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A new tab page to remind you of your priorities

Image from store Prioritab
Description from store A new tab page that emphasizes setting priorities. Set your priorities for the day, week and month, and be reminded about them every time you open a new tab! Newest version (v2.0.0, 5/6/17): (all credit to Github user griffedge) responsive redesign Past updates: v1.1.3, 3/26/17: (all credit to Github user griffedge) many design improvements v1.1.2, 11/26/16: (all credit to Github users bitvitez and pali) clearer way to remove Prioritab v1.1.1, 3/1/16: (all credit to Github user bitvitez) ability to customize date/time formats v1.1.0, 12/31/15: to-do items can now be edited in-line, and marked 'done' without deleting the card v1.0.1, 9/2/15: to-do items now have a 'cards' look to them v1.0.0, 05/10/15: drag-and-drop between lists; toggle for "workday" instead of day timer v0.1.3, 01/25/15: ability to customize your Prioritab's colors v0.1.2, 12/31/14: some backend changes that sync your priorities across devices!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-01-22) Em Allen: the simplicity i was looking for! would give it 5 stars if there were also a yearly goal tracker or to-do list that you could add :)
  • (2023-01-02) Gustavo Taborda: Excelente, la uso todos los dias
  • (2022-11-08) Jeff Ishar: Simple but effective. Absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work. Little improvement: When dragging items the item kind of out of place from the cursor, looks little weird. But this is no biggy. Cheers
  • (2022-09-25) Shanilka Wariyapperuma (Shan): It would be great help if this can be intergrated with google calender. Then users don't have to add tasks manually
  • (2022-08-08) Mykola Kupchuk: Almost perfect. Will be really great to have Apple notes integration
  • (2021-02-12) Lunarr-U: Its really nice but a weather option would be amazing!
  • (2020-10-02) raul ramirez: le falta que se pueda desmarcar toda la lista automaticamente para asi poder poner tareas diarias sin tener que desmarcarlas una por una y seria bueno que agregaran otro apartado donde podamos poner la fecha de compromisos
  • (2020-04-03) Miguel Miranda: Looks great, but there is one very important thing missing, in my opinion: the image background. Looking to a color is not the same thing as looking to an image.
  • (2019-09-16) Cristhian Cañon: Simple pero cumple su objetivo perfectamente. Sería bueno tener mayor personalización o categorías, pero cumple con su objetivo sin problema.
  • (2019-03-07) I like this tool and have started using it a lot. I wonder whether the following edits could be made, however, to make it useful on another level. Year start and end - If it were possible to change the year start and end this would allow it to be used for different types of year (i.e. sales, tax, etc) and not just calendar year. Just the way the working day times can be edited. Quarter - if a '**% through the quarter' was possible, this would help with managing other things too and keep people focused on a mid-term level. Categorising Tasks - I love the task structure at the moment, but coloured categories would make them even more useful; even if it were just priorities (i.e. 1, 2, 3 or Red, Amber Green). This is one of the best extensions I have installed but I just wondered if the above would make it even more powerful. Many Thanks
  • (2019-01-02) Jorge Wander Santana Ureña: Great, Please, add setting option to show "Remaining Time" instead of "Elapsed Time" in: 34% ...of the day 4% ...of the month 0% ...of the year This mode could be used to appreciate more the remaining time and set priorities. Thanks
  • (2018-11-12) Aleksei Khasanov: Офигенное приложение. Можно в след. версии добавить возможность синхронизации в гугл? Awesome app! Is it possible to consider to add an opportunity to sync these tasks with Google account? Thank you!
  • (2018-08-30) Ronak Indurti: I am a high school student who has been using this chrome extension for the past year. I am currently in 11th grade, and it is very helpful for my studies and ongoing activities. In class, if the teacher assigns something, you do not need to lug a planner around, you can just type it up really quickly. And if you forget what you have for homework or any errands, if you wrote it on the extension, you just need to open a new tab and it will show. 5 stars!!
  • (2018-07-14) Rohan: This new-tab extension is elegant, fast, and productive. I prefer it to all other new tab extensions on offer. Although, I do have a couple of humble suggestions: a) When drag+dropping priorities, the selected priority glitches and sticks to the bottom of the screen until it is placed. Clunky. b) I'd love to be able to set custom a background image. c) I'd really love to embed info from other apps (namely Wunderlist, Google Calendar, etc) within the extensions existing formatting, but I understand this is easier said than done. I would happily pay a bit for this addition to the extension.
