extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Cycle through your Chrome tabs automatically. Great for monitoring information on a TV with a computer attached.

Image from store TabCarousel
Description from store A Chrome extension to help you keep tabs on info you want to monitor. It's great for cycling through tabs on an external display, like a TV. Authors: Benjamin Oakes, Madhur Ahuja, and Jim Adamson Tutorial TabCarousel is simple: open tabs you want to monitor throughout the day, then click the toolbar icon. To stop, click the icon again. By default, TabCarousel will flip through your tabs every 15 s, reloading them every 5 min. It's great on a unused display or TV. Put Chrome in full-screen mode (F11, or cmd-shift-f on the Mac) and let it go. If you want to change how often TabCarousel flips through your tabs, right click on the toolbar icon and choose "Options". New in 1.0.3 (2024-06-21): * Sponsorship links New in 1.0.2 (2024-06-19): * Fix no carouselling when flipWait set to > 30 seconds (Thank you, Jim Adamson!) New in 1.0.1 (2024-06-10): * Fixed auto startup (Thank you, Madhur Ahuja!) New in 1.0.0 (2023-12-26): * Manifest v3 support (Thank you, Madhur Ahuja!) New in 0.5.4 (2020-05-14): * Reduce permissions for Chrome Web Store policies New in 0.5.3 (2012-08-21): * Bug fixes New in 0.5.2 (2011-07-06): * Added an option to start Carousel automatically, by request from a user * Tabs that have previously failed to reload now reload correctly * Carousel now only flips through tabs in the window in which it was started Example Uses On a computer that has an external display (like an HDTV), try opening: * NewRelic - Open as many tabs as you want for your apps -- don't forget to turn on "kiosk mode" * Twitter - Make a list of services you use, for example, and open it * Status sites: * GitHub * Heroku * Monitor your CI service * Packages with tracking information * Anything else that's on the web that you want to monitor The TabCarousel wiki on GitHub has more: https://github.com/TabCarousel/TabCarousel/wiki TabCarousel is open source software. Contributions are welcome, as are suggestions and bug reports. Check the project out at https://github.com/TabCarousel/TabCarousel

Latest reviews

  • (2022-06-08) Jordan Weaver: It works great. The best part is that it requires zero extra permissions. It would be 5 stars if it allowed me to change the auto refresh time or disable it.
  • (2021-09-22) Alexandra Melia: It's good, but very disappointing you can't use full screen mode
  • (2020-04-10) AC KA: Feedback from early users has clearly been taken on board as this extension works perfectly IMO. From one dev to another, excellent job mate :)
  • (2019-06-05) Eduardo Fernández: This extension is useful if you have static images/gifs displaying in multiple tabs. If you want to cycle through videos, or have videos be on loop this is NOT FOR YOU. This extension unfortunately doesn't reload the page and disables loop from a video that has loop selected.
  • (2018-11-29) Wong Eric: 赞得一逼,肥肠好用!
  • (2018-05-28) Jeroen Hutjens: Very helpful and simple tool. Does exactly what it needs to do, cycle through tabs and refresh them once in a while... Great!
  • (2017-10-30) Alexandra Huang: Yes yes yes. I have to monitor several screens for my work and this is literally perfect. Thank you so much for making it!!
  • (2017-10-09) Marlow Quast: Works great! I've had it running constantly between reports and refreshing now for over a week. Leadership is happy to see live (or close to live) data as they walk by the team's area.
  • (2014-12-15) Paul Calabro: Very useful application for monitoring graphs and charts. One recommendation would be to have the extension run on the selected window, not all open Chrome windows. You don't necessarily want all browser windows doing this.
  • (2012-09-03) Alexander Thomas: Requests focus when switching tabs, no option for turning off auto-refresh (despite being set at 5 minutes--this is still too short for my uses). If these were fixed, I would happily use this.
  • (2012-01-20) David Wear: Really like this. Only recommendation would be to have the refresh time adjustable, or turn it off. I have a page that needs a login again after refresh, so refresh only hurts in this case.

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-11, v:0.5.4) Pocitac Stolovy: Extension could not start after chrome autostart after reboot
    Hi, this extension is very useful for me, but the little problem is after restart thin client when chrome is auto started. The option "Start automatically" is select and after chrome restart is this option set as default (turned off) and extension is not auto started. Thank you for your help.
  • (2021-12-02, v:0.5.4) Juan Escobar: Tengo una PC con 3 monitores
    Tab Carousel deberia funcionar con mas de un monitor. en un computador.
  • (2019-12-27, v:0.5.3) Damien L (Lawwrence): Extenstion start with ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
    Each time i start chrome i got a ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND on the extenstion but she's working Already uninstall all chrome and reinstall all, same problem Chrome version : Last update
  • (2017-12-14, v:0.5.3) Refresh
    When the extension does an auto refresh every 5 minutes, it make me have to log into one of my sites.
  • (2017-11-06, v:0.5.3) Marcin Kościelski: New functions?
    Hey. Good plugin! Here are my suggestions: 1. Will be better if could be turned on or off in each window separately. 2. Let it do no refresh – just cycle just the opened and loaded tabs. 3. If the plugin can check if user is scrolling, clicking or at least typing, let it pause (and reset) the clock until user stop be active on currrent tab. Hope you'll be inspired by this. :)
  • (2015-12-31, v:0.5.3) K Simms: security
    how secure is this app. does anyone have the ability to track or do third party monitering through it?


10,000 history
4.3667 (30 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-24 / 1.0.3
Listing languages
