extension ExtPose

ModHeader - Modify HTTP headers

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Description from extension meta

Modify HTTP request headers, response headers, and redirect URLs

Image from store ModHeader - Modify HTTP headers
Description from store The most popular Chrome extension to modify headers and monitor page statistics simultaneously. ** What can ModHeader do?** - Add, modify, and remove request and response headers - Use ModHeader to set X-Forwarded-For, Authorization, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Content-Security-Policy, and your custom headers! - Modify cookies in request / response header - Advanced Content-Security-Policy editor - Redirect URL to another - Enable header modification by URLs - Advanced filtering by tab, tab group, or window ** Why ModHeader ** - ModHeader is fast, efficient, and light-weight. You can quickly enable/disable header modification with just 1-2 clicks. - ModHeader provides you with many convenient features that will help you increase your development velocity with the least amount of frictions. Check out the big list the features below! - ModHeader is free to use, with a paid option to unlock even more features. - ModHeader works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. - ModHeader is used by over 800,000+ users on Chrome Web Store! ** ModHeader features ** - Add comments to header - One-click "undo" if you made a mistake - Support having multiple profiles with quick switching between profiles - Export and import profile - Easily share your profiles with others - Customize autocomplete names and values - Support for dynamic variables - Dark mode support - Sorting headers and name, value, or comments - Append value to existing request or response header - Customizable profile badge - Clone profile - Cloud backup ...and more!!! ** What is new in 5.0.1 ** - Make more features available to free users - Fix bugs ** What is new in 4.4.1 ** - Change buttons to use camel cases instead of upper cases - Improve default auto-sync profile - Add close banner ad options ** What is new in 4.4.0 ** - Enable ad-supported plan where users can get pro for allowing affiliated ads in extension. Users can opt-out of ads by selecting ... -> Opt out of ads (will revert back to having limited profiles and rules). ** What is new in 4.3.8 ** - Link to header help article on known standard headers ** What is new in 4.3.7 ** - Support iso_date and utc_date variable ** What is new in 4.3.6 ** - Suggest when advanced header editor is available - Suggest when a response header is incorrectly entered in request header field and vice versa - Suggest using tab domain filter, tab group filter, window filter, etc. ** What is new in 4.3.5 ** - Revise the add dialog to give more description ** What is new in 4.3.4 ** - Improve export dialog - Support creating embedded ModHeader button ** What is new in 4.3.2 ** - Support query parameter as dynamic value - Support matching HTTP methods in request URL filter and exclude request URL filter ** What is new in 4.3.1 ** - Make import with auto-sync available for free - Gather feedbacks on uninstallation ** What is new in 4.3.0 ** - Allow free users access to all mods and filters, but limit number of rules to 10. ** What is new in 4.2.10 ** - Internal refactorings ** What is new in 4.2.4 ** - Fix a minor bug with time filters ** What is new in 4.2.3 ** - Fix a minor bug with tab domain filters ** What is new in 4.2.2 ** - Introduce tab domain filters - Show pro icon next to pro features - Disable pro items when user is no longer using Pro ** What is new in 4.1.6 ** - Allow start trial without credit card ** What is new in 4.1.5 ** - Control sharing visibility within ModHeader ** What is new in 4.1.4 ** - Make it easier to add - Show profile picture when available ** What is new in 4.1.3 ** - Fix dark mode ** What is new in 4.1.0 ** - Update login, logout, and license checking logics ** What is new in 4.0.21 ** - Add support for advanced Content-Security-Policy modification ** What is new in 4.0.20 ** - Fix ModHeader not showing up for new users. - Add {{ip_v4}} dynamic value ** What is new in 4.0.19 ** - Show tutorial to new users ** What is new in 4.0.18 ** - Support for simple dynamic value: {{uuid}}, {{url}}, {{url_origin}}, {{url_hostname}}, {{url_path}}, {{existing_value}}, {{timestamp}} ** What is new in 4.0.17 ** - Allow ModHeader to read from managed storage (for enterprise) - Fix CSS not loading correctly ** What is new in 4.0.16 ** - Add regex cookie matching and ability to retain cookie value while modifying