Puts Google Chrome into read mode for a pleasant reading experience.
This extension is a forked version of https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/read-mode/nagcaahojecfeopbghgihcabgiepploa
Just click on the glasses icon in the address bar, the current page will turn into a nice-to-read black on white page allowing you to read without forcing your eyes. Ads and Flash animations are also removed while on read-mode. Click the icon again and everything will go back to normal.
Use Alt+F to toggle Reader Mode.
Use Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 to decrease, increase, reset font size.
Latest reviews
- (2018-08-24) Галина Зубова: не работает (
- (2017-09-20) DHD: Does not work. So useless!
- (2017-06-15) Кирилл Гененрайх: не работает
- (2017-05-21) MOONDY Jewelry: не работает
- (2016-06-15) Bryan: Perfecto!, probé varias sin buen resultado. Hasta ahora.
- (2015-12-28) VimanaFusion: makes the job similair to firefox reading mode... good for similar function when switiching browsers and it is compatible with vivali.
- (2015-11-08) Does not work. So useless!
- (2015-08-18) Milko Georgiev: Does nothing.
- (2015-07-24) M Ibanobu: Trying to read MSDN library entries that don't have text wrap. IT DID NOTHING!!
- (2015-07-21) Doesnt do anything
- (2015-07-12) Rathnayake RMLV: nice view
Latest issues
- (2020-04-28, v:1.0.9) Михайло Свєчкін: Huge github anchor icons in .md files