Description from extension meta
Duplicate Tabs Closer
Image from store
Description from store
Duplicate Tabs Closer detects and closes duplicate tabs.
Version 3.5.3 changelog:
* Fix: Popup UI issue
Version 3.5.2 changelog:
* Code optimizations
* Update UI
* Bug Fixes
* Add: Collapsible 'Options' menu
* New: Shrunk mode to hide unpinned option
* New: Custom option to close popup panel after closing duplicate tabs
Version 3.5.0 changelog:
* Code optimizations
* New filter option: Ignore case in URL
* New filter option: Ignore 'www' in URL domain name
* New scope option: Container in active window
* New scope option: Container in all windows
* Update UI
★ "On duplicate tab detected" options:
- Close tab automatically: automatically closes the detected duplicate tab.
- Do nothing: monitor tabs and update the badge icon to indicate the number of duplicate tabs detected.
★ On remaining tab options (used with "Close tab automatically):
- Do nothing (default): nothing is done after the duplicate tab is closed.
- Activate: once the duplicate tab is closed, the remaining tab is activated.
- Apply opening tab behavior: once the duplicate tab is closed, depending on the default tab behavior, the remaining tab will be moved to the position of the closed tab and activated if needed.
★ Whitelist (used with "Close tab automatically):
List of urls to not close automatically.
Duplicate tabs detected will be notified in badge.
Wildcards is supported.
★ "Priority" options (used with "Close tab automatically" mode and "Close all duplicate tabs" button):
- Keep older tab (default): Keep the already existing tab.
- Keep newer tab: Keep the newer tab.
- Keep tab with https (default on): Ignore the scheme part during comparison and keep the tab with the https scheme.
- Keep pinned tab (default on): Keep the pinned tab.
★ Filters options:
- Ignore hash part in URL (default off): for instance and will be considered as the same URL.
- Ignore search part in URL (default off): for instance and will be considered as the same URL.
- Ignore path part in URL (default off): for instance and will be considered as the same URL.
- Compare with tab title (default off): If the URL doesn't match then compare using the tab title.
★ Scope options:
- Active window (default): only closes/displays duplicate tabs that belong to a same window.
- All window: closes/displays duplicate tabs for all windows.
★ Hotkey:
- Alt+Shift+W to close all duplicate tabs (this could be configured in the options in future version)
For bug reports and feature requests:
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-23) esgalmir: generally it works, but desperately needs an update. some settings broken... sometimes closes wrong duplicate (newest, not oldest, despite of settings) or opens wrong tab. sometimes not detecting any duplicates. sometimes closes a tab that is NOT A DUPLICATE altogether (i.e. does not allowing to open some specific URLs).
- (2023-09-13) tek marvel: works great when it work. often does not notice there are duplicate tabs, requiring chrome to be restarted for duplicate tabs closer to start working again.
- (2023-08-06) josh wanner: Need better instructions. I'm having difficulty whitelisting google and images, not sure what to do to whitelist it, not working. 5 stars for better instructions. Docked a star for unclear instructions.
- (2023-07-08) COW KING (THE COW KING): fairly good. one annoying bug, it will jump to one of the duplicated tabs instead of staying on the starting tab, making it unusable
- (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Una delle migliori che abbia provato per eliminare le schede duplicate, presente anche il contatore sull'icona che è ben visibile sulla barra. One of the best I've tried to eliminate duplicate tabs, also has the counter on the icon which is clearly visible on the bar.
- (2023-03-21) Gabriela: Thanks for making this! It's been my go-to extension for finding duplicate tabs. I've noticed however it's not handing well one of the following (still trying to figure out which): a bigger amount of tabs, tabs that go into sleep mode, or tab grouping.
- (2023-02-23) Peter Froud: Thanks for making this extension :)
- (2023-02-19) Allan Laal: the best duplicate tabs closer in both chrome and firefox!
- (2023-02-07) やまよし: It's a great app and it stands out among the current applications with similar functionality. However, I have one technical request. You are currently implementing a whitelist, but is it difficult to implement a blacklist? In fact, there are more sites that don't want you to do anything, so it's a bit troublesome to register them in the whitelist each time.
- (2023-01-27) Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum): the best I could find! But how do I come to the conclusion? Now there are the "matching rules," which allow different "cases" of matches. With some pages, you want to ignore the exact "title" or the "search part" in a URL. Or have only the titles been compared? This is easily possible here, and there is absolutely no problem! In addition, "HTTPS" can be compared, and they close the tabs only when prompted, so I have full control at all times! So this extension is EXACTLY the extension that I was looking for! In my opinion, this is the best extension of this kind that I have found "so far"!
- (2023-01-16) William Ribeiro: Better than any other I've found and used.
- (2022-09-11) Ed: For some reason, this is better & has more options than the first result on Google :|
- (2022-08-16) Peter Kionga-Kamau: OMG it is SO SLOW. I've been sitting here for two minutes waiting for this thing to close 18 tabs. What the **** is taking it so long?!
- (2022-08-15) Mr. Spectacals: Already loving it. I surf a lot so this will be helpful in removing duplicate tabs.
- (2022-07-23) Daisuke: Good. But it would be even better if the whitelist worked for cases other than the decision to automatically close tabs. (ex.) "Duplicated tabs" list, "Close all" button behavior.
