Description from extension meta
Learn languages effectively by watching films and series in your target language.
Image from store
Description from store
Language Reactor is a powerful toolbox for learning languages. It helps you to discover, understand, and learn from native materials. Studying will become more effective, interesting, and enjoyable! (formerly called 'Language Learning with Netflix')
The extension adds dual language subtitles, a popup dictionary, precise video playback controls and many more features when watching films and series on the Netflix website!
Thousands of channels for you to watch on any topic you can imagine! Develop your comprehension with authentic language in context.
Books and Websites
Import text, Language Reactor will add a machine translation in your language and read the text with super-realistic text-to-speech.
Our extension runs on Google Chrome on desktop and laptop computers running Windows and MacOS.
Latest reviews
- (2024-12-12) Roman Bolshakov: The app is great, but their support is less from stellar. Some bugs are not fixed for years, and the service tend to go down for stupid reasons.
- (2024-06-22) Miguel Garza: Edit June 2024: I feel the same about the extension now as in 2020--its the most polished, feature-rich extension of its kind. Bugs & wishes: - Bug - doesn't remember your preferences for audio track and subtitle track. Netflix remembers, Language Reactor doesn't. If the extension is disabled, Netflix remembers your preferred audio and subtitle languages. With the extension enabled, it always switches to the movie/show's default, *even if you have the setting "Force original tracks" turned off!* So you have to change it yourself manually, every time. - I really wish there were keyboard shortcuts to toggle both machine and human translations. — Original review: Honestly, I don't see any strong competitors to this app. It has so many useful features, and a couple extra features on top if you want to pay a small monthly fee. Even without the extra features, the free features (90% of the extension's functionality) are extremely useful. Just being able to skip back and forth to the last or next spoken moment in a movie is so, so helpful! The most important thing I would ask the developer to change is to allow the keyboard shortcuts to be configurable.
- (2024-06-12) JJ Mr: 아주 좋습니다. 다만, 공부를 하기 위함이니만큼 자막을 자주 껐다, 켰다 하는데... 그러한 기능이 없어서 조금 아쉽습니다. 단축키들이 모든걸 지원했으면 좋겠습니다.
- (2024-06-06) Arpad Orfi: Astonishing! I am impressed! Very good for learning a language.
- (2024-05-30) Cy H: 정말 최고의 어학 프로그램 입니다 감사합니다!
- (2024-05-24) Sübhan ASLAN: müşteri hizmetleri yok, hiç bir hatayı çözmek için uğraşmıyorlar
- (2024-05-22) Mert Arıcı: kesinlikle çok güzel bir eklenti telefon üzerinden de kullanılabilse keşke
- (2024-05-19) ぱちお&とちお: 少し不安定なこともありますが、十分素晴らしいと思います。英語の勉強にとても役立っています。 ありがとうございます。
- (2024-05-16) Aileen Kim: 외국어 공부에 도움이 많이 되고 있어여 드디어 제가 찾고 있던 그 어플.. 이제야 만나서 반갑습니다. 그런데 아직 더 추가 업데이트가 필요한 부분이 있는 듯 합니다. 영어 이디엄" 도 단어에 표시 되었으면,,, 자주 에러가 발생하는 현상 ....등 뭔가 아쉬운 점이 있어요.. 분명히 이 어플은 조금만 업데이트 한다면 성공 할 것 같아요... 제발 부탁합니다,, 홧이팅~~!!
- (2024-05-15) 이석만: 일본어 애니메이션으로 시도해 봤는데 일본어 음성이 아닌 한글 자막을 번역한 것처럼 내용은 맞지만 들리는 음성과는 다르게 내용이 나와서 아쉽네요
- (2024-05-09) 김안숙: 네플릭스 영어자막 볼때 꼭 필요해요
- (2024-05-08) Johnny Huang: 請問工程師的家人們都過世了在準備後事嗎 登入Bug快一個月沒人要修?
- (2024-05-02) J1: 넷플릭스에서 자막로딩 중 입니다 라는 문구가 계속 나오면서 2개 언어 자막이 나오지 않습니다. 오류 해결 방법이 있는지요
- (2024-05-01) Skylar: Worked for about two days before the subtitles stopped loading.
