extension ExtPose

Gmail - Reply at the TOP

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Description from extension meta

Move the reply/compose box to the top of conversation thread. Allows you to refer the latest response as you compose the reply.

Image from store Gmail - Reply at the TOP
Description from store If you are frustrated of scrolling up and down while composing your email replies in Gmail, THIS IS THE EXTENSION YOU NEED! This will move the reply/compose box from the bottom of the page to the top of the page. You can now see the latest email in the thread as you type, without have to scroll up and down. This is especially loved by Outlook users who are used to the reverse chronological view. I developed this after I could not find any solution. After using it for a while, I have noticed a significant boost in email productivity ... no more scrolling for those long conversation threads! NOTE: Refresh/reopen the Gmail tab for the extension to start working.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-02) Paul Andersen: I've been using this for about 3 years and it works fine as expected
  • (2023-07-31) Vic McDonald: It works fine when replying to an email; however, replying to a reply (as in when you have an exchange via email) does not work. When I reply to a reply using this extension, the 2nd reply goes to the bottom of the now much longer email.
  • (2023-07-20) Danny Passey: Doesn't work with or without reading pane on. Shame because it's much needed given the glaring oversight from the Google Devs.
  • (2023-05-15) John Tekin: Does not work
  • (2023-04-26) Adan Peña: Doesn't work, please fix! Best,
  • (2023-02-21) Fiona D'Alessio: This does not work. It semi-worked for about a week or so, although the reply box WAS at the top of the email, you still had to scroll to get to it, which is pointless. Now it doesn't even do that, as the reply is at the bottom. Would be nice if this could get fixed.
  • (2023-02-13) PCJ52: It doesn't work for me, sorry.
  • (2023-02-06) Chinwei Hoe: This works well! However, like the other comments said: Clicking reply causes the screen to jump to the bottom of the top reply and forces you to scroll back up to type your message. A slight inconvenience, but at least the reply window is at the top as well with the last email message.
  • (2022-10-06) Lee Scholl: Clicking reply causes the screen to jump to the bottom of the top reply and forces you to scroll back up to type your message.
  • (2022-09-23) Amy Eller: Hello, this isn't working. I would love it if it worked because I'm so used to Outlook but my company is using Google tools more and more so I have to move to gmail. Can you please fix it or give better instructions on how to make it work?
  • (2022-09-17) Ken Shvetz: Would be great, if it worked. Worked for a while a year or two ago. Then started randomly not working. Now, it causes the entire email body to appear BLANK for various emails that have rich text, embedded images or formatting (such as "A document has been shared with you" or "Share request for [filename]" emails directly from Google)! Basically, makes email behave erratically and not display properly. I really hate gmail's stupid reply at the bottom or conversation-view nonsense and wish this extension would be fixed so it actually works!!!
  • (2022-09-15) Heidi J Langlois: Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. IT says its fixed but then it breaks again. When it works, it works well, unfortunately I need it to work all the time. Please fix this once and for all!
  • (2022-07-28) Stefan Stojanovski: It stopped working, please fix it! This we an amazing extension when it worked, I cannot believe this isn't a standard option/setting with gmail.
  • (2022-07-25) Moto Lucia: it broke, babe
  • (2022-07-15) Fargol Farahani: Doesn't work!
  • (2022-07-07) Daniel Aliotta: Doesn't work.
  • (2022-06-28) Richard Reed: Does not work. Absolutely nothing changes.
  • (2022-06-27) J: Was working brilliantly with no issues now it doesn't work unless you click the app and reload the page every single time you go into gmail and even then it doesn't seem to work for every email... Very frustrating as who want to keep reloading the page to use an app... Cannot find a fix either... EDIT: This has now stopped working altogether!
  • (2022-04-24) Louis C: The extension works great! Now I can reply at the top of the email thread. Thank you.
  • (2022-03-08) tarah millen: I want to love this extension, because it works great when you have the reading pane option set to "no split". I need to have the reading pane open, however, and this extension doesn't work at all if you have the reading pane enabled. Please allow this to be used while the reading pane is enabled!