- (2022-05-18) Victor Januario: Great extension. Thanks. A suggestion for those that prefer to Blacklist URLs, enter this in the Whitelisted URLs box: For one site: ^(?!.**$ For two sites: ^(?!.*(|*$ For three sites: ^(?!.*(||*$ ... and so on.
- (2022-04-25) Laurence Gough: Perfect thank you!
- (2022-04-18) The Great Scott: Been using on Chrome for a while, finally had it with excessive dumb nanny resrouce hungry thing and moved fully to Opera GX Installed hassle free, manually set the intuitive and easily interpretted options, badaboom. Works seemlessly as expected, namely if "power browsing", any replicant tabs simply never appear. You can fine tune the entire thing to, for example if you are opening POSITIONS (#ref) on a large document page, to KEEP them, while still blocking exact same requests (default would be to not). Great stuff, an essential and suprisingly not standard tool. -Nice one Dev Fairy-
- (2022-03-02) benjamin957957: Very good. Does what it says it'll do very well.
- (2021-11-25) didier Namur: Ca ne marche pas du tout : j'ai des onglets en double mais l'application ne les voit pas.
- (2021-07-16) Ifer30: Having a problem where even if a site is whitelisted it still treats the tabs as duplicates, even when they have different urls.
- (2021-07-01) Jesse Kropf: Awesome extension, works great. Some of the concerns in other reviews have been addressed and features have been added. Just check out all the settings. Very happy with this extension, it's exactly what I needed!
- (2021-04-27) Виктор Моисеев: Наконец-то я нашел тебя!!!! Как давно я хотел этот функционал
- (2021-04-19) Frederik baht-hagen: Works very well and I especially like it doesn't force auto closing duplicates. Something I'd really like to be included in future updates though, is whitelisting urls so that they don't get matched. e.g. I use a newtabs as dividers and would like them to not be included when closing duplicates and not trigger the badge. I think this is currently an option if auto closing of tabs is enabled, but it should be an option with no automatic action enabled
- (2021-04-06) Anish Hui: This is awesome!
- (2021-03-02) Nils Loodin: I like this a lot, but I can't seem to be able to whitelist new and empty tabs. I run virtual desktops, and if I have an old empty tab in another desktop, and open a new tab in my browser, it maddenly switches desktops on me. I tried whitelisting "about:blank", but that doesn't seem to work.
- (2021-01-29) Sami Kakko: Sadly hasn't worked correctly for quite a while, seems like when a huge amount of tabs are open chrome removes some from memory and sadly this extension doesn't see them.
- (2021-01-26) Dmitry OD: This app is doing more harm than good. Because when you open a copy of a tab, it is removed from the group. And you need to drag it to the group every time over and over and over again.
- (2020-12-15) Arkasha Rotenberg: amazig! fast! free!
- (2020-12-05) Lydia White: This no longer seems to be working
- (2020-10-23) Jiramate Petcharat: Awesome extension.
- (2020-09-20) Alexandre Ferreira: Funcionou bem no meu teste hoje 20/09/2020
- (2020-08-24) blessing saw: This is a great extension and it will be awesome if you could include additional feature that will jump to active duplicate page when users try to open same address.
- (2020-07-04) Benedict Simmons: This worked great for a while, but in the last few months it has stopped functioning. On my computer (decade-old desktop running Chrome Stable on Manjaro Linux) the extension has started showing a red badge when there are no duplicate tabs as well as not telling me when there are duplicates. It sometimes works and I don't know what causes it to stop working.
- (2020-03-05) Lukas Folmert: That's exactly what I was looking for! Frankly dozens of other more popular addons were not working as expected.
- (2020-02-01) Lee Hwayoung: great app. btw, couldn't find whitelist.
- (2019-12-18) Jeff Tsai: nice and neat, I like it
- (2019-10-29) Sun Eric: The "Filters" feature is great. The "Ignore Path" is especially useful when opening multiple pages in the same site. But there is one problem, seems file URL (html in my local computer) don't support the filter. Can this support be added?
- (2019-09-18) Shawn: Does what i expect
- (2019-06-22) Tomáš Madaj: The only one with the option to ignore query part! BUT, no possibility to whitelist domains :/
- (2019-06-21) Erik Schick: It does exactly what I want with minimal setup. Perfect.
- (2019-05-04) Muhammad Hariansyah: easy
- (2019-03-31) Excellent extension, considers all possibilities of users needs.
- (2019-02-24) Works but no context menu option, hence why not 5 stars.
- (2018-12-10) Or Schiro: Eine tolle Erweiterung. Habe sie mal bei mir im Blog genauer beleuchtet:
- (2018-10-01) Mike Bilel: awesome
- (2018-09-29) אמיר גלנטי: Please make it operate with one click. We can get to options by clicking the right click
- (2018-09-15) Haruo Shimote: We have to set up option (e.g. close tab automatically) every time when open browser. Could you please save the option setting in next update? We would appreciate it If you could improve it.
- (2018-08-13) Jay Goldberg: Super useful popdown UI that's responsive and lets you see the results of different kinds of filtering.
- (2018-06-25) Michael Ryan: I think this extension has great potential, but there are some usability issues that need to be resolved. The icon should support a single-click action to clear tabs with the existing filter. Allow the user to right-click to access filter setting, but a left-click should just clear the tabs immediately.