extension ExtPose

modern scroll

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Description from extension meta

Takes scrolling to a whole new level

Image from store modern scroll
Description from store One of Opera's most popular and highest-rated extensions of all times is finally available here! Check it out and experience its beauty and simplicity for yourself. :) modern scroll takes scrolling to a whole new level. What's so awesome about it? + scroll bars don't take up any space so the whole screen width can be used to display what a browser is made for: websites + elements or whole pages don't shift by some pixels when content changes and bars become (un)necessary + scroll bars are usable in fullscreen mode as well + scroll bars automatically hide when they are not needed + behavior and appearance is fully customizable + can boost your scrolling performance + scrolling speed and behavior is adjustable + unique "superbar" which makes it possible to scroll horizontally and vertically at the same time + buttons for scrolling to top and bottom of the page + JavaScript interface for custom mouse gestures / bookmarklets

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-23) Kevin Rodríguez: Buena extensión, es muy útil
  • (2024-02-21) Вера Смирнова: Спасибо. Очень удобно пользоваться Пользуюсь почти два года, никаких нареканий.
  • (2023-12-26) Crisko: I love this extension, but would it be possible to add an option for exporting/importing settings?
  • (2023-12-07) chon jongguk: bagus
  • (2023-12-06) Anton Shestakov: works as a charm. beatiful!
  • (2023-11-12) Yannick Walther: 👌
  • (2023-11-11) 悪の花: from ugly old musty looking scrolls to beautiful sexy scrolls, i love the customization, every time i see that gorgeous scroll i just start jerking off continuously non stop.. loved it, definitely recommend.
  • (2023-11-03) Burned Glade: Pretty good. I use linux and had difficulty getting click-scroll to work and this worked seamlessly. Sometimes reverse scrolls but nothing major. Overall a good extension
  • (2023-10-30) Alex Looxornk: pleasure to see
  • (2023-10-29) CocosGo: 好东西,这是我需要的进度条插件,我其实只希望把所有各式各样的网页进度条统一成一种样式,而且有些网站进度条窄的离谱,点起来费劲。你这个不光可以统一进度条还有附加功能,比如目录,还不错
  • (2023-10-24) XyJluraH: Хорошее расширение, выполняющее свои функции в полном объёме.
  • (2023-10-22) Joseph Caraccio (Jo): Excellent extension. I love not having to see ugly scrollbars on my screen all day.
  • (2023-09-23) Ziad Bardissy: It was AMAZING! 1OO% recommended! It was so customizable. But the ONLY reason why I gave it 4 stars, is because of a minor issue in my personal opinion, and it is that there are no up/down scroll buttons, I was confused with the buttons for scrolling to the top/bottom of the page because they were like back to top buttons, but I'm talking about the arrow buttons that scrolled up or down. That feature should definitely be added as an option. Other than that, anything else is fantastic!
  • (2023-09-21) Hemant Shah: Exactly what I expected from an extension like this.
  • (2023-09-20) Aleister Black: Very customizable and overall amazing
  • (2023-09-14) DavidP: The modern scroll extension is just what I was looking for in a modern looking scrollbar extension. It offers so many nice features & settings that I think of it as something for everyone.
  • (2023-09-11) Dieter Killian: Einfach super !
  • (2023-08-04) Сергей: Отличное. В одном расширении собраны функции нескольких отдельных. Не надо лишнего ставить.
  • (2023-08-03) Hamid Mansouri: great
  • (2023-07-29) 鄧秀鹃: 超级喜欢,但是我在浏览知乎(https://zhihu.com/)和一些网站时,使用中键进行滚动会出现bug,不知什么情况? 谢谢作者制作:D
  • (2023-07-27) Rafael Biasi: Melhor scroll, melhor que o finado Overlay Scroll do Chrome.
  • (2023-07-27) KhAleD FoUaD: ♡♡عملي ومفيد..رااائع في كل تجاربي المتواضعة عليه..بما فيها مقارنات بما يشبهه..ما شاء الله
  • (2023-07-25) bb bb: вы далдаебы с какого хрена ограничили ширину 20пикселей? вам бл че жалко было больше поставить уроды
  • (2023-07-25) bitwelve: A melhor barra de rolagem que eu poderia ter!
