extension ExtPose

New Tab Todo List: Checklist, Notes, Outliner

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Description from extension meta

Beautiful and sharable checklists, notes, and to-do lists. Collaborate and outline in real-time.

Image from store New Tab Todo List: Checklist, Notes, Outliner
Description from store En lynrask rask ny produktivitetsside og dashbord med fantastisk bakgrunn, todo, oppgaver, lister og mer. Gjør den nye fanen / startsiden slik den skulle være: Rask, tilpassbar, vakker og produktiv! Lag lister, skisser, todos og mer. Med New Tab Todo List-utvidelsen for Chrome, bare åpne et nytt fane for å fange opp dine ideer, mål og daglige oppgaver. Ny Tab Todo List er et vennlig rom for lister, skisser og lag. Bruk den som din enkle oppgaveliste og oppgavebehandling. Du kan umiddelbart lage en liste og dele den med venner, familie og team. Enkelt, rent og vakkert designet med avslappende temaer og bakgrunner. New Tab Todo List avgjør dine tanker, slik at du kan fokusere på dine oppgaver, ideer og få ting gjort. Bruk New Tab Todo List for å fange dine ideer, mål, daglige oppgaver og holde orden. En hjemmeside du vil bli forelsket i! Tjeklister, oppgaver, todos, raske notater, kalender og mer. Erstatt den nye kategorien med et personlig produktivitetsverktøy med å gjøre, oppgavelister, team outliner og inspirasjon. ➜ FUNKSJONER • Nytt faneblad til en vakker oppgaveliste • Samarbeide med andre, med sanntidssynkronisering • Del dine oppgavelister umiddelbart ved hjelp av en delkobling • Enkelt inviter venner og lagkamerater til New Tab Todo List • Samarbeide i et felles lagrom • Oppgavelister med et naturlig redigeringsgrensesnitt • Rediger gjøremålslister som et ord doc og dokument • Merk eventuelle elementer som komplette, enten punkt, nummer eller avmerkingsboks. • Uendelig nestede lister med innrykk / ukjent • Merk og filtrer oppgaver ved hjelp av #hashtag og @mentions • Fungerer på telefoner og tabletter, med live sanntidssynkronisering mellom enheter • Automatisk synkronisering mellom telefonen, nettbrettet og datamaskinen • Bare klikk for å redigere, som et tekstdokument • Utvid enkelt og kollaps omriss og lister • Inspirerende bakgrunnsbilder og bilder • Vakkert og minimalt grensesnitt • Enkel, umiddelbar og GRATIS • Føler deg godt, bli motivert, grip fart og få ting gjort! ➜ ER Ny Tab Todo List GRATIS? Ja, Ny Tab Todo List er helt gratis. Snart har du muligheten til å oppgradere til New Tab Todo List Pro, som vil ha flere funksjoner som temaer, klistremerkepakker og tilpasninger. ➜ PRODUKTETIPS? Hvis du føler deg umotivert, finn en liten oppgave som trenger å gjøre og gjøre det. Noen ganger bare å få ballen rullende har en snøball effekt. Bryt ned større oppgaver i mindre trinn (trykk kategorien for å legge til deloppgaver) og start med den minste. Bli motivert, den eneste måten å få fart på er å begynne å bevege seg. Ny Tab Todo List kan brukes som en bullet journal, sjekkliste og studyblr for å organisere notater, oppgaver og få ting gjort. Ny Tab Todo List er enkel og enkel å bruke, men utrolig kraftig, og kan hjelpe deg med å administrere all informasjon i livet ditt til vakre lister. Ny Tab Todo List er som et notisblokk med super krefter. ➜ KAN jeg BRUKE Ny Tab-liste med mitt lag? Ja. Opprett et mellomrom og inviter teamet ditt øyeblikkelig. Det hjelper med å holde lister og team organisert. Medlemmene får full tilgang til lister i rommet. Bruk New Tab Todo List som samarbeidsverktøy for å hjelpe hverandre til å få ting gjort. Meldingsnotater, oppgavelister, samarbeidspapirer og prosesser er nå på ett sted i ditt delte New Tab Todo List-rom. Slip løs teamets potensial ➜ KAN jeg samarbeide med andre? Ja. New Tab Todo List lar deg redigere lister dynamisk med alle via en delkobling i sanntid. Dine oppgavelister synkroniseres på tvers av alle enheter i live og i sanntid. Samarbeide redigere sammen i sanntid med lag og grupper. Bare velg og del rediger lenken. Hold deg organisert og gjør fremgang med teamprosjektene dine ved å bruke New Tab Todo List. Teamet ditt er på samme side! ➜ HVA ER EN RUM? Lag et rom for teamet ditt, prosjektet eller ideen. Det hjelper å holde lister organisert. Samarbeide og organisere oppgaver sammen i et lagrom. Du kan umiddelbart invitere venner, familie og lagkamerater til å bli med deg. Samarbeide og få ting gjort, raskere, smartere. ➜ HJELP OG FORSLAG Kontakt oss på https://www.taskade.com/contact ➜ FÅ IN TOUCH E-post [email protected] Twitter http://twitter.com/taskade Facebook http://facebook.com/taskadeapp Besøk oss på https://www.taskade.com ➜ HVA ER NYTT? - Du kan nå deaktivere Ny fane og gjenopprette Chrome Standard New Tab-siden - Du kan nå registrere deg og logge inn med Facebook, Twitter og Google Plus! - Samarbeidsprosessering i sanntid er nå live. Rediger lister med dine venner, lagkamerater, med andelen av en lenke!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-26) Krishna Kumar: The AI is very good. It can automatically generate to-do lists, checklists, and outlines based on your notes. This is a huge time saver, and it helps me to stay organized. The extension is very customizable. You can change the look and feel of the extension, and you can add or remove widgets. This makes it easy to tailor the extension to your specific needs. The extension is free. This is a great option for people who are on a budget. The extension can be a bit buggy at times. I have had a few instances where the AI has generated incorrect to-do lists or checklists. However, the developers are constantly updating the extension, so I am confident that these bugs will be fixed eventually. The extension can be a bit overwhelming at first. There are a lot of features to learn, but the developers have done a good job of providing documentation and tutorials. Overall, I highly recommend the New Tab Todo List: Checklist, Notes, Outliner Chrome extension. It is a powerful tool that can help you to stay organized and productive. I give it 5 stars. Here are some additional thoughts about the extension: I like that the extension is integrated with my Google account, so I can access my to-do lists and checklists from any device. I also like that the extension allows me to collaborate with others on to-do lists and checklists. This is a great way to stay on track with team projects. I think the extension could be improved by adding a few more features, such as the ability to add due dates to tasks and the ability to assign tasks to other people. However, overall I am very happy with the extension.
  • (2022-12-07) Jiitu Kadu: Simply Awesome!!!!!!!!!
  • (2022-11-29) Sriharish S: Awesome. Clean and beautiful UI. Very useful.
