Description from extension meta
Automatically backup and restore your bookmarks.
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Description from store
Bookmark Backup is a simple extension that helps to keep your bookmarks. Each time a bookmark is added or removed, a copy of your bookmarks will be made on your device.
★ Automatically creates daily backups.
★ Each backup will be stored safely on your device.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-17) about blank: Cannot backup bookmarks without website title (which only shows favicon).
- (2023-02-10) alex durolex: Bonne extension basique, mais : - on ne sait pas où est localisé le fichier html du back up généré - pas l'option de choisir cet emplacement à sa convenance (ex : dossier de sauvegarde général en cas de crash) - pas l'option de l'envoyer sur un cloud ou par mail afin de le synchroniser avec un autre navigateur sur un autre device
- (2022-05-03) Almo Azgza: Whenever I add a new bookmark or delete one: it hangs/slows chrome showing the spinner :( Checking the system process: it consumes so much CPU! Uninstalling it..
- (2022-03-07) jongchan baek: Love this app so much thanks for your efforts for this app :)
- (2022-02-17) Chris J (Chris J A): Works but does not restore favicons. That would complete this great extension.
- (2021-07-25) Eric Abraham: How to set custom path for backup. I want to backup in another drive so that if my PC crashed I can import all those bookmark again to Brave.
- (2021-03-13) 听雨客舟: 怎么删除备份呢?
- (2021-01-03) Daniele T.: Impostato per creare un backup ogni volta che aggiungo o cancello un preferito, funziona alla perfezione.
- (2020-12-28) Ng Kim Yong: Where does it backup to on the hard drive? I wish to make another copy of it for safekeeping.
- (2020-11-25) Aslam Nathoo: This tool just saved me big time. This afternoon I realized that some bug in the system has been deleting bookmarks over the last 2 weeks. Based on the backup report that shows the total number of bookmarks it looks like whatever was deleting them did that work in batches. Using the backup this extension created a couple of weeks back, I was able to restore all of the lost bookmarks. Fantastic!! However, there is some room for improvement which is why the 4 star review. First of all, it is great that this extension automatically makes backups when a bookmark has been added/deleted, but the problem is I don't know where the backups are being stored and so there's no way to get the backups off of the computer in question. It would be great if we could direct the backups to be stored on a specific folder on the computer so that I can make regular offsite copies of that folder and/or to be able to direct the backups to be saved to a folder on a cloud storage system (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud Drive, etc.). Secondly, it would be great if there was an option to just import backup of the bookmarks instead of only having a restore function that is destructive of existing bookmarks. The reason being is that I had added new bookmarks to my system in between the time that something started deleting bookmarks from my system. So in order to not lose those new ones when I restored the old ones, I had to find/download another extension that would allow me to selectively export just the new bookmarks and then I had to re-import those once I'd done the restore from this tool. If this extension were to give me the option to simply import the backup set of bookmarks and not destroy what's already there, then I can do the merging of the two sets how I want. Addition of those two features would make this 5 stars. Nonetheless, I do have to say thanks for saving me today!
- (2020-10-13) khalid maqsudi: If you could save the location or view default location, this app would be a game changer. Currently doesn't offer that setting.
- (2020-04-04) Rebel Young: One question. Where is the back-up bookmark html in my computer??Shall I expert again??
- (2020-02-28) Cleiton Souza: Nice bookmark backup, simple to use, I know it store backups at my device but where? I would like to backup these bookmark backup files.
- (2020-02-22) Ed Mond: Seems great but where does it store the html file that contains the bookmarks and is it possible to configure this so that you can select a location on a network drive for example that is itself backed up?
- (2020-02-12) Vivek Kansal: Really nice extension to have. Where are the backfiles getting saved on the disk?
- (2020-02-11) Chris LaChance: Where exactly can I find my backups?
- (2020-01-23) Abdallah Abdelazim: Very useful.
- (2020-01-11) David Joslin: Life saver!!!! Works great for me! Other extensions mess the bookmarks up and BookMark Backup restore them.
- (2019-12-21) Steve Burns: Just found out that it has not made a backup since March the 6th! NOT VERY USEFUL! I will reinstall and monitor this time to see if it continues to make backups. UPDATE: 12/21/19 Yep! It did it again! Used a program called AM Deadlink for editing Chrome bookmarks. After removing all bad ones saved it. Went to Chrome. BAM! ALL 2500+ bookmarks are gone! Went to BOOKMARK BACKUP. It had stopped making backups a month ago. I had to restore a month old one. I lost a months worth of new and corrected bookmarks. THANKS BOOKMARK BACKUP.
