extension ExtPose

TimeYourWeb Time Tracker

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Description from extension meta

TimeYourWeb: The Ultimate Dashboard for Your Online Life. Unlock insights into your daily web activities with unparalleled precision

Image from store TimeYourWeb Time Tracker
Description from store 🌟 TimeYourWeb Chrome Extension 🌟 The Most Detailed Online Time Statistics Know exactly how much time you spend on any site on any given day. TimeYourWeb is perfect for you if: - 🎯 Accountability: You spend a significant portion of your life online and want to ensure your time is well-spent. - 📈 Efficiency: Looking to optimize your internet usage? TimeYourWeb gives you the insights you need to make effective changes. - 👨‍👩‍👧 Parental Concern: While not a parental control tool, TimeYourWeb can give you a glimpse into your child's online activity. - 💼 Workplace Productivity: Employers can instill a more time-conscious work culture. - 💻 Freelancers: Maintain detailed reports on your work hours spent online. 🌟 Features - 📊 Detailed Time Tracking: See how much time you spend on each page of any domain. Download this information as CSV. - ⏲ Active vs Total Time: Know the difference between your active engagement and total time on any page. - 📅 Timeline Stats: See your internet activity evolve over a day, week, or month. - 📈 Summary Chart: Daily, weekly, and monthly summaries. Understand your internet usage with both "Active" and "Total" time tracking metrics. - 🔍 Flow Chart: Dive deep into your internet habits and scrutinize your activity. - 📊 Stacked Chart: Get a bird's-eye view of your month-long internet usage. - 🌈 Sunburst Chart: Newly added! Visualize your summarized internet activity for any time period in an engaging, easy-to-understand format. 🌟 Configuration - 🔘 Toggle tracking - 🗓 Set the first day of the week - 🚫 Customize URLs to ignore 🌟 FAQ - 🎬 Does it track time when I watch films online? Yes, provided the browser is in focus. - 🔒 Does TimeYourWeb access my viewed pages? No. It only tracks URLs. - 💸 Is it free? Most features are free, but future server-dependent features will be paid. 🌟 Future Plans - 👥 User accounts with authentication - 🔄 Synchronization between multiple computers 🌟 Permissions TimeYourWeb requires the lowest permissions compared to other time-tracking Chrome extensions. It requires "Read your browsing history" permission to operate. 🌟 Contacts Email: timeyourweb[ at ]gmail.com 🚫 TimeYourWeb is 100% ad-free. Manage your time wisely and make your work more effective with TimeYourWeb. ✅

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-04) Lukas Gawenda: Slows Chrome down and crashes ... was great before - please fix!
  • (2023-12-15) Charles Herold: UPDATE: I'm lowering my rating from 4 stars to 3, because I've had several incidences where suddenly all my data is just ... gone. I go from having months of data to none. This sometimes has happened in the middle of a project, forcing me to try and figure out how much time I've spent. When it works, it's still great, but it's not that reliable anymore. ORIGINAL REVIEW: I've tried before to find something that would automatically track my work in google docs without success. So I was amazed to find this extension, which does *exactly* what I want. I don't have to remember to turn tracking for individual documents on and off, it pulls active time from all time on page, and it takes all the guesswork work out of invoicing and makes my life so much easier. I would give it 5 stars with one tweak. Right now you can look at a day or week or month but you can't set a time period, like, say Nov. 2-17. If I could do that then it would be pretty close to perfect. This is not to say I couldn't make other suggestions (I feel the csv download could probably be designed more usefully, and in an ideal world I would be able to mark the things I was tracking and having them added up for me) but really, if I could just set a date range this would be, for all practical purposes, a perfect extension.
  • (2023-11-12) sn tester: I've been using TimeYourWeb for a while now, especially in my QA testing work, and it's really made a difference. What stands out for me is its straightforward time tracking, which is essential for keeping track of how long different testing tasks take. It's not just about monitoring time; it's about understanding my workflow better. The interface is simple and doesn't get in the way, which I appreciate. It's just a tool that quietly does its job, helping me to be more aware of where my time goes during my workday. For anyone in QA or similar fields, TimeYourWeb can be a practical addition to your toolkit.
