extension ExtPose

Easy Share

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Description from extension meta

Share the current link on: Twitter, Facebook Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr or Gmail. Just that simple.

Image from store Easy Share
Description from store Use the icon of Easy Share in your address bar to popup a little window with the sharing services. Choose which ones you want, and click on Share. It's not rocket science, we don't ask permissions, we don't require registration, we don't put ads, we just popup each service with the URL to share the page and nothing else. Supported services: Twitter, Facebook and Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr or Gmail. NEW: Remembers the services selected in last session.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-30) Michael Erwin: This app is great and so very useful. However, it keeps crashing and I have to reload it frequently. What gives?
  • (2020-10-27) C M: I went through 5 other extensions before I found this one that has a direct link to GMail. WORKS GREAT!!!!
  • (2019-10-22) CelowsBR Gaming: Just great! Works like a charm and is very fast! Five stars tô me! ;)
  • (2019-06-08) A Spence: I am always reading webpages that I want to share with other folks including my wife. This app easily allows me to share a webpage by gmail with one click. Veeery Easy. Like really easy. Like I am blown away easy. Might be useful to be able to share through a pop account email instead of just gmail, but I'm ok with gmail for now. Not sure about the privacy issues if it is tracking my browsing data or not.
  • (2018-04-08) Jake Gannaban: love it
  • (2018-03-01) Lucinda Cisler: [Just installed a couple of days ago, with real hopes...] The visibility of the ES icon in the toolbar comes and goes for no reason, like the old Cheshire Cat's smile. Why? And one's selected sharing-mode often won't "register" in a single move but must be chosen over and over. But the really BIG problem i see with Easy Share is this: The crucial AUTOMATIC "save-to-DRAFT" action we've come to be used to (and SO grateful for) on all unfinished/ unSENT Gmails that we create does NOT apply here! However much time you spend hunting for and finding a page, writing extra text and better ID, picking recipients, etc, for a link you want to share (via Gmail, for me), your ENTIRE ATTEMPT (= your DRAFT) simply evaporates if you don't SEND it...AT ONCE! We MUST be able to return, under the Drafts heading, to ALL our unfinished Gmails later (that's the meaning of Draft), whether we directly composed them, are adding something to a "thread," or have gotten the sharing-page thru your Easy Share. Then WE can fiddle with, finish, send - at the time WE pick! - OR throw out the draft. NOT a decision to be made high-handedly by your extension, certainly! Very very annoying and time-wasting...and, i suspect, wholly unnecessary technically, too, and probably pretty easily fixable? (Why the means we once always had to just CLICK on a built-in drop-down side-menu to send/email material elsewhere is no longer INTEGRAL, but now forces us to go FIND a separate way to install that common action, is seriously nonsensical and retro anyway.) So: Please just fix this glitch, ASAP, to bring the vital "auto-save-to-draft" action that we expect ion Gmail into operation HERE too. Thanks! - [email protected]
  • (2018-02-28) Läuft auch mit Opera!!!
  • (2018-01-25) Paul Thomas: Mine seems to work well, can choose facebook, google plus, email, and other.s Seems fine, but not spent much time with it
  • (2017-12-09) Sherry Ballard: The only pin I wanted to pin wasn't loaded
  • (2017-10-28) For sharing links, it opens separate pop-up-windows, which are too small for its content. Else, it offers merely link-sharing to few major-social-network-sites.
  • (2017-10-09) Игорь Валерьевич: Отлично добавляет из хрома в гугл плюс.
  • (2017-04-05) Slava Lishnevsky: Thannks for: 1 - multi-share functionality 2 - for not redirecting to those sites after sharing, like other extensions 3 - for the same top left corner popup window positioning so, 5*, didnt find anything that I didnt like. Two minor suggestion: - the extension icon, can you make it more bolded maybe? - also, the popup window, can you make it a little bit bigger to avoid unnecessary scrolling when shared sites's inserted thumbnail is too big? Thanks a lot! good job.
  • (2017-01-03) antiguidadeseraridades Arq.Antiq. Luiz Smith Manaia: realy good
  • (2016-12-22) abdullah kullu: fdaf
  • (2016-10-13) JK Kim: 여러개 동시 share 가능함. 공유후 확인은 하나씩 해줘야 하긴 함.
  • (2016-06-07) Marko Krstic: OVO JE PRAVA STVAR!!
  • (2016-05-29) Rafael Arteaga Betanzos: Sencilla de usar. Permite compartir enlaces con varias redes sociales simultáneamente. Debería tener más redes sociales, además de Telegram y Whatsapp.
  • (2016-03-16) Jon Aske: I like it for the most part, but half the time the Facebook connection does not work. It gives me the following non-sensical message: "This content is no longer available. The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page." Not true.
  • (2015-11-09) Carlos Nieto: muy bueno
  • (2015-10-14) Armando Gamonal: Excelente, aunque sería necesario que se escriba el texto en una sola ventana y que comparta automáticamente con las redes sociales elegidas... Es un poco incómodo escribir el texto en cada ventana al compartir una misma publicación... Pero en general, la extensión está perfecta... Saludos desde PERÚ...
  • (2015-09-21) Андрій «Krez» Невідомий: Зручно, ще б була можливість розшарювати без возні з вікнами.
  • (2015-07-23) Tomasz Płókarz (tolep): Robi co należy. Robi to dobrze.
  • (2014-08-13) Flávio Ferrari: This version seems to crash chromium 38 a lot, in diverses pages Even not easysharing at all
  • (2014-05-15) Terry Canaan: Nice, but very limited in supported sites. If you want to add a site besides the handful supported, you're outta luck. I get the feeling I'll be removing this in the near-future.
  • (2014-03-08) Marcio Pereira: Just what I needed. Perfect!!!!
  • (2014-03-04) Kadir Kalhoro: I fount very good sharing extension Thanks for this one

Latest issues

  • (2022-01-22, v:1.8.1) marcelo sauaf: whats app
    please add an option to share through whats app web
  • (2020-02-13, v:1.8.1) M P: I love the tool.
    Could you add Pocket, Instagram, Notion, Instapaper, etc? Thanks
  • (2018-08-20, v:1.8.1) Jack Rozalin: More website
    Is it possible you guy add more website for share? I mean, there is so many social website you can add to this list share
  • (2017-11-25, v:1.8.1) Turbo Kitty: EasyShare & Firefox
    Will this ever be available on Firefox, because I really love the ease of use, just not that it's on available on the Chrome web browser.
  • (2017-04-25, v:1.8.1) Turbo Kitty: Firefox
    Will EasyShare ever be available on Firefox?
  • (2016-02-01, v:1.8.1) M P: Pop-up Blockers
    I was wondering if you could modify the app to open new tabs to bypass pop up blockers. I seem to have good pop up blockers that block this app. Not willing to give up on pop up blockers. If it does work, it only works on chrome mac version, not chrome pc version at least on windows 10.
  • (2015-03-17, v:1.8.1) Icon
    The icon is no longer visible in the omni bar, but it's still there if you click on the whitespace where it should be...?!
  • (2014-11-10, v:1.8.1) M P: LinkedIn not responding
    The product is great. I had one issue and it seems to be current. When sharing, if you have LinkedIn highlighted it used to open in a new window. Now, it is not opened in a new window and it does not open at all. I normally share via twitter, google + and linkedin. Linkedin does not open at all. I have to open linkedin and then do it manually. This started today. 11/10/2014. Thanks,


2,000 history
4.3556 (45 votes)
Last update / version
2013-10-24 / 1.8.1
Listing languages
