extension ExtPose

Double-click Image Downloader

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Double-click any image to download it quickly and quietly, or use the Hover Button.

Image from store Double-click Image Downloader
Description from store **This extension won't be maintained further.** I'm shelving this project due to lack of interest/utility and too much burden. The addon will remain available for download as long as the store allows, and the source on gitlab (https://gitlab.com/Marnes-group/webextensions) will also remain available to fork. **I do have a greasyfork account (https://greasyfork.org/en/users/18593-marnes) and may publish works there in the future.** I have mild intentions to reimplement the core functionality of CSL, IBCP, and DID as public userscripts. Also available for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/double-click-image-download Download images directly via various interactions, including double-click, a hovering button with drag&drop support, and a hotkey. Includes the ability to rename downloaded images with patterns. Note: does not support resolving thumbnail links to full size images. Alt-click such links to use the browser's own link downloading ability. Please check the linked homepage for more complete information. Issues can be filed on the linked support site.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-01) David Jordan: Great extension. It would be better if the extension remembered the folder it is saving to when using the custom file naming function. It would also be good if the counter could be reset even if that was a manual function.
  • (2023-09-29) adam rama: i loved it
  • (2023-09-06) шпинат!: Десяток перепробовал - этот то что нужно. Можно поставить сохранение картинки на один клик левой или правой кнопки мыши или два, очень удобно, качает в папку загрузок браузера, пушка
  • (2023-09-03) Nathaniel: get this error every time I download an image from another extension "This extension failed to name the download "" because another extension (Double-click Image Downloader) determined a different filename "". please solve
  • (2023-05-29) BosApollo: Was great but now you cannot change the button position nor does it even show up half the time.
  • (2023-05-24) Peter Susi: Persnickety to configure, naming options are actually limited. I can use the ENTIRE page path, but not the last piece (which is going to be the only relevant part). Deal-breakers: - I can't bypass the save dialog once I get the options setup - Not only can I not select a target directory in the options, it won't remember the one I used last time. So after a bunch of work, you get a tool that is slower than just clicking "Save as"... no thanks
  • (2023-05-16) zerp bot: Double right click stopped working for me in the newest update, looks like Google disable the option in general, left still works tho but not as convenient when the images are links
  • (2023-04-11) Joe Aja: PERFECT. just like what i need. Thank you so much.
  • (2023-04-09) CatCitizen Citizen: i like it. works.
  • (2023-04-02) ĐiY. VN: tuyet
  • (2023-02-20) Cortes HP: adorei, funciona perfeitamente
  • (2023-01-27) Scientist Nick: Excellent, use it 2 years now on Brave and Chrome browsers. I just enabled the restriction for holding Shift key to download on double click because I had some accidental downloads before. Cheers to the developer.
  • (2022-12-09) Floofy Tanker: Doesn't work properly on opera GX
  • (2022-10-05) Verify Faction: Can't change download destination, needs more options for images that trigger events on left / right click.
  • (2022-09-26) Fanch: I collect art and can't live without it. Been using for years now.
  • (2022-07-13) sajjad abouei: I really like all in-depth options to adjust. but it doesn't work on behance website so it wont be functional for me
  • (2022-06-12) qwert y: It doesn't work for me, it shows "Failed - Forbidden" download error, and it saves as .html not image
  • (2022-04-21) isfeng: 非常好用,感谢!
  • (2022-04-10) SerjVik M: super!!!!!
  • (2022-03-05) 0 2: Please fix annoying chrome top right notices please This extension failed to name the download "" because another extension (Media Harvest : twitter Media Downloader) determined a different filename ".jpg".
  • (2022-01-12) J Morelli: Best one. Single click on most sites to get images. One at a time though but there are other extensions for mass downloads. I noticed it causes conflicts with mass downloader extensions so this or the other can only be enabled at one time. Seems to be limited when a site requires you to be logged in (not always though?). It also doesn't seem to work on sites that prevent hotlinking. Somehow this extension makes sites think you are coming from an incorrect referrer and you get a 403 "forbidden" error (but not always?). It otherwise works great. Has a bunch of useful options too like blacklist and whitelist.
  • (2021-12-20) whatohyou01: Very nice tool.
  • (2021-12-10) Husru: In some pages it is downloaded in "HTM", do you know how to avoid that?
  • (2021-12-07) Rayna Kuzio: I've become quite reliant on this little helper. Two quick let-clicks (as per my settings) and I've quickly saved the image wish.
  • (2021-10-15) Pontus Gustavsson: Would be amazing if the extension could download the full size image and not just the preview size. For example on Pinterest, if you download one of the small previews in your feed, the image is downloaded in that small size, so you have to open the image up and then download it. Otherwise great extension!
  • (2021-09-15) Christina Einadeus: Very nice.it was so useful for saving numerous images.