  • (2023-11-11) Moawiah Jamal: First time reviewing anything on Chrome Store, it deserves it that much! Just with there was a Subreddit or a GitHub repository for it so that we could discuss with the developer existing issues and what could've been done better, it would also have its own community and fans since it's that helpful. Also I'm having a couple of issues with it recently (regarding checking pervious dates and loading and the fact that there's no legit way to backup the extension), but overall the best tool out there for the purpose.
  • (2023-10-31) Anjali Joy: I'm unable to access the monthly or weekly review the tab for the same is not visible
  • (2023-10-29) adam burges: Its a really good extension but right now it hogs up like 100% of my CPU on all 3 of my devices (literally chromebook, mac and windows) so I can't recommend it. Otherwise it's really good.
  • (2023-10-05) Nick P. Wilde: 10/10 exactly and more what ur looking for
  • (2023-10-04) susanwtf3: it's not working on Opera?
  • (2023-09-06) Kofi: Extremely good extension. Allows me to optimise my work flow.
  • (2023-09-05) Rade Bitanga: It's the best extension of this kind but it doesn't seem to track YouTube time when the tab is just playing audio/music in the background. Is it possible to add a function to allow that ?
  • (2023-08-29) Vincent Li: Thank you for working hard to fix bugs, this works wonderfully (previous reviews of it not working has been fixed!) :)
  • (2023-08-19) Антон: самая крутость в детализации по страницам, а не только по домену
  • (2023-07-29) Leon Lin: It has stopped tracking again since July 23
  • (2023-07-20) 陈大黑: M1 macbook下使用chrome,因为这个插件直接导致浏览器闪退,之前都觉得很好用的,这次使用很扣印象分,希望赶紧修复
  • (2023-07-19) Orlin M.: It's awesome! I tried several different extensions and this one won. I only wish the flow chart had choosable colors, because it assigns random colors now and they change every few months or so. They're often too similar as shades and hard to distinguish.
  • (2023-07-09) TimeYourWeb Time Tracker: We fixed all time tracking issues and CPU consumimg whichwere reported. Version 2.0.4 is stable and quiet. Please check if you have the latest version. You also can manually update your extension to the latest version. See screenshot how to do it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y9OdR8uHwg4WyNqZmOwlkp0-5SzG72Rb/view?usp=sharing
  • (2023-07-09) actives radio: CPU占用率太高,这个程序有问题
  • (2023-07-07) Desmond Smiles: Unfortunately indeed since the last update the extension no longer tracks time, on chrome 114.0.5735.199 at least. Otherwise this extension is great, especially active/total separation, love it.
  • (2023-07-07) Zafar B: HELP IT'S NOT TRACKING TIME SINCE THE LAST UPDATE !!(;゚□゚)
  • (2023-07-06) Samuel Soriano: Last Update kind of broke it. All my data from many years is gone.
  • (2023-07-06) evk: Last update has completely broken it, before it was excellent..
  • (2023-07-05) 侯冠廷: 它曾經是一個很棒的擴充功能,自從更新以來它就不再起作用了。我用它來記錄我的工作時間,所以這是一個很大的遺憾!!!
  • (2023-07-05) Calvin Machnich: Era un'ottima estensione, dall'aggiornamento di ieri semplicemente non funziona più. La usavo per tenere traccia dei miei orari lavorativi quindi è un gran danno,
  • (2023-03-09) Winona Daphne: ugly interface so im uninstalling. i much prefer other extensions like Web Activity Time Tracker
  • (2023-03-07) Zhou Zhuang: 点了扩展的图标,没有反应,不会出现统计的页面,具体怎么回事也没介绍,谷歌也搜不答案 nothing happens after clik the icon, the page of statisc never appears, nobody tells me what happens even google
  • (2023-01-24) Γιάννης Κ: very useful !!!! thanks programmer !!!
  • (2022-12-26) Koichi: Excellent. It helps to improve my productivity a lot.
