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MultiHighlighter allows multi-word searching/highlighting on almost any web page. Each term is highlighted with a unique color.

Image from store MultiHighlighter
Description from store Search and highlight or redact text quickly on almost any web page AND local files. Like keywording? MultiHighlighter is a light-weight, yet powerful extension that allows multi-word searching/highlighting on almost any web page and local files. NEW: Chrome web store feedback: Visit https://chrome.google.com/webstore/support/ocifbglmlbpgpbflnkfpclkmckoollbn to post any questions or comments you have about this extension; we will be able to reply to your inquiries via this open forum. Features: - The MultiHighlighter search bar is wired to a hotkey combination (Ctrl+Shift+A to display, Esc to close) - All search terms are highlighted with a unique background ‘highlighter’ color - A real-time count of the number of matched terms appears in the search status area - Text redaction option allows you to redact currently highlighted terms - MultiHighlighter does not interfere with the default Chrome browser search functionality - Highlighting is preserved when printing to standard media or to PDF Instructions: - To display the MultiHighlighter search bar, click the extension icon, or press Ctrl+Shift+A in combination after a page has loaded - Search and highlight occurs as you type in the MultiHighlighter search box - Highlighting persists after closing the MultiHighlighter search bar - Highlighting can be removed by clearing all text in the MultiHighlighter search box - To close the MultiHighlighter search box, press the Esc key, or click the ‘X’ on the right-hand side - Only words with a length greater than or equal to 2 are searchable - Search is currently case-insensitive - Redaction functionality is currently in-process and will be available soon - This does not work when viewing PDF documents in Chrome Feeling generous? You can contribute to this project from CCDevGroup by visiting our PayPal donation page: http://bit.ly/xIqtE3. Visit http://facebook.com/ccdevgroup and follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/CCDevGroup to find out about the latest updates and to post your comments or suggestions. NOTE: If you notice any issues when updating to a new version of this extension, try clearing your browser cache, and then restarting your browser session.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-02-03) Arkadiy Polyudov: Не работает
  • (2021-09-12) Freddy: Es una muy buena herramientá para buscar palabras en diferentes páginas, pero el problema es que no funciona bien cuando se usa para buscar varias palabras en Excel de Google Docs, no encuentra las palabras que se agregan en la hoja, en contraste con el buscador normal de Ctrl-f, que aunque sólo busca una palabra a la vez, la encuentra en la hoja de Excel con facilidad.
  • (2021-08-13) Mike Savad: this thing is stupid. i'm trying to highlight terms on the page. and it does that. but if you have an open box of keywords - it erases the word as it finds it. its gone, just gone. its like it turned it into a find and replace, its not white, its just missing now. i think this is what i wanted in a program if it just highlighted things. but to make it vanish too? that's stupid. i don't get that.
  • (2021-07-25) FamKis: I'd recommend the less polished looking, but having tons more functionality addon SearchBar instead. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/searchbar/fjefgkhmchopegjeicnblodnidbammed Enjoy -- you can thank me later.
  • (2021-05-06) Olha Horlova: didn't work for me
  • (2021-04-20) Рост Лёгкий: Не хватает перемещения по найденным совпадениям слов, и чтоб через сочетания клавиш искало, и чтоб в память запоминало два три слова!.. Не совсем такое тут с этим подходит, буду искать дальше - другие расширения... Посоветуйте кто-что знает!
  • (2021-03-02) Вадим Агностик: Не работает.
  • (2021-01-22) Marc Maffei: shortcuts were not working, tried everything - finally shortcut worked one time, but could only search one term. Useless :(
  • (2020-03-24) Abel Gonzalez: I love this tool, very simple and a must for every serious researchers out there looking to save time finding content with having to read the whole texts. Keep up the great work! ^_^
  • (2020-02-13) J C: Great Chome Extension!
  • (2019-09-30) 智者先行: 可以自定义标注的颜色就好了
  • (2019-08-23) Vasiliy Pupkin: Не работает, по клику по иконке ничего не происходит.