its attributes ** What is new in 4.0.15 ** - Add support for Time filter ** What is new in 4.0.14 ** - Dependency upgrades and some minor bug fixes ** What is new in 4.0.12 ** - Support auto-sync profile import: https://docs.modheader.com/profiles/auto-sync-profile - Remove support for dynamic value as Firefox addon policy and Manifest V3 both disallow it. If you need this feature, please email [email protected] and we will try to figure out how to support your use-case. ** What is new in 4.0.10 ** - Profile search support - Auto expand left panel on tab view ** What is new in 4.0.9 ** - Minor UI updates ** What is new in 4.0.8 ** - Support reordering profile, headers, and filters. ** What is new in 4.0.7 ** - Fix profile switching not working ** What is new in 4.0.6 ** - Add link to create login URL to quickly login to additional browser / browser profile. ** What is new in 4.0.4 ** - Fix crash due to tabs not found - Fix ModHeader not working on older browser ** What is new in 4.0.0 ** - Support enhanced cookie modification - Replace tab lock with tab filter, along with tab group and window filter - Support autocomplete customization - Dark mode support - Keyboard commands mapping - Give users more controls over share profile URLs - Paid subscription required for some of the newly introduced features. Most existing features should continue to work for free users. ** Older changelogs ** https://docs.modheader.com/whats-new/version-4.x ** Permissions ** ModHeader currently requires 6 permissions: 1, "webRequest" 2, "webRequestBlocking" 3, "<all_urls>" 4, "storage" 5, "contextMenus" 6, "alarm" "webRequest" and "webRequestBlocking" are required in order for request headers modification to work. Because ModHeader doesn't know ahead of time which website the modification should apply to, it needs to request permissions for all URLs (3). "storage" permission is needed to save settings to the cloud. "contextMenus" is used to enable quick pause/unpause by right-clicking on the icon. "alarm" is used to periodically auto-sync profiles (if auto-sync is setup). ** User guide ** https://docs.modheader.com/ ** Privacy Policy ** https://modheader.com/privacy ** Automation ** For Selenium WebDriver users, please try: https://github.com/modheader/modheader_selenium To find ModHeader on other browsers, visit modheader.com

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-05) Mark Oberemk: Worked well enough for a while, but now injects ads and pop-up pages regularly (even on uninstall!). Removing.
  • (2024-04-03) 亚楠周: a good tool obviously!really help a lot in web development
  • (2024-02-26) Jan Majek: If it was focusing on doing the one job of modifying headers right, it would be 5/5, but they recently started to add silly "features" like floating button on all pages which is simply ridiculous.
  • (2024-02-05) Prasanna Kumar: It is very helpful for debugging requests by changing headers.
  • (2023-12-28) Apoorv Pandey: It's simple and easy to use
  • (2023-12-15) Alriskhandy idris: This extensions make my life easier!.
  • (2023-12-08) iBug: Except doing what it's advertised, it also adds bunches of junk AI ads. Literally everywhere, and sometimes even pop-up tabs and windows. Can't withstand this level of ad bombarding.
  • (2023-12-06) Mike Hu: enabling authentication with much more convenience in local environment many profiles allowed, switching between profile is instantaneous
  • (2023-11-30) Rob Sterlini: Used to be great, but now injects AI ads in every Google window and when it is un-installed. I re-installed it to review it (weird) and it showed it then too. Poor form.
  • (2023-11-28) Mash Rien (Mashrien): Wonderful tool and has helped to bypass "Your browser is unsupported" blahblah bullsh!t on SEVERAL websites, inclding the infamously picky YewTube.. Though it WOULD BE LOVELY if shared profiles were easier to find, like say.. on their own website lol
  • (2023-11-22) Devin Gaffney: Injecting ads into the browser and apparently does a bunch of other spying. Avoid.
  • (2023-11-21) Harry Jackson: This extension is opening tabs to advertisers.
  • (2023-11-21) wei yuan: 未经许可,在搜索结果页面添加 MaxAI.me 广告,请大家删除。 Without permission, MaxAI.me advertisement was added to the search results page, please everyone remove it.
  • (2023-11-15) Martin Heil: Injects ads into web pages, was a great simple tool for HTTP header modification turned money hungry. Have switched to Requestly instead
  • (2023-11-14) James Wragg: Injects ads to pages, calls out to product hunt, etc. etc. a useful extension turned spyware. Switched to Requestly instead.