  • (2022-11-22) Thomas WONG: EXTREMELY USEFUL, 11/10
  • (2022-08-20) abdullah aLatani: this tool is big time life hack i realy recommend everyone to use it
  • (2022-05-18) Wacu Mbugua: I love this extension! One month into using it and i am just in awe. it's been super helpful in organizing literally everything!
  • (2021-11-13) Bianca Doza: I LOVE IT THIS IS REALLY USEFUL
  • (2021-10-02) aiden: Personally, I think it is quite complicated. I created this for To-Do lists, but it seems that this is not for it. The formatting confuses me and I don't know how to create a list. I will probably stick to my other to do list extensions.
  • (2021-09-15) Collin Waldrip: Loved the old UI. Not a fan of the new one.
  • (2021-08-16) Sandra Jane: GOOD i love it.. i love how minimalist it is and very easy to use. The thing that i don't like is when i tick my task that i already done, it just dissapear. I want it to stay and i want to see which task that i have done but it just dissapear like that ;/
  • (2021-06-26) it is an cool app
  • (2021-06-10) Anthony Patterson: I Liked it. Well, until all my searches through the extension, sends me to bing instead of google.
  • (2021-05-18) Andressa Sacht: Everything I ever wanted/needed! Thank you so much for making this! This helps me so much to keep track of all the stuff I have to do.
  • (2021-04-22) Riley Hernandez: I absolutely LOVE this. It is so well put together and it makes me want to do my work:) I'm so grateful and i cant wait to continue using this. Its also so cute!!(‾◡◝)
  • (2021-03-19) Hace tiempo llevaba buscando una extensión algo así y esta fue el mejor! me ayudo muchísimo para mi estudio y me encanta que cada vez que abro una nueva pestaña me muestra lo que tengo pendiente. otro punto a favor es que se pueden hacer llamadas, escribir por el chat y asignar tareas a los miembros de esta misma esto es perfecto para los trabajos en grupo.
  • (2021-01-18) Danielle Arnold: It is good but would have preferred it if you did not have to sign up.
  • (2020-12-03) jungoo /-: love it !
  • (2020-11-30) Dillon Su: This is my first day and I'm above satisfied. You can move tasks flawlessly, there's that, but you can also link stuff in tasks, comment of them, group smaller tasks into a bigger task, and even attach files (plus many more, but I only used it for one day so I don't know everything)! I wouldn't have thought this would be so good. And all of this is free, so that's good I guess. If I were to have a Google Extension tier list, this would definitely be at least an A. (the tier list I'm referring to goes from S, A, B, C, D, E, and F)
  • (2020-11-24) nishant karale: very useful extension only thing bothering me is it opens on every tab even if it is already open in other tab. If you add one more thing in option "Open blank if already running" it will be very convenient because I would also like to use my chrome bookmarks.
  • (2020-10-15) Rajan Gaul: I wish I found this earlier !! Amazing UI, tons of useful features and many more, for FREE !! Great Job Devs !!
  • (2020-07-21) Sana S: This is the best task organizing tool I have ever seen. I've spent so long searching for something like this I LOVE IT and would totally reccomend
  • (2020-02-26) O Hagans: I actually really loved using this app. However; permissions have recently changes requiring the ability to read and change your browser history. For that reason I'm uninstalling it. If this changes I'll likely be back.
  • (2019-12-15) shujun qian: 新打开标签必打开这个感觉有点头疼
  • (2019-06-24) San: I really like the idea but the new tab page takes like 5 seconds to load. This makes it unusable for me :( Maybe a better idea would be to cache or load the page locally and just pull the updates if required.
  • (2019-05-06) Shihuan Shao: Cute, simple, convenient to use. Like it, except the Upgrade part. If give 5 free Todo items, it'll be better.
  • (2019-04-14) 尚艺佳: 登录不了
  • (2019-04-03) Chris Muga: Drastically improves my productivity and focus. We just need a client for Ubuntu, though a chrome extension works fine still. <3
  • (2019-04-02) C J: Best to-do list I've come across. However the past few days I've only gotten a completely white screen. Refreshed page, uninstalled, reinstalled... same thing. Hope this app isn't gone forever.
  • (2018-12-22) Just what I was looking for. It's simple to use and looks good. The only thing I was missing was some default preferences. I sent them an email about it and got a quick response that it was already in the making.
  • (2018-10-15) Fahrur Rozi: awesome. liked it
  • (2018-09-13) Johan Surya: Love it
  • (2018-06-23) Salman A: the least I would expect from a developer is to test basic login/registration functionality before going live. Not everyone likes to use Google or Facebook. I can register fine but if I try to login into same account on a different computer, I cannot login. Enter your details and the page just refreshes. Reset password, enter new password and page refreshes.
  • (2018-05-12) Tio Irawan: the UI is awesome but it's little bit heavy
  • (2018-04-14) Milliene Xu: Love the aesthetics and the collapse feature, and I quite liked it in the beginning. But honestly it lags a lot (not a problem with my internet) and it's too finnicky for what I want to be a simple, minimalist notepad extension. I imagine all the unnecessary features slows it down, but I can definitely see why people like it. This feels like it can't decide whether to be a minimalist extension or a full notes application.
  • (2018-04-03) Extremely clean and useful organizer. Love it!
  • (2018-01-31) Samuel: Simplemente genial
  • (2018-01-12) Bibek Kharel: loved this extension...helped me to organize my tasks
  • (2018-01-12) Danny Setyawan: Very useful extension
  • (2018-01-12) Hong Hao: i like this tool,it very good to use
  • (2018-01-11) Elahi Hossen: this extension is so cool it's make google chrome more useful and organised
  • (2018-01-10) Md Shepon: its very good.esey to use.i like it.
  • (2018-01-10) Darshini Har: I been looking for this app! Finally I found!Now my work is more easy.
  • (2018-01-09) Silva Maniam: Look like a simple design but it beautiful for me and it easy to use.
  • (2018-01-09) Hannah Reed: Great Tool, perfect for what I need.
  • (2018-01-09) Syukhairi Suhaini: Very good for productivity and all my plans are now organised! Thank You!
  • (2018-01-09) Sarah William: Really productive! I really love how it was designed it. It so cute and also it is really a great tool for my task
  • (2018-01-08) Aulia Bokhori: I love it. Now my job organize and neat.
  • (2018-01-08) Meera Videos: Just now i installed. i believe in it makes my life organised. It is really easy to use

