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This extension extracts order history from your Amazon account. Amazon used to provide csv reports for US customers only, but it…
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Description from store
This extension extracts order history from your Amazon account.
Amazon used to provide csv reports for US customers only, but it didn't include digital orders, shipping, total amount, or payment information. Sometime in the middle of 2020, Amazon withdrew the feature even in the USA.
This extension aims to fill the gap.
How to Use
After you install the extension, you won't see anything until you view your order history on the website (Your Account -> Your Orders).
Get to your orders page, then click on the extension icon at the top right of the Chrome window; look for an orange upper case A. Once you do this, you should see buttons with years on the extensions pop-up window.
Clicking on one of these buttons causes the extension to sift through all of your order pages and show you a searchable, sortable table with all of the orders in. It can take a few seconds to get all of the pages.
A blue button enables you to download a CSV (viewable in Excel and other spreadsheet programs) of the order table the extension has assembled.
It's better not to have more than one amazon tab open while the extension is doing stuff. I (Philip) find the Items CSV more useful:
Here's a slightly more wordy quick-start guide:
Currently supported:, .ca, .de, .es, .in,, com, (partial), .ae (experimental).
For at least some of these sites, I know that the extension is missing some of the native language strings it needs to find your data. Many users, particularly in Germany seem to use the english version of their country's site to get better results, but if you want better results in your language, you can help me by providing order debug information and marked up screenshots showing me where the missing/wrongly scraped data can be found.
For other Amazon sites, please submit debug information as described in
Bug reports are gratefully accepted (see github link below), with extra points awarded for:
1) reproducibility - if you describe it well and I can reproduce it then it's normally straightforward to fix.
2) staying in contact - fire and forget bug reports are often impossible to reproduce and are seriously demotivating.
3) using courteous language.
4) using English - you're not paying me and while I can scrape by in French and German, I'm spending more of my spare time on this project than you are, and it's not about learning human languages.
5) having read the (very brief) instructions - and if English is not your favorite language, you have two choices:
i) Google translate (don't send it to me!)
ii) Sending me a translation (better than Google's) of the instructions.
I will figure out how to incorporate it and list you in the credits.
Feature requests: if there's a github ticket outstanding for the same thing, please add your thoughts there rather than making a new one. You can signal your sincerity by clear communication and responsiveness to follow-up queries.
Changes 1.16.2
* Removed alltests.bundle.js because webstore objected to some embedded amazon html (it contained remote script links, so fair play, but then again this code was not reachable).
* Handled scenario where user asks for transactions while on the transactions page (this was causing confusion in message routing between the background script and the two content scripts).
Changes 1.16.1
#310 transactions fetching (new in 1.16.0) was hardcoded to (sorry!)
#N/A long transaction scrape caused loss of connectivity between content page and background script preventing table display for transactions until user retried (caching means that this retry is quick).
Changes 1.16.0
#295 New: Transactions table (premium only)
* Not yet filtered by the date range you click on
* Limited by the years covered by Amazon - seems to go back ~4 years for me
* No progress indication, but caching is very effective
* might take 5+ minutes for initial scrape...
..but incremental scrapes are super quick.
* Open console log to see progress - it fetches a page at a time, which up to 20 transactions.
#307 addressed regression of caching where some pages were being re-scraped too frequently
* this should expedite most repeated scrapes
#308 some digital subscription orders were only getting their id scraped: nothing else.
* I suspect this fix will not work for non-english language site variants
* let me know if you're impacted by filing a new ticket that references #308, and provides an order debug json file (see
Changes 1.15.0
Clarified cancellation terms: No refunds, because they cost the charity ~5x the refund.
If you don't unsubscribe before annual auto-renewal, it's on you.
Chargeback requests not explicitly agreed by me (author) in writing may result in (but not be limited to):
1) public sharing of your identity to prevent future fraud.
2) permanent disablement all of extension's free functionality for the offending user.
Changes 1.14.2
#293 Compatibility with site changes Amazon appear to have made in September 2024.
Source Code
contributors (Thank you!):
Premium Features
Please read
I have a day job, and cannot accept personal donations.
Don't worry: just redirect your gratitude here instead:
Donations entitle you to nothing except a warm feeling of righteousness/generosity.