  • (2022-12-16) Phil Vaive: Genuinely one of the most useful plugins I've ever downloaded. As a web designer, I need to track my hours pretty consistently when I am doing hourly projects, but I also have ADHD and forget to track my hours (and frequently jump from one project to the next). This plugin has completely taken care of that for me, and I don't have to worry about tracking my time at ALL. Honestly, I love it. I saw that they have plans to allow synchronization between different computers, which will make it absolutely perfect to me!
  • (2022-04-24) TK Lyte: I can't believe this App doesn't have a Million+ users. It's fantastic. Not only does it keep track of the websites you visited, it also shows you what you searched for on any site, what pages you visited on that site...etc. It's much easier to access and more user friendly than browsing history or even Google activity log. I'm in love with this thing. Many thanks to the creators.
  • (2022-02-04) Sanyam Sachdeva: It's perfect!
  • (2022-01-11) Paweu Z.: Absolutely love it, couldn't find a better one. The flow chart could be more readable, ability to zoom in would be great.
  • (2021-12-28) Sadman Saqib Sifat: It's perfect! Just need the synchronization across devices feature to complete it. <3
  • (2021-10-04) Battista Padovesi: Great App!
  • (2021-10-04) Eman Mosbah: Wooow, really it helps me a lot!
  • (2021-08-23) Richard Knipe: Although the appearance is not very striking it does the job well. The world needs more proper Chrome extensions like these.
  • (2021-08-10) Swapnil Shimpi: Couldn't find any good time-tracker for Mozilla Firefox. Is this tracker available for Mozilla too?
  • (2021-08-05) Youssef Daghmouri: Great detailed tracker with awesome different views and multiple possible CSV extracts. Love it!
  • (2021-06-22) Lanisha Anusri: I love this extension! Was searching everywhere for something to track the time I spend on individual websites in Chrome. Everyday passes so quickly because I'm quite addicted to the internet, thank you so, so much for creating this extension! You are helping so many people.
  • (2021-03-25) IloveRumania: It's good, but I have a question. There are three numbers (50, 80, and a number usually larger than 80). What do those three numbers mean?
  • (2021-03-03) Cat: Its annoying i hate it it sucks
  • (2021-02-27) krishnam baregama: GR8
  • (2021-02-07) Michał S: Great plugin. But one option that I'm missing is the ability to zoom in the selected chart.
  • (2020-11-12) Subhash Chaganti: Great
  • (2020-10-20) Swapnil Shimpi: this extension suits me best. thank you soo much for this :)
  • (2020-07-04) BI: I like the user interface but it used up much more memory than another software. Almost 50% more. :( https://nimb.ws/DJwWOh Can you please tune up the code?
  • (2020-06-27) Crashcar Will: This is a good extension, but can we get a feature to change when the day ends? sometimes i go to sleep after 12 and it tracks into the next day.
  • (2020-04-13) Laurenz: Wirklich Top Übersicht die einem Hilft sein Internetverhalten zu visualisieren und tasks zu tracken
  • (2020-03-31) Ruvic S.: It's very good, but sometimes it stops counting time.
  • (2020-02-08) Jere Miah: This extension has no export. very very sad. which makes it useless.
  • (2020-01-16) Thuan Nguyen: Outstanding features! Let's say you want to track facebook.com only to track the time you surf newsfeed, not facebook.com/messages You can add facebook.com/messages to the exclusion list.

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-24, v:2.0.16) Charles Herold: Has become erratic and unreliable
    Recently I discovered that I had no record of working on a set of documents at a time period when I had done several hours of work on them. Just yesterday I saw the same thing happen, where there was simply no indication that I'd done work I'd done. I've also had problems with not being able to get a report for certain time periods, especially recent ones. That is, I'll choose a date range and the "working" icon will spin and spin but never load any results. Seems to happen for some time periods and not others. Is there anything I can do? I've loved this extension since I discovered it but it's not really very useful like this.
  • (2023-09-12, v:2.0.8) Philip Cools: Can't see today's date
    Hi there, My time tracker seems to be stuck on September 8th. The calendar dates beyond September 8th are grayed out and I can't click on them. I can see some of the older dates, but everything after September 8 is not accessible, can you look into this please?
