Description from extension meta
Veroorzaakt links om te openen in hetzelfde tabblad
Description from store
Stops links from opening in a new tab. Also adds an "Open link in same tab" option to the right-click menu for links. Click on the icon or press Alt-B to add a website to the blacklist or whitelist. (Note: individual links can be forced to open in the same tab by dragging them to the address bar with the left mouse button held down instead of clicking them. This feature does not require the use of an extension.)
Latest reviews
- (2021-04-11) Jason Majors: So many sites, like Google custom search engines, force the link to open in a new tab. But if I want a new tab, then I'll make a new tab with a triple click or 'F' in Vimium. This extension eliminates all the clutter of search results pages.
- (2021-02-02) N D: seems to work
- (2020-12-25) Aimee Alise: 在CSDN中不行,点击连接总会在新标签页打开。
- (2020-11-09) Andrey Shulga: This add-on is a life saver! In a past Chrome worked as charm - and whenever a link clicked - no new tab was open. But recently, something happened (probably someone at Google decided that opening a ton of tabs is cool), and whenever you click on a link - a new tab comes up - so frustrating! And there is no option to revert to the old behavior.
- (2020-10-10) MoonGirl: this used to work for etsy tabs perfectly but now it doesn't anymore. you have to right click and hit the "open in same tab" now, it used to just work automatically. sad, because etsy is making me so mad!
- (2020-09-26) Fenix: Does precisely what it says. Which is great when freaking Google keeps rechecking the option to open results in a new tab when I specifically told it to stop doing that ten times already (Fix your "features" Google!)
- (2020-09-08) Artemi Lebedev: Work with problems
- (2020-07-22) Lane F: Cannot get it to work on Version 84.0.4147.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2020-07-20) Loribeth Clark: Used to work great, now not so well. All the sudden it is allowing Etsy to open a new tab whenever an item link is clicked. And there doesn't seem to be a way to prevent it any longer.
- (2019-12-09) City 348: Stopped working completely, hence one star. Fix it, then you'll get your 5 stars.
- (2019-06-15) Michael Katz: More flexible than its description: If you want just the "Open link in same tab" context-menu command, choose "Restrict to whitelist," but leave your whitelist empty. This prevents the extension from automatically trapping any links, and you retain full control. This way, you get one of the many simple, essential features that Chrome unaccountably left out.
- (2019-05-12) 11100100: sometimes works, sometimes not at all, I wonder why?
- (2018-11-29) Darren Van Soye: Thank you for making this available.
- (2018-10-14) Tiana Lemesle: Not working on Intel's website, thanks.
- (2018-01-29) James Corwin: Works sometimes, but I specifically downloaded this to use Chinese websites which notoriously open EVERYTHING in a new tab and it drives me insane. I tested this extension on YouKu which is the main reason I wanted this extension, and when you search it redirects to soku and opens in a new tab.
- (2018-01-07) William Nutt: Works great! Love the whitelist and blacklist options along with the "restrict to whitelist" setting.
- (2017-10-24) yuu: 逛貼吧必備工具
- (2017-09-23) Dan Bergner: Has always worked great for me. It's a great system resource saver as well when having to open dozens of images in new tabs. Now it opens in the same rather than having double the amount of tabs open and double the amount of resources.
- (2017-07-03) Craig Leinoff: Dunno if it ever worked, but it does not now.
- (2016-12-21) John Knaack: it did work a few days and now it keeps opening in a new tab no matter what.
- (2016-11-19) Art Archer: perfect but please add chose option to remove right click menu i want my menu tidy and clean
- (2016-06-03) Dillon Sylvestre: Working perfectly. Thank you!
- (2016-03-31) Ivan Sikirić: It works for all sites that I used, whitelist is nice to have.
- (2015-12-03) Moo Scree: Cool, a working replacement for the over 4-year-old "Open in This Tab" that can no longer be found via store search!
- (2015-09-18) Simon Håkansson: I haven't found anything that works as well as this, the whitelist is awesome. Some sites seem immune, but that is a minor problem.
- (2015-03-10) Larnell Carthans: FINALLY AN EXTENSION THAT WORKS! This extension works on sites where others failed. White and BLacklist mode is perfect!