  • (2019-06-23) Олексій Піскунов: Хоч тисни ctrl+shift+A хоч тисни на піктограму все одно рядок пошуку не відображається.
  • (2019-01-22) B I: 좋노..이기야
  • (2018-10-11) Duro Piri: Didn't do anything at all after clicking on the icon, even after a browser restart
  • (2018-08-26) Kelly Arndt: Doesn't work. Tried reopening my browser, Still nothing. Useless.
  • (2018-07-18) Alistair Bahr: works great. on huge sites it takes a little to load but it's working and ez to use... Good work and thanks ;)
  • (2018-06-13) Lidia Ramirez: It is super helful overall when you have been working for hours and are tired. This really helps to keep you focus on what you are searching in long texts
  • (2018-06-09) wes 937: не работает
  • (2018-05-22) Giorgio: wow
  • (2018-04-17) Asfand Qazi: Qnother extension using ridiculously generic styles in it's stylesheets like 'ui-button', which clashes with existing pages and causes things to mess up! Please prefix something unique to your style names to reduce the chances of them clashing with pages.
  • (2018-02-11) Rifat Hussain: not working after 100 clicks
  • (2017-10-04) Fran Go: Would be great if the scroll bar could also show the results, so you can go straight to the part of the document where most results converge
  • (2017-10-03) Gersivan Oliveira: É boa e bem útil. Falta "memorizar" as palavras. Elas somem após atualizar a página, sendo necessário digitar tudo novamente. Marca as palavras com radicais que combinam. Não suporta YT.
  • (2017-07-27) 永远地奋斗: 五星支持!
  • (2017-07-06) Fernando Tolosana: I cannot work without it
  • (2017-06-20) Josh Diaz: OK.
  • (2017-06-08) Paul Smith: Слова ищет, но искажается интерфейс яндекс почты. С другими приложениями таких проблем не было.
  • (2017-05-28) Alex RandomGames: не работает
  • (2017-04-26) Константин Соболев: не работает
  • (2017-04-23) Candi Soda: Doesn't search multiple words in random order. Example Sentence: My name is David Would be nice to high light the words 'My' and 'David" at the same time
  • (2017-04-11) Miro Pobuda: does not work when opening new pages in for example linkedin
  • (2017-02-15) Francisco Montero Silva: during seacrh, not enough contrast between first and second word
  • (2016-11-27) First Last: It's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Latest issues

  • (2021-12-30, v: Kavitha Prem: unable to open multihighlighter.kindly suggest
    unable to open multihighlighter.kindly suggest
  • (2021-08-29, v: vivek pal: how to use it
    i didn't get how to use it please explain it thanks you
  • (2021-08-15, v: Mike Savad: highlighter isn't working with keywords
    not sure if this went through so its probably a double. I've used a number of highlights on vivaldi with the same result. If you visit this thread: https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/65242/search-highlighters-are-all-broken/12 it will explain it better because i'm not sure how to explain it. I'm going to ask this on the other 2 extensions i'm using. I just can't figure out why it does this. The basic problem is, when I do a search, everything in a keyword box vanishes. And the guy on that page explained what is happening but the solution doesn't sound easy or convenient. Thanks.
  • (2021-08-15, v: Mike Savad: the highlighter makes keywords vanish?
    I've used a number of highlights on vivaldi with the same result. If you visit this thread: https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/65242/search-highlighters-are-all-broken/12 it will explain it better because i'm not sure how to explain it. I'm going to ask this on the other 2 extensions i'm using. I just can't figure out why it does this. The basic problem is, when I do a search, everything in a keyword box vanishes. And the guy on that page explained what is happening but the solution doesn't sound easy or convenient. Thanks.
  • (2021-08-05, v: Adam Knoblauch: Not working on every webpage
    The MultiHighlighter won't open on every webpage. Do you know why it won't open on the following page? view-source:https://www.saltlife.com/checkout/cart/
  • (2021-07-12, v: devika shetty: Accented
    How can we highlight accented words?
  • (2021-04-30, v: Marium Irfan: shortcut not working
    cntl + shift + A shortcut no longer brings up the search bar.