  • (2022-02-11) John Partington: Great idea (infuriating that Google Mail requires this) but it doesnt work unfortunately.
  • (2022-02-08) Christine Cedeno: Only works with No Split. Does not work with Right of Inbox or Below Inbox.
  • (2022-01-22) Patti Weber: Holy Cow - thank you! This was the most frustrating thing about Gmail. Thank you so much!
  • (2022-01-17) Kenet brown: well done thanks a lot
  • (2021-11-12) Julie Skinner: This worked fine when first installed but then reverted back to the bottom of the email.
  • (2021-08-30) Polkadoodles Crafts: OMG this has been driving me insane! Thankyou for this awesome extension which works perfectly on Mac desktop!
  • (2021-07-13) Vania Porter: When I first installed it worked to bring replies to top of email. For some reason I can not keep this extension working. the reply box will open in various places within the email making it very difficult to find. I usually close the reply and start again in order to try to find where the reply box opened within the chain. Very frustrating.
  • (2021-06-22) Nathan Honsberger: Doesn't work... still scrolling for days..
  • (2021-05-06) Caitlin Pinner: This is a great function. Please can the develop update to use split pane view?
  • (2021-04-28) Michelle Jordan: I have to uninstall and reinstall this every single day now to make it work. Completely useless for me at this point.
  • (2021-03-21) Andy: This no longer works since latest GMail update. however another extension called 'Gmail reverse conversation' works - hooray! - install it and refresh Gmail.
  • (2021-01-28) 8: Doesn't work.
  • (2021-01-13) Jens Beyer: Works as described - but only if you deactivate split / reading pane. In split mode (left list of mails right email/response) the extension does not work.
  • (2021-01-07) Mary Hamlin: So happy I found this! Having to scroll to the bottom of a long thread just to hit the reply button is a huge pain.
  • (2020-12-15) Sarah Meredith: I like it when it works. I just got a new computer so I needed to reset a few things and re-download this add on. It worked at first but now it isn't! This is frustrating!!
  • (2020-11-23) Deepak Chari: PERFECT!!
  • (2020-11-03) Josephine Ormsby: Does exactly what it says on the tin. Love it. Helps enormously. Why isn't this something that gmail has an option for? Ridiculous!
  • (2020-09-25) J Hallin: Does not work. Useless.
  • (2020-07-01) Pierre GYSELINX: Very nice. Such buttons and also attached files should ALWAYS be placed on the top.
  • (2020-04-06) Ed Miskevich: It works at times.... but doesn't work if you exit while writing, which automatically saves as a draft, and then you return to the draft. Has anyone had success with resuming this function after saving as a draft? Using latest update April 2020.
  • (2020-04-01) Russel Olinger: THANK YOU....THANK YOU....THANK YOU. My company moved to gmail without notice - about 1 year ago. I LOATHE Gmail. Gmail is not intuitive and the reply box at the bottom of the chain has been the absolute most infuriating "feature" - and now ability to change/move it. Gmails UX absolutely sucks - they went and took 20+ years of client UX and turned it on its head, packed too much into too small a space. But for someone unknown reason, some dumbass marketing guy thought it would be better than Outlook and now and entire company of people continue to hate and be frustrated by Gmail. I wish I would have found this extension sooner, its the ONLY thing that is going to make Gmail tolerable for me.
  • (2020-03-30) Yasin Naal: Google should include this extension on Gmail labs
  • (2020-03-26) Simon Cummings: Love this extension - but it seems to have stopped working at the moment…
  • (2020-02-21) Vincent Le Roux: OH GOD Someone with a functionning brain on this earth had the iead and the skills to devellop that. How can Google UX/UI designers can go full retard on such a basic element of structure... Please let me pour kudos all over your body.
  • (2020-02-04) Dave Brennan: Didn't work regardless of preview pane setting.