  • (2023-06-02) lee fc: bug,必须修改的bug。 播放视频的网页,开启 “使用键盘时” 空格暂停视频就变成了一件很麻烦的事,每次暂停视频都会滚动网页,太烦了。 滚动功能 使用自定义滚动功能i 使用键盘时
  • (2023-05-27) Carlo Zimbardo: efficace
  • (2023-05-24) Rochit Roy: Functional as it claims and buttery smooth!
  • (2023-05-18) 林佳憲: 非常好用
  • (2023-05-16) Tengis Neugebauer: very gud. not intrusive, makes it just nice
  • (2023-04-20) Irving Montero: Como ya lo mencionan otras opiniones, es la mejor extensión para la barra de desplazamiento. Ya probé todas las demás y sin duda con esta me quedo. 🙏🏻
  • (2023-03-22) Alex Mos: superb
  • (2023-03-08) xian chen: 好用
  • (2023-03-07) João Paulo Albuquerque: Finalmente a scrollbar q faltava, tinha q vir por padrão!
  • (2023-02-27) Vinícius Marques: Pretty interesting. Certainly makes the scroll bar more beautiful. Although, I had some issues with it on Notion (notion.so) and this is a deal breaker to me, since it is one of the sites I use most. The problem is that it doesn't scroll at all. If this would be fixed, I definitely would use the extension. Great work until now!
  • (2023-02-23) Peter Avis: Wirklich gut! Daumen hoch!
  • (2023-02-22) BigBigWolf: 已经用了很多年了,体验很好
  • (2023-01-30) 和平起来和面: 牛的
  • (2023-01-26) Xavier Collazos: simplemente este es la mejor extensión para la barra de desplazamiento que he probado, la barra es superpuesta como lo estaba buscando para que no quite espacio en la web, gracias al desarrollador. :)
  • (2023-01-20) Wendell Benevides: It's pretty good, some few sites act in an unexpected way as you scroll but I'm sure I can adjust the settings, it's way better than the default "ordinary" scroll - give it a try, play with the settings.
  • (2023-01-09) Jim Mark: something that really works !!
  • (2022-12-16) Phil Gordon: Works great for scroll wheel and I also love what it does for scrolling with the arrow keys.
  • (2022-12-15) cebuklonek: Very good looking scroll
  • (2022-12-12) Dimitriy Ivanov: Хорошее расширение)
  • (2022-11-30) roc yuan (The_Singing_Towers): 好用
  • (2022-11-17) ck hyx: 你好开发者,部分网站会同时显示modern scroll和原始滚动条,点击其他标签页再切回去才会只显示modern scroll,希望改进。 附上我遇到问题的网站连接:bbs.pcbeta.com 最后,感谢您制作并分享!
  • (2022-11-11) Jay Sean: Very nice. Finally, some settings that work in real time and allow you to fine tune all the relevant scrollbar details! Love it.
  • (2022-11-07) 小崔老师: best ScrollBar
  • (2022-11-06) Juan Ramos Plaza: He probado todas las demás extensiones para configurar la barra de desplazamiento y hay algunas otras muy buenas, pero sin lugar a dudas esta es la mejor
  • (2022-10-31) Gabriel Bárcenas: Finally someone did it right! This is the extension I've been waiting for, for a long time. Mac/iOS style scrollbar that gets out of the way when not needed and doesn't create a gap between the edge of the web page and the edge of the browser window. Now I can experience websites full width, as the devs intended, without design-breaking UI elements, and without sacrificing functionality. Sadly, it doesn't work on some websites, but it does on most. Can I suggest a workaround? Maybe the dev could make an exemption list, to revert to the default browser scrollbar or to completely hide the scrollbar, on those websites where the extension is not working properly. The list would be populated by the user, no need to track down those websites. I'm not a developer but I've seen similar functionality on other extensions that change the look and behavior of the scrollbars, that's how I know it could be done. I rather not see the scrollbar at all, than to see that hideous default browser scrollbar. I can always use page up/down, home and end keys, to easily navigate long web pages. Gave it 5 stars in spite of those shortcomings, because I think it may not be an extension bug, but something to do with the webpage code, or maybe the browser itself. Thank you very much Christoph142, excellent piece of software!!
