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Sledenje e-pošti 2.0 za Gmail. Ne zadovoljite se s sledilnikom e-pošte – pridobite več odgovorov. Brezplačno sledenje e-pošti,…
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Pametno sledenje = več odzivov
Ugotovite, kaj se zgodi, ko pritisnete POŠLJI, in naredite več prodaje v krajšem času z EMAILTRACKING by MailTag.
Neomejeno sledenje e-pošti v realnem času, razporejanje e-pošte in samodejno spremljanje e-pošte (pingi).
MailTag je e-poštno orodje, ki vam pomaga narediti več prodaje v krajšem času. Poskusite popolnoma brezplačno 2 tedna – kartica ni potrebna.
Sledenje e-pošti za Gmail
- Vedite, katera e-poštna sporočila so bila odprta, KJE so bila odprta in kolikokrat so bila e-poštna sporočila odprta.
- Bodite obveščeni v realnem času o dejavnosti e-pošte (obvestila brskalnika in/ali potrdila o branju e-pošte)
- MailTag kot skrivno orožje, veste, kdo je odprl vaša e-poštna sporočila, ne da bi morali vprašati potencialne stranke/sodelavce
- Elegantna in enostavna armaturna plošča
- Na voljo za Gmail in GSuite, razširitev samo za Chrome
MailTag Pro
- Za vse, ki uporabljajo Gmail, vključno s strokovnjaki, študenti in občasnimi uporabniki
- Neomejena uporaba vseh funkcij MailTag za Gmail
- Sledenje e-pošti za Gmail
- Sledenje lokaciji za Gmail
- Sledenje povezavam za Gmail
- Obvestila, ko so vaša e-poštna sporočila odprta (obvestilo na namizju in/ali e-pošta)
- Funkcija PING in razporejanje e-pošte
- Nadzorna plošča, enostavna za uporabo
➤ Sledite e-pošti v Gmailu (z opozorili v realnem času)
➤ razporedite e-poštna sporočila v Gmailu (vnesite svoja e-poštna sporočila zdaj in jih pošljite pozneje v prihodnosti
➤ avtomatizirajte nadaljnja dejanja v Gmailu (nikoli več ne pošljite ročnih nadaljnjih obvestil)
Kdo so stranke MailTaga?
**Vsakdo, ki želi pridobiti prednost med svojimi prizadevanji za e-pošto.
Videoposnetki s hitrimi vadnicami:
★ Začetek (77 sekund) ➜
★ Sledenje e-pošti (80 sekund) ➜
★ Načrtovanje e-pošte (94 sekund) ➜
★ Orodje za samodejno spremljanje (3 minute) ➜
Rabim pomoč?
Pišite nam na [email protected]
MailTag ima na voljo individualne in poslovne načrte. Preverite naše možnosti oblikovanja cen: ali nas kontaktirajte za 5+ sedežev (do 50 % POPUSTA)
MailTag je resnično najboljša razširitev za sledenje e-pošti.
Evo zakaj:
★ Neomejeno sledenje e-pošti. Ne omejujemo količine e-pošte, ki ji sledite na dan ali mesec, bodisi v naši brezplačni preizkusni ali plačljivi ravni.
★ Možnosti dostopnih cen od 9,99 USD na mesec na uporabnika in še ceneje, če imate 5+ računov (50 % popust).
★ MailTag je zgrajen na najnovejših tehnologijah za GSuite, da zagotovi, da je vaša zasebnost ves čas zaščitena. Je hiter, zanesljiv in varen.
Številne aplikacije CRM imajo funkcije sledenja e-pošti, vendar pa boste morda potrebovali samo osredotočen sledilnik e-pošte v Gmailu ali morda ne želite porabiti 50 $+/m. Najcenejše rešitve poleg tega vključujejo tudi težka marketinška in CRM orodja, ki poganjajo cene previsoko. Pozabite na pristop kuhinjskega korita: MailTag je narejen tako, da ustreza vašim potrebam.
Obstaja tudi tona rešitev za e-poštno trženje; To so težke in drage rešitve, ki so bolj osredotočene na množično pošto kot višje individualne stopnje odziva, ki jih MailTag zagotavlja z Gmailom. Dajte svojim prejemnikom občutek, kot da so bila e-poštna sporočila napisana ročno, samo zanje z MailTagom. To vam bo dalo veliko več osebne note vaši odhodni komunikaciji.