  • (2018-04-12) Rich Mayfield: This extension is amazingly useful. I just wish that they would keep developing and remove some of the bugs!
  • (2018-03-09) Bianca Madeccia: Si apre come schermata fissa del browser all'inizio. Ottima per chi vuole semplicemente una serie di 'liste' (3) fisse e modificabili di cose da fare. Non intralcia, sta dove deve stare, è visibile, semplicissima. Mi piacerebbe ci fosse la possibilità di inserire i giorni della settimana in corso, ma non si può avere tutto
  • (2018-02-28) Irina Kalinina: Elegant and simple and I see it many time every day like a reminder. Simplicity - this is what works for me best!
  • (2017-09-19) JORGE TACORONTE: gracias
  • (2017-09-16) k s: want a white one
  • (2017-08-01) Radine Alviso: I love it! It's great for sorting my stuff out on uni and its always right there in a place I'm always likely to look every 5mins. It's what I've been looking for and very basic to use. However, just one thing missing for me personally, I do wish there was an option in the "Today" or any of the lists where I could plan ahead during specific days or weeks and then have them appear during those days. Either way, its really easy to use, would recommend.
  • (2016-12-09) Art Junyent: The best task manager for chrome so far!
  • (2016-11-27) fabio bottarelli: good extension, i like it. four stars because there aren't fast links at the top rigth to the google apps like in the standard google start tab. please add this feature,thank you
  • (2016-11-18) Praveen Raj: Show recent bookmarks as well. It would be a nice addition.
  • (2016-09-23) Natan Valencia: 5 stars if: -sync to all your chrome sessions -can change color simple, perfect i'll pay for that if could connect with trello
  • (2016-08-01) simple, beautiful, easy to use, nothing more or less
  • (2016-07-09) Nabeel: the worst thing about it is the DESIGN. NEW TAP will be named "Priroitap" add it to my chrome only for %%%..
  • (2016-05-05) Piotr Wcislo: Your extension this is exactly what I need. Is almost perfect. If I could suggests something: It would be great to add possibility to switch between normal speed dial and Prioritab Thanks!
  • (2016-04-27) Jackie Rivera: Almost perfect. I love how it allows me to focus on productivity but it falls one star short in my books because it doesn't easily switch me to my Home Tab which is FVD Speed dial. This is were bookmarks trump productivity because I do write down my priorities on paper. What it cannot conveniently do is to allow me to have access to my bookmarks of frequently visited sites. Great extension! I'd be happy to get back in if they fix this.
  • (2016-04-26) Alexander K.: Looks/Works good so far.
  • (2016-04-07) Yurii Pokhylko: Cool extension, really helps work
  • (2016-02-13) Pablo Díaz: A cute personal todo list at your browser home page, trello like, simpler.
  • (2015-12-18) The Law Office Of Vivek David: Great tab. I wish it would add a main long term goal at the top like goal for the year feature. Also, it would be nice to have more aesthetics, like pretty background pictures and nice daily quotes.
  • (2015-12-15) BOBA POCHEP: Установилась без согласия моего

Latest issues

  • (2023-03-15, v:2.0.0) Taylor Disch: Accidentally Hit Clear All!
    How do I recover the list under "this week" I just cleared ALL! eeeek!
  • (2023-02-20, v:2.0.0) Antonio Perez: Recover data
    How to recover data?
  • (2021-11-06, v:2.0.0) Dre Jansen: how to open in edge,
    how to open in edge, Icon directs to downloadsite,,,chrome websore. I have the chrome downloades, it finctions in chome, but not in edge what to do> which butten.where to activate?
  • (2021-09-16, v:2.0.0) A: Not working
    Out of nowhere Prioritab has stopped showing when I open a new tab, and instead only shows a black screen. If I click around blindly I can edit my tasks but I can't see anything and I desperately need this fixed!
