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Linked Assist - LinkedIn Automation Tool

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Description from extension meta

LinkedIn Automation Tool, Automation Software for LinkedIn, Social Selling, LinkedIn auto connect tool, Active Sourcing

Image from store Linked Assist - LinkedIn Automation Tool
Description from store This Automation Tool For LinkedIn helps you to connect directly with Business Owners and automates the most important tasks for you! The powerful features that Linked Assist is equipped with are: 1: Send Automatically Connection Requests With Ease. This is probably the feature that your subscribers are looking for! Linked Assist can send requests to 2nd & 3rd connections. To increase the chances of getting more connections and you also have the ability to add a personalised message! 2: Message Automatically to People You Are Connect With. That’s right, you have the flexibility to send direct messages to your connections on LinkedIn. How cool is that? Just imagine sending messages to potential clients, and getting loads of high quality leads in return, without spending countless of hours on LinkedIn alone. 3: Export Crucial Data in CSV Format. This feature is perfect to analyse how Linked Assist is performing. But it can also be used to save profile links of people you have contacted or sent connection requests to. 4: Endorse Profiles Autonomously. Linked Assist also includes an incredibly useful feature of endorsing multiple profiles simultaneously, and of course, automatically. This allows you or your clients to get those recommendations they need to progress further in their career or build trust and credibility among their customers. 5: Save Messages and Signatures as Templates. Linked Assist also allows you to save personalised messages and signatures (such as contact details) as templates. This feature, will save you a lot of time writing messages/signatures again and again. Do you now realise how powerful Linked Assist really is? I think you do. DISCLAIMER: The LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tool is a stand-alone program that is specifically designed to help you make the most out of LinkedIn social media network. However, the tool is not, in any way, related to LinkedIn or its associates. In simple words: Linked Assist is not a product of LinkedIn. Like any software or tools, you understand that LinkedIn Corporation does not endorse the use of Linked Assist nor does LinkedIn Corporation have any association with Linked Assist. ------ Translation in German Deutsche Übersetzung Linked Assist ist perfekt für Profis, die direkt mit Geschäftseigentümern verbinden möchten Die leistungsstarken Funktionen von Linked Assist Basic sind: 1: Senden Sie automatisch Verbindungsanforderungen mit Leichtigkeit. Dies ist wahrscheinlich das Merkmal, nach dem Ihre Abonnenten suchen! Linked Assist kann Anfragen an die 2. und 3. Verbindung senden. Um die Chancen zu erhöhen, mehr Verbindungen zu erhalten, haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit, eine persönliche Nachricht hinzuzufügen! 2: Nachricht automatisch an Personen, mit denen Sie verbunden sind. Das ist richtig, Sie haben die Flexibilität, direkte Nachrichten an Ihre Verbindungen auf LinkedIn zu senden. Wie cool ist das? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie senden Nachrichten an potenzielle Kunden und erhalten im Gegenzug viele hochwertige Leads, ohne unzählige Stunden auf LinkedIn allein zu verbringen. 3: Wichtige Daten im CSV-Format exportieren. Diese Funktion ist perfekt, um die Leistung von Linked Assist zu analysieren. Es kann aber auch verwendet werden, um Profil-Links von Personen zu speichern, mit denen Sie Kontakt aufgenommen oder Verbindungsanfragen gesendet haben. 4: Profile automatisch unterstützen. Linked Assist beinhaltet auch eine unglaublich nützliche Funktion, mehrere Profile gleichzeitig und natürlich automatisch zu unterstützen. Dadurch erhalten Sie oder Ihre Kunden die Empfehlungen, die sie benötigen, um in ihrer Karriere weiter voranzukommen oder Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit bei ihren Kunden aufzubauen. 