extension ExtPose

Block & Focus

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Description from extension meta

Set your work and break time and let this extension block the sites that are keeping you away from your goals.

Image from store Block & Focus
Description from store Type a list of websites that you should not access when you are working and choose for how many minutes you should not access them. Then, the websites will be blocked and in their place will be shown a motivational phrase. You can, also, choose if you want break time. That means, you can type for how long you want to work and for how long you want to rest (during your break you can access your blocked websites). Features: * Block websites during a period of time defined by you. * Add exceptions to the blocked websites list. * Define breaks in which you can access your blocked sites. * Pause and stop buttons so you are in control of your productivity. * Option to hide the "pause" and "stop" buttons. * Keyboard shortcuts to turn the timer on/off. * Blocked tabs are unblocked automatically during a break. * Block tabs that were already open when the extension is on. * Show how many work cycles the user completed completed during a session. * Choose if you want to hear a sound when a time cycle ends. * Add a custom sound to play when a time cycle ends. * Statistics page. Charts with the time you have worked, how many times you have tried to access a blocked website, and more. Remember: you can turn on/off the timer using the extension button icon that stays close to the Chrome address bar.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-18) Tiago O.: Já usei outros bloqueadores, mas este é definitivamente o melhor.
  • (2023-07-09) T DM: music.youtube.com isn't blocked.
  • (2022-06-05) U: best
  • (2022-03-12) Davood Zabihzadeh Khajavi: While this extension seems to be good, it is really limited since can not block https web sites.
  • (2022-01-11) Walter Felipe: Está sendo muito útil! Falta apenas colocar um opção de sons da natureza, raios, trovões, chuva, algo assim para dar aquela focada no job. Se colocar ganha as 5 estrelas rsrsrsr.
  • (2021-11-06) Luiz Felipe: Extensão essencial
  • (2021-10-31) Emanuel Dorigon: Complicado de usar, não funcionou
  • (2021-08-05) Phạm Minh Tấn: very good<3
  • (2021-05-25) nikol guzman: Me encanta, justo lo que estaba buscando!
  • (2021-02-28) Арт С: Simple and intuitive extension. Thank you to the developers! It really helps me stay focused.
  • (2021-02-10) Laster2800 Liang: 在同类型产品中,目前能找到最完美的一款。 如果能够屏蔽扩展自身的设置页就更好了,否则还是有突破限制的漏洞。 还有一点,就是希望能够在 popup 中快速修改本次屏蔽的时间。
  • (2020-12-20) Raizal I. N. Pregnanta: Love your works men Been using it for a year ❤️
  • (2020-12-15) Carpe otium: ótima extensão
  • (2020-12-02) Tobias Schuhmann: Best focus app in the chrome web store! I tested a lot, this one beats all the others by far!
  • (2020-08-07) Rohan Reddy: Its great! Ive used it a LOT now, but is there a way to start with a break?
  • (2020-03-27) Sydney Sharp: I love this extension! It's my favorite site blocker EXCEPT that it doesn't seem to work in Incognito Mode! Most of my browsing happens in Incognito Mode since I'm on my computer at the office. This extension would be perfect if it weren't for that. I hope it gets fixed!