- (2019-12-18) Marek Hudák: Hello, where are the backups stored in PC? I would like to store it somewhere on network disks. Thank you
- (2019-06-12) Disciple de Jésus-Christ: marche dernier test le 12 juin 2019
- (2019-02-19) Aeroxima: Seems to work, would like to be able to choose where to save them.
- (2018-12-24) Carl Acebal (Aceman): Does anyone know where the heck I can find these backups on my laptop? I want a backup after an update is made but I can only keep 10 backups,not 30, due to storage constraints and need to delete some of therm.. Please help! I agree with the suggestions made by Vittorio Zamparella, Mark & Lyndon and Tag.
- (2018-11-18) ikki: This extension is great, but I feel that it lacks a simple "download" button, so we can download the bookmarks whenever we want and store it however we want.
- (2018-08-29) D “Squirrel” Dylan: Très pratique, j'ai beaucoup de favoris, trop de favoris et il m'arrive souvent de faire le tri car .. je ne m'y retrouve plus vraiment et grâce a cette extension si j'ai supprimé quelque chose par accident ou dont je ne pensait plus en avoir besoin et bien, je peux le retrouver :D Très pratique pour moi qui fais du dev Android avec énormement de repo github en favoris...
- (2018-06-30) Mark and Lyndon: Nice bookmark backup and easy to use and understand! Would be super cool if you could compare two bookmark backups to see what's different (new or deleted) between the two.
- (2018-06-15) Jason Jackson: It was OK but I need to save it to a folder in My Documents as that is the folder that gets regularly backed up to the cloud and protects me from data loss if my computer crashes.
- (2018-05-28) Michael Rimar: When it works it's great. It spends more time crashed then working.
- (2018-04-13) Tag -: Would be awesome to have manual backups too. Also add not only one day but 6 hours, 3 hours, 12 hours etc. too.
- (2018-02-21) works fine
- (2018-02-12) Ahau Eventi Olistici FVG: È impostato per fare un backup quotidiano ma non ne ha mai fatto uno e appena salvo nei preferiti qualcosa, va in crash Chrome e devo riavviarlo. Già ce n'è poche di estensioni così, ora che tutto si sincronizza negli account, se poi pure non fanno il loro... Devo disinstallarlo necessariamente.
- (2018-01-04) KC Yang: Considering the user need for concerns of a computer crush strike, is it possible to save the backup to user defined location? Like somewhere in the local folder of cloud storage?
- (2017-12-26) Shawn Terry: Excellent app AND idea... It's a REAL life saver for me!
- (2017-03-28) Ganesh Venkatraman: It crashes all the time. I set it to create unlimited backups and whenever add/delete. It was working briefly then stopped.Last backed up Jan 28. Since then I get a bubble saying it has crashed very time I try to add/remove/edit a bookmark
- (2017-03-16) Jrwolf: It's okay but it keeps crashing on me. ???
- (2017-01-11) Mikko John: I sometimes need to delete some bookmarks due to I sometimes need to share screen with my boss on my online job and I don't want him to see my bookmarks for my other clients webpages 😂😂. Works like charm without the complicated interface and process. I LOVE IT!!!
- (2016-12-07) Vittorio Zamparella: Kinda works but if I set a limit to number of backups, once that number is reached it stops making backups. I will go with unlimited backups and purge the manually (selecting 30) from time to time. Thank you
- (2016-10-22) Simple and does what it says without trying to do a million other things, which is great. However, it crashes everyday and you have to manually restart it. I have thousands of bookmarks, so it may not be properly coded for that. Also, why can't you backup your bookmarks on demand? I have it set to backup up daily, but if I want to backup immediately, I have to wait to the next day.
- (2016-09-20) xiao hu: Good! When I use Google browser and Apple iCloud bookmark synchronization, often error, often mistakenly deleted, with this software, there is no problem.
- (2016-04-06) Роман Проскуряков: Супер приложение! Уже не один раз спасало!
- (2016-03-03) Jan Krahl: After the bug fix I love it. It does exactly what I expect it to do. This is a feature that should be native to chrome. No more panic after accidently deleting a whole folder of bookmarks. Thank you for the good work and quick response.