Convertit facilement le texte selectionné en majuscules, minucules, ect.
Lorsque vous sélectionnez du texte, elle ajoute un menu de clic droit avec plusieurs options pour changer instantanément la casse du texte sélectionné.
Certains champs texte peuvent contenir du javascript qui bloque la conversion du texte.
Contact : [email protected]
# Mise à jour 3.0
- Toutes les fonctionnalités sont maintenant gratuites
- Ajout des fonctions Slugify, Décoder URL et Encoder URL
# Mise à jour 2.0
- Ajout des raccourcis clavier (option payante)
- Amélioration de la détection du texte sélectionné.
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-28) Srđan C. (Sergio): Excellent, clean, light Congratulations
- (2018-05-17) Didier Gamet: super
- (2017-01-15) Anil Patil: not working,
- (2016-12-13) Coda Deux: Works great!
- (2016-03-27) Whitestguyuknow: ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! It's *exactly* what I had been, searching for, HONESTLY, for DAYS. Seriously... Thank. You! For taking it upon *yourself* to make what you wanted. I can only wish it could eventually be allowed in ALL text fields... I'm greedy, I know...
- (2016-03-09) Fabio A. Quintal: It didn't work initially, but after restarting Chrome, it worked!
- (2016-03-04) Ricardo Peixoto: Exatamente o que eu procurava!
- (2015-10-28) N. V.: Same doesnt work.
- (2015-10-27) Christian Vachon: Doesn't work, even after restarting Chrome.
- (2015-10-01) James Wadsworth: Works amazingly. I don't understand why there are so many bad reviews. I had to restart Chrome for it to start working. And it doesn't work on some fields which have JavaScript actions, but on normal input text fields it works very well. Thanks
- (2015-05-29) Christophor S. Wilson: Works Great! For others having issues, make sure you restart Chrome after install. Great work Martial Séron.
- (2015-05-26) Rauz Liebling: Doesn't work.
- (2015-05-05) Welker Costa (GunsmithCat): O melhor do seguimento, extensão indispensável.
- (2015-02-28) Nico A: It does not work at all....sorry but sucks...!!!