  • (2020-02-29) Sebastian Rios: Great app, but I wish I could add my own quotes
  • (2019-12-11) Guilherme H.: Facebook não está sendo bloqueado
  • (2019-10-07) Italo Cesar: melhor que tem
  • (2019-07-07) Eyob Etifu: Thank you, I avoid social media because I need a study for an exam.
  • (2019-04-28) Dutch “Dutchwhiskey” Whiskey: Works great. Thanks! Feature suggestions: 1. Auto-start when Chrome starts 2. Custom Messaging when alarm banner pops up. 3. Extend Message banner time before disappears... if possible
  • (2019-04-23) Felipe Ferr: Facebook nao esta bloqueando mais :(
  • (2019-04-17) Karina Ayala: Muy bueno para no perderse y procrastinar
  • (2019-04-04) Z Striker: This extension is amazing and is very clean, intuitive and useful. I absolutely love it!
  • (2019-02-16) wawa wa: This extension cannot be opened automatically when opening the browser.How to solve it?
  • (2019-02-15) Rajas MR: Beautiful extension. Have tried nearly every pomodoro app on chrome store, and this one beats them all! keep up the good work
  • (2019-01-31) core: It's good to see that someone had finally implemented the pomodore technique and sites blocking in one tiny extention. I like the feature that opened blocked sites will automatically restore when a break time begins.
  • (2019-01-08) Reza Aghaei: I love your great extension! It's really helping me to staying focused on my works...TNX a lot.
  • (2018-11-23) MJR 565: En bayıldığım yöntemi kullanan bir pomodoro programı ne kadar ekmek o kadar köfte diyor :D
  • (2018-11-09) wesley araujo: muito bom me ajuda muito ta de parabens
  • (2018-09-28) Camden Mac Leod: It's a really great page blocker, and it definitely makes it difficult to stop it once the timer has been started.
  • (2018-09-17) Steven Zhang: 非常好用的一款软件,让你省去很多浪费在百度新闻,Facebook上的时间
  • (2018-08-15) Fernando JS: Muito bom, parabéns pelo trabalho!
  • (2018-07-29) Robert Luo: Amazing extension! One thing I would like is a pause option so that it would continue counting the work cycles without it having to completely reset every time. Edit: Feature is added now!
  • (2018-07-28) Gisele Dute: Maravilhoso!
  • (2018-07-20) Beatriz Lopes: realmente app maravilhoso <3
  • (2018-06-14) Francis Bourassa: A website blocker that works as a pomodoro timer. 5/5
  • (2018-06-06) Raul João: Gostei muito viu, recomendando a todos! \o/
  • (2018-05-07) Iranildo Oliveira: Finalmente encontrei a extensão que eu precisava, Simplesmente Perfeita, continuem com o bom trabalho. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
  • (2018-03-25) Tyler Hall: This has been great for hiding sites that i dont want to view, but im having some trouble with it, for instance whenever i close down Chrome it removes all my blocked sites which is really annoying and was wondering if there is a fix to that.
  • (2018-03-18) Paulo Victor: Muito bom, superou minhas expectativas.
  • (2018-03-12) asghar naghi: Perfect. Exactlty what I needed. But one little suggestion. I have the habit of listening to music on youtube while I work as surely many other users do. And it would have been great if your extension could only block the display of a blocked site while allowing the music to still play in the background.(Something like strict workflow) But still thanks a lot for the great extension.
  • (2018-03-06) Hai Duong Nguyen: I love it !!!

