Make searching for places to rent on Craigslist easier by automatically filtering out unwanted results.
Searching for a place to rent can quickly become a chore. With fake posts, scammers, and realtors posting houses for sale, there's just as much time spent blocking unwanted results as there is looking for the right place to rent.
Craigslist Search Filter adds an extra layer of filters to the craigslist search results based on the post's images and/or title. Allowing you to hide posts containing the attributes that you don't want to see (aka attributes most commonly found in spam posts in your area). Helping you to find real rentals from real landlords faster.
Change Log:
v1.1.1 Minor styling fixes on the options popup.
v1.1 Added custom text filtering and the option to filter on a minimum image limit.
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Last update / version
2017-06-27 / 1.1.1
Listing languages