download from instagram also possible (albeit only the first picture is downloaded, when it's a group). Chrome version better than firefox version (albeit a bug causes the download folders not to be created in Catalina). Additional features that would be great to have: 1) automatically filter highest resolution, to avoid duplicates; 2) automatically include images from all sub-pages (when higher resolution is on a separate page).
  • (2023-01-02) Ling: this addon is good but there is one bad thing is that when i try to download image from webtoon.xyz with multi url extract, it turn to next page when the image in the page it's downloading is not completely loaded. can u fix it thank you.
  • (2022-12-12) 世伟张: 右键"在Google上查找图片的其他尺寸"用不了了? 一直跳Google搜索的图片页
  • (2022-12-10) rui zhu: 插眼,修复了踢我一下
  • (2022-11-17) white lee (White Lee): 很喜欢,可以添加facebook相册原图批量下载功能吗?实在是太想下了
  • (2022-11-17) 蘇柏丞: 請問能否增添下載時自動壓縮?
  • (2022-11-17) dale comte: 以图搜图没办法用了呢,这功能太好用了,不能出问题呀!!请快点解决问题。
  • (2022-11-11) wei wu: 以图搜图今天用不了?
  • (2022-11-09) Zippy Wu: 非常棒。能不能添加avif文件转换功能,京东抓的图片是avif格式
  • (2022-11-05) 于野: 软件很喜欢,但虎牙直播半个小时到一个小时左右就会网页崩溃,错误代码5。已经关闭了Fetch,没有用,关闭插件才不会崩溃。
  • (2022-10-30) 东风谷早苗: 和一位老哥的体验一样,Kemono.Party画师如果有很多相似的图,就会丢失很多图片,即使去重阈值设为0也是一样,希望能改进一下
  • (2022-10-23) 猫猫: 下载lof图片时如果选择进入每个url再下载,会存很多头像图,能否更新适配lof的筛选? 或者提供一个指定尺寸筛选(而非现在的小于指定尺寸功能),这样可以筛出同尺寸的头像删掉
  • (2022-10-21) Kelin He: 1. kemono.party上post里面的图片永远都提取不全 2. 提取出来的图顺序是乱的(这个是最离谱的) 3. 找了半天也没找到有关于保存路径默认设置 4. 命名格式就固定的3种太少了,下完了还得本地用软件批量重命名
  • (2022-10-09) NamelessOne: 是否可以用图片的alt属性作为下载时的文件名
  • (2022-09-27) Republic: perfet! Help me a lot to get important imgs in any web!!
  • (2022-09-26) masvil: It can grab ANY image. The Analyze Prefetch(Bomb+) mode is impressive. The UI is a bit whimsical, but functional. Dear dev... hat off.
  • (2022-09-24) MRK: one problem is that those downloaded image files have been randomly renamed. I hope image files can be saved as their original names. PS: I tried saving as original names but not working.
  • (2022-09-20) tear real: 不足之处就是图片不能无限放大,希望官方能加上这个功能。
  • (2022-09-18) YuXiang You: recently i noticed that my downloads had the filename changed and the order randomised. i tried the setting before download and it seems not doing anything. this used to be my go-to image downloader, but this problem is really a deal-breaker for me