  • (2023-11-14) Stefano Pochet: Inject ads into google
  • (2023-11-14) Ben Wormald: Pushes AI ads on install, on launching Chrome, and on uninstall - avoid this extension
  • (2023-11-14) 高橋大輔: Google検索の画面に広告を挿入するようになった Inserting ads into Google search results
  • (2023-11-12) zhenchuan huang: 会注入广告,无语了
  • (2023-11-11) דור אלידן: Reported for injecting ads
  • (2023-11-09) Z lincon: 未经许可,在搜索结果页面添加 MaxAI.me 广告,请大家删除。 Without permission, MaxAI.me advertisement was added to the search results page, please everyone remove it.
  • (2023-11-08) Vincent Le Biannic: As other recent reviewers said this extension does really shady things nowadays. Edit : It seems that there are some fake reviews on this page now, all 5 stars with similar comments / profile pictures...
  • (2023-11-07) Richard Demarest: ModHeader predominantly boosts development speed. Amazing stuff! Is the premium version worth it?
  • (2023-11-07) Dennis Lizotte: Great extension for headers modification. Is there a tutorial available?
  • (2023-11-06) John Smith: Injects an ad into the top of Google search results for "MaxAI". Also started opening popups for the same.
  • (2023-11-06) Chi Chen: force add google ad
  • (2023-11-06) James Ramirez: Clear-cut functionality.
  • (2023-11-06) Andy Black: It's reliable, has ads, but aren't they manageable for a free resource?
  • (2023-11-05) Gamerator Tyler Stein: Used to be good until it started advertising illegally
  • (2023-11-04) Steve Taylor: ModHeader has recently removed the option to opt out of ads. Upon starting the browser, it opens an extra tab which advertises another Chrome extension. It's also injecting its own ads into Google search results. ModHeader has become malware, as is the fate of almost every moderately successful Chrome extension.
  • (2023-11-04) Iven Gehrmann: Injects adds unfortunately
  • (2023-11-04) AM ll: 难怪近期浏览网页时电脑会突然蓝屏重启停了这个扩展就没事了
  • (2023-11-03) Sebastian P: ps you can opt out of ads By opting out of ads, you will lose all the Pro functionalities, and will have a limit of 10 rules and 3 profiles.
  • (2023-11-03) Nikita Iakunin: injects ads
  • (2023-11-03) David Paul: Used to be good, but now it injects adverts into search results, and periodically opens the extension page for another extension it asks you to install. ModHeaders extension should really be banned from the Chrome web store for violating web store policies. Also, the extension says it collects personal information and location data - does it really need to?
  • (2023-11-03) Clarence Romano: Switching profiles is seamless, perhaps the profile limit could be increased.
  • (2023-11-02) William Jeffers: 实用的Chrome插件,推荐使用。
  • (2023-11-02) George Seys: A lifesaver for any developer indeed! Could use a simpler UI, maybe?
  • (2023-11-01) Ryan Hollis: This injects ads into your google search results. Deleting.
  • (2023-11-01) darryl white: Redirects me to another garbage extension
  • (2023-11-01) Hwani S: ad
  • (2023-11-01) W LXY: 1. Insert ads in Google search pages. maybe more. 2. popup ads in first open chrome
  • (2023-10-31) Andrew Crichton: Injects ads into google search results, and doesn't make it clear that the ads come from the extension. Pretty sure it's violating Google chrome store extensions policies Ads 4, 8.1, 8.2.
  • (2023-10-31) Ryan Stille: Used to be great, but now it injects ads. It opens a new browser window to some AI site. Chrome extensions are dangerous, Google should fix this.
  • (2023-10-31) Niels Lohmann: Started injecting AI based ads into google search and opening tabs to install other extensions.
  • (2023-10-31) Liu Yicen: 没找到所谓的关闭广告选项 https://modheader.com/articles/ad-supported-plan
  • (2023-10-31) Scott Hernandez: 重定向URL功能能满足我对插件的基本的需求。
  • (2023-10-31) Emil Björklund: Bait-and-switch to an "ad-supported" model in a point release without informing. Injects stuff into search-results, auto-opens tabs and who knows what else.
  • (2023-10-31) Jose Lindblom: Intuitively crafted.
  • (2023-10-30) Kevin Matzen: Injects ads for other extensions into google search results.

