extension ExtPose

Dux-Soup для LinkedIn Automation

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Description from extension meta

Получайте свежие, квалифицированные лиды LinkedIn каждый день с помощью инструмента №1 для автоматизации LinkedIn.

Image from store Dux-Soup для LinkedIn Automation
Description from store Вопросы и ответы (FAQ) для всех пользователей см. https://support.dux-soup.com << Введение >> Dux-Soup позволяет автоматизировать процесс лидогенерации в LinkedIn. Этот плагин для браузера работает c Google Chrome и станет вашим вирутальным помощником в LinkedIn. << Для чего нужен этот плагин? >> Dux-Soup позволит вам гораздо быстрее получать новых лидов. Он отслеживает каждый посещаемый вами профиль и позволяет делать заметки прямо на странице профиля, который вы сохраняете. Дата профиля и заметки могут быть экспортированы в .CSV-файл и позже открыты в Microsoft Excel или другой аналогичной программе. В .CSV-файл включены такие данные, как время посещения, имя человека, чей профиль вы посетили, его должность, название компании, расположение, адрес электронной почты и заметки. << Что самое лучшее в Dux-Soup? >> Все ваши действия автоматически отслеживаются в LinkedIn и видны после экспорта. Вы можете делать и сохранять следующие заметки по каждому профилю: отправлено сообщение / нужно ответить на сообщение / нравится опера и так далее. Dux-Soup позволяет сэкономить часы ручного ввода данных, которые уходят на отслеживание лидов, с которыми вы общаетесь в LinkedIn. Dux-Soup также имеет функцию автоматического посещения профилей пользователей LinkedIn на базе поисковых запросов в Google или LinkedIn. Это означает, что вы (ваш профиль) будете отмечены как "смотрел(-а) ваш профиль", а человеческое любопытство обычно заставляет человека посмотреть кто смотрел его профиль и, возможно, добавить его в контакты. << Версии >> У плагина есть две версии: версия Starter (Начальная) — бесплатная, и версия Professional (Профессиональная) — платная, с ежемесячной оплатой. ⫸ Версия Starter (Начальная) создана для LinkedIn Standard, Business Pro и Sales Navigator. Эта версия обеспечивает 100 посещений профиля в день, посещает профили членов групп, ищет с помощью Google X-Ray и позволяет делать заметки. ⫸ Версия Professional (Профессиональная) позволяет пользователю настраивать количество посещений/день, посещает профили членов групп, поддерживает все версии Linkedin, скачивает данные, экспортирует списки профилей с помощью Quickscan, имеет настраиваемую производительность, может искать с помощью Google X-Ray и, конечно же, имеет все функции Dux-Soup: заметки, пользовательские метки, автоматическое добавление в контакты, автоматическое отслеживание, автоматическое сохранение в PDF и автоматическое подтверждение навыков. ❮❮ Как это работает? ❯❯ Самый быстрый способ узнать, как работает Dux-Soup и как вы можете использовать его преимущества — посетить наш канал на Youtube: channel.dux-soup.com. ❮❮ Что еще мне нужно знать? ❯❯ Если вам нравится бесплатная версия и вы хотите расширить функционал, вы можете просто перейти на версию Professional через Chrome Webstore и разблокировать все профессиональные функции. Подробную информацию смотрите в нашем видео и на нашем веб-сайте www.dux-soup.com. ❮❮ В чем преимущества Dux-Soup? ❯❯ Это более универсальное, удобное для пользователя и не требующее больших затрат решение по сравнению с «Hunter», «eLink», «Linked Helper», «Social Lead Machine» или «LinMailPro». Безопаснее, чем «Meet Leonard». Кроме того, мы улучшили поддержку клиентов посредством индивидуальных телефонных звонков в службу поддержки, запланированных с помощью calendar.dux-soup.com. Мы просим направлять любые вопросы или пожелания по электронной почте [email protected]. Вы также можете следить и связываться нами через страницу в FB (Dux-Soup) или Twitter @DuxQuack. Мы желаем вам процветания и, если вам нравится наш продукт, пожалуйста, оставьте нам хороший отзыв в Chrome Store. С благодарностью, Команда Dux-Soup.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-23) Erik Sacks: Great customer service and I love the product!
  • (2023-11-08) Maikel Veldhuis: Very satisfied! There is proactive thinking and quick action taken, absolutely great.
  • (2023-11-02) Support team is really really good
