extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Automatically redirect content based on user-defined rules.

Image from store Redirector
Description from store Redirector is an extension that allows you to specify patterns for pages that should be automatically redirected to other pages. E.g. you always want http://example.com/foo.html to redirect to http://example.com/bar.html. This can be useful for instance to skip confirmation pages after posting messages on message boards, skipping ad pages that appear before you can view content on certain sites, redirecting from http to https on sites where you always want the https version, redirecting from one hostname to another for proxy servers, or just anywhere where it takes you two or more clicks to get to what you want. The extension supports both wildcards and regular expressions in patterns. Regular expressions support capturing parantheses so you could define the pattern: http://foo.com/bar.php\?id=(\d+) and define the redirect as http://bar.com/baz.php?id=$1. In that case http://foo.com/bar.php?id=1234 would automatically redirect to http://bar.com/baz.php?id=1234. Wildcards can also use $1,$2 in the redirect urls, $1 is the contents of the first star match, $2 of the second and so on. Click on the Redirector button next to your address bar to get started adding and editing redirects, and use the Enable/Disable button to quickly disable the addon.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-17) GeDruchy: Hopelessly overengineered
  • (2023-11-30) Akshesh Doshi: Wanted to redirect https://app.asana.com/0/0/1205759578004690/f → asanadesktop:///app/0/0/1205759578004690/f . Just copied the example redirect & tweaked it - job got done elegantly!
  • (2023-11-13) Ashutosh Nirala: It was not working when I was trying to redirect youtube.com. To fix it I went to advanced options and selected all the checkboxes and it worked. Great Job.
  • (2023-11-02) M K: 我本來它以為是可以把google amp, 短網址或param移除的套件, 如果只是重新導向, 那我用tampermonkey寫個三行currentUrl.replace腳本就好了
  • (2023-10-29) Karta ice: Lo uso en una página conocida como LectorTMO, es para leer manga, manhwa, manhua, etc. Al entrar o cambiar entre capítulos es posible que te lleve a una página diferente, con un link similar pero con variaciones, contiene todo igual pero no guarda configuraciones ni marca como leído el capítulo, además de añadir publicidad por todos lados. Si el link original es este: https://visortmo.com/viewer/f81107d2e85080a32294f5ae08e3c981/cascade El link se vuelve este: https://recetaspaises.com/news/f81107d2e85080a32294f5ae08e3c981/cascade Lo bueno del link es que contiene el código del capítulo, por lo tanto, redirijo todo lo que sea recetaspaises.com/news/* a https://visortmo.com/viewer/$1 y cada vez que me lleva a esa página, me redirige a la original donde sí se guardan los capítulos que leo y mis configuraciones. Es el mismo proceso con todas las páginas, simplemente cambio el dominio.
  • (2023-10-28) 白杨(i.baiy.cn): 好使!It's work!
  • (2023-10-27) Bobby Brockway: Doesn't work for me unfortunately. I click on Edit Redirects and nothing happens.
  • (2023-10-24) Michael Beranek: Excellent plugin to redirect homepage setting with insufficent rights :)
  • (2023-10-17) Станислав: Всё отлично. Работает исправно.
  • (2023-10-13) botvader: Does what it says.
  • (2023-09-20) Tony Bayart: Not working when request has a payload (form post)
  • (2023-08-09) Bran: does exactly what I need in a simple and easy way. Thank you!
  • (2023-07-26) Fx Ne: This not work for xhr request!!!
  • (2023-07-04) Chris Apolzon: Great work! Was way too hard to find an extension that could handle a simple regex rewrite! Now I can use web archive to view those nasty reddit pages!
  • (2023-06-27) Zodi: Расширение не работает.
  • (2023-06-20) Alworu Berzenge: It's worked great for me till it can't redirect the website link Beta.sankakucomplex.com to Chan.sankakucomplex.com. Can anyone have any idea how to redirect such website link please help me. Thanks in advance!
  • (2023-05-19) Kevin Verm: Stop working recently for me. Over the past week. I removed and re-added it. Still doesn't work. I think Google Chrome had a recent update that messes a bunch of stuff up. Been having all sorts of bugs lately. (2023-05-18) Redirector extension still works fine in other chromium based browsers.
  • (2023-05-17) Ryan: This Is the Best! Exactly what I Needed!
  • (2023-05-04) Hex FILKIO: I don't know how you can give less than 5 stars...
  • (2023-05-04) adriel yehuda susanto: good, working great
  • (2023-04-09) Nopanun Laochunhanun: Thank you, it works for me.
