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Synchronisiert Lesezeichen vertraulich zwischen Browsern und Geräten
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Synchronisieren Sie Ihre Lesezeichen browser- und geräteübergreifend. Über Nextcloud, oder Linkwarden, oder einen beliebigen WebDAV-Dienst, oder einen beliebigen Git-Dienst, oder Google Drive, Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt, wenn Sie wollen.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-10-23) windtrace: 时不时出现重复书签现象,一个书签变两个
- (2023-10-19) Ceyhun Denizhan: Artık istediğim tarayıcıyı istedediğim zaman kullanabilirim. Bu eklenti sayesinde yer imlerim farklı tarayıcılarla sekronize oluyor. Masaüstünde Chrome ve Edge, mobilde ise Kiwi tarayıcı ile sekronizasyon on numara. Yandex webdav ile güzel çalışıyor.
- (2023-07-12) Chad Crawley: I asked bing-chat-creative how to synchronize my Brave bookmarks using Nextcloud, and it gave me instructions how to setup Nextcloud Bookmarks and floccus. 100% satisfied.
- (2023-06-15) 李李鸣: 简单好用,推荐
- (2023-05-10) Andrea Del Chiaro: Finally I'm indipendent from ant specific browser bookmarks and free to ise different browsers on desktop, mobile or any, and still sync my bookmarks.
- (2023-04-26) EXE Pikachu (PikachuEXE): Using NextCloud Bookmark Good as XMark alternative
- (2023-03-23) M9VK: After a year of using this solution, it's still best!
- (2023-03-06) Sára: It is a good alternative for xBrowserSync because it's work with VIVALDI (sometimes crash but only if I am in setting).
- (2023-01-23) Solly Motsoane: I don't know if there is anything I did wrong, but instead of synching the bookmarks from Brave into my cloud, this extension is opening all the bookmarks and making my browser to run at 95% CPU and 99% Memory. Eventually it crushed. And now, every time I open Brave, the pop-ups keep coming. To stop them, I had to open Brave and then turn off this extension before Brave stopped responding. I need help to set this up, please.
- (2023-01-20) 忆戒: E034的问题怎么回事啊,谷歌浏览器和edge一模一样的设置,一个可以用一个就不行
- (2023-01-19) SX GD: Can floccus support Chinese?
- (2022-11-20) Sakura Yoku: 作者辛苦了!就是Google同步不起作用啊,点登陆google没反应Thanks very well! But the Google sync does not work ah, click login google does not respond
- (2022-10-25) Андрій Царенко: Дякую!
- (2022-09-28) Saveliy Ermilov: With Libre Wolf works great. Did everything the same with Google Chrome, but have always got this error: E034: Bookmarks file is unreadable. Did you forget to set an encryption passphrase? Logs: Starting sync process for account Google Drive: bookmarks_chrome.xbel onSyncStart: begin Error Caught [TypeError: Failed to fetch] Syncing failed with E017: Network error: Check your network connection and your account details onSyncFail Tried to restart Chrome, reinstalled add-on and add and delete encryption several times – the result is the same.
- (2022-09-14) Strachey Merle: 感谢作者提供这么方便的工具。
- (2022-06-26) Kelson Vibber: Very flexible, and can sync bookmarks across *many* different devices and browsers. You can use your own Nextcloud server, or store the bookmarks encrypted on Google Drive or another cloud service. Either way, you know who has access to them, which is a big bonus for privacy. The desktop browser add-on is mostly set-and-forget and you just use your regular browser bookmarks. For as many browsers as you want. I've been using it to sync between Firefox and Chrome since 2020, and while it had some problems syncing early on, it's been solid for so long I can't even *remember* the last time I encountered a sync error. The mobile app syncs your bookmarks to itself, since most mobile browsers don't let add-ons access their bookmarks. It took all of 30 seconds to set up the Android version with my Nextcloud, and the initial sync didn't take much longer. The UI is simple, letting you do the basics of adding, removing, editing and moving bookmarks. They open in your default browser, and you can share a link from your browser to Floccus to bookmark it.
- (2022-06-14) Federico Franzoni: Potentially a handy product. Unfortunately it's quite buggy. Lots of bookmarks/folder get duplicated. Now it even stopped synchronizing for some folder (which one??) that doesn't exist...