Latest issues

  • (2022-04-01, v:5.0.1) Pause for limited time
    It would be great to be able to pause the extension for 5 min, 15 min or custom time period to not get distracted for too long
  • (2021-02-02, v:5.0.0) Lys El: Ring
    Hi I have set a custom sound notification but block&focus keeps turning it off every time I turn my computer back on, how can I fix this?
  • (2020-04-05, v:5.0.0) Jascha: Daily Schedule
    Hey, thanks for this great extension. It has truly helped me increase my productivity. My question is if you have any plans to incorporate a kind of "daily schedule"? My problem is that I like to put off starting the extension and lose a lot of time thanks to that behaviour. Ideally, I would like to have the extension auto-start at a given time that I specific beforehand. Is there any way that you could implement something like this? Let's say I plan to start at 10am the next day and work until 6pm with a break of an hour. But I know that I'll start at 1pm or so if I don't hit that starting point and might spend my time somewhere else. My idea is that I program the extension the day before to start automatically at 10am and thereby force me to work on my stuff. That way I can do whatever I want in the morning and still start my work punctually. The next step could be to implement an individual schedule for each day or something like that. I'd greatly appreciate an upgrade like that.
  • (2020-03-22, v:5.0.0) Hooman Y: Export Data
    Hi! Great extension! Do you have any plans to add a feature (or maybe a workaround?) to export Statistics data?
  • (2020-03-16, v:5.0.0) Marian Alexandru Alecu: Potential acquisition
    Do you have any interest in selling this extension? I saw little development recently and I'd love to take it to the next level :D Best, Alex [email protected]
  • (2019-05-30, v:5.0.0) Jordan: Pause on new cycle not working?
    With the pause on new cycle setting checked, after a work session is complete, it starts the "break" section paused. The icon is green, there is no timer, just the letter P. If I click the icon I can click start, which starts the work session over. Shouldn't the new cycle begin with the work session? I want to manually start my work session, but still have a timer for the breaks.
  • (2019-05-30, v:5.0.0) Jordan: Can the blocker be set as an overlay, rather than redirect?
    I don't know the best way to describe the feature, but imagine instead of completely blocking access to a webpage, the webpage still loads, and instead the blocker adds an overlay that does not allow you to click on the website, or interact with it. The URL bar shows the original URL address. One specific use of this is if you want to have a YouTube video playing in the background for audio only, but still blocking you from interacting and browsing on YouTube. Another case would be if you have a session open in a tab, but do not want to lose it or refresh the page, it is simply "hidden" until the break period. There are many instances where refreshing a page is unwanted and interrupts a specific functionality whether the tab is focused or not.
  • (2019-05-30, v:5.0.0) Jordan: Can you start the timer with a single click, rather than opening the menu?
    I would like to start the timer by simply clicking on the extension icon once, instead of clicking twice, once to open the menu, another to click start. I don't find it necessary to have the options menu under the same left click menu, when you can simply right click if you want to go to the options. Statistics menu can be nested on the options page. Ideally users could be able to toggle this in the options if they prefer opening the menu. The extension is about productivity, and it may seem small, but removing an unnecessary mouse click goes a long way when you're in the zone working away.
  • (2019-04-23, v:5.0.0) Felipe Ferr: Falha
    Facebook nao esta mais bloqueando as paginas.
  • (2019-02-22, v:5.0.0) K: Block third-level domains
    The extension blocks "onliner.by" but does not block "realt.onilner.by" and so on. Please make it block all the pages of third- and lower level domains.
  • (2019-01-02, v:5.0.0) Garik Tate: The Extension keeps reverting to the default sound
    Hey so I added a little 7 second mp3 file to the extension since I didn't really like the default sound. Adding it was no problem, but now every couple of days it reverts back to the default sound (which I don't like). And I have to go back into the options and change it back. Screenshot of the problem: https://www.screencast.com/t/ZV9ONCD7x9cJ
  • (2018-12-26, v:5.0.0) Suggestion - count UP timer!
    Hi! Thx for a GREAT extension. Would suggest adding the ability to activate until åpaused/stoped and showing a count UP timer in the icon. This way i can keep track on not working in to short - or long - blocks but at the same time not get interrupted ata pre set time if in flow at that time. Merry X-mas! /Nick
  • (2018-12-11, v:5.0.0) Alicia Bustos Garrido: alarma
    hola me ha parecido muy buena, pero me gustaría saber si tiene la opción de alarma para avisar que haz dejado de trabajar o tu tiempo de descanso se termino seria bueno ya que uno no siempre esta al lado del computador Gracias
  • (2018-10-09, v:5.0.0) Patrick Flynn: Automatically Enable Timer
    Great app, there is sure to be an increasing demand for this sort of thing as dopamine manipulation is now seen as 'best practice' here on the internet. Is there a way to automatically enable the timer upon first opening chrome? Thanks!
  • (2018-10-02, v:5.0.0) Quero parar de acessar meu email a toda hora da locaweb e não está funcionando
    Whatsappweb funcionou bem mas o endereço da locaweb não. já desloguei do email bloqueie 3 links da locaweb relacionado ao email LOGIN logout etc... E NADA


20,000 history
4.7754 (187 votes)
Last update / version
2021-03-21 / 5.0.1
Listing languages