Premium Subscriptions
It is necessary to subscribe ONLY if you want to use a small set of features aimed at commercial users. Paying for an annual subscription also entitles you to any new subscription-only features I might add during your subscription period. Please see the blurb in the subscription workflow for more details, and also: I offer no warranty of any kind: this is a personal project that you are welcome to use and contribute to.
I am a human being, not a corporation and I don't make my living from this extension. Please bear that in mind before complaining about bugs or making false statements in your reviews of this product - others have been there ahead of you:
The most amusing (and demotivating) posts tend to fall into one or more of the following three categories.
i) I ordered stuff from you and it hasn't arrived: no stars for you Philip (I am not Amazon, and you haven't given me any of your money).
ii) Your extension stole my credit card details (It never sees your card details - only gets those - and it carefully avoids seeing your amazon login credentials as well - you are free to inspect the source code to verify this)
iii) You have to pay, and it still doesn't work. (You don't, and I'm sorry it's not working for you - would you like some help?)
Strangely none of the authors ever follows up with evidence or indeed any reasoned feedback at all.
New Commercial Features
If you seek new commercial features, please read before even thinking about contacting me directly. I am bored of reading proposals from malware distributors.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-09) Andrew Nielsen: I love this plug in!!!! I am typical one who never writes reviews, however, for a small donation to a very good cause this plug in has save me a TON of time. When I figured out the other day that Amazon threw customer obsession out the window and removed reporting for their consumer accounts, I went to google and found this plug in. While apprehensive at first, I made my donation and within five minutes the plug in was up and running. I had close to 400 transactions on Amazon this year alone and Amazon Order History Reporter processed them in a couple of minutes. This is a must have tool if you purchase on Amazon and have to report it. I would gladly pay a yearly subscription for it. Just get it and you will be happy.
- (2023-11-03) David: > 2) Not only do I not profit but I also I bear the costs I incur during development and support of the extension. In return for this, I get to read the poorly thought out and libellous rants of users like you, and the one above accusing me of theft. Some other users seem to think it appropriate to blame me for their amazon deliveries going missing. #relatable
- (2023-10-15) Ken Hansen: A life saver! That amazon does not provide the functionality is criminal on their part. Thank you Philip!
- (2023-10-15) Jesse Shea: Why Amazon took this ability away I don't know, but Phillip is the man and has saved the day!
- (2023-10-14) GW: LIFESAVER! Great for tax season. For those saying they cannot see it scaping on either a personal or business (Mine worked on both) try ensuring your are completely logged out of each account before trying the other. Also be patient to let the data fill in! Do not hit back! Eventually most of the "pending" will populate. If you want to export into excel choose the data table. Pick how you want sorted in CHROME, do not wait until excel. The table in chrome sorts great but once saved and opened in excel the merged cells will cause havoc. There is a long and complicated way to fix but not worth it! Overall I am happy. Just realize your getting individual orders, not items. You will see an order with 5 different items listed but only the final price, tax and shipping, NOT each item price. Thats not the extension, that's just Amazon. The spreadsheet allows you to easily click on the order and see the actual full invoice if needed.
- (2023-10-10) Mark Z: Worked really well; much better than the reports Amazon used to provide. One caution if you decide to donate. Unless you donate in British pounds, your only option to donate is via credit (e.g., Visa, M/C). Since I don't like to put my credit card on sites I seldom use, to reduce the chance of my CC information being hacked, I prefer to use PayPal or Google Pay. PayPal and Google Pay are only available in you donate in British pounds.
- (2023-10-02) Steve Nemany: Worked for me after Amazon screwed us out of the native reports they use to provide and now make us wait weeks for reports through a submit feature. This tool is a lifesaver for now...
- (2023-09-21) GReviews: We installed this application, as it seemed to be the best option on the marketplace. We paid for this, through the internal link inside of the extension, to support the developer and their mission. On the same day, the credit card used started to be fraudulently charged for fake Facebook Ads accounts, and other random charges from India, through Payu Retail PG. We had to cancel the brand new card that was used, and get a new one. This is highly deceptive, and if they are scraping data from your Amazon account, and have your CC#s, then this is a criminal extension.
- (2023-09-16) Pascal C: This is not a free Extension You must pay (a donation) to use, even though the creator says he has a day job and does not accept payment.
- (2023-09-13) Brian L: Worked for me. Saved me a ton of time now that the default purchase history is no longer available directly through Amazon. Thank you!!! Curious - can it show items I have returned as well, or just purchases? Maybe I am doing something wrong. Thank you!!!
