Description from extension meta
Download Renren album with one click.
Image from store
Description from store
Renren Album Downloader packs up all the photos in an arbitrary Renren album in a zip, and sends it to your disk.
Now supports full-size photo download! You can opt-out in the option page.
How to use
1. Go to a Renren album that you want.
* Currently only supports user albums. Public page albums will be supported in future releases.
* Not a album share page (yet). If you happen to be in a album share page, please click on the link below the album name to the real album page.
2. Click "Download album".
3. Wait for the page to automatically scroll to the bottom, and the zip to download.
* Do *NOT* leave the album page (e.g. click a link on the page) or close the tab until the download finish. Feel free to switch to other tabs, though.
4. Inside of the zip, you will find a folder named renren-album-${albumId}, inside of which all the photos are named with its index in the album. Also there is an info.html, where you can view the album in a new way, with the album name, description, and photo titles.
Known Issues
* Could crash Chrome when downloading *huge* albums, say 500-photo albums.
* Naming folders / files with Chinese characters sometimes leads to corrupted zips. Therefore, all the Chinese stuff (album name, album description, and photo descriptions) are put into info.html, rather than used in folder / file names.
Any feedback is welcomed, but if you expect my response (and you probably do), please post them on the feedback page ( or on GitHub, because I cannot respond to your web store review in any way!
Renren Album Downloader is released under the MIT license.
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-09) Andrew Jiang: Doesn't work
- (2022-08-09) Chels: It doesn't work at all in 2022
- (2019-07-01) Akah F: 无法使用
- (2018-09-05) may calgas: didnt work
- (2017-04-13) Andy XD: 已停止更新,無法使用
- (2017-01-22) Cory Roberts: Doesn't work.
- (2016-01-28) Cana Li: 不能用了。一直在分析中
- (2015-10-31) Ziad Beatbox: Doesn't work
- (2015-03-07) Raymond Lawrence (S大圣): 已经不能用了 但是以前用过 挺好用的
- (2015-02-05) Dawei Yang: 一直停在analyzing,即使只有一张照片,即使是自己的相册
- (2015-01-11) الملاك الاسود (ﺃﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ ﻗﻠﺐ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ): loved it
- (2014-06-24) Chen Chen: 楼上是2月份的评论,现在是6月底,我这边还是根本用不了,直接是一直“分析中……”。 不知道作者是否有空更新,目前的版本完全不能用。
- (2014-02-23) jun z: 理念挺好,而且设计出来非常美观、小巧,甚至连扩展栏都不占用,只在需要时出现一个精致的小按钮。 不过如果能免去打包这个步骤就好了,可以像小乐图客那样直接一键批量下载。 说了这么多,其实我这边根本用不了,直接是一直“分析中……”。即使是只有4张照片的相册也不行……可能是人人的编号规则之类的已经变了而作者没有跟进,导致失效了。也可能是我网络的原因。
- (2013-07-14) Junxin Lin: 不能用
- (2013-07-04) catburglar lee: 老是停在打包中,然后导致浏览器崩溃
- (2013-05-05) 韩荣: 经常崩溃,不能用
- (2013-03-19) Easley Tim: 功能看起来不错,但是我这里就是老停在“打包中...”
- (2012-11-29) J R: 经常最后一张下不了
- (2012-11-13) 陈赟: 为何现在总是在打包的时候卡住,导致chrome崩溃。。。
- (2012-08-26) Edward Hua: 下载的照片都不是原始尺寸的……
- (2012-06-23) hj g: 只能下载好友的,不能下载公共主页的
- (2012-05-22) Hanson Liu: 貌似不能正常下载了?浏览器提示"是否允许多个文件..."但允许了也没反应,插件提示下载结束
- (2012-05-02) Xinyuan Yu: 很好用!