Latest issues

  • (2022-05-05, v:3.1.27) Selenium modheader load multiple profiles
    I'm using the modheader extension along with selenium written in Java. My problem is that using the following API I cannot load multiple profiles but only 1: https://webdriver.modheader.com/load?profile={exported_profile_in_json} How can I load multiple profiles?
  • (2022-03-30, v:3.1.27) bin Q: upper to lower
    hi! I set "Authorization" in my headers, but I get "authorization". What should I do to get "Authorization"?
  • (2022-03-02, v:3.1.27) boat zhang: is it possible to modify dev-tools' sourcemap query?
    ModHeader is fantastic, but I wonder is it possible to rewrite header that is not transparent to user like devtool's sourcemap query?
  • (2022-02-01, v:3.1.26) How to add cookie before page load?
    I would like to add cookie before page load to make my development easier like: sessionStorage.setItem('access_token', 'something'); can I do that?
  • (2021-11-23, v:3.1.26) ran xin: Name Unable to display available title
    It can work in chrome before, but it can't display 'Name Tiltle' (e.g X-Forwarded-For) now. Is this because the chrome's version is too high?
  • (2021-10-19, v:3.1.25) Trijit Bhattacharjee: Automation Code - Java Selenium Mod Header
    I have added the ModHeader.crx file in my project folder and added in code using ChromeOptions. However, I need to add a key-value pair in the ModHeader, through code. Can you please provide some help in it ?
  • (2021-10-19, v:3.1.25) Trijit Bhattacharjee: Automation Code - Java Selenium Mod Header
    I have added the ModHeader.crx file in my project folder and added in code using ChromeOptions. However, I need to add a key-value pair in the ModHeader, through code. Can you please provide some help in it ?
  • (2021-09-23, v:3.1.25) Stephanie Merlis: Request header drop down not working
    Hi - I have installed Mod Header and it was previously working but today once I select Request headers there are no drop downs available and I am unable to select X-Forwarded-For to spoof my IP. Can someone look into this? -Stephanie
  • (2021-05-17, v:3.1.20) Boryslav Boronylo: I cant make it work properly on Centos
    Hi, I have google-chrome on centos, i added your extension and extension can add new headers, but once i try to remove some existing headers nothing happens. CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011 Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 Please suggest THanks
  • (2021-04-18, v:3.1.20) Mike Bell: Referer header not being attached to requests
    Hi. This extension used to work. But, in trying to add an arbitrary Referer header to a request, I am finding it is not being attached. I can verify this by added a Referer header, and then going to any website, and looking in the javascript console at the "document.referrer" value. It is consistently empty even though I am attaching a header to the request. In curl, I can do this using the -H flag to add an arbtirary header.
  • (2021-01-11, v:3.1.17) Tech Source: Keyboard shortcut key
    Can you share the keyboard shortcut key to click on modify header chrome extension. Please need to automate using AutoIt
  • (2020-09-20, v:3.1.9) Kiran jonnalagadda: it is not working on google chrome v 85. it is not enabled
    it is not working on google chrome Version 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit). it showing disabled. Tried to enable still no use
  • (2020-09-01, v:3.1.9) Anya Fishchuk: Capitalisation removed from header name
    Hi! When I add a custom header name, using also capital letter (like Authorisation ), the tool removes the capitalisation from the this request header (authorization), as I can see in the development tool (F12). Is there something to do on it? It is important because the API I try top reach, does expect Authorization header name with a capital letter. Thank you! Anya
  • (2020-08-25, v:3.1.9) Himani Sharma: trying to download the modheader extesion but it is showing an error...
    Empty Extension! Could not download the extension because Google returned an empty file. An e-mail has been sent to the developers. please help me
  • (2020-08-24, v:3.1.9) Mae - Ann: Error in installing the extension
    When I try to add the Chrome extension on my Windows machine, I receive this error message: "Can not unpack extension. To safely unpack an extension, there must be a path to your profile directory that starts with a drive letter and does not contain a junction, mount point, or symlink. No such path exists for your profile." What is the workaround? Or how do I resolve this?
  • (2020-08-05, v:3.1.8) Jayson Cote: Inability to use header on specific domain
    I only want this header mod to work for certain domains, is it possible to add this?