  • (2022-09-07) tangible Z: 不错

Latest issues

  • (2023-12-15, v:4.2.6) shereef mohammed: Scrolling the page while hovering on volume bar on Youtube
    Bug description: When on youtube, when you scroll down while hovering over the volume bar, the page scrolls AND the volume is turned down. Environment: Tested on both brave and edge. Feature: Special scrolling functions (tested for the mouse only). Steps to reproduce: 1- Install modern scroll, (this bug was tested on EDGE and CHROME) 2- Turn on "use custom scrolling functions" in the extension settings. 3- Open youtube, hover the mouse on the volume button. 4- Use scroll wheel up and down to control volume. Expected behaviour: The volume should be turned down only, and the page should not scroll. Actual result: The volume is turned down, but the page also scrolls (which moves the mouse cursor off the volume bar, and shifts the screen off the playing video). Work-around: Either turn off special scrolling functions (for the mouse) on all websites, or turn off the entire extension for youtube to avoid this issue. Note to the devs: I love everything about the extension though!! Keep up the good work <3
  • (2023-11-25, v:4.2.5) Samy Felice: Constant scroll up and down
    For some reason, sometimes the scroll becomes permanently activated and just moving the mouse up and down moves it up and down even though my mouse pointer is not on the scroll bar. Any solution?
  • (2023-10-22, v:4.2.5) Joseph Caraccio (Jo): clicking on scrollbar always scrolls to the top of the page
    When using the extension if I click on the scrollbar then pull up or down to scroll, as soon as I release the mouse click it will bring me to the top of the page. This happens even when the option to click the backbar to go to the top or bottom is unchecked. It even happens on sites where it appears the extension isn't active because it doesn't change the appearance of behavior of the scrollbar in any other way.
  • (2023-10-19, v:4.2.5) Ziad Bardissy: Does not appear
    On some websites there would be no scrollbar at all, and it does not appear. That was on Pinterest, but I remember it happening once before on another website.
  • (2023-09-05, v:4.2.5) X JWill: Needs option to show single-line scroll arrows at top and bottom of scroll bar.
    Needs option to show single-line scroll arrows at top and bottom of scroll bar.
  • (2023-07-15, v:4.2.4) Robert Hosking (The ARCHiTECH): web page issues
    Extension causing problems on some webpages with a transparent bar travelling up and down the screen and unable to click some links on pages
  • (2023-06-13, v:4.2.3) Vinícius Marques: Scroll using wheel click on Notion
    Clicking with the middle mouse button does not work on Notion. I'm on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 to be exact) and using Brave Browser. I'm testing it on a regular Notion page. I know there are some quirks about Linux because of the middle click serving as paste, but I also know it is possible to override it with a extension because that is what the extension I'm currently using (AutoScroll) does. Would really appreciate if you could test it on a Linux machine.
  • (2023-03-21, v:4.2.3) Amio Sanett: Проблема с наведением курсора
    Sir Veggie уже писал об этом, но недостаточно подробно. Не уверен, стоит ли отвечать под его сообщением. Если включена настройка «Появление полосы прокрутки на расстоянии X пикселей от границ окна» и если прокрутить страницу, оставив курсор в пределах X пикселей, но вне пределов полосы прокрутки, то фон прокрутки исчезает, но кнопка прокрутки остаётся широкой и не исчезает до следующего переключения между вкладками.
  • (2023-01-16, v:4.2.2) Sir Veggie: Mouse hover issue
    There seems to be a problem with mouse hover. After hovering, it never triggers the mouse leave event, so the bar stays wide/visible. Scrolling once triggers the fade away event so the bar disappears, but it still remains wide. Switching between tabs seems to reset the state of the scrollbar back to thin.
  • (2023-01-14, v:4.1) separate: BUG
  • (2023-01-14, v:4.2.2) tele vision: Google Colab
    In colab the scroll bars are invisible/unusable. Please try it and see if there's a fix. Thanks
  • (2022-08-15, v:4.2.1) Dimitrios Charalampidis: Keeps asking to rate it
    All of sudden the extension started asking me to rate it every few mintutes.