  • (2023-10-17) Duc Pham: Hi, I used it efficiently! However, it stopped sending connection after 2 days, could you please help to fix it ?
  • (2023-09-11) Lois Entwistle: Great tool Saved me 1 whole day per week and increased Linked In conversations and meetings booked by 2 a week.
  • (2023-09-06) Jeremy Wallaeys: Très bon outil et support très réactif !
  • (2023-09-01) Esmadi: Excelent application and excelent support! It works fine!
  • (2023-08-23) gregory bonilla: User-friendly program, professional customer service team
  • (2023-08-15) Ser Hai Sim: Great apps for automation. Love it!
  • (2023-07-26) Kevin Chng: Excellent functionality for my CRM needs. Customer Service was prompt and great. They guided me through some of the setup.
  • (2023-07-25) Kseniya Rabeshko: Great functionality and instant customer support! I love it!
  • (2023-07-21) Ashish Janiani: It's the BEST thing that has ever happened to our business---In covid, I wondered how can I reach out to my prospects--Dux Soup is like GOD to me (if you believe there is one, then this is it in sales). I have scaled this to 10 of my clients and have been using it for 2+ years....thank you dux soup--may the universe bless you..thank you for the BEST sales tool + the BEST support team I know in my 17 years of sales experience
  • (2023-07-19) Randall Mallinson: Great platform, and customer service. Definately recommend this tool if you are looking to speed up your work load
  • (2023-07-18) Hadar Elbaum: FANTASTIC TOOL!!!
  • (2023-07-17) Hayden Morison: Great tool for lead gen!
  • (2023-07-12) Vincent Krembel: Un petit robot plein de potentiel que l'on apprécie beaucoup et qui rapporte du business. SAV au top et extrêmement réactif et efficace.
  • (2023-07-10) Micha El Khoury: Great & fast support!
  • (2023-07-05) Grete-Liis Kreegimäe: Great for LinkedIn automation. Even though sometimes it can get bit complicated with all the filters and features, the support is truly amazing! They answer so quickly and always so helpful.
  • (2023-06-20) Teo G3: Amazing customer support! Even though the tool might be a bit complicated the first time if you've never used something like this before, they have good articles, video tutorials, and customer support. Betul & Lavinia have been helping me figure stuff out and it was great!
  • (2023-06-15) Kevin Lawson: Custoemr for 4 months and have used the tool extensively to automate much of my interactions. The help team is super responsive; 10 to 15 minutes to respond to "info@" email inquires...and they include helpful pics and tutorials. Make sure you go "Turbo" when you select a subscription level for the best feature set too.
  • (2023-06-14) A Klays: Utilisée pendant plusieurs mois. Simple et efficace !
  • (2023-06-02) Aakaar: You guys are super helpful, your response time over the email is very fast. Thanks for that
  • (2023-05-26) Renaud Charrin: Dux is pretty easy to implement, fun to use, and the team is pretty awesome! Giles is great, and Lavinia in support was fast, and resolve our user error issue and more!
  • (2023-05-17) Selvakumar R Palanisamy: I just have opted for a trial yesterday. Haven't yet used the platform completely. Just started off but the customer service was excellent. The person helping me out was Domi and he was very patient and took his time to solve my query. Excellent !
  • (2023-05-03) James Sandoval: Not only is this an excellent service, but the customer service is 5-star quality, too. I've been using Dux-Soup on and off for a few years, and now to great effect communicating with my 1st degree relationships via LinkedIn. Really solid. And only getting better over time.
  • (2023-05-03) Mark Dyble: Early days for me with Dux-Soup but five stars for these two reasons: 1. The webinars with Giles are excellent. Down to earth simple and the guy really knows his stuff. 2. Had an issue/question which I fired off to the help desk (early in the morning) - bespoke answer (from Domi) came back virtually immediately. Couple of emails to and fro and issue resolved. Great start from the Dux-Soup guys!
  • (2023-03-09) Allie Floyd: Works very well for us to generate leads, and their customer support (we spoke with Betul C.) was excellent -- Betul went to the trouble to mock up a few different scenarios for pricing to help us get a full picture of what plan would best suit our needs.