- (2024-05-01) lilcazuela: Me gusta mucho la extencion y pago con gusto la subscripcion pero me gustaria que dejaran de tener tantos problemas en manter la extencion funcionando
- (2024-05-01) 쿠웅해: 고장난지 꽤 됐는데 패치를안함 ㅋㅋ
- (2024-04-24) Geonwoong Hong: 잘 쓰고있어요 근데 최근에 결제 했습니다 원어 자막 보고 싶어서요 하지만 최근들어 원어 자막이 계속 실행이 되지 않네요 해결 부탁드립니다
- (2024-04-17) Kane Michalick: I'm wondering if support has actually gotten back to any of these problems I see in the reviews. I was really enjoying the using this extension until the Latin American Translation stopped working. I hope it gets fixed. I didn't have this problem when I was using the free version.
- (2024-04-09) 송윤종: 언어 반응기 오류: 언어 데이터를 검색하지 Language Reactor Error : Failed to trieve linguistic data : 못했습니다 502_BAD_GATEWAY 언어 : zh-CN502_BAD_GAteway LANG ㅣ: ZH-CN 이런 에러뜨면서 중국어 자막 성조가 안나오네요 ㅠㅠ 유료전환했는데 해결해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다 ㅠㅠ
- (2024-03-26) Austin Doyle: I really like it, but I paid for the subscription to get subtitles for dubbed content, and it doesn't work! I'm a bit annoyed and hope someone gets back to me and fixes the problem, but otherwise it's a very effective tool for language learning. I will give it five stars when my ASR subtitles work.
- (2024-03-16) Aivy Tsai: The free version of this product comes with trial-version of machine translation of subtitles. Having used my free trial, and liked it, I decided to give it a go and placed my trust in this company by taking a year-long license. I regret to say that was the wrong choice, as now I am being told that even after acquiring a license there's a daily limit to using this functionality, which apparently I have hit after watching tv-shows for a few hours only. I am very disappointed, I do not recommend this product to anyone. 起初使用這個軟體時,有提供短暫的免費機器翻譯試用,雖然機器翻譯經常語意生硬,甚至詞不達意,但由於常看劇學外語,幾經思考之後,決定給這個軟體一次機會,也算支持開發人員,於是一口氣訂閱了一年。 訂閱不久後,在看劇時彈出警告視窗,才知道即使付費使用,機器翻譯竟然有"每日使用額度",一旦達到便會被關閉,其原因是"機器翻譯價格昂貴,希望用戶理解"。(而且沒有額度顯示,忽然就被禁用了) 付了一整年費用,仍不能盡情使用,我想我應該不會再續訂了。
- (2024-03-10) 보보보보 (보보): 다 좋은데 자막단어 누르면 단어발음 소리가 너무커서 귀가 아픔 단어 움령 조절 하는 기능 있으면 좋겠음 넷플릭스 소리보다 단어 소리가 너무 큼
- (2024-03-03) Altınay Karademir: bu programsız dizi/film izlemeyi düşünemiyorum
- (2024-03-03) Daseul Jung: "자막 로딩중입니다 잠시만 기다려주세요"라고 뜨고 아무리 기다려도 자막이 뜨지 않습니다. 어떻게 해결해야 되나요??
- (2024-03-03) Suriya Saengsanit: ช่วยให้เรียนรู้ใด้เร็ว
- (2024-02-27) haru mituki: これをやり始めたくてnetflixを契約したといってもいいですが、やろうとした初日にできなかったのが難点です。よっくあることらしいですが不安になります。あとは申し分ないぐらいに使いやすいです。ネイティブの言いかえがすごいなと感じましたね。
- (2024-02-27) Kang초가을에: 중국어 자막에서 성조를 볼 수 있어 유용했는데 갑자기 성조가 사라졌어요 어떻게 된 일일까요 되돌려 주시기를 부탁드립니다
- (2024-02-21) jian S: 이런 기능이 있다니 대박이네요!! 최고
- (2024-02-15) 장윤서 (멜론통통): It works, but not at all. I set my learning language as Japanese, but I have to click my subtitle as JPN every single time for the new episodes. Pls set the subtitle automatically as the language that I want.
- (2024-02-12) Annmarie Dinan Hansen: I can't believe this exists, it's just amazing.
