extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Stores sets of tabs for later viewing.

Image from store Tabsets
Description from store # Tabsets This extension lets you keep all the tabs you have open in a set so that you can open them all again later, even on another device, if you have synchronisation enabled in Google Chrome. A list shows when each set of tabs (a "tabset") was created, and how many tabs there are in each set. This is a great way to organise your various research projects into sets of tabs that you can restore at the click of a tabset link. Each tabset can be expended to see the individual tabs in that tabset, allowing one at a time to be removed. You can also rename the tabset, add the current tab to a tabset, and import or export tabsets as plain text to share with others. The extension requires permissions so that the title of each tab can be retrieved. This extension does not, and will not, read the contents of your web pages. This can be verified in the source code of the extension, which I have made open source on GitHub: http://bernhard-hofmann.github.io/Tabsets/ ## Version History Version 1.23: * Added ability to export all tabsets in one action, as well as auto-detection of import to handle single or multiple tabsets Version 1.22: * Removed requirement for unused `contextMenus`, `cookies`, and `notifications` permissions Version 1.21: * Added a link for donations. Version 1.20: * Sort tabsets by name or creation time. Version 1.19: * Save tabsets with local date and time of creation. Version 1.18: * Allows the reordering of tabs within each tabset. Version 1.17: * Prevents total data loss in the event of storage errors. Also shows errors encountered when storing tabsets. Version 1.16: * Improved layout of delete buttons for tabs within tabsets. Version 1.15: * Fixed the missing tabset import button. Version 1.14: * The rename tabset prompt defaults to the current tabset name. Version 1.13: * You can now rename tabsets. Version 1.12: * You can now remove individual tabs from a tabset with the delete button beside each tab. Version 1.11: * You can now add the current tab to an existing tabset with the plus button beside a tabset. Version 1.10: * Expand icon changed in preparation for using the plus icon to add a tab to a tabset. Version 1.9: * Basic support added for exporting and importing tabsets via their JSON representation. Being text, it can be copied and pasted in many places where a file might not be suitable. Version 1.8: * UI changes to make it more obvious that a tabset can be expanded, and made the name of the tabset the link to open all the tabs in that tabset. Also made delete an image so it's more compact/neater. Version 1.7: * Bug fix for event tracking. Version 1.6: * If the only open tab is a new tab, it'll be closed when you open a tabset. This makes opening a new window, and then a tabset feel more dedicated to the tabset. Version 1.5: * Make it clearer that the tabsets can be clicked to expand the tabs in them, which allows individual tabs to be opened. Version 1.4: * Version shown in the heading Version 1.3: * Code improvements and usage tracking Version 1.2: * Better storage method allows far more tabsets to be saved. * New UI and icon to make it stand out a little better.

Latest reviews

  • (2021-10-18) Michael Welday: I absolute love this
  • (2020-11-16) E Maines: Better than onetab, but less features/platforms than it, yet open source! Amazing! 4/5 UPDATE Fall 2020: 2/5 Sadly my main work Chrome account has reached the limit of tabsets adding new tabs. When attempting to create a new tabset, it appears to work, but instead creates the new tabset, but when Chrome is reopened, it is lost. As a hint to the developer, it always shows this, whenever I attempt to create a new tabset: "QUOTA_BYTES quota exceeded" Love this tool, if you can fix this issue, I'll definitely donate a coffee/beer. Cheers!
  • (2020-03-22) Harly Walsh: This is F%@#$*G AMAZING! Stops wasting cpu and ram. Makes organising browser activity a breeze. As someone who does a million things at once; I don't know how I have survived without this.
  • (2019-12-07) Marylyn Hofmann: I use it all the time. Thanks hubby! :)
  • (2019-12-01) Laura Timmel: I love the simplicity, speed, and ease of use. Much more convenient than bookmarks for a lot of use cases, such as saving groups of related tabs that you want to use again at some point but not necessarily keep around forever. A few features that would make this an easy 5 star extension for me: - The ability to change the order of tab groups - Drag-and-drop functionality instead of up and down arrows for reordering tabs (and groups, if that feature is added) - The ability to open single tabs without the extension window closing (e.g., so you can open multiple tabs without having to re-open the extension and the tab group every time) This last feature is more of a want than a need, but it would be lovely: - Sub-groups
  • (2019-10-11) Jon: Haven't even used it yet, but there are no alternatives that I can reasonably verify don't mine my tab history. Tabsets or bust. "The extension requires permissions so that the title of each tab can be retrieved. This extension does not, and will not, read the contents of your web pages. This can be verified in the source code of the extension, which I have made open source on GitHub: http://bernhard-hofmann.github.io/Tabsets/"
  • (2019-10-06) bahrta sai: seems good so far. @Bernhard the option to right-click a link & add it to an existing tabset, as well as some kind of indicator on the icon if the tab is already in a tabset would be useful. Are there any plans to add either of those?
  • (2019-08-20) Dan Dickout: Great extension, very simple and easy to use. A useful addition might be the ability to hotkey groups you use frequently.
  • (2019-01-09) Selena Hofmann: I use it all the time as it saves my laptop from crashing when I load up my all my tabs but I can save the ones I want for another time.
  • (2018-11-17) Erik Alcala Salero: Really liked the extension, will there be any more updates ? Ca I suggest a feature to saved only the tabs that are not pinned ?
  • (2018-09-11) Stéphane F.: Ne permet pas de mettre à jour un groupe d'onglets existant, de ce fait n'apporte pas grand chose de plus que la fonction "Ajouter tous les onglets aux favoris" de Chrome...
  • (2018-05-10) Tom Whitaker: Thanks Bernhard!
  • (2018-04-19) Paul Urbanski: Extremely helpful and thoroughly unintrusive. Exactly what I needed.
  • (2018-03-19) Silvio Cavini: Excellent fpr saving tabs. Ideal for research.
  • (2014-07-30) Jan Vavříček: Simple, great, handy. If you need to open group of pages at the same time and by one click (eg. group for work, socials nw, ...).
  • (2013-05-23) Emryn Hofmann: Great Idea For keeping tabs and exchanging websites.