5: Speichern Sie Nachrichten und Signaturen als Vorlagen. Mit Linked Assist können Sie außerdem personalisierte Nachrichten und Signaturen (z. B. Kontaktdetails) als Vorlagen speichern. Diese Funktion erspart Ihnen viel Zeit beim wiederholten Schreiben von Nachrichten / Signaturen. Wissen Sie jetzt, wie leistungsfähig Linked Assist wirklich ist? Ich denke du tust es. HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS: Das LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tool ist ein eigenständiges Programm, mit dem Sie das Social-Media-Netzwerk von LinkedIn optimal nutzen können. Das Tool ist jedoch in keiner Weise mit LinkedIn oder seinen Mitarbeitern verbunden. Mit einfachen Worten: Linked Assist ist kein Produkt von LinkedIn. Wie bei jeder Software oder jedem Tool verstehen Sie, dass die LinkedIn Corporation weder die Verwendung von Linked Assist unterstützt noch eine Verbindung zu Linked Assist besteht. ------------- Uno strumento di automazione di LinkedIn perfetto per i professionisti che vogliono raggiungere i propri obiettivi di marketing su LinkedIn. Questo strumento di automazione per LinkedIn ti aiuta a connetterti direttamente con i proprietari di attività e automatizza le attività più importanti per te! Le potenti funzionalità di cui è dotato Linked Assist sono: 1: invia automaticamente richieste di connessione con facilità. Questa è probabilmente la funzione che i tuoi abbonati stanno cercando! Linked Assist può inviare richieste alla 2a e 3a connessione. Per aumentare le possibilità di ottenere più connessioni e hai anche la possibilità di aggiungere un messaggio personalizzato! 2: messaggio automatico alle persone con cui ti connetti. Esatto, hai la flessibilità di inviare messaggi diretti alle tue connessioni su LinkedIn. Quant'è fico? Immagina di inviare messaggi a potenziali clienti e ottenere in cambio un sacco di contatti di alta qualità, senza passare innumerevoli ore solo su LinkedIn. 3: esporta dati cruciali in formato CSV. Questa funzione è perfetta per analizzare le prestazioni di Linked Assist. Ma può anche essere utilizzato per salvare i collegamenti al profilo delle persone a cui hai contattato o a cui hai inviato richieste di connessione. 4: approva i profili in modo autonomo. Linked Assist include anche una funzione incredibilmente utile di approvare più profili contemporaneamente e, naturalmente, automaticamente. Ciò consente a te o ai tuoi clienti di ottenere quei consigli di cui hanno bisogno per progredire ulteriormente nella loro carriera o creare fiducia e credibilità tra i loro clienti. 5: salva messaggi e firme come modelli. Linked Assist ti consente anche di salvare messaggi e firme personalizzati (come i dettagli di contatto) come modelli. Questa funzione ti farà risparmiare molto tempo a scrivere messaggi / firme ancora e ancora. 6. Automatizza l'eliminazione delle richieste di connessione precedenti DISCLAIMER: LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tool è un programma autonomo specificamente progettato per aiutarti a ottenere il massimo dalla rete di social media LinkedIn. Tuttavia, lo strumento non è in alcun modo correlato a LinkedIn o ai suoi associati. In parole semplici: Linked Assist non è un prodotto di LinkedIn. Come qualsiasi software o strumento, l'utente comprende che LinkedIn Corporation non approva l'uso di Linked Assist né LinkedIn Corporation ha alcuna associazione con Linked Assist. -------------- एक लिंक्डइन ऑटोमेशन टूल जो उन पेशेवरों के लिए एकदम सही है जो लिंक्डइन पर अपने मार्केटिंग लक्ष्यों को सफल करना चाहते हैं। लिंक्डइन के लिए यह ऑटोमेशन टूल आपको बिजनेस ओनर्स से सीधे जुड़ने में मदद करता है और आपके लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कामों को स्वचालित करता है! लिंक्ड असिस्ट से जुड़ी शक्तिशाली विशेषताएं इस प्रकार हैं: 1: आसानी से स्वचालित रूप से कनेक्शन अनुरोध भेजें। यह संभवतः वह विशेषता है जो आपके ग्राहक खोज रहे हैं! लिंक्ड असिस्ट 2 और 3 के कनेक्शन के लिए अनुरोध भेज सकता है। अधिक कनेक्शन प्राप्त करने की संभावना बढ़ाने के लिए और आपके पास एक व्यक्तिगत संदेश जोड़ने की क्षमता भी है! 2: उन लोगों के लिए ऑटोमैटिकली मैसेज करें जिनसे आप कनेक्ट हैं। यह सही है, आपके पास लिंक्डइन पर अपने कनेक्शन के लिए सीधे संदेश भेजने का लचीलापन है। कितना मजेदार था वो? बस संभावित ग्राहकों को संदेश भेजने की कल्पना करें, और लिंक्डइन पर अनगिनत घंटे खर्च किए बिना, उच्च गुणवत्ता का भार प्राप्त करना बदले में आगे बढ़ता है। 