- (2024-02-06) English Tutor: Used to be great. Then it stopped being able to load subtitles in Tradtional Chinese on Netflix. I messaged Help repeatedly, no reponse. So yeah, basically useless at this point.
- (2024-02-05) Seungkyeong Song: I paid PRO here. But it didn't work AT ALL. [ Problem fetching ASR subs. "Check-ready" ] I kindly ask you a full refund. I tried to find where I could ask a refund, but I couldn't find.
- (2024-02-05) K: It does not work, keeps giving error for Mandarin... What a waste of money...
- (2024-02-01) 박찬중: It doesn't show Japanese subtitles with the problem message saying "problem fetching ASR Subs. "Checks Ready"". Please solve this probles ASAP.
- (2024-01-29) 김상훈: 영어 자막 보기가 무척 도움이 됩니다.
- (2024-01-26) 나봄: 넷플릭스에서 영어자막 보기에 좋습니다. 가끔 자막이 안되는 경우는 있습니다.
- (2024-01-24) ANTONIO PAULO silva: Só não dei 5 estrelas, pois não consigo logar na interface da netflix, apenas no site mesmo do reactor. Alguém mais com esse problema? Na netflix quando clico em configurações aparece pra entrar, mesmo clicando e logando continuo deslogado do language reactor na netflix sem acesso aos recursos pro, como salvar, marcar, filtrar, etc. Já permiti cookies, pop-up pra todos os sites em questão, até para o e nada, na netflix só o básico que funciona, não consigo logar.
- (2024-01-23) Hakan B.: I definitely suggest for language learners!
- (2024-01-23) Trung Tu Minh: I have a trouble with loading the subtitle on Netflix, not responding
- (2024-01-21) Ira Feroz: Poderia melhorar mais com a opção de continuar repetindo sem ter que ficar apertando o S.
- (2024-01-05) south melbourne: No esta mal, pero le falta poder utilizarse en el resto de plataformas de streaming como AMAZON PRIME...
- (2024-01-04) monst jk: 좋습니다.
- (2023-12-22) Bruce Ai: 最初,这个插件超出我的预期的好!经过几天的使用和与其它插件的对比,它在视频字母翻译与语言学习结合的这种表现无语伦比,优点很多,大家可以自行去探索。但是我想说2个缺点,期望开发者将来可以完善: 1/ 机器翻译的质量比尽如人意,还有很多错误; 2/网页翻译还有很大的提升空间,这是与另一款插件相比而言的,另一款插件做到了真正的沉浸式阅读,它直接在原网页上进行双语显示,并且排版/字体/样式等等都非常完美的融合了!我觉得 language reactor 也可以做到,而不是像现在这样,将网页文本复制到一个单独的网页里进行阅读,改变了原网页的布局,而且无法显示其他元素如 图片 ,因此目前我在阅读网页时让然使用我挑选的另一款插件。由于存在竞争,在此就不说那款插件的名字了。
- (2023-12-19) БИТНИК: Language Reactor Error: Failed to retrieve linguistic data: NETWORK_ERROR Lang: en Не работает как надо на win7
- (2023-12-17) 서현종: Pretty good app. But, I want a some feature that can allow us to repeat a part (not only a sentence, but also some part of dialogue.). I really hope that one... Anyway this app is very good - let me store words and sentences, repeat conveniently... it's awsome!
- (2023-12-15) Jordan Tobin: God bless you sir.
- (2023-12-12) Dương Nguyễn Đình: good
- (2023-12-09) Junya: 数か月前からスピード調整機能が使えない(スピード調整するとセリフの場所を戻せずどんどん進んでいく)。その上でエラーで落ちます。 最近エラー多く使えないこと多いです。有料アプリなら、エラーで使用できないは無しにして欲しい。
- (2023-12-08) lim gss: 1.구간 반복 기능이 있으면 좋겠어요... ap 켜놓으면 그 구간이 계속 반복 재생 되게 하는 기능이 있었으면 좋겠습니다/..!! 2.단축키를 변경할수 있도록 해주세요!
- (2023-12-07) Gerardo Rojas Gonzalez: Pague la versión premium y no deja utilizar las funciones Pro, de nada sirve haber pagado la suscripción anual.