  • (2021-07-13) Fii Ert: Excellent! Fantastic! Easy to use! Great work! The Best extension to rapid download images I have ever used~~👍👍👍👍!!!!
  • (2021-06-23) Denis Titanoff: Пользуюсь давно! Очень выручает !! спасибо!
  • (2021-06-22) Narayanan Subbiah: it saves only as webp & NOT as good old JPG / GIF why ? plz add this feature too
  • (2021-06-14) Alex: Very good.
  • (2021-04-04) Fabian Sosa Escalada: very handy, ideal to save images without losing time, it has all the options you need, plus the ones you imagine, and those you didn't expect. Very well done.
  • (2021-03-30) Davi Bartav: That's very nice, but unfortunatelly it doesn't work on Instagram :( But I still really recomend
  • (2021-03-08) ekarron: works good, wish there was a separate action to copy the image instead of saving, will be very beneficial to designers
  • (2021-03-04) Five By Five: not working
  • (2021-01-26) Wafa Taseeha: love it
  • (2021-01-25) pikmin36: Awesome extension! Very useful when you need to quickly download lots of images.
  • (2021-01-05) Shekhar Kumar: Download button is there on the upper right corner but invisible. Click on it and it saves img. Edit: I am uninstalling it as now it tries to save each pic in a separate folder websitewise. Edit 2: on Jan 5, 2021, I dont see it in Chrome context menue. reinstalled but no good.
  • (2021-01-03) James Sparkes: Latest update has broken it, no right click context menu anymore.. used to work flawlessly for years.. now no idea what's going on, tried reinstalling and messing with the settings to no avail :(
  • (2021-01-03) Rafif Adani: just recently i notice that the shortcut keys to download an image is removed from the extension. is this a bug or intentional?
  • (2021-01-03) Don H.: Used to work perfect before whatever Chrome or extension update. I remember you can map the download over hover to just ONE key. Now it forces me to map the hotkey along side holding Shift and or Alt.
  • (2021-01-01) Eric Mutta: Nicely done! You can set it to show an arrow next to the image you want then just click the arrow to download the image. Combined with the Shortkeys extension which allows you to close tabs with one key stroke, you can open a large number of image tabs, download each image using this extension then close the tab with Shortkeys - all with minimal hand movement. Highly recommended!
  • (2020-11-13) Too Long Didn't Watch: It's good. Would be perfect if it worked on websites such as pixiv.net I get Failed - Forbidden error when I try to use it on there.
  • (2020-10-05) powerfull and the best i can download images on all sites keep this gonig forever and ever
  • (2020-07-02) Edson Tayrone: pra ficar ótimo falta uma traduçao para português.
  • (2020-06-30) Petre Ikonomov: Simple, effective and very useful for pages that disable mouse right click.
  • (2020-06-29) Yoso Esg: Why does it keep making the same folder name but just keeps adding number? anyone else having this kind of issue?
  • (2020-03-22) Kong Natee: please port it to Microsoft edge(chromium)
  • (2020-03-19) Mirai Hi: Only extension that can download image quickly and at the same time rename the image automatically using the different masks. The setup is as easy as it can be. Perfect.
  • (2020-02-11) Michael Craig: It doesn't work in https://www.dcinside.com/ For example, if i double-click a picture in https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=armpit&no=40998&page=1 here, an error that makes this tool not operated appears. Please, fix it.
  • (2020-02-11) Philip Perilla: after update the pressing shiftkey shortcut doesnt work anymore what did you do marnes

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-20, v:7.1.2) The AC: Hover button misplaced
    Trying to choose the inside left edge for placement seems broken. It sticks to the top left inside corner. All others seem ok. Thanks. Great tool otherwise.
  • (2023-05-09, v:7.1.2) Alex Jone: Very Good Tools
    I love this extension, I use so many tools but they're not working perfectly. Finally, I got the best tools here it is. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-image-by-right-click/hhmnengcgekecnlielgcfcbjanjlnifg
  • (2023-03-10, v:7.1.2) Langford: How do I save the Options in Chrome?
    There is no save button, so the only option I see is to click the X and lose the changes. Thanks
  • (2022-12-23, v:7.1.2) Jason Potter: Better support for date:image URL renaming
    The addon works great when it knows what to expect from the page. However, there are some pages like wallpaperflare.com that use a data:image URL with a base64 encoding. The addon downloads the picture as expected, however, it either quits on the renaming sub routines or is having trouble reading meta data. To best illustrate this, try the following URL: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/outer-space-illustration-nebula-stars-green-galaxy-tylercreatesworlds-wallpaper-qws/download/3840x2160 Then save it with Double-click Image Downloader as you would any image. You have to do this on the large full size version of the picture not the smaller jpeg. When the download is finished, you will see that it has the default "download.jfif" name instead of the %pagedomain%-%title% configured in the renaming options. This is the only downside I have found to this addon so far, keep up the great work.
