extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Adds automatic keyboard switching on duolingo.com based on the user preferences.

Image from store DuoKeyboard
Description from store This add-on adds automatic keyboard switching on duolingo based on the user preferences. Multiple keyboards are supported covering most of the courses including Czech, Danish Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and more. For several languages it is possible to choose different keyboard layouts. TELEX, VNI and VIQR input is supported for Vietnamese learners. Additionally a cheat sheet can be shown on screen to assist in learning the keyboard layout. For further instructions see the "how to use" in the options page by clicking on the DuoKeyboard icon after installing this addon.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-04-04) Kasper Kauwenberg: Caps doesn't work it's messy and characters get deleted
  • (2022-09-18) susan f: This used to work really well, but lately at the end of a listening exercise the word I was typing disappears and I have to retype it. Other than that, it's pretty great.
  • (2022-06-07) Scott Brown: Working well for Vietnamese diacritics. Cảm ơn. Only issue is that if I tab away from window to lookup the syntax for a diacritics, sometimes when I tab back I need to retype part of a word that has disappeared.
  • (2021-10-12) Yan Piskorzh: Сначала боялся, что не разберусь с настройками. Оказалось ничего сложного. Потом не понял, почему после ввода слова не активна кнопка "продолжить". Почитал отзывы и нашел решение. Надо ставить пробел после слова. Расширение работает только на сайте https://www.duolingo.com/ Приятно, что не нужно переключать раскладки клавиатуры. А это бывает напрягает, когда их три ;-)
  • (2021-02-05) Kurtis Miller: This is a great extension! I use it for greek and hebrew duolingo. Works flawlessly, as far as I expect or am aware! Question: Why doesn't caps lock work with the greek alphabet?
  • (2020-12-20) Alexander Wettig: Works really well for Duolingo Russian! Much better solution than constantly switching the OS keyboard layout. It's great that it includes several phonetic keyboard layouts for Russian.
  • (2020-09-27) Anša Vernerová: I highly recommend this extension.
  • (2020-09-08) Wafi B. (Wafi): Setting take the whole screen. You cannot answer anything. Also, there's no keyboard! only the preview in settings...
  • (2020-08-01) Carmelo Cellupica: Nice keyboard for me to learn how to type in Korean. Up until now I've been using a phonetic keyboard which made it really difficult to learn the Dubeolsik layout. One thing, the cheatsheet is a little too big.
  • (2020-07-20) Paolo Di Bello: It doesn't have Japanese unfortunately
  • (2020-07-17) Florencia Miguez: There's an issue when you have to complete a word instead of writing a sentence. The message to select the keyboard shows up but the button is not visible, therefore that setting cannot be saved. It's really annoying.
  • (2020-03-19) Logan Reakoff: This extension does not satisfy its cause. I installed this so that I could type in the Greek alphabet on Duolingo. However, once installed, I was only able to type in Greek. I had the same problem I started off with. I could not freely switch keyboards. Some questions in Duolingo require me to respond in Greek and others English. This extention does not remove the problem. The situation still remains, You either type in one language, or the other.
  • (2020-02-27) Susan Deb Kanych: Russian to English and English to Russian is so smooth now with DuoKeyboard extension. (Version 80 Chrome) Hindi is not so fantastic to me as the choices for the Hindi keyboards are a different lay out from Devanagari which I'm too used to.
  • (2019-11-29) Kate McKenzie: Brilliant extension, I'm not sure I could use Duolingo without it. Would be even more brilliant if it worked with TinyCards as well.
  • (2019-11-28) John Williams: It is okay, but it needs a keyboard viewer as I don't know what to push to get the letter I need.
  • (2019-11-06) William Macêdo: It's good but I miss the japonese suport, please add suport to the kana keyboard. É uma boa extensão mas não possuí suporte para o japonês, por favor adicionem.
  • (2019-09-08) Simon Bromberg: Was working OK initially but now it seems to be messing up exercises where you have to type in text — upon submitting some of the characters are removed without warning and thus you fail the exercise. Currently seeing this with Hebrew.
