Description from extension meta
Makes a clean page out of the answer to any StackExchange question.
Description from store
AnswerStack makes it easy to create a clean version of any StackExchange answer.
While browser any StackExchange site (such as StackOverflow, Ask Ubuntu, etc) click the AnswerStack extension and you'll get a clean version of the answer shown on that page.
Why did we build this?
We found that when answering customer questions we'd often send them links to one of the StackExchange sites to see an answer on how to configure a server, fix something with their browser, etc.
That's generally great, but for less technical users the StackExchange UI can be a bit confusing. We could recreate the answers in our own knowledge base but that's duplicative.
Instead, with AnswerStack we can simply create a nice clear version of the answer.
There's of course a link back to the full StackExchange thread as well if the customer ends up needing more context.
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Last update / version
2017-01-27 / 1.0
Listing languages