extension ExtPose

Debugger for Adobe Analytics

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Prints to JavaScript console what data is sent to Adobe Analytics.

Image from store Debugger for Adobe Analytics
Description from store To see what data is being sent in JS console: - On Windows press ctrl+shift+j - On Mac press alt+cmd+j Adobe Analytics Debugger for POST and GET requests. Prints following info: - displays all page load data, link events, file downloads - shows information about data collection servers and informs if it is an RDC server or not - provides recommendations on how to improve the implementation - displays Adobe Marketing Cloud visitor ID and Adobe Marketing Cloud organisation ID Release Notes v1.4 + super long post calls are not truncating anymore + server calls are now printed in a tab where a request originated + added s.pageType, s.zip + fixed URI decoding issues + custom and downloads calls will not show footer (data center, cookies, JS version, library version) v1.3 + very long post server calls are working now! Big thanks to [email protected] for fixing this + added grouping and colours + shows context variables + cookie information - first or third party + shows s.tnt variable v1.2 + display AMC org ID + provide recommendations v1.1 + showing visitor IDs from vid(s.visitorID), aid(legacy s_vi cookie), mid(marketing cloud id) + added new RDC domain - Singapore and Pacific Northwest (sc.omtrdc.net) + showing list eVars + hidden unimportant data such as browser and screen information + by default the debugger is ON now

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-04) Bogdan Nazaruk: Uh, tried contacting the author to help fixing the extension, but failed. So I just made a fixed version from scratch instead: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/universal-adobe-debugger/ehadnibhemgjphdjgkallndphbghlpkn?hl=en-US
  • (2023-10-31) Kathy Dyer: I can't watch my metrics, I'm just seeing an error message that I can't understand :( Adobe Client Data Layer v2.0.2 has already been imported/initialized on this page. You may be erroneously loading it a second time.
  • (2023-03-29) John Fitzgerald: Doesn't work.
  • (2022-05-05) As an implementation engineer, this is by far the best debugging extension for Adobe Analytics. I've tried others (Omnibug, ObservePoint, AEP Debugger, Exp Cloud Debugger). I love that it prints all server call details right there in the console where I spend most of my time. No separate tab or window. Tomas deserves to be paid many $$$ for this but he maintains it for free. Thank you, Tomas!
  • (2021-05-05) Arun Kumar P: Have issue in viewing all the variables related to particular page. Same has been viewed in one of my client machine.
  • (2021-04-15) Søren Høyer: I absolutely loved the console output, however when using EDDL with the ACDL Launch extension, I found out that it reported the wrong order of events compared to inspecting the events array on the datalayer and also compared with the Adobe Experience Platform debugger, which was able to correcly console.log the right order of the events. So unfortunately have to use AEP debugger now instead of this, but this extension definitely would be my preferred one, if this is fixed.
  • (2020-06-25) This extension is a blast! It save me soo much time! Thanks Mr. Balciunas for building it
  • (2019-09-10) Jonathan Worent: Serves ads in the console!
  • (2018-07-31) Ricardo Marques: Works great. Brilliant tool! Love the fact that it prints all the info in the console and you don't need to switch between different tabs in devtools.