  • (2022-04-08, v:7.1.2) Carla Villaruz: Not working
    I found one that works https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-image-by-right-click/hhmnengcgekecnlielgcfcbjanjlnifg
  • (2022-02-11, v:7.1.2) Paul Zelmer: Custom image download path
    Please make a custom save path in the options available!! :( Else it downloads the images to the default download folder...
  • (2021-12-29, v:7.1.2) Husru: Downloaded in HTM
    Good, in certain pages it downloads correctly, but in pages like Webtoon, that are pages that have protected images, it is not possible, they are downloaded in HTM and automatically they are eliminated. Do you know how to make it download in PNG and not in HTM ?
  • (2021-10-15, v:7.1.2) Pontus Gustavsson: Download full size image not just the preview size.
    Would be amazing if the extension could download the full size image and not just the preview size. For example on Pinterest, if you download one of the small previews in your feed, the image is downloaded in that small size, so you have to open the image up and then download it. Otherwise great extension!
  • (2021-08-23, v:7.1.2) My Test: Is there an option to close the tab after saving the image?
    I've used this for a while and hoped for an update on this: is there a way to do this, or to use a macro of some kind to work with another extension that does this?
  • (2021-06-28, v:7.1.2) ZegarmistrzSwiatla: Pixel shift for Hover Button
    Please add pixel shift for hover button.
  • (2021-06-25, v:7.1.2) Michael Dennard: Error message after another extension updated
    This extension failed to name the download "" because another extension (Twitter Media Assist) determined a different filename. Version of Twitter Media Assist 3.0.3 updated June 24, 2021 Just noticed the error today so it must have been something in the TMA update. I will report on that extension also.
  • (2021-06-22, v:7.1.2) Narayanan Subbiah: Sad that it downloads pics as webp only
    Need options to save as good old JPG plz
  • (2021-06-12, v:7.1.2) Marc Nix: Double-Click and Close
    Just a small suggestion since I'm trying the app out; I'd like an option to close the image after I've double-clicked it, as I usually don't need the image anymore in the browser once I've taken it to work with offline. If that could be a feature in the Options settings, that could be helpful? Thanks!
  • (2021-06-11, v:7.1.2) Bank: Help
    How do I stop it from asking me where to download the pic?
  • (2021-05-29, v:7.1.2) whatohyou01: please support middle mouse button to download
    please support middle mouse button to download
  • (2021-04-10, v:7.1.1) rolf neumann: error installing
    hello, is something wrong with Chrome Web Store or your image downloader, i keep getting error “Failed - Network Error” despite latest Chrome on latest macOS. thank you
  • (2021-03-20, v:7.1.1) Pete Wood: Conflict with Malwarebytes?
    Get error message "This extension failed to name the download "" because another extension (Malwarebytes Browser Guard) determined a different filename ""."
  • (2021-02-11, v:7.1.1) E. P.: middle click
    Mouse button download trigger: single left / double left / single right / double right. Where is middle click?? This is the most convenient way to save - imho.
  • (2021-02-08, v:7.1.1) 植田耀介: Cannot be used on certain sites.
    On certain sites, it will be saved as an html file.
  • (2021-01-06, v:7.1.0) blade dark: hot key is gone
    why hot key is gone?
  • (2021-01-05, v:7.1.0) Amit Agarwal: Clashing with another extension
    Hi I am facing the issue while downloading the image. It was crashing the RegExp Download Organizer (oamembonjndgangicfphlckkdmagpjlg). Please provide the option to disable/enable the inbuilt download manager. Thanks in advance
  • (2021-01-04, v:7.1.0) Rafif Adani: Shortcut Keys to Download an Image is Gone.
    previously, in the option you can set a shortcut keys like whether you want to hold ctrl or shift and keyboard's key to download an image. somehow, such feature is gone in the extension. is this removed intentionally? thank you
  • (2020-12-15, v:7.0.0) Luis Santos: I can't change the options.
    The long option box hasn't a OK/Confirm button at the end. I'm just closing but my changes aren't persistent.
  • (2020-11-17, v:7.0.0) Black Passport Stamps: Download Original Sized Image?
    Hey, so when I double click and download an image, it's saved as a smaller image size than the original. Is there a way to change the settings to download the original size? Thanks
  • (2020-11-13, v:7.0.0) Too Long Didn't Watch: Pixiv.net Problem
    Could you maybe look into pixiv.net? I get a forbidden failed download error. Maybe some security on their end? Could you please check and add support? Love
  • (2020-08-29, v:7.0.0) Overeactive: destination folder
    is there a way to set destination folder that isnt in Downloads?