  • (2021-01-12, v: Michael Wiley: your Multihighlighter for Safari?
    Chrome continues to kill my speed on my Mac. Any plans to make a version for Safari? Would spread the word here at Apple! thanks
  • (2020-12-08, v: US DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL INC: business proposal
    Hi ! We are interested in presenting and offering a proposal to a company that we are working with. As mentioned in my previous email, this company has a large number of chats to moderate, and they already have 1200 agents working in these queues, plus 300 employees with access to the platform. The agents need to read the chats and find keywords, like profanity, harassment, discrimination, among others, so they can moderate and punish the users. Therefore it would be easier and faster if they can identify these words using an app like yours, clicking on the icon and the app-program can search the keywords or phrases. Please let us know as soon as possible if your app can do this sending us an email to [email protected] . Awaiting your reply. Thanks again. Best regards, Ivette Moloon
  • (2020-11-19, v: Searchable PDF's that are opened with Chrome
    How can I make this work on searchable PDFs that I open with chrome?
  • (2020-10-21, v: Jeff Brooks: Is there a shortcut key or way to assign a shortcut key?
    Is there a shortcut key or way to assign a shortcut key?
  • (2020-07-19, v: harry smith: update
    can you like update or make something for me like anything between " " in my question that highlights sample question Who is honored with the most stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? ("Gene Autry" OR "Bob Hope" OR "Tony Martin") so in here gene autry bob hope tony martin should highlight with all different colors i can support patreon too
  • (2020-07-05, v: KCee NL: Ability to search multiple key phrases
    This extension is great except the fact that you can't just highlight "Red Apple" when there is "Red Color" in the page. Instead of just highlighting the first one, it'll also highlight the word "Red" on the second phrase. Tried entering each key words in double quotations but it's not working as expected.
  • (2020-07-05, v: KCee NL: does not work
    Tried clicking the Extension icon and the keyboard short cut (ctrl+shift+'a') but nothing happens. Seems like other people had experienced the same issue. Removing the extension.
  • (2020-03-05, v: Saus Bucket: how to use
    how do i use this, i click the extention yet nothing happens
  • (2020-01-15, v: Akshay Sorathiya: Clicking icon doesn't work
    After downloading extension, the icon doesn't work, there is no search bar to find words.
  • (2019-06-26, v: 白杨: Consider allowing a shortcut key to be set
    It would be nice if the user could be allowed to set a shortcut to activate the search bar.
  • (2019-01-14, v: Ovidiu Crisan: Highlighter PDF
    Hi, I am not sure if I understand, will there be a solution for PDFs displayed in the browser as well? That would be so helpful... Thank you!
  • (2018-11-06, v: Владислав У.: [x] find whole word
    How to highlight "Java", but not "JavaScript"?
  • (2018-05-22, v: Giorgio Ursu: need to be improved
    some time by clicking on the icon does nothing
  • (2018-05-16, v: Steve T: DOESNT WORK
    DOESNT WORK. Clicking on the icon does NOTHING.
  • (2018-04-20, v: Gita Astari: It doesn't always work
    It's great, but it only works like 50% of the time for me. I wonder why that is.
  • (2018-02-11, v: Stephen Flynn: Highlighting a phrase
    Is there a way to highlight two words together as a phrase, not individually?
  • (2018-01-17, v: Asfand Qazi: Injected stylesheet
    Your stylesheet uses styles that are way too generic. For example, you have a style called 'ui-button' which center-aligns text amongst other things, which messes with the styles from our stylesheet which also uses a ui-button class. Please prefix your styles with something more unique to yourselves. Am disabling extension due to this.
  • (2017-07-26, v: FamKis: auto-sync
    MultiHighlighter really should sync automatically with search terms used in a search engine beforehand. Like the 'Conform SearchBox' Addon together with 'SearchWP' on Firefox -- the greatest search Addons of all times.
  • (2017-07-13, v: Josh Diaz: Options menu disabled
    On my version of this extension the options menu is not available. Why?


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3.2486 (181 votes)
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2014-12-03 /
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