Description from extension meta
Download Facebook (Album & Video), Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter,, Weibo Album.
Image from store
Description from store
●●Please press Ctrl+S & save with "Web Page, Complete" type●●
Support: Facebook(Video, Album, Photos of, Tagged photos, Search, Group, Message), Instagram(Photo, Video, Album), Pinterest, Twitter,, Weibo
Support me on Patreon:
Tutorial links:
(Install this first to install extension version)
Userscript Version (For Firefox, Opera, Safari):
Donate for my work: (Thank you very much!)
All site permission, is used for download files from facebook & instagram which URLs change over time. Tab permission is used to open a new tab.
Modified from 'Download FB album' by blackbing:
Credit to fancyBox(by Janis Skarnelis), FileSaver(by Eli Grey), zip.js (by Gildas Lormeau) & File API tool (
**Click 'ReStyle' if the images' position are wrong/fancyBox isn't loaded**
Download Steps:
1. Click the Page Actions button in any album/profile
2. Select your option:
●1 -> Normal Download: try to autoload all photos
●2 -> Download without auto load: only output loaded photos( For large album )
●3 -> Load from specific id:
useful when autoload stopped due to error and want to load after the last photo grabbed.
( For very large album to optimize loading speed )
( e.g. 500th -> end not 1st -> end ) <- Enter this number
● -- Load Captions, Comments & Friend tag ( Take longer time )
● -- Large Album Optimize ( Save the page as usual )
● -- Compress data ( save more data for option 4 )
Fast: lzw, Extreme: lzma+lzw. Try none/fast if crash occur.
●4 -> Export last album ( may not work for large album )
3. Save the new page opened. ( Press "Ctrl+S" & save with "Web Page, Complete" type )
**ChangeName is used to rename file name to (ascending) order
Steps to change name:
1. Click 'ChangeName'->'Ok' to reverse photo's order
2. 'Auto Zip all' -> Wait & Done! (html is packed inside zip)
3. Save the page with images -> Drag photos you needed
4. Click 'Change Name'
5. 'Zip all files' -> Unzip & Done!
(6. If you want to view generated page offline,save the HTML in zip again to embed the script )
p.s. Please 'Reset' before download another album
●1. Normal Download 普通下載 ( 嘗試載入整個相簿的圖片 )
●2. Without auto load 只下載已載入的圖片 ( 針對太多相片的專頁 )
●3. Autoload from specific id 從特定相片後繼續載入 ( 針對非常多相片的專頁/載入大相簿時中斷 ) <- 請輸入這個數字
● -Load Captions & Friend tag 載入相片的說明文字, 評論 及 標籤 ( 需等待一段時間 )
● -Large Album Optimize 對大相簿優化 ( 如常儲存網頁便可 )
● -Compress data 壓縮資料 ( 儲存更多資料供選項4使用 )
●4. Export last album 載入上次的相片 ( 減少誤關網頁後的不便 )
按下選項等待載入,然後按Ctrl+S儲存新開的視窗 ( 存檔類型必須為"完整的網頁" )
ChangeName 是用作將檔名按次序排列,使用方法:
1. 按ChangeName,可以選擇將次序倒轉 ( 適用於'手機上載'等 )
2. 'Auto Zip all' 自動下載所有圖片並改名
2. 儲存網頁,選擇需要的圖片
3. 將圖片拖入灰色區域,等候圖片載入
4. Change Name->Zip all files 等候改名->下載
5. 將檔案解壓至一資料夾,網頁檔內包含相片的說明文字
註: 請在下載新相簿前按'Reset'重設
1. Memory usage may greatly increase after downloaded too many photos.
2. Slow performance during scroll up&down is normal.
Change log:
(Fix) IG user feed query hash
(Fix) IG save helper
(Fix) Twitter photo url
(Add) IG download highlights
(Fix) IG get video links
(Fix) Twitter get photos
(Fix) IG save helper for tagged photos
(Fix) Pinterest load home page feed
(Fix) IG save helper duplicate links
(Mod) Add IG stories publish time
(Mod) Handle weibo ended due to author setting
(Fix) IG helper get username
(Add) Video indicator for other sites
(Add) IG dash video mpd link
(Add) Output page video indicator
(Fix) Twitter new layout
(Fix) Weibo load album (userscript) (Happy New Year!)
(Fix) IG load video post
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-05) PNG Gaas: Not working for a long time
- (2023-11-02) Mr Reviews: Doesnt work
- (2023-10-12) Francisco Campos S: NO FUNCIONA, NO DESCARGA
- (2023-08-31) Nikola Kucerovic: The new update requires you to pay in order to use it fully. What a disappointment
- (2023-08-29) Dave Bertin: Doesn't work
- (2023-08-16) Dirk Dirk: does not work anymore on facebook, has not been updated for 3 years -> I think that says it all ...