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-25, v:3.5.0) LH Miyake: This Ext is overwriting all new chrome tabs
    I installed this product and it works well...BUT it's affecting every new tab I open. If I open 10 new tabs...all exactly the same with your product showing. I can't get a fresh blank google tab with my links on it. I've tried to disable the ability to overwrite my new tabs and there are none available. Only option is to disable your product. Limiting users from seeing anything other than your product is frankly a stupid move. Fix pls.
  • (2021-08-14, v:3.2.0) Casper Dunaway: Tab Opens Wrong Project Every Time
    So I pinned and starred the project that I want to work on (by default) every time I open a new tab. However, no matter what I do it shows a different project that I don't want to see. Is there a workaround where I can set my main project as default? Thanks!
  • (2021-06-01, v:3.2.0) Giorgi Gvelesiani: DevTools failed to parse SourceMap
    Hi, your extension causes this problem: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60302529/devtools-failed-to-parse-sourcemap-chrome-extension
  • (2021-03-24, v:3.2.0) Disabled 07/19/2024 AJ Tammy Krzizike: Disable New Tab
    Hi...how do you disable New Tab and restore Chrome's default New Tab page?
  • (2020-10-04, v:3.2.0) Pascal: does not show up
    I installed it, but it does not appear when I open a new tab... also restarted the browser and so on
  • (2018-08-29, v:1.0.25) Farley Knight: New tab won't load
    I keep getting this error in the JavaScript inspect console: Refused to display 'https://www.taskade.com/v/BJXNz33KI7' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
  • (2018-08-03, v:1.0.25) Денис Тихонов: Theme
    I use black theme on chrome cos i work at night and i add dark theme to taskade but while loading in new tab it show white background and at night it blow my eyes, please made black background, and please improve loading time or make local cache cos it takes up to 7 sec it is to long to such small app 500ms i think must be max loading time for best user experience.


40,000 history
4.3529 (85 votes)
Last update / version
2022-08-26 / 3.5.0
Listing languages