  • (2020-06-29, v:7.0.0) Yoso Esg: Creating multiple folders with the same name
    Hi I'd like to know why is it creating multiple folders with the same name Example if I save from facebook first creates a facebook folder which is what I want but then it randomly creates (1)facebook, (2)facebook and saves the files there instead of the original facebook folder
  • (2020-06-01, v:7.0.0) Sibbo: Saving images to different paths
    Hi, i think this addon is pretty neat, but i think it lacks an option to choose a different path for the images to be saved to.
  • (2020-04-05, v:7.0.0) Andy Page: Save Link As on Hover
    Hi, Love the extension. I was wondering if you would be able to extend this to also to a "Save Link As" eg On this site http://www.farfarawaysite.com/section/outlander/gallery5/gallery14/gallery.htm it has small thumbnails. The thumbs link to the large ones. The current extension will download the small thumbnail. It would be great to have a 2nd Hotkey that will do the equivilant of Save Link As. Hope I've explained myself.
  • (2020-03-24, v:7.0.0) Feng Pan: Cannot download App Store icons
    Hi there! Thank you very much for developing this extension! It saved my life when I download pictures. One thing I'd like to report is that I didn't find a way to download app icons from the iOS App Store pages. Did I miss anything in the settings? Or if there's anything can be improved, hope my feedback helps :) All the best, Feng
  • (2020-03-05, v:7.0.0) Deviate: Can't get the renaming feature to work.
    No idea whats going on, but on chrome, no matter what variables or where i put / I can't get the auto-renaming feature to work. It worked fine until a few months ago. Any ideas?
  • (2020-03-03, v:7.0.0) Rajiv Mittal: copy paste option
    instead it download ,can you make new extension its copy the img url ?? and we can use it as need
  • (2020-01-17, v:6.1.2) smietnik: Only Hover Button
    How to disable double click? I want only hover button.
  • (2020-01-08, v:6.1.2) Renzs: new update bug
    anything i click with left mouse button on website auto downloads wrong image arrow location bug. can u fix this or reverse this update? thank you
  • (2019-12-02, v:6.1.1) Vishna Patel: Different folders
    It has started creating different folders within the download folder as opposed to saving them all in the selected folder. How do I change this?
  • (2019-10-10, v:6.1.0) Phuong Tran: Bug in content.js
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null at offset (content.js:226) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (content.js:244) Happen when I stay in Facebook images page for several minutes. Please fix it! Thanks!
  • (2019-08-31, v:6.1.0) aan vanzaris: Hover button doesn't appear
    The hover button is the only feature that makes me use this extension but recently it doesn't appear most of the time
  • (2019-07-31, v:6.1.0) Juan D'Marco: The extension suddenly stopped working
    As the title says. For the record, I use Opera.
  • (2019-02-14, v:6.1.0) Auto Save to Downloads
    I realise that you can't change the target folder and that's fine, but would it be possible to add an option to download directly to the downloads folder without the Save As dialog appearing? (similar to Safari's "Save Image to Downloads" option)
  • (2018-11-06, v:6.1.0) Segfaults when downloading
    I have installed this extension on Vivaldi on Linux and used it for a long time. Since the update to 2.1.1337.36 (Chromium engine 70), it segfaults every time I try to download. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, but it still fails.
  • (2018-10-09, v:6.1.0) Андрей Андрей: compatibility issue
    hello. compatibility issue. This extension failed to name the download "" because another extension (Chrono Download Manager) determined a different filename "D094_AI_Suite_II_ROG_UM.zip". http://dl3.joxi.net/drive/2018/10/09/0017/2250/1157322/22/092ac1b108.png
  • (2018-07-29, v:6.1.0) Vital_net Vital_net: Renaming fail
    Dear developer, I noticed the renaming and subfolder feature fail when trying to rename with a pipe character "|". It is sometime used in %title%. Thank you for this great extension, It help me to gather photo references. Have a nice day.
  • (2018-06-29, v:6.1.0) soporte para imágenes .gif
    Antes podía descargar imagenes GIF con esta extensión y ahora ya no, era perfecto. arreglen eso por favor.
  • (2018-04-23, v:6.0.2) Diego Avesani: counter
    Dear developer, I have noticed that in current version of the Downloader is not possible to set the counter start. Could you add this feature? It was very useful in the old version of the add-on. (I ask again because probably I have missed the answare)
  • (2018-04-15, v:6.0.2) Eric Rose: Options Menu
    The options menu goes off the bottom of the screen. Ive attempted changing resolution/zoom/scaling and the only way to get it to adjust is to zoom WAY out. At about 25% it has the scrollbars, but at this zoom it just glitches out. My hover button used to be in the center, now it is at the top. This puts the hover button inside a frame, making it inaccessible and therefore useless. Great product except for this. Thank you for your time.


50,000 history
4.2971 (175 votes)
Last update / version
2023-06-26 / 7.1.2
Listing languages