- (2023-09-09) Bernd Scholz: Zählt keine Summen zusammen, auch der Export der CSV Datei ist fehlerhaft
- (2023-09-09) Walter: Völlig nutzlos. Bei mir werden nur drei Monate angezeigt. Jahreszahlen: Nope, egal wie meine Bestellübersicht im Browser geöffnet ist. Und drei Monate - mit Verlaub - rechne ich mir im Kopf aus.
- (2023-09-08) Viper: Es wird ständig die Sprache in Amazon geändert.
- (2023-09-02) Cabin Fruit: It gives you 1 2 or 3 month options. I tried to reload and have amazon display 2021 results and still says the same thing. It appears it is a paywall, but says its not paywalled in the glitch? So if its a glitch this is me reporting it.
- (2023-08-28) Bin Jiang: It worked for me. I saw a couple of people asked below about how to use it. After you donated $5/year (a must step to enable "preview/Premium features"), go to you Amazon page and then start this extension. A list of months and years (1m, 2m, 3m, 2023, 2022, ...) will show up on top of "Idle" box. Click a year, for example 2022, "idle" will turn to "Scraping 2022". Live status update should show up right next to the "Scraping 2022" box. It will take a while to fetch data.
- (2023-08-27) James Wilson: Seemed like a cool idea, but didn't work without a pay gate.
- (2023-08-07) Jim C: Thanks so much for writing this. Amazon removed the ability to export a report and without this extension I have no way to find out how much we've spent on Amazon. THANK YOU
- (2023-07-24) Heather Kauffman: wish this worked. I followed all of the instructions and its not working for me at all. No response on the support page either.
- (2023-07-20) Gaurang Pandya: I downloaded this extension. Upon downloading the extension, It asked for donation. Which I donated. It would be good if this extension provides complete details like seller name, the actual amount payed including taxes and other such details. The ones downloaded only contains orderid,date, item, itemprice. Overall liked the functionality.
- (2023-07-19) Overland Van Adventures: Downloaded and installed the extension in Chrome easily and quickly, instructions were pretty simple to follow and within a few minutes I had 3 years or Amazon orders downloaded in .csv format for me to summarise and use in Excel. Fantastic!!
- (2023-07-18) Kim S: I am more than amazed that this could happen! I donated because it's the right thing to do! Yes, it was a bit confusing at first, (the last part of the year didn't show up, so it was a guessing game...). Sooooo nice to see all of my orders (I have 2 businesses that I buy a lot of stuff off amazon- 275 orders). This SAVES me SO MUCH TIME! many many kisses & hugs. You are awesome! Now I'm happy while I do my extended tax return!
- (2023-07-11) Reno Off Road Parts and Accessories: I normally do not write reviews, but this was so quick and easy to help me manage my order history now that Amazon does not. Super awesome.
- (2023-06-29) Adan Md: Amazon keeps fluctuating with allowing access to these reports. I'm glad someone figured away to retrieve this info for us. Great work !
- (2023-06-09) kishore challapalli: How to get item link ?
- (2023-06-04) Chris Adams: I was so irritated when Amazon did away with the CSV reporting. This extension works perfectly for my needs. Love it!!!!! Thanks!!!
- (2023-06-03) Oliver Street: This extension makes it possible for the average user to recover most of the functionality lost when Amazon removed the "Order History Reports" function from the retail user interface. Its a brilliant bit of code, a service to the public at large, and a credit to the author. This said this extension isn't a replacement that provides the same set of data and a user may want to use either their Amazon transactions list at or download all of their order data using the privacy policy The latter is very a complete data set, but it isn't integrated and recreating the previously available reports from the CSV files in the Zip file would be too difficult for most users to do successfully.
- (2023-05-29) Yvonne Botham: I've just used this...and wow, this fills my needs perfectly. Thanks so much.
- (2023-05-25) L.: It don't show me the total amount in the end. All it says is page=0.00 all=0.00 ... not helpful at all. :( Im very disappointed
- (2023-05-21) Durai: Thanks. It was certainly most helpful. However I could see some issues as mentioned below 1. I couldn't find the spent amount ,for which I've paid through amazon pay 2. In some places amount is mentioned as ₹ , while in other places it's mentioned as Rs. Even though both are right representation for Indian rupees , it'd be nice to see some consistency.
