extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Us protegeix contra el seguiment mitjançant un lliurament de contingut "gratuït" i centralitzat.

Image from store Decentraleyes
Description from store It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Complements regular content blockers. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests for ads or trackers is usually without issue, however blocking actual content, not unexpectedly, breaks pages. The aim of this add-on is to cut out the middleman by providing lightning speed delivery of local (bundled) files to improve online privacy. • Protects privacy by evading large delivery networks that claim to offer free services. • Complements regular blockers such as uBlock Origin (recommended), Adblock Plus, et al. • Works directly out of the box; absolutely no prior configuration required. Note: Decentraleyes is no silver bullet, but it does prevent a lot of websites from making you send these kinds of requests. Ultimately, you can make Decentraleyes block requests for any missing CDN resources, too.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-24) J J: I have it but I don't know if it works. How would anybody know that it does?
  • (2023-08-07) William Lawrence (damianvincent): If you are even slightly privacy or security conscious, you want this app. It prevents many calls to third party services, which send trackers and other spyware along with the base service being called, turning you unwittingly or knowing into the product being surveilled and spied upon 24/7. It's an integral part of any basic security suite along with a good ad blocker, VPN, and tracking blocker. I also recommend moving over to search engines like startpage.com which offer great search results while keeping google from tracking you.
  • (2023-06-29) Cristian J. Hidalgo: If the option "Block request for missing resources" is activated, it totally destroy my entire website which use jsDelivr as main CDN for delivering resources. I know i can whitelist the domain or simply no activate that option, I'm just wondering why jsDelivr is blocked. 🤔 _ cdn.jsdelivr.net is blocked This page has been blocked by an extension Try disabling your extensions. ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
  • (2023-05-30) ima aka: Bardzo dobrze sięsprawdza ,jest już ze mną tyle lat.
  • (2023-04-17) Simon David Williamson: Awesome. Been a user since Decentraleyes 1.0 on Mozilla and so happy to see you are both back, and improved in myriad ways! Thank you so much for your hard work. If you are reading this, thank a teacher, if you value your Privacy and a Healthy (and Private) System, thank the Dev! (Maybe Support them? No one asked me to type this. All insights and suggestions are mine).
  • (2023-03-24) Freelancer A Amin: People like you are few and far between. This is a great extension!! Bro ❤️
  • (2023-03-03) Ranvir Narayandas: great extension. Very useful, would definitely recommend.
  • (2023-02-09) Alexander Reyes: Por favor, usen LocalCDN, es un fork de esta extensión pero más actualizado, la última vez que se actualizó Descentraleyes fue en febrero del 2022 y el internet ha cambiado desde entonces.
  • (2023-01-31) Stefano L: Works great no complaints here
  • (2023-01-24) Ryan Septian: not working
  • (2022-12-08) StaV: Way too useful. Very impressed.
  • (2022-11-03) Jesus T.: Excelente iniciativa!
  • (2022-09-28) Dean Aussie: So useful!
  • (2022-09-25) Александр Лихачев: Very Good. Thanks. Отличное приложение!
  • (2022-07-27) Austin Gatlin: The Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are there to deliver the newest content. If it does not need to do deliver anything new, then why make the request, I only wish I knew if it had its own caching system, local or on the, Time 'Till Live (TTL [when to update the website with newest content]), caching system of CDNs. I erase all cached items every time I close the browser because I do not want old, outdated content that has not reached its TTL; even though it is new, And I do not want this extension doing the same. It is pretty apparent it respects the some sort of, ill-timed TTL, not set by the webmaster; as it breaks some webpages. Therefore I cannot recommend this extension. With uBlock Origin (uBO), it is superfluous as it circumvents the CDN anyway. Lastly who needs to shave 0.01miliseconds off their website loading time? CDNs are only good for saving bandwidth on webhosts that charge by the Megabyte. With uBO, analytics are blocked; and either the CDN or the host acts as it should, serving fresh website data no matter when and how often the webmasters want to update their webpages. tl;dr, I just don't see the differenced between locally cached website data and what or why this extension is needed. To break the CDN's TTL and display old website-data? When, how, and why? With uBO, this is not an issue and does not enhance anything, apparently. GIVE US MORE DOCUMENTATION AND AN OPEN SOURCE!
  • (2022-07-17) Will Xabandith: I feel safer and more private while browsing the internet with this extension.
  • (2022-06-05) T Mac: I do like DecentralEyes, for both privacy and speed, but... some websites break with it on. For example, the events page at PNWR.org does not expand the quick-view of an event with the extension on. You can add it to the exclude-list, but here's the thing... you have to figure out that (1) some functionality isn't working, (2) it's on your side (e.g. run in incognito mode or in another browser) and then (3) WHICH extension is causing it. It's definitely worth it, but the random breakages are annoying.