- (2023-07-20) Jon Edgar: I receive "Cannot load required variable" error message from Facebook. I click the "output" button twice to get another pop-up which just sits there. Doesn't work.
- (2023-07-03) anael s: not working for facebook
- (2023-07-03) B Hoa A Nhuy: bị lỗi k tải đc IG với Twiter rồi
- (2023-06-21) Chiêu Tiểu: có đc đâu tải nhanh nhưng độ phân giải thấp ko xem đc hình lun
- (2023-06-17) T- Dub: Garbage
- (2023-06-01) Nadia Hall: Doesn't work
- (2023-05-23) Michele Chini: Non va
- (2023-05-21) Frank Top: Not working anymore for instagram at least. Too bad.
- (2023-05-14) Karl Apap: Not working
- (2023-04-09) Nayana Sri: Not working
- (2023-04-09) Brad Liu: 原本非常好用,結果ig先不能用,但是twitter還行,後來連twiter都不能用了,現在整個廢掉,到底是??
- (2023-03-21) Cheng-Hsiang Chuang: Useless on twitter.
- (2023-02-14) อํานาจไม่ได้อยู่ในมือใคร แต่อยู่ถัดไปจากยโสธร: don't work @2023
- (2023-01-31) John Plex: Not working anymore in Twitter! Does any knows any ALTERNATIVES? Thanks
- (2023-01-23) Marios V: Useless
- (2023-01-20) 美好八零: TWITTER 不能用了,可以修復嗎?
- (2022-12-29) Radiša Ivić: Nista ne radi...
- (2022-12-16) Ricardo Carreño: NOT WORKING ANYMORE!
- (2022-11-20) Echo Juwana: Edit 2022 : Not working anymore.. -- wow really useful.. thanks a lot for this !!
- (2022-11-18) Jeferson Oliveira: a extensão pelo jeito precisará de atualiza~~ao porque não funciona mais no facebook, isso é devido a mudança de sistema de páginas, ela agora não consegue identificar o que é album ou não., essa mudança de pagina esta em grande maioria, mas tem algumas que ainda não mudaram para pagina/perfil, só resta aguardar mesmo.
- (2022-11-14) Dave Houser: Broken, "Cannot load variable", worthless.
- (2022-10-30) Ernesto Rodriguez: It does not work!! 30 October 2022
- (2022-10-29) Dave Moore: Did not work for me. My goal was to download all photos I'm tagged in - I eventually found the extension 'Tagged Photo Exporter for Facebook' ( which did work great for this.
- (2022-10-24) Peter K: Not working anymore, better remove it from the store if the developer won't to update it.
- (2022-10-21) Crl: Doesn't work on fb
- (2022-10-15) Lester Saavedra: Octubre 2022 .. Ya no Sirve! No Funciona! No Descargar!
- (2022-10-14) Blank駿: Don't work
- (2022-10-09) koloa kola: the developer leaves this addon becomes completely useless
- (2022-10-08) Andy p: not working anymore
- (2022-10-06) Vườn Nhà Gốm: Từ tháng 01 năm 2021 đã không tương thích với Facebook nữa rồi.
- (2022-10-04) Filip Vucinic: Earlier, it worked perfectly. Nowadays, it breaks instagram - the content does not load, pages are inaccessible.
- (2022-10-04) li il: 인스타그램 로그인 불가 문제!! 로그인 후 화면에서 다시 로그아웃되어버립니다.
- (2022-09-26) German Estuardo: YA NO FUNCIONA
- (2022-09-22) JA Jenkins: Used to work well but doesn't work at all now. Should just remove from Google Play store and save folks time.
- (2022-03-21) Kristjan Variksoo: broken
- (2022-03-19) Piltdown Superman: There was a time when this was pretty good. Now, nothing. Interesting that Fakebook's own download album gives an error, and so does this extension (a different error), so there may be a connection.
- (2022-03-12) Paweł Kierklo: Nie działa / not work
- (2022-03-09) Francois Derain: Doesn't work at all! Waste of time and space
- (2022-03-08) Adjie Krisnandy: not working anymore
- (2022-03-08) Alex Flores: Antes funcionaba muy bien en 2018 y 2019 pero actualmente en 2022 ya no funciona
- (2022-03-06) Janac Meena: Doesn't work on facebook on 2022
- (2022-03-04) Khoa Nguyen: Like rubbish, for a long time it's not work
- (2022-03-02) Surikat Ibragimovich: (2022) на данный момент не работает. помню давно им пользовался отличное было приложение - скачивал всё архивом
- (2022-02-18) Scourge sam: Requires Update please!!!