  • (2023-08-03, v:2.0.6) Simon Barnett: Seems to be tracking time again, but date selector no longer works
    Although the extension seems to be tracking time again, it is currently stuck on a certain day and the popup calendar date selector doesn't work. The calendar pops up when clicking on the icon, but clicking on a day or range (two days) doesn't have any effect on the main time tracking window. Google Chrome Version 115.0.5790.114 (Official Build) (x86_64) macOS Ventura Version 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)
  • (2023-07-10, v:2.0.5) Charles Herold: lost all my data
    I thought I was removing the error messages Chrome gave me from when permission settings changed but instead uninstalled the app. When I reinstalled it - unsurprisingly - no longer had my data. Is that data still on my PC or was it instantly wiped away?
  • (2023-07-07, v:2.0.2) Lucy Chapman: Not timing this week
    Stopped timing on Monday. Please confirm you are aware of this issue and are fixing it? Thanks
  • (2023-07-06, v:2.0.1) Leon Lin: Has not been working
    Has not been tracking anything for the past few days
  • (2023-07-05, v:2.0.1) Viktor N: The extension doesn't work
    Not only that all the statistics disappeared after the upgrade, but even a new one does not show the sites and time, the graph display is empty just
  • (2023-07-05, v:2.0.1) Claire Wang: Not working
    Not tracking any time since the update yesterday. Thank you for the software and please help us to fix soon. Appreciate that.
  • (2023-07-04, v:2.0.1) Simon Barnett: Not tracking time on most web pages since today's update (4 July 2023)
    Some web pages are being tracked but most are not since today's update (4 July 2023).
  • (2023-07-04, v:2.0.1) Orlin M.: Stopped tracking time at all
    Stopped tracking time at all after latest update
  • (2022-12-16, v:1.0.21) Алёна Рюмова: Как увидеть сводные данные
    Добрый день! Вижу, что считает время, но как увидеть общую статистику?
  • (2022-09-18, v:1.0.21) Paul Durham: Doesn't work in Opera
    I have installed this extension in Opera but it doesn't record any activity. The "Flow" view shows the message "There is no Flow Data. Try to reopen extension or chose another day in calendar."
  • (2022-06-16, v:1.0.21) Laurel Carpenter: Report is one week off
    Your date selection process is a little confused in the summary view. If you click on Sunday the calendar highlights that Sunday until the next, but the summary actually shows the date as the week before! For example, if I click on Sunday, May 23, it highlights the 23-29. But the report date is the 16th to the 22nd. If I click on Monday the 24 then it highlights 23-29. But it highlights that date range even though I've set the extension to consider Monday as the start of the week, so it's still a day off. Besides being confusing, this means I'm not really sure if I'm getting the days in the summary I'm trying to get. I may be missing days. So it's very frustrating.
  • (2022-05-25, v:1.0.21) Bitter Thread: Extension not working for Opera
    I installed it in opera but this doesn't track anything there . I tried clicking on it and reinstalling but it shows no data all things are blank :(. Please suggest or fix this.
  • (2021-10-10, v:1.0.21) Joël Azarael i. Simmons: tracking time when tab running in background
    one of my goals is tracking both active and inactive tabs. does this app track inactive tabs sometimes? if so, when? it seems to, because there is a difference between total time and active time columns in the same row.
  • (2021-10-03, v:1.0.21) sha wdd: how to add extensions bute not work others http://www.example.com access add extensions pls solution
    how to add extensions bute not work others http://www.example.com access add extensions pls solution
  • (2021-09-14, v:1.0.21) Amiy Mallik: Removing a Tracked URL
    If I opened a site which I now want to remove from the tracked list, there doesn't seem to be any option for that. I can add an ignoring rule, but that doesn't remove what's already been tracked. The only option seems to be removing the extension.
  • (2021-08-03, v:1.0.21) Darren Coleman: Stop timer when not browsing / active / watching content online
    Does the counter stop after a certain amount of dormant time? This applies to when I'm not browsing / clicking and if a video has stopped? I ask because sometimes I may leave my browser open whilst taking a break so don't want to account for this time.