  • (2020-01-24) Get Parker: Could you have it move the Compose box too, thanks!
  • (2020-01-24) Phillip York: it works well for people that don't use split view. which, unfortunately, is me
  • (2020-01-06) George Ciechanowicz: Google proves again how stupid they and indeed all the biggies can be in basic facets of their products that make the user experience pleasant . I have avoided GMail like the plague because I cant stand the way it works (nor the data mining) but now that I have to use GMail this product is a godsend to alleviate repetitive mind numbing wasting of time and effort. Thanks!
  • (2019-11-26) Patrick Melo: Amazing! Works perfectly fine if you Enable Preview Pane in Advanced settings. Also this is a Chrome extension so you'll have to install it where ever you open your gmail. Not rocket science.
  • (2019-11-21) Carol Black: Love this!!! So tired of scrolling down a message trying to find a reply box. Now, i just click the reply, reply all or forward always available at top of message. THANK YOU!!!

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-29, v:0.1.3) Michelle Corcoran: Hi- this extension has stopped working entirely. I hope you can fix it as I LOVED it!
    Simply, the replies are still at the bottom of the email. It was working, but glitching and now it doesn't work at all.
  • (2023-09-19, v:0.1.3) Lisa Lonie: does not work
    Does not work. Replies are at the end of the message.
  • (2023-07-31, v:0.1.3) Vic McDonald: Replying to a reply
    I like the way your extension functions; however, when I reply to a reply, the new reply goes back to the bottom of the email. Any suggestions?
  • (2023-07-06, v:0.1.3) LISA ANDREA BANKS (ANDI): STOPPED WORKING
  • (2023-01-19, v:0.1.3) Michelle Deppe: not working
    It seems that it worked for a couple weeks but now it isn't working at all.
  • (2023-01-13, v:0.1.3) Phoebe Zhang: The extension has stopped working
    When click the button, it didn't really move to the top of the page to show the reply window. The page gets stuck at where it is.
  • (2022-10-24, v:0.1.3) Scott Bringe: worked only once
    One time it worked! Junk!
  • (2022-08-24, v:0.1.3) Chloe Piccola: When clicking reply it drops down to the bottle of the email
    Hi there! The reply buttons are at the top of the email like expected, but when clicking on reply... it drops you down to the bottom of the email - even though the box appears at the top. Is there anyway to fix this bug please? Thanks!
  • (2022-08-24, v:0.1.3) Conrad Towner: How can I shift focus to the Reply widget rather than the end of the email conversation
    With this extension installed the Reply window moves to the top of the email along with the Reply button. Great!! What also happens is the focus once the reply is selected is at the end of the email and not in the Reply window. Is there a setting I can use to set the focus in the reply window rather than at the end of the email conversation?
  • (2022-08-08, v:0.1.3) Bren Lane: Extension only worked one day
    This extension stopped working after one day. As others have mentioned tried clearing browser data and removed app/re-added still not working.
  • (2022-06-13, v:0.1.3) Jo: Not working
    This is no longer working effectively, sometimes it works but to do that you have to keep reloading the page when emailing and even then it is not working all the time> Is there a fix to this as many people are having the same problem and you do not seem to be working on a solution!
  • (2022-05-31, v:0.1.3) Cat Dupree: Right of Inbox View
    I love this extension, however, it would be great if it could be made to work in Right of Inbox view again. When I first installed it a couple of weeks ago it was working and now it stopped and having to reply at the bottom of my emails is slowing my production down tremendously. Please and thank you. :)
  • (2022-05-11, v:0.1.3) Dave Brassey: Access and management of data
    Hi There, Does your extension store any data from the session, if so can you please let me know what and where. Thanks in anticipation Dave
  • (2022-03-11, v:0.1.3) Merced Gonzalez: Extension does not appear on all mailboxes
    I always have three windows open for all three of my gmail mailboxes but the extension only adds the reply on top to one mailbox. How do I apply this feature to all my mailboxes?