  • (2020-07-06, v:3.1.6) Maciej Zawiasa: Profile sharing options
    I'm not able to turn off profile sharing over the could. I don't want tu publish anyhow my data
  • (2020-06-17, v:3.1.6) Dan Haggerty: Add defaults for missing fields on JSON import
    I want to generate a JSON file to import, and I really only care about the title of the profile and the header names + values. It would be great if I could: 1. leave out fields that I don't care about, like color, or comment 2. have the option to overwrite existing profiles with the same name My use case is, I want to create a bunch of profiles programatically, so I can easily keep a set of profiles up to date with some code I'm working on.
  • (2020-06-12, v:3.1.5) Anastassia Meritee: ModHeader extension is lagging
    Hi, I have macbook with the latest OS installed, however, the extension is lagging for me so badly that I cannot even add any headers. I really need it for work and can't find another extension working.
  • (2020-06-05, v:3.1.4) NoobTube: Multiple, random X-Forwarded-For IPS?
    Hey there, I got an problem that I need an IP, where the last digits change randomly between 10-254 .. is there any way to do it? like every time the page reloads, the IP gets changed to 111.222.333.xxx and xxx is always random? Would be nice to have that feature since it would allow me so much more to do :) Best Regards!
  • (2020-05-29, v:3.1.4) Tom Bevan: SVG's not working
    Hi. I'm using your plugin to check a site before it's made live but for some reason there are a couple of SVGs that aren't working. I've heard of a potential issue with fontawesome files but that isn't what we're using. I can see the files in the media library and visit the file URL so they seem fine. Any ideas?
  • (2020-05-13, v:3.0.7) Doctor Lab: form authentication
    Hello Brother I runing ASP.NET MCV 4 With Microsoft SQL Server Database Softwere on localhost IIS for our Medical Laboratory Reporting . I Want some changing my that existing software want to change Authentication Method from Form Authentication to Windows Authentication and like basic Authentication If You like i provide you more detail which you want at WhatsApp I want your help for this Thanks Regards Waheed Murad 0923004887139
  • (2020-05-04, v:3.0.7) Pablo Kopelman: Modifying a header value is not working
    Since the major gui upgrade, clicking on a header value field to change it don't work. the cursor never shows and modifying the value is possible only after a few clicks on play button and lock button.
  • (2020-04-30, v:3.0.7) Chris Campbell: Empty popup
    When I click the ModHeader icon in the Chrome toolbar, I get a totally empty white popup. Have tried on different sites, and have tried restarting the browser but that didn't help...?
  • (2020-04-24, v:3.0.7) Evgeniy Drozdov: New updates
    Hello. There are very many UI bags after latests plugin updates.
  • (2020-04-16, v:3.0.6) J Tester: Request Headers consistently being lost
    Something odd started occurring after updating to version 3.X, where calls with multiple request headers set are losing their headers/values. Occurs probably 25% of the time, and strangely enough doesn't occur at all when chrome developer tools is open. Updated to 3.0.6 and still seeing this behavior. Any idea what might be at play here?
  • (2020-04-16, v:3.0.5) María Emilia Silveira: Json Export Funcionality
    Json Export Funcionality was very useful for my team automated testing tool, is there a posibillity to get it back? Thank you!
  • (2020-04-14, v:3.0.3) Oliver McRobbie: Please bring back the previous export functionality
    Thank you for the very useful tool, but I've noticed that the latest update changes how profiles are exported, now generating a url instead of a simple JSON object. Is there a way to use the older export functionality? The urls do not work for my purposes. Thank you.
  • (2020-04-14, v:3.0.2) Peter Finlay: Latest update UI
    Hey guys, the latest update has brought on a UI that's incredibly rough on the eyes. Any possibility of a much simpler interface as previous, or customisation options for the UI. ModHeader is something I use 7 days /week so appreciate the opportunity to submit this feedback!
  • (2020-04-13, v:3.0.1) Swaroop Raj: Is it possible to Prevent / Restrict the user by modifying the Request Header
    I have encountered a situation that user can modify the Request Header. Since am looking for the same name in the application, if user modified it then all gone wrong. So, looking for the solution to restrict the user by modifying the Request Header.
  • (2020-04-01, v:2.5.4) D Scott: Append to URL....?