3: CSV प्रारूप में निर्यात महत्वपूर्ण डेटा। यह सुविधा विश्लेषण करने के लिए सही है कि लिंक्ड असिस्ट कैसे प्रदर्शन कर रहा है। लेकिन इसका उपयोग उन लोगों के प्रोफ़ाइल लिंक को बचाने के लिए भी किया जा सकता है जिनसे आपने संपर्क किया है या जिनके पास कनेक्शन अनुरोध भेजे गए हैं। 4: स्वायत्त रूप से प्रोफाइल का समर्थन करें। लिंक्ड असिस्ट में एक साथ कई प्रोफाइलों को एंडोर्स करने का एक अविश्वसनीय रूप से उपयोगी फीचर शामिल है, और निश्चित रूप से, स्वचालित रूप से। यह आपको या आपके ग्राहकों को उन सिफारिशों को प्राप्त करने की अनुमति देता है जो उन्हें अपने कैरियर में आगे बढ़ने या अपने ग्राहकों के बीच विश्वास और विश्वसनीयता बनाने की आवश्यकता होती है। 5: टेम्प्लेट के रूप में संदेश और हस्ताक्षर सहेजें। लिंक्ड असिस्ट आपको व्यक्तिगत संदेश और हस्ताक्षर (जैसे संपर्क विवरण) को टेम्प्लेट के रूप में सहेजने की अनुमति देता है। यह सुविधा, आपको बार-बार संदेश / हस्ताक्षर लिखने में बहुत समय बचाएगी। क्या अब आपको एहसास है कि लिंक्ड असिस्ट कितना शक्तिशाली है? मुझे लगता है तुम करोगे। अस्वीकरण: लिंक्डइन मार्केटिंग ऑटोमेशन टूल एक स्टैंड-अलोन प्रोग्राम है, जिसे विशेष रूप से लिंक्डइन सोशल मीडिया नेटवर्क से बाहर निकालने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। हालाँकि, टूल किसी भी तरह से लिंक्डइन या उसके सहयोगियों से संबंधित नहीं है। सरल शब्दों में: लिंक्ड असिस्टेड लिंक्डइन का उत्पाद नहीं है। किसी भी सॉफ़्टवेयर या टूल की तरह, आप समझते हैं कि लिंक्डइन कॉर्पोरेशन लिंक्ड असिस्ट के उपयोग का समर्थन नहीं करता है और न ही लिंक्डइन कॉरपोरेशन का लिंक्ड असिस्ट के साथ कोई संबंध है।

Latest reviews

  • (2022-07-19) MIKE LAPENNA: I had a minor glitch at the beginning but Giuseppe stuck with me doggedly and we had it resolved in no time and now the software is working great! His customer support and technical expertise is phenomenal!
  • (2022-03-29) Terence O'Mahony: Excellent product!! Got me lots of excellent new clients and Giuseppe is always on hand to help! The ROI has been superb. Nice job Giuseppe!!
  • (2021-11-20) Stefanus Ivan: It is a very good plugin for anyone who wants to automate LinkedIn. Has great support. I already tried a 1-day trial and it works! I hope for developer and plugin owners keep always improving this plugin :)
  • (2021-07-14) Asmaa Dayem: I've tried the one day free trial, it worked perfectly, its really saving time and efforts. Thanks
  • (2021-05-21) Bethat Tv: Linked Assist - Automation Tool is an informative extension.
  • (2021-05-21) Akrar: I realy like this tool and very happy to find such a great tool for linkedIn information. Thanks.
  • (2021-05-21) ARY NEWS: Very informative tool and I loved it. Thanks.
  • (2021-05-21) Hussain: I love the Linked Assist - Automation Tool. This is highly helpful and provide best information related LinkedIn. Thank you so much for this.
  • (2021-04-21) leslie powell: Its a scam. Totally waste of time. other extensions are too good.
  • (2021-03-08) Guys don't believe the hype. The guy who is responding the negative reviews is just using cut/paste answers about a Linkedin update back in Aug/Sept 2020 despite a lot of the reviews pre-dating or back-dating the data update in question. I don't like the app because its not free despite it being an automation app that is suppose to "hack" Linkedin and thus automatically violating the T&S of Linkedin.
  • (2020-12-28) Gustavo Pino: I have tried autofollow and automessage and nothing works.... it says it is operating but when you go to your Linkedin app its not making anything.... i want my money back!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2020-11-01) videos of creator: really helpful
  • (2020-10-31) Mirko's Digital Insights: Linked Assist is great tool, easy to use and efficient, I highly recommend it.
  • (2020-10-25) Peter Mckinsey: How can you go wrong purchasing this? I am a headhunter and this tool gives me the opportunity to scale the size of work I can do day by day. Purchasing Linked Assist Pro at that cost is a genuine easy decision. So far I am intrigued with what it offers, It's easy to understand and has great support.
  • (2020-10-22) Abdul Monnaf: Really, this is an awesome extension and easy, best, powerful.