  • (2019-06-17) Тима Х: A good extension but the cheetsheet doesn't fit my monitor without fullscreen mode or resizing the page.
  • (2019-06-05) Pavel Berlin: It was a very good and helpful app, but it stopped working and now it is completely useless (
  • (2019-06-02) Ython Ra: Glitchy: tells me I'm pressing on random keys, especially numbers. Doesn't have enough foreign keyboards. 3 for Esperanto, 4 for Hebrew, & 0 for Finnish or Afrikaans.
  • (2019-04-25) Андрей Кондрашов: Very effective, timesaving app. But recently stoped working. Can you please fix it?
  • (2019-04-17) Paul Hopkins: edit 17APR2019 duolingo must have changed their site coding again as the app has stopped working. Hopefully you can fix it as this is an amazing time saver. This is such a time saver for Russian. Can you update the app to include Korean? Duolingo has the English for Korean speakers now and is releasing the Korean for English speakers real soon.
  • (2018-10-17) Elias Constantinou: Works on my Macbook, but on my Windows PC it types two letters for each keystroke, one in the original and one in the target language.
  • (2018-08-31) Samuel Chelemer: It used to work fine, but now the Hebrew keyboard is all jacked up, it types both the Latin character and the Hebrew letter.
  • (2018-08-21) Tim McHyde: I used this in the past and it was great, but now when I installed it again for Duolingo Hebrew, it is typing both the Latin letters as well as the Hebrew equivalent for the same keyboard key TOGETHER. So when I type F on the keyboard I get a F and a כ I tried restarting Chrome but it kept doing this. Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2018-06-25) Leo Grignafini: Bonega aplikaĵo! Dankon!
  • (2017-12-28) spicy egg udon noodles: This keyboard is a lifesaver. However, there seems to be a few problems that don't really affect the extension, but more of the visuals and functionality. Whenever the pop-up thing appears and I try to click "Save my preferences," I am unable to click it. The keyboard also overlaps and merges with the words if I zoom in too much, which is a small problem because I need to see large letters. My current rating is 4 stars, but if you manage to fix the problems above, I'll give you 5 stars. I understand if you're not able to fix these minor errors though. Here's a picture of what happened: https://imgur.com/a/OPSzE
  • (2017-07-13) Shiri Dori-Hacohen: Oh my god, I have no idea how I handled Duolingo without this. I love love love it!!!!!! If only it had Arabic it would be even better.
  • (2017-06-29) Ramiro Balado: It is a very good extension, immensely helpful. The only suggestion would be to add a mark for the bumps on the J and F keys, since I find myself constantly getting lost.
  • (2017-06-12) Señor Dustin: The new version of the website doesn't support the extension. I survived with it, now I'm dying without it. Bring it back and I'll give it 5 stars.
  • (2017-04-14) Scott Otterson: Works well for German, however the keyboard cheatsheet is too big, causing the CONTINUE button to scroll off the bottom of my browser window; I have to scroll every time in order to continue. This is fullscreen on a Surface Pro 4, and with small fonts -- whatever the default is. Also, in the settings, it's called the "cheat sheeft"
  • (2017-03-30) Mary Smaragdis: Love it! Thank you! It's just great for learning Greek on Duolingo. Thank you!
  • (2017-03-09) Mikhail Avcharenko: Классное расширение! Очень помогает, не нужно беспокоиться о переключении раскладки.
  • (2017-02-25) 11KaDDouR11: It is very practical..until it didn't want to work anymore today,I tried different things yet didn't work, also I noticed that the duolingo site changed a little bit so it may be the cause..anyway I hope you consider this as soon as possible
  • (2017-02-13) Алена Шилина: Thank you!!! It is very helpful ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ
  • (2017-01-12) Evergreen Tree: It works really well but I can't use the Alt Gr keys which would really benefit me typing in Polish. When I try to use Alt Gr it just defaults back to my German keyboard layout.
