Create Wayback-Consumable WARC Files from Any Webpage
WARCreate is a Google Chrome extension that allows a user to create a Web ARChive (WARC) file from any browsable webpage. The resulting files can then be used with other tools like the Internet Archive's open source Wayback Machine. The tool is an evolving product with the end result pushing toward being a personal web archiving solution for those that wish to securely archive their metadata in a standardize way.
Version 0.2021.6.28 Fixes an issue to capture URIs without relative indicators.
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-17) Zappa Penguin: Too inconsistent to be trusted. For instance, it hangs when trying to WARC this storefront page. It's very opaque, with no way to check status - you click "generate" and it doesn't do anything, either because it's actually generating a WARC or because it's crashed or hung on something, and there's just no telling which possibility is the case. On the bright side, it's not a CLI python script, so... points for that.
- (2022-09-25) x: Crashes with current Chrome version -- was very excited to try it.
- (2019-08-06) Qiang Zhong: I search for it for a long time.Thank you for your nice job. I want ust this plugins to achive a japanese website and import to wail,then FTP to my sever let friends or customers to see a local website.
- (2019-03-09) Stefan Quandt: Nach Installation muss man eine zu archivierende Seite erste einmal neu laden, damit ein Klick auf den Tool-Button der Extension einen "Generate WARC"-Button zeigt. Leider hat dann aber ein Klick auf diesen Button keinerlei Wirkung (nicht einmal das MenĂ¼ mit dem Button verschwindet). Getestet mit Google Chrome 72.0.3626.121.
- (2018-02-08) Ric Razaf: Thinks not works with last chrome version
- (2017-12-12) John Berlin: Awesome extension to quickly create a WARC file of any webpage
- (2015-03-22) Panos Diakakis: Software is needed to replay the WARCs by nature of the format. I recommend using Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL), a software suite that came about because of WARCreate.