  • (2021-09-06, v:2.0.0) Tótszabó Tamás: blackout
    Hello! I like this extension, but today it only shows a black background with no information. Can you help me? Thanks,
  • (2021-06-24, v:2.0.0) Lunarr-U: Features
    -Weather include a weather display, just a nice feature that i thought of -Change of font i know you can change the font color, but making the font into a different style can change up the feel. For example a handwriting like font can bring a cozy feel -Timer including a timer would make the tasks/to do option be more noticable and make the user do the task instead of forgetting them. This feature will work as a opinion when making a new task, if the user would like they will add the option and have a amount of time to complete the task. Possible sound effect or notification will pop up once over Thank you for listening to my suggestions.
  • (2021-01-05, v:2.0.0) Mateus Baptista: Sugest
    ll be great if it have background like Momentum + UI like "Momentum Tab - #1 New Tab Customizer"
  • (2020-12-14, v:2.0.0) Cannot open Prioritab anymore
    I've been using this extension for a month now but it suddenly does not open any more. It used to show up when I opened a new tab. It is stressful as I had a lot of to-dos on there. It is showing up on the extension list next to the search bar so it is still installed. However when I click on the Prioritab icon it takes me to the chrome store, where the only option I have is "remove from chrome"., please help!
  • (2020-10-08, v:2.0.0) Udit Chandna: Could you make the to do trackers as collapsible
    I generally have to share my screen as part of work. And Wouldnt wnat others to have a look at my tabs. If they were collapsible , this would ensure, onl I have access to it . Some may want to keep them in open state while a person like me would always prefer to keep it in collapsed state with the headers and actual To Do , only when I click on uncollapsed
  • (2020-05-28, v:2.0.0) Marcela Bustillos: Undefined Subject Lines
    As of today, all of my new tasks are set as "undefined" when I type them. Is there a way to fix this?
  • (2020-03-10, v:2.0.0) James Dolan: I lost 6 tasks I added and they now say "Undefined". Can you help?
    I added about 6 new tasks yesterday and today they say "undefined". Is there a fix to get those tasks back? Thanks!
  • (2019-10-07, v:2.0.0) Jakub Domaszewicz: It stopped working
    All of the sudden, new tasks are 'undefined'
  • (2019-07-03, v:2.0.0) Marek Łobaza: Revert the Clear All action
    Hi, I have tried to prepared some important to-do list in pioritab. When creating new item by accident the clear all button has been clicked. Is there any possibilities to revert\restore the list?
  • (2019-06-11, v:2.0.0) Perfil de Iván: Doesnt work with Vivaldi Browser
    Since I´ve read that the Vivaldi Browser accepts all the chrome extensions. I´ve installed prioritab but it doesnt work. Could I´ve been doing something wrong? Best Regards
  • (2019-03-04, v:2.0.0) Andrew Isom: Chrome bookmarks bar
    Hello! Love your extension, as I've tried many new tab replacements and this is my favorite at present. The only issue is that I use the bookmarks bar on chrome frequently, but only like it to show with a new tab - but not after navigating to a site. Can you provide a toggle so that it appears with the new prioritab? Thanks!
  • (2018-07-13, v:2.0.0) lost data
    I use the app on my work computer and with an image upgrade it wiped all my data! Is there any way to recover my notes? I thought I'd be able to have everything back by signing in or something, but can't seem to find a way to recover
  • (2018-04-20, v:2.0.0) M Lyons: Make standalone page, not new tab page
    This is a great extension for productivity and keeping track of things, but my 'speed dial' new tab page is crucial for every day use and can't be replaced. Can you make the option to click the toolbar icon to take you to an isolated 'prioritab' page instead of having it replace the new tab page? Thank you!
  • (2018-02-08, v:2.0.0) Bec Mills: Issue with tasks
    I enter tasks and then after a little while they are lost and replaced with the text "unidentified"
  • (2018-02-02, v:2.0.0) tabs
    how to restore tabs
  • (2017-12-12, v:2.0.0) Barry Howard: want prioritab back
    This was my defaul tab. It turned off and I would like to use it.
  • (2017-11-03, v:2.0.0) Opening
    i have google chrome and it shows up in the top right corner. when i click it i can not get it to open and even if i right click adn click prioritab it won't open. Why is this?


10,000 history
4.3097 (113 votes)
Last update / version
2017-05-06 / 2.0.0
Listing languages