  • (2022-08-05, v:4.2) Paul B.: Hid elements on right side of page.
    Great extension! But occasionally I have content clipped off pages. Since I have MS's opacity at 50% I can see them underneath, but cannot access them. I was trying to cancel some items from an Amazon order, but the selection check boxes were under the scroll bar on the right side of the page.
  • (2022-07-25, v:4.1.2) Peter Agnew: Doesn't Work Properly
    When I scroll on any website, my screen scrolls part way and then returns to where I started scrolling instead of allowing me to scroll instead of allowing me to continue scrolling. Also, when scrolling, my screen distorts so I can not read it. This app is the only one I've had any difficulty with.
  • (2022-07-23, v:4.1.2) Камал Хафизов: top / bottom edge of the scrollbar
    I don't use a wheel. I would like to have an option so that when you click on the top / bottom edge of the scrollbar, the action is similar to clicking on the background of the scroll (and not rewind from the very end)
  • (2022-07-17, v:4.1.2) Ismail Warsi: Context Menu issue
    Even after disabling context menu options, it shows a blank strip below ''Translate to English'' on selective websites. Please fix it
  • (2022-06-14, v:4.1.2) Hao Liu: 需要一个白名单功能,对某些页面不生效
  • (2022-01-09, v:4.1) WitheredSpirit: Two suggestions
    I love the extension, finally a good method that allows for full width pages and that hides the scrollbar when it's not needed. I do have two suggestions: - Allow for a checkbox or slider that disables the "bounce" animation of the scrollbar when the top or bottom of the page has been reached, maybe have a middle option that can keep it for touch inputs while mouse wheel scrolling doesn't do it? - Allow for the scroll bar to have different colors on a dark theme page than a light theme page.
  • (2022-01-09, v:4.1) Lee Cursed: Bug
    Keyboard still scrolls after unchecking :(
  • (2021-12-25, v:4.1) sheng chen: CAN NOT WORK ON THIS PAGE
    modern scroll can not work on https://music.163.com
  • (2021-11-02, v:4.1) separate: BUG
  • (2021-10-10, v:4.1) Martin Šebek: Unable to scroll by wheel.
    hi. thank you for correcting the invisibility. this time there is an impossibility to scroll by the wheel. it's tricky. but without a modern scrool at least the wheel works. however, middle click never works on this page. https://www.kucharkaprodceru.cz/recepty/
  • (2021-03-25, v:4.0) joel: why isn't it avaialble? )':
    I used to use it on Opera all the time and now that I have switched to Chrome, it says it's not longer available. Please help!! :(
  • (2020-12-31, v:4.0) Landon Thomas: Border Color is Inaccurate
    The RGB value that I set the border color to is inaccurate and inconsistent depending on where the border is (I inspected the pixels to be sure but it is also plainly visible in many cases.) Seems like an alpha blending issue even though I have Opacity set to 100% and Blur set to 0. Probably a simple fix and great product otherwise.
  • (2020-12-30, v:4.0) Martin Šebek: Report: Bar doesn't show
  • (2020-11-30, v:4.0) Eathan Cross: Non-working website.
    I'm glad to hear my last suggestion made a difference to this good extension but i have found a website where the bar doesn't even show at all: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/
  • (2020-10-24, v:3.5.6) Brian: Overrides spacebar
    Pressing spacebar on a website like YouTube will pause/play the current video, however, with this extension enabled, the page will also scroll, normally the video would pause/play, but the page wouldn't scroll
  • (2020-10-03, v:3.5.3) Eathan Cross: Smart Blacklist Idea.
    There is no blacklist and i like this i have read some of your replies and you say that there isn't one because you want people to report it so you can fix it for everyone, which i agree with but here's a suggestion you could create a report based blacklist system where when a user adds a site to blacklist then it could send the site to the developer and temporarily disable the extension on that site for just that user until you have fixed it, you could also add a extra info field where the user could type what's wrong with the site. Thanks for having a look at my suggestion, i love your extension keep it up!
  • (2020-09-10, v:3.5.3) 欧阳莫苏: 不支持的付款方式
  • (2020-04-08, v:3.5.3) Pan Paweł: Advanced options.