- (2022-05-18) RJ Deng: 非常好用,但是希望能和GitHub上的同步更新
- (2022-05-09) Haggi Wu: 以前用的好好的,现在两端删改操作会报错,也不知道咋回事parentId: 1076: Bookmark id is invalid.
- (2022-01-28) Giuseppe Costantino: This extension works really good, finally I can Sync my bookmarks with chrome, opera an firefox
- (2022-01-08) D Fernando: Seems to work well, thank you for your work
- (2022-01-07) Daniel Rykheer: I had high expectations from this extension, based on other reviews for both the Chrome extension as well as the Edge extension. Unfortunately the blue "Login with Chrome" button causes Edge to crash every time. I've installed the extension on Chrome also, but haven't tested it here as I need it to work on both browsers to sync. I'm using Windows 11
- (2021-12-04) Thomas Ast: Soweit gute Erweiterung, aber aktuell habe ich das Problem, das die Floccus - Optionen nicht mehr angezeigt werden. Somit kann ich nicht mehr die Synchronisierten Server ansehen noch ändern. Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme? Tritt auf bei Chrome Version 96.0.4664.45 in LinuxMint 20.2 und unter Win10. Floccus version 4.8.3
- (2021-11-21) Denis P: Best nextcloud bookmarks extension so far. Simple and useful.
- (2021-10-05) Thomas H.: Problems with WEBDAV account. Initial sync works - subsequent syncs fail with E017 error. Don't figure out, why... Chrome under LM 20.2
- (2021-09-23) codeblazar: Wonderful extension! I've been looking for something that works since x-marks. Across machines and browsers off g-drive works wonderfully. My thanks to the developers. 5*
- (2021-08-28) Dave Nicolai: Excellent! Does exactly what it should. This is a great way to sync bookmarks on non-Chrome browsers like Chromium, Vivaldi, Kiwi, etc. Works well with free accounts despite Box no longer officially supporting WebDAV. I could not get it to sync with Google drive on Android (Kiwi Browser) but WebDAV sync is fine. This is far more stable and less resource intensive than XBrowserSync. Now we just need some solutions for syncing extensions and other browser components.
- (2021-08-21) 太阳天空照: 一辈子都在同步中,关都关不掉
- (2021-08-07) J. D.: Netter Versuch. programmiererisch ist das aber leider nur Quark. Ständig erscheinen beim Synchronisieren irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen - bevorzugt in wirrem fehlerhaftem Englisch die folgende: Object.fromEntries is not a function. In Unterordnern gelöschte Lesezeichen erscheinen immer wieder aufs Neue. Und für so was soll ich dann auch noch Geld spenden. Das muss ein Witz sein.
- (2021-08-03) J. D.: Nach meiner Erfahrung die einzige Extension, welche wirklich funktioniert, wenn es um die Synchronisierung der Bookmarks im Kiwi Browser geht. Ich nutze für die Sync Google Drive.
- (2021-05-30) 永永YongYong: 为了同步书签到kiwi浏览器
- (2021-04-13) 84Chadd: After installing this extension and trying to sync with my nextcloud for the first time I get the error: "E017: Network error: Check your network connection and your account details" I suspect it's because "@null" was appended to my username by the extension and it tried to verify with that. It looks like it only works usernames that are emails and the "@null" is a bug.
- (2021-03-27) 犹如幻翳: Parse Error: <html xmlns=""><body><parsererror style="display: block; white-space: pre; border: 2px solid #c77; padding: 0 1em 0 1em; margin: 1em; background-color: #fdd; color: black"><h3>This page contains the following errors:</h3><div style="font-family:monospace;font-size:12px">error on line 1 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document </div><h3>Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.</h3></parsererror></body></html>
- (2021-03-26) Dark Sky: I use it with LoFloccus and SyncThing/OneDrive, on 7 device/browser combinations. In most time it works perfect. However, sometimes it is failed to sync on one browser suddenly - for example, the local xbel file is updated by browser A, browser B has caught this change but browser C hasn't noticed that (according to log, browser C has received an older (cached?) version of xbel that different from A & B). It can't be fixed by force pull from server / clear cache / etc. It can be fixed after restart browser C. Not sure if the root cause is related to floccus or LoFloccus, but really frustrated. The other issue is when setting up a new browser with existing bookmarks in the first time. The bookmark folder structure can be flatten and duplication can be found everywhere which totally breaks everything. I have to do several tries and make backups / stop sync services carefully to avoid breaking bookmarks on other devices unexpectedly. Besides these issues, this extension works as intended. Nice extension.