  • (2022-02-01, v:0.1.3) Sean Pirtle: Extension has stopped working
    The extension has stopped working. Restarting Chrome or reloading the tab/page works 50% of the time, but after a while the extension stops working.
  • (2022-01-22, v:0.1.3) Balaji Pandurangan: this is not working
    not working
  • (2021-12-21, v:0.1.3) Clive Maple: No longer works.
    It does not work on Chrome?
  • (2021-12-08, v:0.1.3) Cory Armstrong: Not Working
    Mark down another user where the extension worked for a long time but has stopped. Refresh, uninstall/reinstall, restart, etc. does not work.
  • (2021-11-12, v:0.1.3) Neal Toddy: User Issues
    Hi there, Our user is having issues where the extension suddenly doesn't work in Chrome. We recently rolled out a VPN - do you believe this could be related?
  • (2021-08-25, v:0.1.3) Adam E Lord: Stopped Working
    Hello - This extension recently stopped working. I've added/removed, closed/opened, cleared cookies/history. Nothing seems to help.
  • (2021-08-11, v:0.1.3) Michael Broms: Not working
    Not working in Chrome. It worked before. I have tried refreshing, closing/reopening chrome, signinig out and then back in etc.
  • (2021-07-02, v:0.1.3) Darin Grice: Stopped working
    Worked well for a long time and now my reply is at the bottom again
  • (2021-05-27, v:0.1.3) HANK GROFF: will not work on my gmail
    I have a pinned gmail account and unpinned. on either one when I reply it is still at the bottom. I even closed and restarted. do I need to activate something?
  • (2021-05-16, v:0.1.3) Joshua Helm: Bug in extensiion
    When using this extension it causes issues with shared google documents not displaying when another shares it. Usually when someone shares a document, from the email, it allows for you to click on it to take you to it. Nothing shows up when this extension is enabled.
  • (2021-03-14, v:0.1.3) Stephen: Not working! This "reply on top" extension worked perfectly for years but not working now. Can you do something about this? Have tried removing and reinstalling to no avail. Thanks.
    Not working! This "reply on top" extension worked perfectly for years but not working now. Can you do something about this? Have tried removing and reinstalling to no avail. Thanks.
  • (2021-03-09, v:0.1.3) Bernadette Davis: add on not working
    The reply is at the bottom
  • (2021-02-15, v:0.1.3) Ben Gold: no longer works
    Instead of replying at top, what happens it it just replies above the message, but still in the old "top down" order of standard gmail. So when you hit reply, instead of being at the bottom, or at the top, the reply is in the middle of two messages! It's above whatever you replied to, but what you replied to is in old order. Hope this makes sense. I hope you can fix it. Much appreciated extension.
  • (2020-12-07, v:0.1.3) Erika Milvy: not working
    make it work please?
  • (2020-11-19, v:0.1.3) Suzanne Kushner: Not Working As Promised - Need to this Extension to be Sane at Work
    I downloaded yesterday and worked fine for just one day. I turned the extension off and on and that didn't help. Any updates forthcoming?
  • (2020-10-03, v:0.1.3) Peter Donnellan: extension not working
    just downloaded the extension, tried it on 2 gmail accounts. Didn't work
  • (2020-09-21, v:0.1.3) Nellie Bergfield: Split view
    This extension does not work if preview pane is split.
  • (2020-09-12, v:0.1.3) Daniel Forster: Needs updating
    I have long email threads with a number of friends, but over time they get cumbersome to reply to as I have to go from the top of the thread to find the latest message to reply to, and my reply box is at the bottom, resulting in more time spent scrolling than typing, which is a bit illogical to me. Will this extension be updated anytime soon?
  • (2020-07-27, v:0.1.3) M FR: Gmail - Reply at the TOP
    Hi there I just added this to my browser (chrome and opera) but it only worked once in opera and not at all in chrome, any ideas what to do? This is something I was really searching for and I was just so happy to find it... Thanks in advance!
