Description from extension meta
Adds a 'Send to OmniFocus' button to JIRA ticket pages.
Image from store
Description from store
This extension adds a big, lovely "Send to OmniFocus" button atop the right column of the JIRA ticket page. Click that button to quickly send a JIRA ticket into OmniFocus. The extension also supports Mail Drop, so you can send items to your OmniFocus Inbox even if you haven't got OmniFocus installed on this computer. (Yes, even from Linux or Windows.)
Use it to allocate today's work. Use it to remember to follow up on some ticket, even one that's not yours (let's face it: merely being a watcher isn't all that useful when you've got a mountain of things you're responsible for).
Please take a moment to rate it and provide a review, whether you love it or not.
Finally, I'd like to hear from folks using this extension, but I don't get notifications of comments posted to the extension page. I check in periodically, but I cannot respond to reviews that users post. So if you'd like to contact me more interactively, please do feel free to me a message on Twitter @prometheas.
ALSO: I'm working on an extensible successor to this extension, which I intend to be able to support multiple browsers and multiple task management apps. Reach out if that sounds interesting to you.
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-10) CW: Works as of 07.2023. Thanks and love it!
- (2016-10-07) Andrew Roper: Mac OS X (Sierra). Works exactly as described. Thank you!
- (2016-07-19) Alex We: Just works.
- (2015-11-29) Richard Brosnahan: It works as designed and I find it very useful. I sure wish there were a similar extension in Safari. I also wish there were some way to sync Jira projects with OmniFocus. Regardless, this extension works well, and it's quite handy. 5 stars for sure.
- (2015-07-10) Mike Bylund: Don't get why this isn't 5 stars all the way, it does exactly what it says. Every time. Love it. <rant> Why would someone write a review that says "works like it said it works" and then give it less than 5 stars? Especially for a free extension that someone took the time to make, package up, publish and maintain? </rant>
- (2014-12-09) Adi Luhung Suryadi: It works as expected with recent Omni Focus 2.0.3. Thanks!
- (2014-08-12) It does exactly what it claims to do. I've only tried this on OS X, but the new Maildrop feature should support using this on Windows and Linux now. It would be great if this would also work with the ticket sidebar on Jira's Agile Boards.
- (2013-10-01) Victor Quinn: The other review seems silly, not really addressing the functionality of this item, but rather complaining by proxy that there is no OmniFocus for Windows. I suppose it would be useful to update the README or Github page, but giving a 1-star review for that seems rather childish. On a Mac where there is an OmniFocus app, this is a simple extension but works as promised without issue.
- (2013-09-19) Andy Simmons: Can't get this to work. The button appears in Jira, but clicking it seems to do nothing. I'll admit that this could be my own fault: I'm using this in Chrome on a Windows computer that (obviously) doesn't have OF installed. I have (perhaps mistakenly) assumed that if the extension is available in Chrome for Windows, then it would work in Chrome for Windows, perhaps by using the email-to-OF functionality or communicating directly with the OF Sync Server. Of course, if the extension simply hooks into the local install of the OF app, then this will never, ever work in Windows. Unfortunately, neither the extension description nor the Github page specify that this is only functional on a Mac (since that is the only platform that OF desktop supports), so one has to presume that it supports all platforms that Chrome supports. And if that's the case, then it doesn't work.