  • (2022-03-31) PVH: I installed the first version years ago whilst a Beta-Tester on Firefox. Actually, it was the first add-on/extension I installed, both mobile and tablets, plus Macs, and it impressed me so much back then, I couldn’t say enough positive comments and keep-up with the updates. The Dev Team truly give-a-toss and continue to deliver an incredible tool keeping my devices (as well as those on my Team) safe! It’s the first, and one on a very short list, of extensions we require Data-Teams to install, with zero complaints throughout the numerous Election Cycles. Thank you for improving an already kick-arse product! Cheers!
  • (2022-03-27) Michael A.: Reliable!
  • (2022-03-20) 曹槽: 牛!
  • (2022-03-14) Yury Gödl355: Seems to work overall, but breaks Chrome Gogglestore right here by sticking on redirect to googleads.g.doubleclick.net/ads/preferences/cu/optout?continue=aHR0cHM6Ly9jb25zZW50Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vYWQ_Y29udGludWU9aHR0cHM6Ly9jaHJvbWUuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS93ZWJzdG9yZS9kZXRhaWwvbnBlaWNwZGJrYWttZWhhaGplZW9oZmRobmxwZGtsaWEmZ2w9TFUmaGw9ZW4tVVMmeD05JnBjPWN3cyZzcmM9MQ%3D%3D&region=LU&xtoken=ADw3F8jpV_cJRumfzYan1_sx0_ZKXQGwRw:1647283228414&ac_tld=com Opening a link again in new tab works.
  • (2022-02-03) adam 1709: The last update seems to be buggy. When I try to play some videos on youtube the website goes crazy.
  • (2021-12-27) Art2007: Ещё существуют энтузиасты, которые работают во благо людей. Спасибо вам!!!
  • (2021-11-30) Nir Soft: Good
  • (2021-11-07) Craig: Nice idea, well implemented. Thanks.
  • (2021-07-26) Xtreviouz: Good
  • (2021-07-23) Nano Nyme: Loved it
  • (2021-07-09) Rezwan Haque: This is a non-techy review. However, it seems improved my performance. Yet, giving 3 star cz the extension is quite big in size; so, make it lightweight if possible and please declare "Privacy practices". Once updated I will change my ratings.
  • (2021-07-02) Anton Grachev: Незаметно для невооружённого глаза, но работает также предоставляя статистику
  • (2021-06-06) M H: Does what it says in the description... Can't really fault it. Thank you so much.
  • (2021-05-26) Виктор: Совсем не блокирует рекламу в https://vk.com
  • (2021-02-09) Mazhur Nashir: This thing speeds up my Brave by 10000%.
  • (2021-02-07) User: Absolutely love Decentraleyes! If it's recommended by PrivacyTools.io, it's good on my book. If you haven't checked them out, they have other solid privacy recommendations.
  • (2021-01-06) Евгений Долгов: Отличное приложение!
  • (2020-11-28) Caio Fr.: Awesome at Protecting me!
  • (2020-11-23) useless for most websites because lacks many cdn frameworks and not getting updated with latest ones, and support staff is ignoring everyone, LocalCDN is a better extension
  • (2020-09-03) Wowe Fer: i just wanna know does it support braves bulit-in adblocker
  • (2020-08-25) Gysalth YT: Excellent. La protection mise en oeuvre n'est pas très visible, mais très efficace. Bon travail !
  • (2020-08-03) bloodys spammers: Excellent work! 10/10 🍗🧀🥨🥐🥩🍭
  • (2020-07-31) Suetham Glicaris Aranir: Realmente muito bom
  • (2020-07-02) Darkz: Absolutely loving this.
  • (2020-06-28) jonathan griffith: So far its great. Pages speed up faster and definitely gonna keep it and see how it works for me
  • (2020-06-26) Jenn Frank: I am giving Decentraleyes 2.0 a five-star review sheerly for the inclusion of the "HTTPS Everywhere Configuration Guide," a clever, self-explanatory landing page that helps the user avoid common conflicts with the HTTPS extension. There are so many useful "security hygiene" browser extensions that I have previously disabled (including HTTPS!), simply because they don't play well together. I'm hoping that Decentraleyes's Config Guide becomes a standard practice!! Very innovative and considerate.
  • (2020-03-08) Alexander Ponomarenko: Отличное приложение! Спасибо за ваш великий труд, он не напрасен.
  • (2020-03-04) Bit0r Mack: 打开stackoverflow飞快,太爽了
  • (2020-02-26) Ernest Karapetyan: https://ad.admitad.com/shuffle/2cea742e1c/
  • (2020-01-27) IngrownMink4: Está muy infravalorada esta extensión, merece mucho la pena usarla. Yo la uso en Chrome y en Firefox y nunca defrauda!
  • (2019-12-20) Kenneth: it dont work at all
  • (2019-10-21) Mark King: Gooooooooooooood
  • (2019-10-03) Mike Perri: I don't think it works in Chrome anymore, it doesn't block anything anymore. I compared it to FF (both with no extenstions/addons except for this) and in FF it was blocking a ton and in Chrome nothing. I'm going to leave it installed but it looks like Google is going out of its way to break this extension


100,000 history
4.75 (228 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-21 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