  • (2023-03-24) Mike Zou: DOES NOT WORK
  • (2023-03-18) Chester Southwood: Simple extension that provides a great interface and function for minimizing distractions.
  • (2023-03-14) Juan Camilo Guzman: Excellent work, help me in my productivity
  • (2023-03-13) Icez: Request : Import by url. In case, uploading to clouds.
  • (2023-03-10) N. R.: Does what it's supposed to 5/5
  • (2023-03-06) Mohamed Fat'hy: Does the job perfectly, Thanks.
  • (2023-02-15) paul thomas: Really like this, just what I've been looking for, excellent :) Not sure how to do FONTS / woffs as part of the ADVANCED section.
  • (2023-02-13) Артём: У одного сервиса были проблемы с продлением старого домена, поэтому новый взяли, но в поиске Гугла всё также висит старый домен, это расширение помогло вручную вписывать другую доменную зону.
  • (2023-01-26) Mohamed RACHID: Hey! I have been using it for a long while, it's very amazing when you know regex! Changing picture resolution, stripping annoying URL parameters, etc. It was so handy! BUT this morning I lost all the parameters, and when I imported my backup, it displayed that I exceeded the allowed size for Sync, even though the Sync checkbox was unticked! After ticking and unticking again, it was fine again though.
  • (2023-01-20) Adam Cox: Perfect! That new URL look for Wikipedia was not working for me with the HUGE margins. Got this extension, copied file from link site to import codes and bam! back to the old/good layout. Highly recommend.
  • (2023-01-16) AgentFire: Works as expected. Simple and elegant.
  • (2023-01-16) Joe C.: Solved my "donation begging Wikipedia commies" problem.
  • (2023-01-06) Spencer Henderson: Doesn't work for Twitter
  • (2023-01-03) Олег Назаренко: Thanx!
  • (2022-12-14) Viorel PETCU (VorL): literally the thing I was looking for! 10Q!
  • (2022-12-08) repetition: love it. simple (for a non-geek) to learn and use. very helpful. much appreciated
  • (2022-11-30) Rodrigo Rosa: worked great while our IT didn't have auto fwd enabled after changing some servers around.
  • (2022-10-23) Jason Lee: 國內一些電商網站例如momo,網頁寫的真爛,無法自己判斷瀏覽者是用行動裝置或是電腦,谷歌搜尋結果網頁都是行動版的,只好用這插件強制改回電腦網頁版
  • (2022-10-19) Alexandre Vikol: Absolutely amazing extension. I use it to redirect urls not on a whitelist. I did notice a slight issue. If like 20+ urls are opened at the same time, some of those urls will not be redirected. It works fine if there is a 1 second delay between the opening of the urls. Hopefully this is something that can be fixed one day if not too difficult to fix.
  • (2022-10-14) chemhunter: 五星好评,只恨自己发现的太晚,用于NGA论坛域名跳转,太好用了。
  • (2022-10-11) Please Ignore: Works great! And if you are finding any issues with some sites not redirecting, the site might be using a "Service Worker". I suggest installing the "No Service Worker" Chrome App as well to help with redirecting from these sort of sites (e.g. Twitter).
  • (2022-10-09) Dimanicus: Шустрый и полезный плагин, темная тема в настройках, явно писал чел с прямыми руками!!!
  • (2022-03-18) Jayme: Not working. The example I set up shows the correct redirect, but does not actually do anything when testing. Update: Another extension worked.
  • (2022-03-06) Shivam Dwivedi: Awesome extension. works flawlessly!
  • (2022-03-03) richar Muñico Samaniego: Nice, Like, good, very good
  • (2022-02-21) Raznaak Takar: It's useful for some sites that changed quite a few times their top level domain (.com, .ru, .me...) and that messed up my favourites. Question though: can someone help me write how to redirect from "watch?v=[video code]" to "youtube.com/watch/watch?v=[video code]"? On some sites, they don't allow for youtube links and people that want to share a video only paste the "watch" part, and I'm getting too lazy to retype "youtube.com/" each time XD
  • (2022-02-07) Arnie97: Awesome
  • (2022-01-19) Vandal Philosopher: Excellent Extension, It allowed me to change chrome pdf viewer to always open pdfs in "Fit to Width" view, unfortunately It doesn't for files.
  • (2022-01-03) Jayk: Good extension, does the job really well!


100,000 history
4.2686 (350 votes)
Last update / version
2020-03-27 / 3.5.3
Listing languages
