extension ExtPose


CRX id


Description from extension meta

Replace new tab page with a beautiful and simple list of your personal goal dashboard for inspiration and reminder.

Image from store Intention
Description from store Replaces your new tab page with your goals to keep you focused and help you achieve them.

Latest reviews

  • (2017-09-25) Paul Cichocki: This is amazing!! Totally loving it. Making every day a better day :)
  • (2016-10-27) Celeste Banning: it is a nice app but the 'year'intentionlist is not useable and nothing has been done about it so far so that makes the app useless
  • (2015-02-14) Anand Gupta: Simple, very effective, smartly placed in the age where we spend most of our laptop/desktop time online on web browsers, easy to use!
  • (2015-01-02) Nancy Riley Wong: i really like the concept and design. i did run into a problem where i deleted all the text for the 'year' column and hit enter. i couldn't get back to editing the text field anymore.
  • (2015-01-01) Soumia Fares: Found this very simple and useful :) Thanks!
  • (2014-12-30) Jonathan Leung: Hell yeah!
  • (2014-12-29) Gaurav Sharma: Smart, simple, useful.
  • (2014-12-29) Marius Ursache: Was using a Google Spreadsheet to keep track of these goals. Now I found something better—this.

Latest issues

  • (2020-10-31, v:2.2) Trutheos: Is this app still working?
    I used to use this and wanted to do so again, but I keep getting a "corrupted" error message when I try to double-click the page after I have installed the app. I notice that there are no reviews for several years, so I wonder if you are gone now.
  • (2016-06-30, v:2.0) Brooke Barnett: Year Field Not Working.
    Will you ever fix this? It seems to be a universal bug
  • (2015-02-17, v:2.0) Sam Liu: "Year" field stopped working after double click
    See title
  • (2015-01-04, v:2.0) Joanne Ma: Cannot Edit Year Column
    I can't edit the year column after I double clicked it... everything disappeared!


55 history
4.625 (8 votes)
Last update / version
2020-10-03 / 2.2
Listing languages