  • (2021-05-23, v:1.0.21) takes 4 seconds for counter to load
    It takes 4 seconds for counter to load from number to number
  • (2021-01-06, v:1.0.21) Adhavan Suresh: Downloading the data
    How to download the data into a csv file
  • (2020-08-27, v:1.0.21) Mark J: How can I track web url usage for multiple Chromebooks
    Hi there - we have a need for a web usage time tracker for a large number of devices. Are we able to push this extension down to the devices and control the configuration to capture the web usage time without the user being involved and without them being able to make config changes on their side please? (Essentially a hidden extension) And how can we pull the data from the machine without involving the user please?
  • (2020-08-12, v:1.0.21) Shea Oakley: Just downloaded app through Google Chrome. Can't find icon to start using it.
    Hi there, Super tech-saavy I'm not. I thought when I downloaded this your icon would appear on my desktop screen. It didn't. Where do I go on my laptop to find and start using your system? Thanks, Shea
  • (2020-06-02, v:1.0.21) sudha rani N: Can we move/ dump the data recorded as part of TimeYourWeb application into database of our application? Is there any api exposed using which we can get this data?
    Can we move/ dump the data recorded as part of TimeYourWeb application into database of our application? Is there any api exposed using which we can get this data?
  • (2020-05-06, v:1.0.21) Laura Warwick: Phishing attack
    Whenever I try and get monthly reports it tries to lead me to a phishing site (blocked by google thankfully) eu.attractionsdisneycollegeprogram.xyz Please check your security.
  • (2020-04-11, v:1.0.21) Alex Choroshin: getting a javascript error
    when my dev tool screen is open, I'm always getting an "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sendMessage' of undefined" error on you JS script: " chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ userActive: true });" This error prevents me from debugging my own code. please help.
  • (2020-01-27, v:1.0.21) Carmel Most: Timestamps problem
    Hi, Do you have an idea of how to solve a timestamp problem? When I download the "Flow" csv file, it shows the same timestamp for all my web activities. Thank you
  • (2019-05-02, v:1.0.21) Privacy Policy
    Could you provide a link to your privacy policy?
  • (2019-03-19, v:1.0.21) Justine Rianne: Remove sites that were tracked but not relevant
    Is it possible to remove tracked websites? I am planning to use this extension as a safety measure for my freelancing job, to make sure I am being billed correctly for hours spent online. But I need to make sure I can clear out the unnecessary sites that were tracked before my shift. Would it be possible to clear out the sites that were tracked upon download? Also, it would be great if it had a feature were you can set the schedule on when it should track sites.
  • (2019-03-08, v:1.0.21) Thomas: Suggestion
    Great addon. It would be fine, if there was a back/forward button to browse days/weeks... back and forward in addition to the calendar control to select days.
  • (2019-02-12, v:1.0.21) Kaminate: Small typo "Control you time in the Internet"
    Hovering over the icon reads "Control you time in the Internet", but it should instead read "Control your time in the Internet".
  • (2018-10-30, v:1.0.21) Kenda Healey: stolen computer
    need to track computer
  • (2018-09-16, v:1.0.21) Suggestion
    Can we have a notification system which pops up and inform if we have crossed a certain time on a certain website or the total/active time. Such kind of notification will greatly help.
  • (2018-08-02, v:1.0.18) William LeGate: Privacy Policy
    I checked your website and chrome extension page and couldn't find your privacy policy on either… could you please link me to it?
  • (2018-07-21, v:1.0.18) Chris Gat: Deceptive Site Ahead
    Google safe browsing is detecting this app as unsafe: Attackers on www.interopapplication.com may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards).
  • (2018-01-13, v:1.0.18) kritin sai: Privacy Policy
    Where can I find your privacy policy?
  • (2017-08-30, v:1.0.16) Fientje Vermeulen: Grouping
    Is there any way to group your websites? I myself would like to group the websites into "working" and "procrastinating" so that at the end of the day I can easily see how much time I actually spent working. This should be doable as there are only a few work-related websites.


10,000 history
4.2044 (137 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-22 / 2.0.34
Listing languages