  • (2020-10-21) sohel rana: this is really amazing extension i ever used. it's very helpful for me to do my all linkedin work that I had to do manually. I am really appreciate this.
  • (2020-10-19) Md Habibur Rahman Habib: this is very nice and awesome extension .It's working very faster .I love it
  • (2020-10-18) This extension is amazing. it easy my lot of work. I love it.
  • (2020-10-13) oliur rakib: Now It's really work amazing, It's make my job 10x faster and easier. I really love it.
  • (2020-09-29) Johnny Finn: This software does the work. Love it!
  • (2020-09-28) Mayya Izmailova: As soon as I logged in I got a spammy image to buy it.
  • (2020-09-21) Ersin Gunduz: Top!
  • (2020-09-20) Rosetta Janzen: Perfect! It does what it promises.
  • (2020-09-20) Alessia Janzen: Love it! Recommended *****
  • (2020-09-20) Dieter Janzen: I recommend Linked Assist! It made my work on LinkedIn easy and I really am motivated thank this tool, beacuse of the result I'm getting.
  • (2020-09-18) Freelancer Exams Academy: Linked Assist - LinkedIn Automation Tools is a complete solution for automation linkedin business, as save a lot of time and provide very user friendly environment, highly recommended if you want to enjoy linkedin. A+++
  • (2020-09-17) Sultan Neer: This is the most fake app ever I used. I just registered and it says "Your Subscription is Expired". I think this is a hack tool and this way they hack our data. I will case this guy!
  • (2020-08-23) Losing For Dream: After a while it works! Glad to see it, because it's one of the most useful tools i've ever tried to work fast and smooth within LinkedIn.
  • (2020-08-23) Joshua S.: Top!
  • (2020-08-23) Paul Smith: Amazing Tool
  • (2020-08-22) Miroslava Stefanova: Fast support! Really powerful tool!!
  • (2020-08-22) Giuseppe Gurrieri: Great! Thanks for the very professional support!!
  • (2020-08-22) Video for Kids by LittleTina: Linked Assist is easy to understand and a great LinkedIn automation tool.
  • (2020-08-22) Galyna Mamchych: It Works! Linked Assist gets 5 Stars ***** I don't understand why Linked Assist has such negative reviews, because the tool has worked always fine and it does what it promises. Maybe it wasn't working in the past.
  • (2020-08-22) Cookies and Dream: Im very satisfied with this extension. The new version works fine now.
  • (2020-07-14) Boban Magoc: Does not work. Waste of time. Lucky I did not get the paid version.
  • (2020-07-12) Joe Agnelli: Great LinkedIn software saves me at least a few hour a day!
  • (2020-07-12) Bim Bum Bam: It's very easy to use and very powerful. Best LinkedIn automation tool! *****
  • (2020-02-16) Nadia Power: terrible
  • (2020-01-12) Sergio Hart: Doesn´t work. Have to relaunch my message every 2 pages of contacts. Not getting my money back. I guess this is a SCAM and will be take the corresponding legal actions.
  • (2019-08-21) TBC Kringle Coin Community: Linked Assist is easy to use and very cost effective compared to other LinkedIn Bots. I am really happy with Linked Assist!
  • (2019-08-18) Jeffrey Sooey: doesn't work... waste of time... luckily only got the free trial
  • (2019-05-08) Randy Barrett: Best Chrome extension! Love it!!
  • (2019-04-12) Zaki Marwa: does not work
  • (2019-03-07) Trevor Neil: Does not work at all. No response from support. No response to request for refund. Don't use it.
  • (2018-07-13) Saad Hasan: Best Application to communicate business owners easily

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-04, v: Vibhanshu Jaiswal: Not working
    Dear Team, I have been using your trial version, and it appears that the product is currently unable to send messages to connections after creating a campaign. I kindly request that you address and resolve this issue as soon as possible, and please provide an update once the issue has been fixed. Thank you.
  • (2023-06-20, v: Mostafa Samir: cancel subscription
    how I can do that. I've just subcriped now and I need it only for one month.
  • (2023-06-06, v: VINOD M: Automate welcome message to my new page followers
    Hi... can you please let me know if i can send an automatic message to new followers who just followed my page.
  • (2022-07-30, v: Azri Adam: Unable to login
    I'm one of the lifetime deal winner but my account was deleted without any communication from plugin author. I cannot login or reset password at all. Invalid credentials all the time.
  • (2022-07-06, v: Stephen Richards: Subscription
    I was unable to sign in so I requested a password reset, not I'm being told that my subscription has expired..... My Life long subscription from Deal Fuel. So, I've checked my pulse and I'm still here! Can you help me please?