Latest issues

  • (2023-06-20, v:1.66.6) Derya Özkan: Finding other sizes and similar images on the internet part is not working
    Finding other sizes and similar images on the internet part is not working
  • (2023-05-25, v:1.66.6) Vince Wilson: doesn't work
    not working, luckily i found one that works https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/image-batch-downloader-20/ahjnaaikoafjphilfjmafhhofgflccde
  • (2023-04-24, v:1.66.6) Joshua Lee Robbins: Loving this app!
    I'm currently trying to download all the artwork from Steam Community Hub of games (Shadow of the Tomb Raider for now). Nearly 2000 "other". I preview the image, right-click, choose save as, and the app makes it jpg. But if I try to "download all" or even hit the download button during the preview, it saves as a file called jpg. My question is this: "Is there a better way then what I'm doing?" Again, loving this app!
  • (2023-04-11, v:1.66.6) Robinson Senpauroca: Multiple Download
    Same question as Zeeshan Nayani ! Would it be possible to download a zip file with multiple file at one time ? Thank you very much
  • (2023-03-28, v:1.66.6) Zeeshan Nayani: save images at once?
    Hi this is a great extension for saving bulk images, however the whole purpose was to save them at once, so whenever i have to save multiple images it asks me every time for every single image to save it, for instance: if i were to download 20 images in bulk it asks me 20 times whether to save it or not, so for every image i want to save i have to click yes then again then again rather then saving them all together. Am I missing some options/settings here? can someone please help me out?
  • (2023-03-15, v:1.66.6) paopao xiaodeng: 右键 在google上筛选其他尺寸失效拉。。
    右键 在google上筛选其他尺寸失效拉。。。
  • (2023-02-20, v:1.66.6) 陈东宇: 无法在Google上查找图片的其他尺寸图片
    mac系统 右键"在Google上查找图片的其他尺寸"用不了了? 一直跳Google搜索的图片页
  • (2023-02-03, v:1.66.6) xue luoyan: 部分网址的图片提取乱码
  • (2023-02-03, v:1.66.6) xue luoyan: 部分网址的图片提取乱码
  • (2023-01-25, v:1.66.6) RPG Guy: Google search
    Google search functionality doesn't work on this extension anymore.
  • (2023-01-06, v:1.66.6) 李宽宇: 插件失效
  • (2022-11-18, v:1.66.6) prs513: 2022 年 11 月 12 日不再有效。
  • (2022-02-22, v:1.65.2) 01V: 01V
  • (2022-02-22, v:1.65.2) kenna liu: Questions
  • (2022-01-19, v:1.65) Phuc Nguyen Hoang: v1.65 error
    Hello, this 1.65 version has too many bugs. Hope the author corrects the error. For example, downloading consecutive images will have the same name.
  • (2022-01-18, v:1.65) Alessandro Piroddi: v1.65 Preview broken functionality
    Up until v1.64 the previewed images were associated to a real web address, allowing me to right-click them directly from the app to perform various actions. In v1.65 this changed to a weird generated address such as "blob:chrome-extension://dbjbempljhcmhlfpfacalomonjpalpko/46f0661e-ec1c-4b08-8ede-6780a7499730" which most other apps can not use. Is there a way to fix this? Or for me to revert to v1.64? Thanks in advance :)
  • (2022-01-13, v:1.64) 李伟: 总安装失败
  • (2021-11-01, v:1.64) adam black interiors: downloading many images
    is there a way to download as .zip file format. ??
  • (2021-07-26, v:1.64) UnluckyNinja: 难以区分是否已经选中鼠标所指图片
    就是鼠标所在的图片,和已经选中的图片,都是用绿色边框标记,但是当前鼠标点击后(尤其多点两次后),就容易弄不清是选了还是没选,要鼠标移走才知道。 建议把其中一个边框换一个颜色,例如鼠标当前图片是黄色边框,已经选中的图片是绿色边框。 然后当前选择框可以稍微大一点,让两个框同时都可以显示
  • (2021-07-12, v:1.64) 黃小聖: 下載直接轉成jpg檔
    請問如何在下載圖片的時候直接轉為.jpg檔? 目前下載出現都是.png檔,且無法直接顯示圖檔
  • (2021-06-19, v:1.64) 谢莹: 如何下载的同时重命名
  • (2021-02-28, v:1.62.1) Jorge Loja Loja Huamán: Duplicado de imágenes
    ¿Hay alguna opción para evitar las imágenes duplicadas? Muchas gracias de antemano.
  • (2021-01-18, v:1.61) SC CC: 图标总是显示红色的new字样
    图标总是显示红色的new字样 版本: 1.61Latest: 1.62 不能自动跟新么?有没有手动更新方法?
  • (2021-01-15, v:1.61) Lul Gate: couldn't download no permission
    all a sudden when I start to download images it keeps on saying "couldn't download no permission" and I could not download anything. I have tried reinstalling but no soultion
  • (2020-12-18, v:1.57) ooleox: 1.57版本BUG问题
  • (2020-12-17, v:1.57) fazi hz: 关于论坛回复后不会自动刷新,需要手动刷新才能看到自己回复的帖子
  • (2020-11-29, v:1.1.55) Bin Liu: 选择好图片并”下一步“后,提示”已添加下载任务“,而不是开始下载,为什么啊?
  • (2020-08-31, v:1.1.55) kitei yang: 有沒有多頁面提取的功能?
    假設我開了15個或更多的頁面,可以一次提取15個頁面的圖片分別放15個資料夾或同1個資料夾嗎? 還有資料夾命名的編碼是? {page.title}<----除了這種還有其他的嗎?
  • (2020-08-24, v:1.1.55) Ron Smith: user guide?
    would like a user guide for IABID please
  • (2020-08-02, v:1.1.55) Rob Strauss: Pinterest image download
    I want to download images from a Pinterest board. Just the one board. Download the individual image files (jpg) into one folder. Can I do this with this app?
  • (2020-07-17, v:1.1.55) At Transsion: 选择好图片并”下一步“后,提示”已添加下载任务“,而不是开始下载,为什么啊?
  • (2020-07-02, v:1.1.55) HT YU: 识别图片二维码
  • (2020-06-07, v:1.1.55) Bald Accountant: Selecting images to delete
    How do you select items to delete?
  • (2019-08-18, v:1.1.32) As Air: 怎么避免漏掉图片
    批量下载时,如果网络或者服务器卡了一下,可能会漏掉其中的一些图片 还有标题显示的[9/940/952-retry:3/3]这是什么意思?
  • (2019-08-08, v:1.1.32) 关注新版Twitter图片的抓取问题
  • (2019-07-22, v:1.1.31) 홍래경: 下载图片序号
    这个扩展程序真的很方便 但是之前下载图片序号都是从1开始的 前几天再使用全部变成了从5或者6开始 下载完成后非常要手动去修改 本来很方便的 变得不方便了。。还可以让图片都是从序号1开始吗?
  • (2019-07-17, v:1.1.31) Теймур Абдырахманов: number of characters in the created folder
    Hello. I would like to be able to limit the number of characters in the folder name. Sometimes there are problems when saving a folder with a long title on the page.
  • (2019-07-15, v:1.1.31) Pc K: filename
  • (2019-06-07, v:1.1.26) Falsk Tomat: 下载
    请问 1024批量下载以后chrome自带下载器多半是失败—网络错误,使用迅雷迅雷直接崩溃 这该咋办?
  • (2019-04-21, v:1.1.26) Detdead: Multi URL extractor
    This option is in Chinese can you please explain it to me?
  • (2019-01-05, v:1.1.26) spin pokar: leanguage
    add english leanguage
  • (2018-11-17, v:1.1.26) Jim Fang: Great extension
    Great software. I use it to fetch all the URL. But there is a problem that I didn't collect the url under "data-url="https://...."" Only the url under "href="https://..."" was collected. Is there code that I can customized to collect the url from 'data-url'? Thanks.
  • (2018-10-25, v:1.1.26) Stuart Doyle: Image downloading form links on page
    Hi there, How do I download the enlarged images automatically from a gallery without having to click on each one and then save it? Thanks


500,000 history
4.445 (564 votes)
Last update / version
2022-07-16 / 1.66.6
Listing languages