    Hi! I'm in trial right now and like it so far. I'm considering buying the full version but what I'm interested in the most are bookmarks and remembering scroll position on very long pages (like for example youtube view all videos when somebody has thousands and page loads bit by bit). Could you please include a screenshot of advanced options for paid users so everybody can take look and decide? Keep up the good work!
  • (2020-02-12, v:3.5.2) sveta smirnova: Christoph142 / modern-scroll
    Оплатил приложение но оно не работает,что делать?
  • (2020-02-07, v:3.5.2) sveta smirnova: LICENSE
  • (2020-02-07, v:3.5.2) sveta smirnova: Лицензия
  • (2019-11-05, v:3.5.2) Zsolt Ferenc Juhász: Conflict with Google Sheets
    There is a small issue when it come to Google Sheets. This plugin collides with the also made-up scrollbars of the sheets. Solution right now: disable the plugin. Is there a way to add a black-list of URLs/ Domains, where this plugin should be paused?
  • (2019-08-06, v:3.5) A BC: Problem with license
    Hello, how do you get the trial license?
  • (2019-02-26, v:3.3) BigBigWolf: Hi there, I find some console errors on every page.
    modern-scroll:1 Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at adjust_ui_fullscreen_change (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:443:51) at add_dimension_checkers (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:300:2) at continue_add_ms (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:67:2) at chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:54:3
  • (2018-11-19, v:3.3) Bug (Console)
    There is some issues in the Console - please take a look VM150 RapidBoard.jspa:1 Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at adjust_ui_fullscreen_change (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:443:51) at add_dimension_checkers (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:300:2) at continue_add_ms (chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:67:2) at chrome-extension://ejonaglbdpcfkgbcnidjlnjogfdgbofp/includes/modern_scroll.js:54:3 modern_scroll.js:443 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at adjust_ui_fullscreen_change (modern_scroll.js:443) adjust_ui_fullscreen_change @ modern_scroll.js:443
  • (2018-06-06, v:3.2.1) Carl Hansen: Conflicts in Opera lately
    On various pages the app has to be disabled to get normal responses. For example real-debrid.com no scroll at all help.bitpay.com mouse click anywhere is not accepted. Whole page resizes amaller while mouse click is held, and the click is not recognized by the page. This happens on various other pages. Hope you can work this out with Opera. App is only borderline useful as is on Opera v53
  • (2017-12-23, v:3.2.1) Carl Hansen: Why so obtuse?
    Fine, I add to Chrome. Now "transfer a licence from chrome". Oh yeah? How? No way to get token, no way to purchase? No info, no instructions. You don't want people to use this, or what?
  • (2017-07-13, v:3.2.1) Caleb Greaves: Options page not working
    Hi, I seem to be having problems with the options page. All the check boxes and slide bars are there, but all the text labels are missing. And as far as I can tell, nothing changes when I click boxes. I'm using an older version of chrome (46.0.2490.80 m). I did try removing and reinstalling the extension.
  • (2016-12-27, v:3.2.1) Piotr Bargiel: Buying and enabling after Trial is overs
    If you have problems re-enabling the extension once the Trial is over and you purchase it, just do as follows. Remove the extension via its icon (do NOT cancel your purchase) and head over to the Chrome Store and re-install it. Voila! Thank you for the awesome work, Christoph! :) Happy New Year!
  • (2016-05-26, v:3.2) Gershik Roman: can't setup
    i'm using Yandex browser and it doesn't have Google syncronisation and so when I press "sign in and authorize" noting happens and so I can't setup the extension. I installed an old version from github manually but it's from an "insecure source" as my browser says and it disables the extension every time I restart the browser. I even authorized it through chrome but it didn't help. please fix this, the extension is brilliant but this bug doesn't let me use it normally.
  • (2016-02-07, v:3.2) GhoSt.: can't buy extension
    I'm from Belarus and there is no button to buy extension. I was trying to buy it under Russian Federation, but Google says my card is incorrect, but my card is OK, I know it works. I have VISA. Is there any other way for me to buy it?


3,000 history
4.8238 (244 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-27 / 4.2.9
Listing languages