  • (2022-06-16, v: Carlos C: Linked assist not connecting when I start the connection process
    Linked assist not connecting when I start the connection process of connecting to the selected group. It will show up a message saying only one linkedin account is able to use Linked Assist but I am only using it on the one account. Please help me with this issue
  • (2021-08-11, v: Monclaire Trading: Cant log in
    I purchased a code from Appsumo and registered with Linked assist.Received the welcome email and added the chrome extension. When I try to log it I get told username and password are incorrect. Tried resetting the password but still cannot log in. Regards Geoff
  • (2021-04-20, v: Meltem Göksel Ezer: Accounts
    How many LinkedIn Accounts can I connect with Linked Assist. Or must I buy one lincence per account?
  • (2020-10-14, v: ImperiumDallas: i have emailed several times - no response - your software does not work
    I have emailed several times discussing the issue with your software. It fails to connect with a quota of people. It gets "hung up". you told me you solved this problem it is not fixed. I have not been able to use this since inception. YOU ARE TO CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION AND REFUND 100% OF EVERYTHING I HAVE SPENT IMMEDIATELY. I have provided ample time for you to bring resolution and address the problem, yet you provide no response. REFUND IMMEDIATELY.
  • (2020-08-28, v: Ilker Catikkas: Cheaters!
    Cancel my account. After registration I can not log in to my account and I can not connect to support to cancel my account. If I ll be charged AFTER 7 DAYS, I LL GIVE YOU HUGE PROBLEM IN COURT.
  • (2020-07-16, v: Linkedin Assist not working
    After i insert the message, it shows the contact but the message is not being sent to the recipient. How can i resolve this issue??
  • (2020-07-14, v: Malavika Madhu: linkedassist auto messg not messaging
    i am getting the csv file saved after auto message but message is not being sent
  • (2020-05-17, v:4.4.2) Ken Margolis: 2 questions:  prompts to pay 97 Euros not 37 euros in Paypal. System will only let me send 20 messages
    2 questions:  1. The system prompts to pay 97 Euros not 37 euros in Paypal. Will this be fixed? 2. System will only let me send 20 messages at a time for the Message contacts feature in the trial. If I buy the software will this work to send more? -- 
  • (2020-05-13, v:4.4.2) Milton DeBoth: Auto Connection
    Can I use Auto Connection to connect with members of a Group that I am following on Linkedin ? If so, what are the steps ? Thanks !
  • (2020-02-16, v:4.4.2) Nadia Power: cant sign up?
    i am unable to sign up,keep showing you cannot find sever? keeps showing 404 error. help!!! is there a newer version out that i dont know about or something?
  • (2020-01-08, v:4.4.2) Majdi Ayoub: 1 month subscription
    Can I make subscription for one month only to see the result and then make long term subscription? Also, I have the Licence key, but I couldnt access the system ....can you tell me how can access the system
  • (2020-01-06, v:4.4.2) André Ch. Trapp: Download
    Wo kann ich die Software zu diesem Tool bestellen?
  • (2019-12-03, v:4.4.2) Nick B: Does your tool still works with LinkedIn?
    Hello, Does your tool still works with LinkedIn?
  • (2019-05-11, v:4.4.2) jatinder kumar: NOT BEEN ABLE to send more than 10 message in auto messageing mode
    NOT BEEN ABLE to send more than 10 message in auto messageing mode
  • (2019-04-05, v:4.4.2) Rhys Clark: I can't log in to LinkedAssist!?
    My company purchased the year long service and I have been trying for the past 2 days! I tried updating the extension and deleting then adding it back to Chrome, but now I cant even get past the Log In. Please help.
  • (2019-04-04, v:4.4.2) Yau Shing: Unable to sign Up
    i am unable to sign up,keep showing you cannot find sever,kindly let me know how to sign up
  • (2019-03-29, v:4.4.2) no message record in DM thread after using the automated messaging feature
    Why can't I see the automated message that I sent out in my DM thread with my contact that has been sent the automated message?
  • (2019-03-07, v:4.4.2) Trevor Neil: Does not work. No response for support. No response asking for my money back.
    How do I contact you? Messenger but it does not accept my mail and I'd prefer mail or phone or even chat.
  • (2018-11-01, v:4.3.1) Kevin Koziol: Pricing & Login
    I tried to go to support to find pricing information, but support does not recognize my email address... Please help. Kevin
  • (2018-10-19, v:4.3.1) Katja Rael: getting 'wrong page' error
    When selecting my audience on LI and clicking your extension and filling out my message and 'start linked assist' it gives me error I'm on wrong page


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2024-01-12 /
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