Latest issues

  • (2021-05-18, v:1.22) Rod Majuelo: Rearranging tabsets
    Is this feature available?
  • (2020-06-10, v:1.21) Dylan Barsby: Disabling the extension
    Hi there. If I temporarily disable the extension, do I run the risk of losing my existing tab-sets?
  • (2020-03-23, v:1.21) Nitzan Neeman: Password protection
    Hi, Just discovered this ext and it works beautifully, thank you!!! Are you planning to add password functionality, so that certain sets could only be open after providing a password? I guess in the options you can decide whether to have a different password for each set (or no password) or use a default password for all sets....
  • (2019-09-07, v:1.20) Adie D: Import Tabs from OneTab extension?
    Hi, Is it possible to import tabs for Onetab extension? both extensions are useful... yours is easier to create categories and move url's to desired folders. Onetab has the ability to save tabs on right click ect , but gives no room for folder making and placement only renaming groups. great if you could extend whats best of both :)
  • (2019-08-08, v:1.20) A H: My tabsets tabs are lost during the last few days or a week ago
    Hi I didn't realise when and how but today I noticed that all my previous tabs I have been creating for some time were missing. I don't see any option to synchronise them and restore them from anywhere. Please help?
  • (2018-11-18, v:1.18) Erik Alcala Salero: Hi, I have problems deleting a tabset
    Hi, I installed the extension but nothing happens when trying to delete a tabset, I'm using Vivaldi 2.1, Also, will there be any more updates ? Can I send feedback ? Would be great to only save the tabs that are not pinned
  • (2018-11-11, v:1.18) Jessica Louie: Syncing Across Computers
    When I add a tabset on my school computer and switch to my personal laptop, I don't see the tabset I just added. How do I make sure it syncs up for sure?
  • (2018-08-20, v:1.18) Michelle Carter: Are tabs lost when Chrome updates?
    Just migrated from OneTab to Tabsets and I so prefer Tabsets. A frequent criticism of OneTab is that tabs can be lost when Chrome updates or after various other events. Will anything cause Tabsets to be lost? Is there a way to preserve them in the event of a browser update? Thank you!
  • (2017-10-03, v:1.18) Peter Van Garderen: Privacy?
    Very useful extension. Just wondering though why you need to personally track each end-user page view? https://github.com/bernhard-hofmann/Tabsets/blob/master/js/app/popup.js https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiBasicConfiguration#_gat.GA_Tracker_._trackPageview
  • (2016-06-14, v:1.16) Sheryl Hohman: Does this work with current version of Chrome ?
    I see on github that this extension hasn't been updated in 3 years. Does it work with current (June 2016) version of Chrome ? Thank you for making the source code available, and allowing us to contribute, or fork. And especially to let us see for ourselves that there is no strange behaviour via permissions :-) Very Cool !
  • (2014-07-30, v:1.16) Jan Vavříček: Edit button for shortcut in tabset
    Hi, button (or something) for edit shortcut URL in tabset may be very useful. Some pages redirects URL to some "actual" (eg: www.example.com -> www.example.com/2014/07/...), but i want to have "base URL" saved in the tabset.
  • (2014-04-06, v:1.16) Michael Brownlow: Two ideas
    This extension is great! Here are two ideas: 1. A way to configure a tabset to automatically remember changes (adding/removing/changing tabs) before switching to another tab set or closing the browser window. 2. A way to close all currently open tabs prior to loading a tabset. (switching tabsets) Thanks for a great extension!


1,000 history
4.5263 (19 votes)
Last update / version
2021-08-09 / 1.23
Listing languages