  • (2017-01-01) Joel Wibron: Works flawlessly so far! No more Windows + Space clicking. The cheat sheet is also very helpful in the beginning when you are learning a new layout.

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-22, v:1.5.0) Ethan Blackwood: Ukraininan capital Г missing
    As in the title - lowercase Г types correctly but uppercase shows in the preview and types as a U.
  • (2022-10-30, v:1.5.0) Andrew Landy: Chrome OS / Chromebook
    Does DuoKeyboard work on ChromeOS? In options, when I try saving my desired language (ie. Vietnamese) it does not save my selection and defaults back to English.
  • (2022-10-23, v:1.5.0) b c: hebrew phonetic keyboard
    the hebrew phonetic keyboard is missing the letter Tet (the 9th letter of the hebrew alphabet although it seems like you have Yud (the 10th letter of the alphabet) twice!
  • (2021-05-25, v:1.5.0) Chokochi: Japanese keyboard!
    I notice that the Japanese option is not available. Pls add the katakana/hiragana with this the extention will be perfect!
  • (2021-03-20, v:1.5.0) Nezih Duzen: Problem when you look at hints
    Hello, Recently i saw a small problem when i study Greek. I type several words in the reply area, then i hover over the question to see the hints. If i do that, one or sometimes part of a word is deleted in the response area, so you have to retype it again. Thanks in advance for your help. I appreciate your efforts, this is very useful extension.
  • (2021-02-07, v:1.5.0) Sergey G: typed text disappears
    After typing, if the mouse cursor is moved to hover over one of the suggested translations, the last word typed is erased.
  • (2020-12-27, v:1.5.0) Charlie: Cyrillic keyboard
    Does this extension actually provide a alternative keyboard on a chromebook? Please explain how.
  • (2020-10-23, v:1.5.0) Anša Vernerová: warn if submitting an answer in the wrong language
    I often do one of these two mistakes: - write down what I hear even though duo is asking for a translation - write down the translation even though duo is asking for transcription Would it be possible to recognize when this is likely the case and ask whether I really want to submit?
  • (2020-09-27, v:1.5.0) Anša Vernerová: Finnish keyboard; multiple choice questions
    Two minor problems I've come across recently: 1) there is a new Finnish course (in beta), but Finnish does not appear in the dropdown list for the "The keyboard must be changed to" option. 2) Every time I come across a multiple choice question, I am told that "DuoKeyboard could not automatically detect the input language for this field, but you can set the language manually."; however, there is no :save these settings button. I suppose a good solution would be to allow me to choose once what needs to be done when DuoKeyboard does not recognize the language and then always use that same choice... (I've not come across this message on any other type of test other than multiple choice.)
  • (2020-09-19, v:1.5.0) Nezih Duzen: DuoKeyboard not recognising input language
    DuoKeyboard does not recognize the input language for dialog questions. Addition of that, the screen gets smaller and causes the dialog couldn't be read. Please see the screen shot. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RhiCGayNQmnGEbtV7
  • (2020-09-07, v:1.5.0) Andrew Landy: DuoKeyboard not recognising input language
    Why does DuoKeyboard not recognise the input language with multiple choice questions? Is there a way to fix it or is the extension broken? Please refer to the example (screenshot) below of what I am referring to.... https://photos.app.goo.gl/QRSYj1YjxG475NiM8 Thanks.
  • (2020-08-16, v:1.5.0) Stian Jakobsen: The extension seems to be broken
    Typing in hebrew no longer works with this extension. All the text automatically gets removed withing a second of typing, making the extension unusable. Please fix.
  • (2020-07-21, v:1.5.0) David Mihal: New Duolingo update has broken
    The new Duolingo update has broken some parts of the extension. Have you considered making it open source? I'd be happy to contribute to the extension.
  • (2020-06-22, v:1.5.0) dahliavkarma: Not working on smaller screens
    The preferences are only partly shown on my 12-inch laptop and it cannot be scrolled either, with the "save preferences" button hidden as a result.