  • (2018-07-27) Works great most of the time, kudos! I would recommend using this tool as well as the latest updated tool here when you run into issues just to be sure before you go back and forth with a client troubleshooting. In my case, this plugin worked perfectly for 85% of the tracking (especially when I needed to see everything logged, not just the current page). However, when I had to track some custom download links or custom events, there were some cases where the other tool worked better. https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/implement/debugger_install.html Thanks for the plugin!
  • (2018-04-18) Will Bryant: Great way to view the Adobe Analytics call inside console. Not sure another tool that allows this functionality. Saves time by not having to constantly switch between tabs in the dev tools.
  • (2017-10-05) Alison Villazon: Indispensable tool for debugging analytics. So helpful to see the analytics output in the console, alongide error logs.
  • (2017-07-03) Jan Exner: Easy to use, functional, brilliant.
  • (2017-04-27) Matt Trześniowski: Very useful tool for debugging. The only thing that comes to my mind - it takes so much space in the console. Having a header with page name / event / custom link and collapsed rest of the data would be great.
  • (2017-03-27) Jim Reilly: really helpful. Have had no issues using it
  • (2016-09-10) Adam Gutteridge: Very helpful to debug adobe analytics and qa the data. Super fast
  • (2016-08-15) Ryan P: I won't be using this extension after the recent update. The most recent update substantially increases the amount of space it takes up within the console. It also doesn't differentiate between page view and custom link hits which you would expect anyone serious about web analytics debugging to be interested in.
  • (2016-05-12) Dave: Better than Adobe's debugger! It just works. What more can you ask for?
  • (2016-04-26) Great Extension!! Very fast loading and provides loads of information for Adobe geeks.
  • (2015-04-03) Josh Kadis: Would give it 5 stars except for one bug. It only prints to the console if the page is the active window when loading. If you open dev tools in a new window and refresh from there, the debugger won't print in the console.
  • (2015-03-06) Francesc Rosas: It doesn't support lists.
  • (2015-02-02) Panagiotis Tzamtzis: Great plugin, really useful. This would be an absolute if there was also support for POST requests :) (After AppMeasurement 1.4.1 Adobe will switch to a POST request for calls that include more than 1900-2000 characters)
  • (2014-06-15) Ahmad Rahman: clean, simple, out of the way and very helpful/useful.
  • (2014-05-27) Michael Beckler: way better than i expected.
  • (2014-05-20) Dovid Weisz: nice and simple!
  • (2013-12-09) Panos: Needs a push to turn on the first time, but incredibly handy!
  • (2013-07-23) César Díaz: Really helpful to check tracking information passed on page events.
  • (2013-07-17) Phil Duncan: great tool! Would love to see TnT in here too...
  • (2013-06-07) Pablo Suárez: Brilliant. Refreshes faster than the dig pulse plugin and works perfectly on https pages.
  • (2013-03-21) Ben Mrd: Not bad for casual use
  • (2013-03-12) pere rovira: Good way to check your Adobe Analytics implementation, or to check the implementation of your competitor! :). Simpler and faster than Adobe's plugin.
  • (2013-03-11) Fanny Cussac: Great extension to easily find site cat data on any webpage

