Description from extension meta
Click the padlock icon to display SSL Certificate information of the current tab.
Image from store
Description from store
Chrome doesn't have the ability to (easily) view the SSL Certificate and SSL information. It will either take 5 mouse clicks or 2 if you use Ctrl+Shift+i.
When you click the CertViewer Icon (padlock), it will display a popup that contains information about the site in your current tab.
How it works:
1) Go to an HTTPS website (https://<hostname.domain>)
2) Click the padlock icon in top right
3) Popup will show up and display the SSL connection and PKI certificate information of that site.
1) This makes an external connection to the site, so the site needs to be externally accessible and not have any access control policies.
2) You do send your active tab URL to my server when you click the padlock. I don't do anything with the URL except make connections using tools such as openssl and curl.
3) The site needs to have SSL enabled for this to work.
Latest reviews
- (2017-10-17) Lennert Van Alboom: Okay-ish - it's limited and slow, but that's because of Google's shielding of the required info, not due to the extension itself. That being said, the extension is no longer needed at all since you can have the original, native behaviour back if you enable chrome://flags/#show-cert-link .
- (2017-09-08) Stephen Dayman: Not sure how this extension can be as slow as it is. The reliance on a backend service means this is not useful for many of the people that would want simplified certificate inspection.
- (2017-07-10) Jeremy Andrews: It's not perfect, but it's great to have this functionality back in Chrome. I have no idea what the devs were thinking when they removed native support for this function in Chrome v. 56, especially as security is becoming more important we should be able to quickly confirm the details of a SSL/TLS certificate.
- (2017-06-17) This is very useful google chrome extension to check SSL certificate information from same tab with all the SSL certificate related information. I request you to add one more features if possible so that we can check certificate enrolment and expiry date. Currently its showing ssl certificate valid only status but if possible please show expiry date also. Thanks HostJinni
- (2017-05-22) Veiko Kukk: Does not work with client certificate authentication.
- (2017-05-10) Jonathan smith: This extension is one of a kind and has been invaluable as chrome makes it less convenient to display cert info. I appreciate that people take the time to create these tools!
- (2017-05-09) Roy Kidder: The extension doesn't actually go grab the cert and display it, instead, it connects to a web site that grabs the cert and displays it. The result is that you can't display cert info for sites that are behind a firewall and not open to the public Internet. A flaw in my opinion.
- (2017-04-26) CertViewer is a real timesaver when having to check cert details frequently. Thanks for contributing to the community!
- (2017-04-24) Sébastien F.: Ne fonctionne pas, demande : Please make sure that you have network access to