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DDuckieTVはパーソナライズされたTVシリーズのカレンダーを通じてテレビシリーズ中毒者を担当してGoogle Chromeの/オペラの拡張機能です。 DuckieTVは情報が常に最新であり、あなたを見つけるために、可能な限り簡単なダウンロードを見つけるのを助けるためにあなたに統合されたブロック耐性トレント検索を与えることを保証します
統合トルクDuckieTorrentクライアントDuckieTVお近くのuTorrentの/ BitTorrentクライアントに、あなたとあなたが他のアプリケーションに切り替えることなく、ダウンロードの進行状況が維持されます。
v0.60 DuckieTVから放映された番組や11の言語で翻訳の自動ダウンロードを導入することにより、最終的にも病気のひげのための立派なライバルである。 (英語、ドイッチュ、スペイン語、フランス語、イタリア語、日本、한국어、オランダ、Purtugese、Русскийは、印Svenska、简体中文)
* v1.1.3 : Updated translations, many bugfixes and new features. check the changelog at
* v1.00 : Completely revamped user interface (now with 100% more sexyness) - Added support for Tixati, Transmission and qBittorrent torrent clients - Added Strike and RarBG torrent search providers - Added calendar grouping for netflix episode dumps - Initial version of Subtitle search available from episodes panel - Removed Chromecast integration. (Use and the app!) - Autodownloads now use the configured torrent provider - Revamped the way torrent search engines are created and registered - Shows can be marked as downloaded as well as watched, and downloaded episodes can be highlighted on the calendar - Added Trakt.TV Trending category filters, caching for Trakt.TV trending list - Fixes for DuckieTV standalone: now using frame-less window, open external links in default browser, window and unminimize from tray works in Ubuntu, added upgrade check and notification, and zoom control is now 1:1 with chrome browser - Database performance improvement (including less frequent ratings updates) - added 'Watch on Netflix' button for Netflix shows - numerous other small changes and bugfixes to list
* v0.94 : Switched to the new (hopefully more stable) endpoint, Added actor and rating info back to serie details, Fixed KAT Mirror Resolver and custom setting and added back TPB mirror selection to torrent settings, Changed default KAT mirror back to, Minor tweaks to auto-download and updatecheck mechanisms, Built a little standalone website to turn off uTorrent's ads with one click. (
* v0.93 : Welcome back TPB! Added as a custom datasource
* v0.92 : Fixed problem with deployment script: moment.js was not included, breaking torrent searches for shows that are released with a date format.
* v0.91 : Fixed some people's problems with the upgrade and now-missing watched indicators (They'll restore automatically).Removed (domain cancelled), Fixed OldPirateBay on https. Fixed Timezone offset for torrent search with dates, added some requested scene names and updated some translations in Italian, Dutch and English.
* v0.90 : Fixed TraktTV v2 API, compensated for TPB being down, many performance improvements, updated dutch and italian translations
* v0.82 : Fixed chrome v39 compatibility, sync engine still a work in progress.
* v0.81 : Some changes to the add to favorites screen, now showing detailed show information on hover. Also, some changes to make DuckieTV work in standalone mode, no chrome required! Get it at
* v0.80 : A minor update with big impact: Daylight Savings Time fix by /u/garfield69
* v0.79 : Fixed infinite digest in calendar preventing usage on huge databases. Updated torrent autoDownloader to handle the same logic as the torrentDialog
* v0.78 : Fixed 'yes-all' and 'no-all' dialogs..
* v0.77 : Added 'yes-all' and 'no-all' buttons for confirming remote deletions in storage sync, preventing users to potentially have to confirm loads of deletions. Fixed StorageSyncService only syncing one show at a time.
* v0.76 : fixed a potential problem with hidden shows on the calendar and missing cast_sender.js
* v0.75 : DuckieTV is much faster now, Easily delete shows from series you're watching, Database write indicators, Improved error handling and credentials validation for Trakt.TV, Update mechanism improved to handle TheTVDB reassigning ID's (fixing duplicate/disappearing shows on your calendar after an update), IMDB / Wikipedia links on the show details page, Added ability to hide 'Specials' for shows (like Dr. Who), Bandwidth consumption improvements, Shows that have ended will now only be checked for updates every 2 weeks, Fixed Torrent Dialog search box to automatically grab keyboard focus, Torrent auto-download service now runs every 2 hours instead of every 4 hours, Fixed 'Scenename' lookup for downloads.
* v0.70 : One of the most requested features was added: You can now sync your shows and watched episodes from and to Trakt.TV! The "Most visited sites" drawer can now be changed to open on click, syncing your favorite shows via your Google account works again. and you can now print the calendar.
* v0.62 : Fixed a problem with the add series typeahead
* v0.61 : Fixed deployment problem for english/uk users.
