extension ExtPose

Aria2 Explorer

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Speed up your downloads with Aria2, manage your download tasks easily.

Image from store Aria2 Explorer
Description from store Aria2-Explorer captures browser's download task and exports it to Aria2 via JSON-RPC interfaces to complete download task. Aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & open-source command-line download utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. Usage Procedures: 1. For Windows, please download Aria2 Manager: https://github.com/alexhua/aria2-manager. Other platform, please download Aria2 utility: https://github.com/aria2/aria2/releases/latest. 2. For Windows, please run Aria2Manager.exe. Other platform, please run Aria2 in the Terminal with typing aria2c --enable-rpc. 3. Install this Chrome extension. 4. Enable auto-capture on the extension options page and configure others as you need. (For Motrix user, please use http://localhost:16800/jsonprc as the RPC URL) After these steps, you could enjoy the multi-threads and BT download experience inside the Chrome. Warning: Please turn off auto-capture function, when you are using other extension to download network resources. Otherwise, there will be conflict and exception arisen. Features: [ ZERO collection of user data and privacy ] 1. Auto capture browser download tasks - Capture notification - Support magnet links - Toggle auto-capture by shortcut (Default: Alt + A) - Set all Aria2 options manually before download - Filter task by the domain, file extensions or file sizes Filter priority: domain > file-ext > file-size, white-list > black-list 2. Auto-select Aria2 RPC server by matching the preset download URL pattern 3. Built-in Aria2 front-end: AriaNG enhanced, multiple present styles: popup, new tab, new window 4. Synchronize and store all settings on the cloud 5. Support for zh-CN/zh-TW/en/fr/it/ja/ko/ru/uk languages 6. Monitor Aria2 download status via icon badge 7. Batch export web (Image · Audio · Video · Magnet) links from context menu 8. Receive download requests from other extensions 9. Support shortcuts in the options page (Save: Alt + S Reset: Alt + R Download: Alt + J Upload: Alt + U) 10. Download via browser if Aria2 is not connected Update log: https://github.com/alexhua/Aria2-Explorer/releases Contribution is welcome. GitHub: https://github.com/alexhua/Aria2-Explorer

