Description from extension meta
Fast Scroll est une petite extension bien pratique qui vous permet de faire défiler les pages web beaucoup plus rapidement.
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Description from store
Cette petite extension vous permet d'augmenter la vitesse de défilement des pages web soit :
- en appuyant sur une touche de votre choix entre Alt Gauche (la touche par défaut), Alt Droite, Ctrl Gauche et Maj Gauche
- ou sans rien faire : la vitesse de défilement sera toujours augmentée, et vous aurez la possibilité de la réduire temporairement en appuyant sur une des touches mentionnées ci-dessus
Vous aurez également la possibilité de configurer la nouvelle vitesse de défilement via la page d'Options de l'extension.
Bien pratique pour parcourir rapidement de longues pages web ou de gros documents !
Si vous avez des retours, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message sur Twitter @flawyte, à m'envoyer un email ou à ouvrir un ticket sur le dépôt GitHub !
## Historique des publications
### v5.0 (2024-06-27)
- Migration vers Manifest V3
### v4.1 (2022-11-14)
- Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser Alt Droite comme touche de déclenchement
### v4 (2020-11-04)
- La page des Options a été supprimée et vous pouvez maintenant modifier les paramètres de l'extension sans quitter la page web sur laquelle vous êtes en cliquant sur l'icône de l'extension en haut à droite. N'oubliez pas de rafraîchir les onglets ouverts après avoir modifié les paramètres pour que les changements soient pris en compte !
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-13) Jason Potter: doesn't work
- (2023-01-27) Allan Greenberg: Works as intended. Great job!
- (2022-10-13) Deepesh Vesuwala: Breaks the smooth scrolling
- (2022-08-10) Muhammed Maruf: Not working in ubuntu 22.04
- (2022-02-02) Иван Иванов: The best of all. No slowdowns. Thanks for the opportunity to disable directly from the extension. Very convenient and simple.
- (2021-11-01) Sam: Awesome extension. This is a great alternative for those without the logitech hyper scroll wheel. If it's not working for you it's probably because you already had a page open when the extension was installed and you need to refresh it. And also you have to hold down the key whilst scrolling for it to work.
- (2021-10-20) Doge: I love the extension, although that it doesn't work on some sites for some reason and I want it to work on scroll speed test websites and it would be nice if you do that so please do that. If you do I will change the message and I will also change the rating to 5 stars.
- (2021-10-13) Hamidur Rahman: it's working fine thanks some people might forget to refresh, but mine work smoothly after refreshing after the chrome
- (2021-09-22) S7MLX: not working :(
- (2021-08-27) Annie Pickard: On Chromebook, needed to restart for it to work. For better or worse, have to activate it on each tab individually as well
- (2021-05-21) Rizal Boon (DualSoulArtz): Works quite well. Synergizes well with fast scroll similar to VSCode.
- (2021-04-26) tas bot: didnt work
- (2021-03-23) Sam: I use android apps on my Chromebook and some tasks are just absolutely HOPELESS without this extension. It's exactly what it says and it's amazing and is very helpful, especially for things your usually meant to use a touchscreen for.
- (2020-12-29) Joel Joseph: not working on ubuntu 18 chrome v 86.0.4240.111
- (2020-10-11) Sourav Goswami: Works fine at the cost of disabling smooth scroll in Chromium and Brave from YouTube. Breaks YouTube.
- (2020-10-09) lyd: this is soo usefullll thank youuu
- (2020-09-04) Mutugi Nturibi: Extremely helpful very easy to use and effective Loving it
- (2020-04-14) Etienne Bideau: Hi, Doesn't work for me (simply nothing happens). Using Chrome v 80.0.3987.163 on Windows 10. Hope I'm not doing anything wrong.
- (2019-10-23) Pi Gun: I don't get it - I chose Left Shift for fast scroll but it speeded up my Up Down Arrow Keys scrolling instead and Left Shift button doesn't scroll whatsoever.
- (2019-08-14) It works great, but can you make the speed multiplier stay on the whole time? I'm trying to solve the issue of the horrible touchpad scroll speed on Chrome.. can't be changed by the mouse settings.
- (2018-11-28) Rubanraj Ravichandran: simple to use and very helpful to scroll faster if the page is too large
- (2018-08-30) 민규김: Shift + Wheel로 빠른 스크롤을 가능하게 해주는 단순하고 편리한 애드온 입니다. 최고!
- (2017-10-08) Mohd Faizan: Awesome !