* v0.60 : New tabs interface in settings thanks to /u/Js41637, Introduced Internationalisation and translations thanks to /u/Garfield69, Initial translations into English and Dutch, the 9 other most popular languages are included in auto-translated form. Optimized watched indicator in calendar, added Trakt.TV's trending shows to 'series you're watching', made it possible to use the basic features of DuckieTV as a regular website: (browsers that support WebSQL only! Tested on Chrome/Opera/Android)
* v0.55 : Fixes and improvements for the calendar, double loading images and GUI by /u/Garfield69 and /u/Js41637 Thanks guys!!!
* v0.54 : Layout CSS tuning and bugfixes by /u/Js41637 (Thanks!). Support for uTorrent 3.4.1 alpha, Fixed KAT parsing, Added extra permission for huge series (>5mb) databases.
* v0.53 : CSS/layout fixes, Fixed the timers that went missing, fixed the auto-update service, fixed restore watchlist timers, improved memory usage on backup restore.
* v0.52 : Fixed magnet URI catching and saving everywhere you can launch a torrent search for an episode. Added a popup menu on the torrent dialog with access to source, torrent and magnet links for each result
* v0.51 : Fixed several marking episode as watched issues
* v0.50 : Complete UI overhaul, uTorrent integration, experimental Chromecast integration, many performance improvements
* v0.43 : Made sure migrations don't run on fresh installs
* v0.42 : Fixed missing scheduled event and chrome alarm delete procedure when deleting series.
* v0.41 : Fixed 'browser action mode' not launching on icon click.
* v0.40 : Switched to Trakt.TV API. Created backup/restore function. Added seasons. Reworked torrent dialog. Fixed timezone mess. Added Calendar week mode. temporarily disabled browser sync. Added 'download whole season'. Added 'download .torrent' link in dialog.
* v0.35 : Synchronized versions after another manual screwup, created fully automated deployment process using macro's. Fixed 10/10 ratings in overview.
* v0.33 : Updated sync option with permanent sync feature. Added functionality for when remote series are deleted. Multiple styling and consistency updates. Synced date formats. Added episode ratings chart on series overview page.
* v0.32 : Added experimental Sync option. Hit the 'sync' button in settings to push your current series list into the cloud. Open DuckieTV on another computer computer (signed in with the same google account), sit back and watch the magic. (watched episodes will be transferred in a later version)
* v0.31 : Fixed grid layout for 1200+px wide screens, Fixed naive TVRage id resolving for something more solid. Now matches both by name and optionally firstaired on multiple matches.
* v0.30 : Renamed from 'SeriesGuide Chrome v2' to DuckieTV! Reworked TVRage parsing to resolve bugs with episode numbering. Special handling for pawn stars like renaming errors means that these have less info to show for now, but more works properly. Implemented adding missing episodes from TVRage (like S01E01 that's missing for a lot of shows).
* v0.28 : Fixed layout bugs, timezone offset for the other half of the world, default settings
* v0.27 : Implemented quality selection for episode search queries in settings. You can now search by default for none/HDTV/480p/720p/1080p
* v0.26 : Fixed a timezone offset bug for historical dates, showing shows that have already aired at the wrong date.
* v0.25 : GUI updates: Made backgrounds blend with black to improve readability, Implemented new settings toggles: 'extra wide calendar' and 'hide torrent searchbox from main page', created switch to show your favorite shows in grid mode (which takes less space), various touchups.
* v0.24 : Implemented switch preference to select default search provider (ThePirateBay or KickassTorrents) that's used for downloads by default, fixed setting custom tpb proxy gui
v0.23 : Fixed a problem with my deployment script, switching the 'browser action mode' for 'new tab' mode. Sorry for that :(
v0.22 : Fixed a parsing problem for TPB results.
v0.21 : Added setting to disable torrent functionality, Added piratebay mirror resolver and manual override, added setting to hide TopSites, switched to google's site screenshot service like used on their new tab (the api that I used was getting slow due to the popularity of this extension) merged to a single codebase for both extensions.
v0.20 : Implemented Scene Name Resolver for series that have an alternate scene name
v0.19 : Implemented automagic PirateBay Proxy Resolver
v0.18 : Fixed date bug showing items on previous day on calendar.
v0.17 : Styling improvements, layouting and useability improvements. created #/watchlist url (still hidden for now), torrentfreak top10, mocked up #/settings page
v0.16 : Fixed TVRage sync and made it automagic
v0.15 : Cleaned up the layout and merged search engines.
v0.14 : TVRage Sync under series details. Fixes wrong episode numbers in the TVDB database for shows like 'Pawn Stars'. (Github #20) Click the Episode number column in the table to activate.
v0.13 : Browser Action Mode created
v0.12 : Added kickass torrent search for when thepiratebay is down. Will be reworked into something nicer soon
v0.11 : First 'browser action' release
v0.10 : First public release.
