Description from extension meta
Sans Forgetica is a typeface scientifically designed to help you remember your study materials and other written information.
Image from store
Description from store
★ How to use
Sans Forgetica: Study Mode is easy to use. Simply activate the Chrome extension in your browser, then highlight any on screen text that you wish to retain in memory. Sans Forgetica is best used as a highlighting tool for particular phrases, rather than whole texts.
★ What’s wrong with my regular font?
From its invention, the story of typeface design has been one of technological limitation. Today, however, typography has been unleashed. Digital formats allow us to think and craft beyond the physical restrictions of materials. Never before has it been so easy to craft letterforms that bend to the will of our imaginations.
But research has shown that the clean, smooth typefaces typically used in contemporary computer user interfaces may be less effective in presenting information to the reader. When a piece of information is too easily and cleanly perceived, it fails to engage our brains in the kind of deeper cognitive processing necessary for effective retention and recall.
★ The science behind Sans Forgetica
Sans Forgetica was designed under the scientific guidance of Dr Janneke Blijlevens and Dr Jo Laban from RMIT’s Behavioural Business Lab. The font works using principles of psychology, fused with type design, to create a condition known as ‘desirable difficulty’ – obstructions to the learning process that aid the retention and recall of information.
★ The face behind the type
The design of Sans Forgetica was led by RMIT Lecturer of Typography and renowned typographer Stephen Banham. Working in collaboration with RMIT’s Behavioural Business Lab, Stephen developed multiple typefaces at varying degrees of ‘distinctiveness’. The typefaces were then put to the test through a series of memory and fluency tests undertaken by the Behavioural Business Lab. The typeface which showed the best effect on memory retention became ‘ Sans Forgetica’.
★ What next?
To find out more about some of the exciting, collaborative, multidisciplinary projects happening at RMIT University, visit
Latest reviews
- (2021-10-27) Imanol PS: No sé si realmente es como debería de funcionar, pero he conseguido hacer que funcione de la siguiente manera: 1 - Instalar la fuente en el equipo, en mi caso Windows. 2 - Seleccionar Sans Forgetica como fuente Sans predeterminada en Chrome. Con esto, al usar la extensión me funciona. Y, al resaltar un texto se me cambia a Sans Forgetica.
- (2021-05-03) Bianca Rusu: Ne marche pas du tout. J'ai beau clicker rien ne marche. NUL
- (2020-09-18) tomas tony: 使用方法:把插件logo点红,然后鼠标选中的英文文本就变形了,左右键都可以,切换网页会效果丢失 很有意思的插件
- (2020-02-06) Winni Ye: It's a great concept but definitely needs improvement. This is really useful for schoolwork but it's only usable as a font on Word Office 365, which I don't use. It should be available for Google Docs, which would be much more helpful. It also looks like changing the font of texts only works on certain sites as well.
- (2020-01-02) Allina McLean (yerbestpal): It works as it is supposed to on Vivaldi, however that there is no option to just convert all text on the page is very disappointing.
- (2019-11-09) David “J” Puchalla II: Works perfectly. Install, restart chrome. Then turn on the extension by clicking on it. It will go from black circle to a red filled in circle. Highlight text and it transforms. Used as a way to highlight pertinent information for better memory retention. No problems for me.
- (2019-08-26) Non mi funziona, non capisco il motivo e non ci sono video tutorial per farlo funzionare in caso di problemi.
- (2019-08-21) Eduard Klein: Interessanter Ansatz, um das Lesen von Text im Web zu entschleunigen. Ob davon wirklich mehr im Hirn behalten wird, wird die Zeit zeigen. Konkret bemängle ich aber die umständliche Bedienung des Plugin (warum nicht gleich die Schrift austauschen?) sowie die schlechte Lesbarkeit von Zahlen.
- (2019-08-19) Sioox Nou: I think it very interessting to read but the 'W' suck hard, because it looks like " 'A' " and my brain think: Oh an A so website will be Aebsite... seems logic. Can you change the W a bit?
- (2019-06-12) Major Hoffman: Broke.
- (2019-05-23) Josh Henil: Not very helpful.
- (2019-05-05) Tom Morrison: I was looking forward to using this extension since the idea was very promising but it simply did not work. When I pressed the button it didn't always turn red, sometimes it turned red for just a second and even when it stayed red the text I highlighted did not change. Bottom line, great idea but does not work.
- (2019-04-30) Ning: Google 文件用不了,但是在其他页面可以使用,例如维基和BBC。
- (2019-04-28) Elliot Alderson: Doesn't work
- (2019-04-17) CJ Wms: Newest font ever!
- (2019-04-15) Luciana Cis: No funciona
- (2019-03-11) Leonardo Riera: Like the font on my pc, but this chrome extension doesn't work on any website.
- (2019-03-02) Misha Brasioli Lebedev: funziona bene
- (2019-02-14) Natalia González Plaza: No funciona en Chrome.
- (2019-01-28) It doesn't work. None of the text I highlight changes to sans forgetica.
- (2019-01-22) 大牛: Agh I really want to give this 5 stars, but it only works unpredictably and not as expected. And it appears to only work with some websites. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong though.
- (2019-01-19) Вероника Заглотова: Good thing, but I want cyrillic letters and convert the whole webpage by some gesture like double-clicking. Not sure if this is possible, but sounds like a great idea. Plus, if you'll do the double-click thing, then make it not turn off when I open another websites
- (2019-01-10) **if it doesn't work for you just open and close your browser** its amazing lol
- (2019-01-08) Hakundus: No funciona
- (2018-12-28) Nicholas Tryand: This was AMAZING. All you need to do is to select a piece of text on a page and press the Sans Forgetica button in the corner, then click on the text again; it's so easy! I did start to use this when studying a couple of times, and I found it difficult-er than other fonts to read, but not difficult to read, which I like. It means I HAVE to pay more attention to what I'm reading in order to read it which is really helpful. The other thing is that I just think RMIT have managed to make this look as amazing as possible as well.
- (2018-12-07) It does not work.
- (2018-11-20) Not working in Chrome on my Mac, despite trying the response in other reviews. It would work best if the entire page changed when you click the red pixel, but it does not work at all unfortunately.
- (2018-11-18) Jitka Hruzova: It didn't work at first, but then I restarted my Chrome and it worked, try to restart your computer if browser restarting doesn't help. Before trying to change the text to Sans Forgetica make sure, that the plugin is on - the logo of the extension in your browser must be red, then highlight desired text, it should change. Try on some other website. It works, just play around with it. Happy remembering :)
- (2018-11-14) Paige Mitchell: When in click on it, it only stays red for about 2 seconds, making it so that i don't have enough time to highlight the selected text.
- (2018-11-11) Casey Novak: Doesn't work on Chrome browsers. I've done everything that the copy-pasted review reply told me to (selecting the pixel next to the address bar and then selecting text), but nothing was converted, be it on a webpage or on Google Docs. I love the concept and would use it for exams, but it doesn't help if it doesn't work in the first place. :/
- (2018-11-01) M R: It doesn't work! I have tried on different computers using Chrome, it didn't work. I have also downloaded it as a font, both of my computers has found an error with the font.