  • (2020-07-23, v:0.1.3) Cyndi Oliver: Not working now
    Hello, This extension has been working wonderfully for the past 9 months. This Monday for some reason all my extension disappeared. I reinstalled and this one isn't working. The Reply buttons sometimes flash at the top of the email for a few seconds, but ultimately disappear down to the bottom. I have found if I use the Reading Pane with a bottom or right side display that it then works (Reply buttons are kept at the top). But my preference is to have the Reading Pane at No Split and the extension isn't working with that setting even though it did work with that setting up until the point I lost all extensions. Please Help!
  • (2020-06-22, v:0.1.3) Walter Smith: Extension not working
    Extension has worked inconsistently since installing it three weeks ago. This week extension has not worked, I have refreshed the page many times as suggested. This extension is the most important part of my gmail life, without it I will abandon gmail. Operating System: Windows 20 PRO Version 1909 OS Build 18363.900 Browser: Chrome Version 83.0.4103.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2020-06-08, v:0.1.3) Nir Melamoud: move fw button as well to the top
    can you move the fw button tot he top as well ? thanks
  • (2020-06-01, v:0.1.3) Bob Tupack: Doesn't work in split-screen mode. Why not?
    Get more users if you could get it to work in split-screen mode.
  • (2020-05-20, v:0.1.3) Anthony L Johnson: Reply at the Top not working
    After loading the extension the Reply at the Top is present for 5 seconds then falls to the bottom again. Need help!
  • (2020-05-05, v:0.1.3) Kelly McIntyre: Gmail reply at top
    Hi - This plug in used to work brilliantly and has recently stopped. Any reasons why?
  • (2020-04-29, v:0.1.3) David Sztrimbely: Great app, but vertical split screen functionality would be great
    Great app, but vertical split screen functionality would be great.. still find myself scrolling down to the bottom in split screen mode which defeats the purpose. Same suggestion from others. but thank you for the great app!
  • (2020-04-28, v:0.1.3) Andy DeSilva: Feature does not work
    Installed, removed and reinstalled the extension but the feature doesn't seem to get applied to my gmail
  • (2020-03-27, v:0.1.3) Norma Johnson: Email reply extension
    This extension doesn't work all the time. Is there another one?
  • (2020-03-20, v:0.1.3) TheBig2na: intermittently works
    Some days it works fine, other days it doesnt. i have uninstalled the extension and reinstalled and again it works sometimes. Just wondering if there is anything else i can do? I have multiple GMail accounts and windows open at times if that affects it.
  • (2020-02-20, v:0.1.3) Shayna Dorfman: Desktop App
    Hey there, How do i use these extensions in my desktop app?
  • (2019-10-23, v:0.1.3) Helen Pietersen: Just Reply option on the TOP, not the writing box
    I can't write my answer on the top, it just changes the place where the "REPLY" option appears.
  • (2019-09-24, v:0.1.3) Margie Jardine: Help with Extension Working
    Reply Pane will NOT show at the top of thread I use vertical split screen. Can your extension work in this viewing mode? I need this extension to work PLEASE? So tired of scrolling!
  • (2019-09-18, v:0.1.3) Margie Jardine: Reply Pane will NOT show at the top of thread
    I use vertical split screen. Can your extension work in this viewing mode?
  • (2019-09-13, v:0.1.3) Shah Alam: Typing Switched to Upper Case
    A very useful extensions indeed. I've however recently observed a problem that the typing automatically converts the first letter to "Upper Case" after typing 4-5 words, like after a period. When I disabled the extension the behavior disappeared. Wonder if you can look into this. Thanks.
  • (2019-09-12, v:0.1.3) Brian Royce: Not working
    Worked once, now won't work. I see same problem posted numerous times with no replies.
  • (2019-08-21, v:0.1.3) Tate Morgan Schmitz: Not working - reply box is still at the bottom
    This doesn't appear to be working. Are there any other settings or extensions that might be causing it not to work?


40,000 history
3.4216 (102 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-06 / 0.1.4
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