In kar je najpomembnejše, MailTag je mogoče združiti z drugimi storitvami, da postane še močnejši. Nekaj primerov:
➤ Zberite e-poštna sporočila iz obrazca Type ali odgovorov Google Forms v Gsheet, tako da jih povežete z Zapierjem. Nato lahko tem ljudem pošljete prilagojeno e-poštno kampanjo z MailTagom. Če želite zagotoviti, da je vaš e-poštni naslov vedno popoln, uporabite Grammarly za preverjanje napačno črkovanih sporočil v svojih e-poštnih sporočilih.
➤ Uporabite MailTag za sledenje prilagojenim povezavam Calendly, Twitch ali Zoom do ljudi, da lahko načrtujejo sestanek, konferenčni klic ali pretakanje v živo.
➤ Sodelujte s storitvijo, kot sta odjemalci Shopify ali Prestashop, da spremljate, ali so odprli svoje potrditve sledenja, zahteve za pregled ali, kar je najpomembnejše, račune.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-14) Vitalii Osadchyi: Is not worth of money
- (2023-08-07) the COLD: bullsh1t doesn't work trash garbage rubbish I hope whoever made that stupid idoit retard extension die irl KYS b1itchs stop donkeyology and donkeyism Fk you
- (2023-07-09) Edrian Nieves: trash
- (2023-05-23) Edwin Torres: Es un abuso esta extension, no hace absolutamente nada de lo que promete, ademas solo se la pasa cobrandote constantemente, desinstalarla es una tortura y la cantidad de problemas que da es un a molestia, en lo posible evitenla
- (2023-05-11) Tom Sanders: Doesn't work at all and causes my emails to crash constantly. Would recommend staying away from this plugin. Do not download.
- (2023-05-04) Leonard Witucke: The plugin doesn't work. I have had it for over a year and it's slowly lost functionality and its not supported by the developers at all. Just empty promises of future capability.
- (2023-01-26) Lily Giffen: Its okay, but it doesnt have locations of people who have gmail or apple mail users
- (2023-01-25) Zhiyu Chen: 非常棒的工具
- (2023-01-25) John Sabatino: Utilizzando il tag di posta, tengo traccia delle risposte dei clienti. la migliore opzione per risparmiare tempo e denaro.
- (2023-01-24) Jenny Rodhe: Jeg bruger ofte mail tag-udvidelsen. Med et enkelt klik kan du nemt åbne vigtige links fra hvor som helst. Det er den bedste måde for forretningskommunikation og et andet formål. Jeg kan godt lide alle funktionerne i denne udvidelse. Når nogen sender mig en e-mail, modtager jeg en notifikation samtidigt. Det er et applikationsværktøj i realtid, der er perfekt til alle områder. Tak for denne fremragende udvidelse!
- (2023-01-24) Joan Roig: muy bueno para usar el product
- (2023-01-24) Miri Properties Pte Ltd: 我喜欢它如何帮助我处理工作电子邮件。
- (2023-01-20) Diego Rodriguez: Mailtag rastrea los correos electrónicos: desearía que tuviera la capacidad de rastrear a varias personas, pero por lo demás es bueno.
- (2023-01-20) Medical & Nursing College: tracking emails helped me locate my grandson, I’m glad that i had this install
- (2023-01-19) Vientiane Investment Group E.I.R.L: This tool is helpful for understanding my email activity.
- (2023-01-19) Esther Henderson: SIMPLE AND USEFULL
- (2023-01-19) Anslem Ikhide Eromobor: I don't have a lot of time to write reviews but I had to say, MailTag has been a game-changer for my business and my email efficiency.
- (2023-01-19) Szymon Kowalski: wow, this is cool
- (2023-01-19) Anslem Eromobor: Mailtag has exceeded my expectations. One of the standout features of Mailtag is its real-time email tracking capabilities. This allows users to see exactly when an email has been read, and whether or not the recipient has clicked on any links within the email. This information is incredibly valuable for businesses that rely on email communications to drive sales or leads, as it gives them a clear picture of how their emails are performing. Overall, Mailtag is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their email communications. It's easy to use, offers a wide range of useful features, and has great customer support. I highly recommend it to businesses and individuals looking to take their email game to the next level.