  • (2023-03-07) Riya Beriwala: Works perfectly and the support from their customer service is very fast and helpful. Their response are prompt with the perfect solution.
  • (2023-01-24) Matsoudo: Un outil efficace, peut-être un peu trop, veillez à bien régler le bot en mode lent et de sorte à ce qu'il ne tourne pas H24 et vous devriez éviter à ce moment-là tout risque d'avertissement ou de ban de LinkedIn.
  • (2023-01-18) Dylan Vosloo: Dux-Soup is honestly one amazing tool. The automation is really next level Tech and the way it just streamlines my work is really great. The support, absolutely fantastic. They really have a great customer service business and that is what is so important. They care about their client. Thank you to the Dux-Soup team for this tool . My prospects gave grown over 1200% in just one month.
  • (2022-10-12) Danté Coopman: Great!
  • (2022-09-20) Holger Steinhauer: The tool is very helpful and the support sets new standards.
  • (2022-09-16) Mike Kelly: I only started using Dux-Soup today but the response from the support team has been brilliant. Fast friendly and super efficient.
  • (2022-09-13) Chantal Pierrat: Love my Dux-Soup, and the support has been highly responsive if only through email. It's taken my linkedin communications to the next level for sure!
  • (2022-08-08) Alexey Makhrov: If conflicts with other chrome extensions working on the same page (by actively deleting their iframes). I have to chose which extensions I want activated on the page at any given time, which is super frustrating.
  • (2022-08-08) Susan Law: Just started using it, and now my LinkedIn automatically opens and closes constantly. Also it makes LinkedIn very very slow, just typing a message to someone takes 5 times the amount of time it used to. Anyone else have these problems? Not yet finding it user friendly despite watching hours of videos..
  • (2022-08-04) Mark Stephen Ladica: Dux-Soup Customer Service is amazing! Gin and Domi always give the proper information for me to learn the features of Dux-Soup and assist me on how to run my drip campaign slowly but surely and not being limited by LinkedIn every week. The tool works smoothly and it helps me a lot to search my target audience. Automated messages and follow-ups features are amazing to use.
  • (2022-08-03) Carla Coll: Vlada K. is amazing! She helped me set up Dux Soup from scratch and now I can track all the info and have the campaigns up and running! So much better than my Hubspot account manager and the company we're paying to help us set up the CRM lol. I am obsessed with these tool and how easy it is to use =)
  • (2022-06-08) Hannah Carney: Dux-soup is a fantastic tool, I'm really loving it and have launched two campaigns already! Big shout out to the Dux-soup support team who reply so quickly and really try to understand any issues you run into.
  • (2022-03-17) Ignas Peciura: Great customer support!
  • (2022-02-18) Kaspar Wohnlich: Not only a great product but als a great team with an amazing service and probably the fastest response service ever. Thank you
  • (2022-02-08) Laura Chambers: Awful to use. Crashes every time I use it. Forces me to turn off all extensions and clear my history browser in order for it to work. NOT RECOMMENDED.
  • (2022-02-07) Callum Batten: Amazing customer service, very quick response rate.
  • (2022-02-01) Chan Park: Awesome products and great support, we're in good hands!
  • (2022-01-25) Mike Gearin: Great extension! Opened up avenues to potential clients I could not previously reach so readily and effectively. Runs like a champ with little or no help.
  • (2022-01-07) Allen Robinson: Product is great and the support is better. Very helpful and got the job done in minutes.
  • (2022-01-06) Swinburne Charles: Does as advertised. Wonderful product!
  • (2021-12-16) RK: Mooie tool!
  • (2021-12-01) Gerardo San Jose: Awesome product! Customer service is A1. Highly recommend.
  • (2021-11-19) Build A Kick Ass Company LinkedIn: Great tool and wonderful customer service!


60,000 history
4.3517 (435 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-11 / 9.6.0
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