- (2021-03-20) Gelin Ning: 老哥能不能加下秒级同步,五分钟感觉太长了 Brother, can you add a second-level synchronization, five minutes feels too long
- (2021-03-18) Asef Erfan: works as intended
- (2021-03-02) Salieri Wu: 好东西,就是希望可以把同步的书签文件加密一下
- (2021-02-08) Zach Anderson: Love the idea, but unfortunately it never works when trying to sync with my self-hosted Nextcloud instance. I really wish it worked as it's exactly what I've been looking for...
- (2021-01-31) Louie Jordan: Chrome上非常完美,但是火狐总是同步失败,不得不卸载
- (2021-01-27) N. S.: Be extremely careful with this add-on. It worked great for about a week. However, when I woke up this morning, ALL of my bookmarks have been permanently deleted (was using this with Nextcloud). Folder structure was preserved but all bookmarks are just gone. Thankfully, I have backups of all my bookmarks across the machines I was using this on. Will only have permanently lost a few things that I can recover. If you really must use this add-on, make sure you BACKUP everything and make periodic local backups. I have no idea why it did this, there is almost no logging either in the floccus add-on or on Nextcloud. The documentation and support for this is pretty poor (though I do understand that it is maintained mostly by one person). I would highly recommend using something else, since this type of error is completely unacceptable for an app like this. Maybe it works better if you self host or use only local options? I don't care to risk it again at this point.
- (2021-01-04) 黃埔興國: 系统chrome商店可以快速更新最新版本,github下载直接安装不被信任
- (2020-12-30) Brennen Raimer: This extension, if the sync is ever interrupted for any reason, will create duplicates of all your bookmarks in a flattened structure of your original bookmarks you were syncing, which then synchronize, only to themselves be duplicated the next time sync is interrupted. It is absolute trash. I had to write a Python script to go through my bookmarks.html file and de-duplicate it. Do not use this extension!!
- (2020-12-30) 明赟: 总是出错,书签一直显示同步中。没有同步成功的时候
- (2020-10-31) Roberto Sangiovanni: For geeks. If you want to spend hours figuring this thing out and complicate your life, install it. I will stick with apps that work out of the box such as EverSync.
- (2020-10-22) Sino-Atrial Node: The best I guess?
- (2020-10-21) Richard Love: Really Useful Bookmark Manager I use it to keep my bookmarks in sync between Edge (my preferred browser now) and Chrome.
- (2020-10-20) Dries Dokter: I was looking for a "cross platform / cross browser" bookmark synchronization" and Floccus offers that perfectly. I have been using it for a couple of years and really happy with it. The developer is very responsive and actively adding new features too! Really recommend this one
- (2020-09-27) 周家誼: 可以使用Teracloud的webdav服務來同步
- (2020-08-23) Long John Silver: Ich habe das jetzt auf 2 Systemen mit Chrome probiert, leider wird überhaupt nichts auf den Webdav Server gespeichert. Weder mit einem normalen Webdav Server noch mit LoFloccus wird irgendein Lesezeichen synchronisiert. Am Ende steht "successfully", aber das war es nicht. 2020-08-23T12:49:44.083Z COMPARE { localItem: + #974190[undefined] parentId: undefined, hash: undefined , cacheItem: + #undefined[undefined] parentId: undefined, hash: undefined , serverItem: + #0[root] parentId: undefined, hash: undefined } 2020-08-23T12:49:44.087Z Checking subtree 2020-08-23T12:49:44.088Z (local)ORDERFOLDER { id: '974190', order: [] } 2020-08-23T12:49:44.092Z onSyncComplete
- (2020-07-08) Brandon Akey: Worked on the first device, as soon as I went to sync on a second device it completely broke down. Now my NC is no longer showing any bookmarks at all and no bookmarks are showing up on the second browser.