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-31, v:1.4.5) Kathy Dyer: Is it still working?
    I can't watch my metrics, I'm just seeing an error message that I can't understand :( Adobe Client Data Layer v2.0.2 has already been imported/initialized on this page. You may be erroneously loading it a second time.
  • (2023-02-09, v:1.4.5) Jared Roder: Setting to log call objects in collapsed state.
    Call objects I work with can be quite long, which makes parsing the logs a lot more difficult, especially when trying to look for specific ones. Having the logged call object collapsed by default will help me navigate through them more easily, and including it as a setting to the extension will keep default behavior unchanged for those that expect it.
  • (2022-07-20, v:1.4.5) Tobias Zillmann: Does not work
    Hey unfortunately the extension does not seem to work :( Tested Chrome 103.0.5060.114 on Windows10 on https://www.bahn.de/
  • (2021-02-26, v:1.4.4) Billy Linder: Link Name Color
    Hello! First off, thanks for making this extension. It makes life so much easier for me and my team. I wanted to make a suggestion that the blue color for click call link names be changed to a color that's easier to read in the console. I've tried using both light and dark theme in devtools, but in both instances it's difficult to read the link name value because of the color choice. Thank you!
  • (2020-08-20, v:1.4.4) HARISH KUMAR: is this extension available in firefox as well ?
    If so , can you share the link . I was not able to find it .
  • (2020-04-28, v:1.4.4) Corey Trent: Cookie type no longer showing
    Currently using 1.4.4 on Chrome build: 81.0.4044.122 and cookie type no longer prints in the console log.
  • (2019-12-17, v:1.4.3) Michael Benin: Source code
    Hi, Would you be open to publishing the source on github? Thanks
  • (2019-11-04, v:1.4.3) Sibel: cant make it work
    Hi Tomas Thanks for this extension but I can't make this work. I am on MAC and I use the command and console is opened up but nothing is coming through thanks sibel
  • (2019-09-30, v:1.4.3) Registering 2 beacons when Adobe Analytics Debugger window open (the official Adobe debugger ext. for chrome)
    Hi, Congrats this extension is very helpful. I use it regularly. ;-) I've noticed that when using the Adobe Debugger tool (the official chrome extension), there is a bug in your extension that shows 2 beacons instead of one. Did you notice that?
  • (2019-06-05, v:1.4.3) Stuart Crocker: Using the extension programatically with tools like Cypress
    I'd love to use this with Cypress when setting routes to interrogate analytics messages from our web apps as part of our regression suite. Is there an npm package or similar API that we could use to help?
  • (2019-05-09, v:1.4.3) Sheetal Satish Babu: URL not loading with extension after Chrome Update
    Unable to navigate to url with the extension added to chrome capabilities after the chrome update to v74. Seems to be some compatibility issues with the new version of chrome. Can you please help in resolving this In my test, with the extension added in capabilities, the browser just opens and doesn't proceed further. If I manually click on the refresh button, the rest of the steps proceed. If I don't add the debugger extension, the url gets loaded properly.I tried with driver.get, driver.navigate and jscript executor also. But url is not loaded.
  • (2019-05-08, v:1.4.3) Anurag Kumar Arora: Using with Selenium
    Hi, I am trying to use it with selenium as below : options.addExtensions(new File("debugger/AdobeAnalyticsDebugger.crx")); With the old version of chrome and web driver it was working fine, but now it is having below issue with chrome 74. It is unable to load the URL unless refresh is pressed Manually. Note : The code works fine if this extension is not added or if some other extension is added.
  • (2019-02-11, v:1.4.2) sravani ponnuri: Calls not being fired
    I have installed and enabled the addon, but I am unable to see the calls firing up. I tried uninstalling and installing it again. Please help
  • (2018-12-18, v:1.4.1) Jan Exner: Collapse some data
    Hi Tomas, I love your Extension, really practical! My thought this morning was: would it be possible to add configuration that 'collapses' some of the data? My use case: for one customer, I always send v38, v80, p68, p70, p72, and p74. I know that they work, so sometimes I'd like them to not clutter the display, but rather have a line that says 'usual variables present: v38, v80, ...' The configuration would have to allow me to specify which vars should be part of that 'usual variables' list, of course. Do you think that would be possible? Thanks, and thank you for your brilliant Extension! Jan
  • (2018-11-07, v:1.4.1) Ingrid Syme: Adobe Analytics debugger
    Hi there, I installed the Chrome extension for Adobe Analytics debugger but is not firing up. Many thanks. Ingrid
  • (2018-10-09, v:1.4) Gene Jones: URI malformed error
    Hello, Similar to Carolina Lizama, we are experiencing a periodic error relating to the URI being malformed when the % value is present inside a the value of a prop or eVar. Error in event handler for runtime.onMessage: URIError: URI malformed at Object.setMainBody (chrome-extension://bdingoflfadhnjohjaplginnpjeclmof/cs.js:98:61) at Object.init (chrome-extension://bdingoflfadhnjohjaplginnpjeclmof/cs.js:18:8) at chrome-extension://bdingoflfadhnjohjaplginnpjeclmof/cs.js:281:29 I've only seen this issue on POST requests, not GET requests. We use the s.getPercentPageViewed plugin on prop31, and it uses text in the format of "75%75%|1920px1080px|Orient%3A". This will cause the decodeURIComponent instruction to fail. I'd be comfortable with the values being reported in an undecoded form if attempting to decode them causes an error.
  • (2018-10-04, v:1.4) Waqas Rafiq: URI malformed
    Hi there, If you go to the front page of ie. shopdisney.co.uk you will get the message that the URI is malformed. https://www.shopdisney.co.uk/


30,000 history
4.3684 (57 votes)
Last update / version
2022-06-02 / 1.4.5
Listing languages