    I'd like to append "?cache_off" to all url's on a particular site. Is this possible with this extension? I've tried the Replace URL function but it seems to add the replacement twice.
  • (2020-03-26, v:2.5.4) Andreas Thorsson Aaro: Google spreadsheet
    Google spreadsheet mainmenu stuck in endless loading loop. Had to deactivate ModHeader 2.5.4 for it to work again.
  • (2020-02-08, v:2.5.4) Rakesh Hooda: Not able to use in Selenium
    chrome-extension://idgpnmonknjnojddfkpgkljpfnnfcklj/settings.tmpl.html This url is not opening.File not found when opened in Browser to set headers using selenium in 2.5.4 version. Please let me how to open it in chrome to change the values.
  • (2020-01-21, v:2.5.4) Josh Roberson: Changing the case of my headers!
    This plugin is sending all headers added in lower case, when it should not be altering the case from the entered form. This breaks compatibility with some APIs that I use. Please stop changing to all lowercase, and preserve the headers exactly as written!
  • (2019-12-11, v:2.5.3) Eric Plank: Since update v2.5.3. Completely broken
    Does not modify headers anymore since update v2.5.3. Completely broken
  • (2019-12-11, v:2.5.3) Martin Shameti: Sending Headers to sites on Filter List Broken as of v2.5.3
    The headers are not getting passed down to the request as of today's update.
  • (2019-11-06, v:2.4.1) Vitor Pereira: Configuration provisioning
    Is there anyway to provision the extension configuration? Say, for example, using the registry on Windows machines?
  • (2019-10-14, v:2.4.0) Muhammad Ali: Have you removed the comments column?
    i can't find the comments column and it's important as i have the same header name and switch it regularly and can't determine that by the value
  • (2019-09-04, v:2.4.0) elec tone: How do I disable Brotli Content Encoding in Chrome ver 76.0.3809.100?
    I am once again getting the following error in the latest version of Google Chrome: "Content Transformation Error Proxy cannot apply content transformation.This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a response with an unknown content encoding." When this has happened on previous versions I disabled the Brotli Content Encoding in the Chrome://flags, and was able to view content as normal, but this setting no longer appears. This is of particular problem when trying viewing some forums (https) and YouTube content, which now no longer works. I have no control over the company Proxy/Firewall so cannot change anything there, and the Chrome version is network distributed and installed, so I cannot move to an older version! Chrome is running on Windows 7 (64-bit). I'd be grateful for any help to resolve this issue. Thank you.
  • (2019-09-03, v:2.4.0) Thomas Haarbach: Header Key lowercase
    Hi, if i add the header ModPagespeed=off the key is converted to lowercase. ModPagespeed will ignore lowercase header keys. Also tried with PageSpeed=off. Using Firefox with ModHeaders is working as expected.
  • (2019-08-21, v:2.3.9) Carmelo Milordo: CORS PROBLEM AND HEADER NOT ADDED
    Hi. The header isn't not added in Chrome 76 and plugin version 2.3.9. I always receive error from the CORS policy.
  • (2019-08-19, v:2.3.9) Frederik Tilkin: Issues since Chrome 76?
    Is this what's causing the issues we have since Chrome 76?https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/extension-content-script-fetches/
  • (2019-08-06, v:2.3.8) Mike Abell: not working on ajax calls in chrome 76
    The header isn't being added in Chrome 76 with ajax calls, however if I open the GET url in the browser directly, it does work.
  • (2019-08-01, v:2.3.4) jim rose: Broken with cors as of Chrome 76
    As of Chrome 76 update, adding custom non-simple request headers seems to be triggering a pre-flight options request, breaking the page unless the server is set up to accept this.
  • (2019-08-01, v:2.3.4) 西尾健三郎: Chromeアップデートによるハングアウトエラー
    2019/07/31付のChromeアップデートによりハングアウトのトーク一覧が読み込めなくなりました。相手から送信があるとその相手のみ一覧に表示されます。 ご確認をお願いいたします。
  • (2019-07-31, v:2.3.4) Yurii Piskun: Chrome 76 CORS issues
    chrome 76 - on every site lot (for ex. facebook, soundcloud, etc...) of CORS errors in console. sites broken ((


700,000 history
3.1618 (1,051 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-10 / 7.0.5
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