  • (2020-04-20, v:1.5.0) Kreved RUS52: Text getting deleted
    Text getting deleted Started happening since today. Anything I type in Russian (Russian for English speakers course) get deleted every second or so. I can stop it by pressing space/backspace, but, as you can imagine, it's incredibly inconvenient. Did it perhaps get broken by an update on Duolingo's end?
  • (2020-04-14, v:1.5.0) Audrius Frankonis: Text getting deleted
    Started happening since today. Anything I type in Russian (Russian for English speakers course) get deleted every second or so. I can stop it by pressing space/backspace, but, as you can imagine, it's incredibly inconvenient. Did it perhaps get broken by an update on Duolingo's end?
  • (2020-03-08, v:1.5.0) Kelikaku Coutin: Japanese Keyboard Support not included?
    I'm learning Japanese and have your extension. I notice that the Japanese option is not available.
  • (2020-01-25, v:1.5.0) Shannon Cho: It doesn't detect Spanish most of the time.
    It doesn't detect Spanish most of the time. So, it brings up the menu: "DuoKeyboard could not automatically detect the input language for this field, but you can set the language manually. Use quick settings to set the input to: The keyboard has to be changed to: The cheatsheet has to be: The input method extension must be: " When that menu shows up, I cannot click "check" to submit my answer to Duolingo and have to abandon the lesson and start over only to have it happen again. So, if I use this extension, I can't complete any Spanish practice sessions at all.
  • (2019-11-29, v:1.5.0) Marilyn Osorio: Not working for Hebrew
    I've tried removing and re-adding, still doesn't work.
  • (2019-09-10, v:1.4.2) Vojtěch Šádek: Arabic layout
    In some cases (not in the extension configuration but during duo lessons (in Arabic -> German)) The Arabic keyboard layout is reversed. (https://i.imgur.com/W1bs4gM.png) Do I have some bad configuration or what is wrong?
  • (2019-09-06, v:1.4.2) mzg147: Duo Keyboard deletes last word
    This issue is consistent for me both for Chrome and Firefox. When I enable Duokeyboard, all last words from every exercise I write got deleted after pressing Enter. Really weird.
  • (2019-07-31, v:1.4.1) Ben Nissley: Not working for Hebrew
    Hello, The keyboard not showing up for Hebrew. I tried in Firefox and Chrome.
  • (2019-07-29, v:1.4.1) Marie Lindner: duokeyboard flashes but does not stay on screen in duolingo
    the duolingo window (popup?) is completely enabled but only flashes for a second on the duolingo screen (windows 10 chrome) and does not persist long enough to use it. is there a fix?
  • (2019-07-19, v:1.4.1) Perla Lovejoy: I can't access Hebrew keyboard after installing duolingo keyboard extension
    I downloaded the Hebrew keyboard extension but will not open for me even though it says it will when I try to type...that means I'm missing some benefits of my lessons
  • (2019-07-14, v:1.4.1) Vaiva Gudelytė: Works only for English
    I have tested this extension on Chrome and Torch browser. For both, it works only for English which is, safe to say, completely useless. For English, the options window appeared at the bottom. When there is a sentence in French or German, it just blinks at the top left corner of the screen and blinks out. I doubt I am doing anything incorrectly. So far, it does not do anything useful. Strange that the reviews are so good, or is it only the newest version?
  • (2019-07-09, v:1.4.1) Wibblie: Cannot see Russian preview keyboard on screen
    The "skip" and "check" bar in Duolingo covers the preview keyboard, so I can't see what buttons I am supposed to press to type in Russian. Is there a fix coming soon?
  • (2019-04-30, v:1.4.0) Dan Radoiu: What about tinycards.duolingo.com?
    DuoKeyboard never worked on tinycards. Any plans to change that? Thanks.
  • (2019-04-21, v:1.3.0) Anna Scheller: Hebrew Keyboard is not working
    When I have to type in Hebrew, only English letters come up. Is there a fix coming?


6,000 history
4.1837 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2024-01-24 / 1.5.1
Listing languages
