在这个明星和⾃自拍照泛滥的时代,我们也需要点捣毁偶像的娱乐精神。本插件会⾃自动搜寻出 ⺴⽹网⻚页内的⼀一张张脸, 并根据你的喜好进⾏行恶搞(提供⼀一系列选择)。向那些⺴⽹网络⾃自我营销 者们投出⼀一颗微型实验弹吧! 右击以分享到各个社交⺴⽹网站
Iconoclasm for the temple of celebrity and the cult of selfie. This page mod extension is an anxiety reduction machine that finds faces on pages and defaces them in your browser with a choice of filters. A small (but hopefully satisfying) intervention in the marketing spectacle called 'The Web'.
Right click on the defaced image to share to social.
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Latest reviews
- (2014-09-09) Andy Freeman: I feel better already!