- (2023-01-18) Farida Ahmed: HELPS ALOT
- (2023-01-18) Amara Nkosi: It's easy to use and has helpful information for my emails.
- (2023-01-18) Arusha Realty Co. Ltd: It's been useful for me, I've been using it for a month.
- (2023-01-18) Bhuj Investment Co. Pvt Ltd: I recommend this tool for anyone wanting to improve their emails.
- (2023-01-18) Astrid Lindgren: AWESOME TOOL
- (2023-01-17) Mopti Financial Advisors SARL: I've tried other email tracking tools, but this one is the best.
- (2023-01-17) Yuki Nakamura: This tool helps me keep track of my work emails, it's pretty good.
- (2023-01-16) Kofi Appiah: It's good for tracking and analyzing emails.
- (2023-01-16) Tiger Trade: GOOD STUFF
- (2023-01-16) Leif Erikson: I really like this email tool, it helps me a lot with my emails.
- (2023-01-16) Lebu Lodge S.A.: free is okay, wanted a longer trial.
- (2021-09-15) Daniel Glassman: An indispensable business tool. Can't imagine life without it! - dg
- (2021-09-10) Austin Combs: False advertising. There is no free option.
- (2021-09-08) Julio César Larriega Vargas: No funciona, no registra nada desde hace mas de un año, pensé que lo había solucionado pero no funciona, Que decepción de este producto.
- (2021-03-18) Coopdog: Awsome extention use it all the time works great but has a little add in buttom that bothers me when i send email
- (2021-01-05) dL: i dont understand much
- (2020-11-11) Светлана Климова: Не работает. Отправила тестовое письмо с личной почты на рабочую, прочла, а в отправленом личном так и остается не прочитано. Перезаходила в почту, не помогло :(
- (2020-09-14) Jonathan Jow: If you need to track when your emails are read/opened (or links clicked) this is the tool for you. The needs for this are great for our admin staff as well as our sales team to track the emails going out and the interactions. We had a bunch of questions as we were testing Mailtag on 1 account and support has been pretty responsive, most of the replies are under 24 hours, which has lead us to upgrade to Pro on more accounts. If you can, upgrade to the pro for more features like having the tracking pixel come out of your custom domain ( vs mailtag's and some other fun stuff like ping/sequences.
- (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-01-19) Pato Jerzak: I've recently started out freelancing, and this extension helped me know when my potential clients opened the emails I sent them right away, and when they clicked on the links I attached which I found useful for knowing what interests my target clients. The ability to send automatic follow-ups when emails aren't opened is quite useful, not because I send that many emails, but because I often forget to follow-up, and I imagine a lot of others do too. I do hope they release a phone version soon of this tool soon, though.
- (2020-01-10) Jeremy Dyck: I remember reading a Reddit thread about a guy who had his car stolen and later found out his grandpa died that same day. On the way back from the funeral, he found out his apartment had been robbed. Still not as bad as the day I decided to install this extension.
- (2020-01-10) Mariana Morales: I find this software hard to use, and the price makes no sense. Uninstalling.
- (2020-01-09) Fiq Fiq: I would not recommend. Completely unprofessional.
- (2020-01-09) Alex Edson: Bad!
- (2019-10-14) Hariprasad M: Amazing tool, loved it.
- (2019-10-14) Jelba John: I have been using it for only a few days but I am really liking it. It is very important to know when someone reads my emails to make an effective email marketing strategy. Great extension.
- (2019-10-14) Fathima Shafna: Easy to set up. Just download the extension and it will automatically track the emails. It shows real time notification when an email is opened. Extremely happy with the purchase.
- (2019-10-14) Gauri Shankar H: Great tool, integrates seamlessly with Gmail and Inbox.
- (2019-10-14) Mohammed Shaheen: I was a bit skeptical when my friend suggested me this extension, but after using it for one month, I can say that this is the best email tracking tool available on chrome store. Happy with the speed of tracking and the overall performance of this tool.
- (2019-10-13) Aniljith Mathew: Thank you for this amazing tool! Loved it.
- (2019-10-13) Shahariyar mohd: Amazing performance and very easy to use. I use only tracking and scheduling, and those two works great for me. Tried pings once and it works. Stable, no fails or errors so far. Great extension.
3.9442 (233 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-24 / 2024.0323.1709
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