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-15) tasia Fan: 下载拦截功能能不能超过10分钟的别突然给我弹下载。。。。延迟大的要死,半个小时候还在新增
  • (2023-11-01) Yasin Duksiye: This extension is very good, I’m searching for a reasonable extension but finally, I got a significant extension. Here it is.If you are looking for good quality tools then you can use the following tools right now, this extension is very good. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-resizing-split-screen/ibjplhkiaaoopbcblmgbkpfhhigipcnl
  • (2023-10-30) Libo Tang: 能把 全部任务 这一项去掉吗,为什么要把这么鸡肋的功能加上去呢?
  • (2023-10-26) Aiden Lin: 搭配 Motrix 食用,感觉比它那个 Motrix Chrome Extension 要好用要稳定,感谢作者。
  • (2023-10-24) P luto: 好好好
  • (2023-09-30) RJ Deng: 1. 扩展功能很强大,稳定.膜拜大佬 2. 没搞懂黑名单和白名单机制,常规软件都会有选择启用白名单或黑名单,两个都有+自动拦截让人模棱两可,我只需要拦截指定网站下载,意味着我得白名单里设置指定网站?黑名单里通配符所有网站??? 3. 我需要分流下载,拦截到下载,提示选择发送到哪个Aria2.
  • (2023-09-26) Cinci Chen: 这个全部任务是做什么用的?
  • (2023-08-25) moyi: 自带的ariang页面怪怪的,没有原本的舒服,其他都还好
  • (2023-08-23) Douglass Smith: 非常好用大佬
  • (2023-08-09) One Outs: 不懂得原理,有時能用,較多時候不能用。能下的時候雖然很快,但線上解析的網站太少。
  • (2023-07-26) AMAZZ C: 几乎天天弹出窗口
  • (2023-07-23) james link: 不知道为什么,今天下载突然出现: 文件创建或删除已有文件失败。重新安装路由固件、修改目录权限,弄了3个小时,最后发现是Aria2 Explorer的问题!自己用ariang能正常下载,用Aria2 Explorer就会出现“文件创建或删除已有文件失败”。(感谢开发者,已解决)
  • (2023-07-18) Cheonson: 很好用!
  • (2023-07-10) duxiu chen: 能不能定位文件到finder,下完之后还要自己去找挺麻烦。还有就是删除任务的时候能不能把文件也删了
  • (2023-06-29) Vmo X: 插件很给力,相识恨晚,感谢大佬。 希望增加快捷键动态拦截下载 比如默认不拦截下载,当按住Ctrl键点击时才拦截; 又或者像IDM一样,按住Alt键点击时不拦截下载。
  • (2023-06-15) O MiGer: nice
  • (2023-06-14) 张先生: 真的非常棒
  • (2023-06-03) haiyang: 真的非常棒,感谢大佬能无私贡献这么优秀的插件
  • (2023-05-09) shang teller: 我想问一下啊,就是我下载一个MP4的视频文件,他不动啊。我不懂这些,只是搞着玩的,勿喷。
  • (2023-04-25) xiang pan: aria2内的设置能保存吗? 每次启动都要重新设置检查完整性什么的,有点麻烦
  • (2023-04-21) pochen yun: 不错,蛮实用的
  • (2023-04-19) Check Cai: 能否不要每次有更新就弹窗和提示?
  • (2023-04-15) Lq G: 常年使用的工具类插件,好用
  • (2023-03-31) 切磋琢磨: 特别好用,aria2-pro做内网穿透,笔记本电脑带哪都能下载
  • (2023-03-31) 宁M: 好用,喜欢
  • (2023-03-31) for freedom: 很棒 谢谢
  • (2023-03-31) i fmp: I love it
  • (2023-02-07) 十一系手苗: 无法连接到aria2
  • (2023-01-23) linskin Summer: 无法连接到aria2
  • (2022-12-07) zolo: 非常好用,感谢作者!若是能增加几个好看的主题设计就更棒了!😂
  • (2022-12-05) combustion炎上: 為什麼會一直顯示無法連線到aira2? 電腦沒D槽就不給用???
  • (2022-12-04) Arcsion Lin: 很好很方便
  • (2022-11-16) Marco Coletti: Awesome!
  • (2022-11-03) Vinny Hill (Vinnyface): I feel so late to the game on this one. What an awesome app I feel so late to the game on this one. What an awesome app.!!
  • (2022-08-23) 蓝爵薇: 非常不错,感觉可以美化一下图标
  • (2022-07-31) 新手真可怕: 好东西,第一个谷歌商店赞给了你,希望大佬能长久维护
  • (2022-06-16) 丢雷老母: 首先,无法连接aria2,;再就是,移除插件时会破坏谷歌浏览器,导致一些页面被屏蔽,不得已卸载重装谷歌浏览器才恢复正常;这吊毛坏的很!
  • (2022-05-19) Bruce Mao: 非常好用,希望增加功能,点击下载后,浏览器图标上有相应的标识,经常出现点击下载没反应,于是反复点击多次链接出现重复下载的情况,其实aria2已经在后台开始下载了。或者aria2捕获到下载后给个提示
  • (2022-05-09) 赵康: 插件很强大,希望能更新内置AriaNG版本!
  • (2022-04-11) Riku Nakamura: Works out of the box on windows/Opera with a regular portable(? I basically just extracted and did setx) Aria2. Can't figure out how to get the default download dir and some settings to save but there's no issue other than that minor gripe.
  • (2022-03-30) Thomas Ybh: 好评,去GitHub点了星星
  • (2022-03-21) bbb ll: 非常喜欢您的插件!我希望可以增加一项功能:既然支持连接多个RPC服务器,也能检测RPC服务器连通状态,那么能否增加按顺序检查RPC服务器状态,如果离线,则使用下一个RPC服务器下载,如果全部RPC服务器无法连通,则不拦截下载(使用浏览器下载),期待回复!谢谢!
  • (2022-03-19) Pyhaaa: 感谢作者,这个扩展配合 aria2 简直无敌。
  • (2022-03-11) Kenny Zhong: mac 下真的连接不了,找了很多设置教程都不行,哎
  • (2022-02-24) 南硕: nb
  • (2022-02-06) SnZ VIO: 谢谢作者,这个插件太实用了!!可不可以加一个下载完成的音效?
  • (2022-01-15) Eason Chou: 感谢作者的插件!此插件极大程度的改善了我的下载体验。希望作者再接再厉,可以出一个bat 脚本,把Aria2 这个程序做一个一键bat 脚本运行的那种,那样就功德无量了。哈哈哈哈。取代迅雷,指日可待。上市,升值,加薪,迎娶白富美,走向人生巅峰。哈哈哈哈哈。
  • (2022-01-09) Luck: 奇怪,chrome开了右键功能但是却没有
  • (2022-01-04) Beny Hirmansyah: Awesome! This extension let me transfer download link directly to aria2 instance in my virtual private server. Now, I can utilize 40gbps connection while downloading. Kudos to developer!
  • (2021-12-23) jack chen: 五星好评,使用aria2必不可少的插件


70,000 history
4.5703 (263 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-20 / 2.6.1
Listing languages