Permissions explanation:
- Read and modify browser history -> For the access to the ChromeTopSites api (to show your most used tabs)
- Access to your data on all websites -> For being able to scrape several sites.
If you want to verify what's happening in code yourself, check the github repo:
Latest reviews
- (2017-06-09) Manohar M: I like the old calendar layout. Can you please switch back to that? I really dont like the new one
- (2017-03-10) Pure cleaner: better easy
- (2017-02-23) Delia Rico: Me hacéis la vida un poquito más feliz :)
- (2016-11-28) Damir Petrov: Dao bih 5 zvjezdica ali ovako samo tri. Zašto? Od novog update-a nemam više slika serija
- (2015-12-19) karine lopez: como eu posso excluir isso
- (2015-12-01) Anish Daby: Brillant. You will not miss a single episodes of your shows. And it supports torrent. Best of the best
- (2015-07-11) Susana Santos: unico defeito é só aparecer como new tab e nao hide button
- (2015-06-03) Nancy SS: Εξαιρετικά χρήσιμη! Έχει κάποια μικροπροβλήματα σε ημερομηνίες καμιά φορά αλλά ακόμη κι αυτά τα λαθάκια δεν την κάνουν καθόλου δύσχρηστη!
- (2015-04-09) Best of the bests.
- (2015-02-02) Matthew O'Donoghue: Love it, especially with the latest update. Previously had to manually sync it and mess about a bit to get it working, but has been working great since the recent update, now shows sync well by themselves. Intergration with my Utorrent is fantastic and its actually easier to search through Duckie TV than manually now! WEll played Duckie, well played!
- (2015-01-13) ricardo bagnasco: no mantiene el calendario adecuadamente
- (2015-01-11) A Navetta: A great extension. I had some problems with it for a few weeks. Till I talked to the creators through Reddit. Had me create a backup in the settings menu, then load that back-up and everything is back to being awesome. Even if it has a couple of bugs, there is nothing out there that I am aware that does better what this extension does.
- (2015-01-06) Lantz Witha Z: DON'T download this extension; save yourself some frustration. It used to be great, now it's complete crap. Reasons why listed below: I had a 4-star rating up about a year ago. Since then this extension has gone downhill in a bad and fast way. Wherever this thing pulls TV info from, don't ever expect it to be accurate, even some of the most popular dramas and sitcoms out there will never show up on the calendar or show up on the wrong day of the week. Essentially, the whole point of this app's existence is no longer accomplished, so why does it still exist? Secondly, adding new shows or even searching for a show you didn't have on your watch-list used to take 2-10 seconds; not a big deal. Now? It takes minutes, up to ~10mins to pull results you've searched for (if you're lucky, most of the time it errors out). Its only saving grace? It pops up nice backgrounds of the shows I watch on new-tab-opens. Not much use otherwise.
- (2015-01-05) Jamie G.: Has never really worked right. Can't find shows. Doesn't display shows that I know are on etc.
- (2015-01-05) Михайло Хавруняк: don't working synchronization with after updating site please fix it
- (2014-12-20) Aleks: For the past few weeks the app has been having problems with syncing, adding new shows and its text has been jumbled (the top part is now called "chrometopsites-hover/hdr" and so on, everything else is named like that.
- (2014-12-20) Nick Gordon: It wasnt wat i expected. i thought it was going to add it to my new tab not replace it so i turned it off.
- (2014-11-09) Meg Prestes: não é possível baixar em um Chromobook
- (2014-10-16) Jason Patitucci: cannot get it to automatically down load torrents at hdtv quality. i have everything set up in the app and allowed permissions for u torrent. still will not auto down load.
- (2014-08-04) Magnus Larsson: It crashes for me a little too often and when it does, I have to delete all of my extensions and reinstall.
- (2014-07-24) Nathan Smith: When this works, this extension is great! but for the past 2 weeks it hasn't synched any of the shows I have on my list... I've checked trakt, where it gets the info from, and that's all updated. Is this a known issue?
- (2014-05-01) Sedat Yusuf Ergüneş: I like it but there are more things to be done.
- (2014-04-07) Albert Gallego: This app is great, but lacks of updates in some shows. No new episodes tracked of Two and a Half men, Agents of SHIELD and more shows.
- (2014-03-21) Diana A: Don't get me wrong, I like having this info at my fingertips, I just don't like having it pop up on my "New Tab" ~ I'd rather having in my Apps page, that way I can go look at it in private when I want to. As a New Tab anybody who is in my office will see it when I open a new tab and that's not good. Because it says in big giant letters TORRENT SEARCH! That's nobody's business but mine.
- (2014-03-13) Noe Castro: Excelente aplicación, lo malo es que no se sincroniza cuando usas 2 o mas PC's