- (2023-05-19) Sascha Rudolph: Doesn't work. Table with numbers are there and they seem valid but the output or the "total / all"-amount stays empty. page=0.00; all=0.00 even if there are valid numbers. No total results, which is the main reason I installed the addon. Useless in my opinion.
- (2023-05-10) refael hatuel: Works! Thank you so much!
- (2023-04-26) James Ratcliffe: Works perfectly, and saved me a massive amount of time!
- (2023-04-20) Orson Porter: Can we get this broken out to months as well? That would be super helpful. I like to see it by item and we order to much and it won't work.
- (2023-04-16) Roben Torosyan: Super-helpful, since Amazon removed this function. In case this helps others, I wish I'd known the following: In order import into a tool like Excel and get the CSV to retain accessible formatting: 1. If prompted to choose the Data Type that best describes your data, choose: - "Delimited" - Characters such as commas or tabs separate each field 2. If prompted to set the delimiters your data contains, ensure the following are checked: - Tab - Comma Those steps ensure the table columns function as readably as they do in the resulting html page generated by the extension. I just hope my paragraph / returns in this review retain their formatting so it's readable as intended! Thanks again to the developer, and a class act directing contributions to a palliative care provider.
- (2023-04-10) Saber Amine: It did not work on my personal account but worked on my Business account. It says scraping but nothing happens. I tried two separate computers, cleared the cookies...
- (2023-04-09) Mark Czech: This worked great and saved me a ton of time while doing my taxes for my new small business.
- (2023-04-08) Jurawa Hallen: Worked great out of the box! Actually better than the old amzn reports since it has links!
- (2023-04-07) Jason Merrell: A lifesaver at tax time. Trying to reconcile credit card statements - even the Chase Amazon credit card - is such a PITA. Having an Excel sheet that I can sort any which way saves tons of time and frustration. Thank you.
- (2023-04-06) Mary Wilson: SO HELPFUL !!! Used it for tax prep.
- (2023-03-30) Ryan Emperor: Shows full price only, not price paid after discount(s) and/or subscribe and save. Easy to use but no value-added without the actuals.
- (2023-03-29) S V: Saved 45 minutes.
- (2023-03-29) Robert Setili: This extension is a life saver. I have in my notes from last year to start with "Force logout", and then you use extension, log back in, and it took a few minutes to create my report of many orders. Then you can sort by date, or payment method once you convert to CSV format and copy into XLS.
- (2023-03-28) Ken Okin: For some stupid reason, Amazon discontinued their order report. This extension does indeed stil seem to work great as it seems to scrape the invoices and I found quite a few purchases without use tax applied instead of having to scape every invoice to manually look one by one.... The only enhancement I'd like to see is the ship to zip so I know which are in what state.
- (2023-03-28) Cis Investments LLC: It just works! This extension saved me hours!!! Thank you :)
- (2023-03-27) Adrienne Driggs: This may have worked before based on the built in reports Amazon used to let you pull using the /b2b/reports. This was sunset march 20th and this extension likewise now no longer works.
- (2023-02-09) Eric DiStefano: This is super helpful it has saved me from having to copy and paste my order info myself. I cannot count the number of hours saved from this extension! I only wish it had the ability to do a custom date range instead of by the year because I need this every couple of days so having to go through my extensive list of orders every couple of days takes some time, but nowhere near as much as it used to take me to do all of this manually. Thank you Phillip for all of your hard work! I sent you an e-mail to your non-monitored address you have listed on Github please check it!
- (2023-02-04) Mike Stoebe: I love it. Good Job! Yearly I make overview of income & expenses for 3p-household. Amazon has become a big position since corona. I can categorize the orders by subject after VLOOKUP to your report.
- (2022-11-01) Nitin India: It's very helpful to track all the orders and money spent in a year on Amazon including refunds. Used on
- (2022-06-11) Zvi Twersky: Clicking download csv just redirects to Amazon order page and doesn't download anything. Also, I chose 2021 which I know should have 307 orders but the extension only shows 66 - even though I chose "show all"
- (2022-06-06) Andy Kemp: Excellent tool that really helps me stay on top of the spending! Doesnt work as expected (you now need to select a year of reports in Amazon BEFORE pressing the add in icon), but other than that works well and really solid