瀏覽器擴充套件,提供閱讀模式、複製、翻譯、語音、PDF 和 Markdown 導出等功能。
☞ 快捷鍵:<Alt/Option+R>
每天我們需要花很多時間來閱讀文章。我們相信閱讀是一個簡單而且愉悅的事情,所以我們創建了Clearly Reader閱讀器擴展。讓你可以專注在閱讀上,免受廣告、浮層,和雜亂的樣式打擾。只需要點一下,即可享受閱讀。
🟉 閱讀模式:簡潔、清晰、全屏模式,方便閱讀。
🟉 炫彩主題:支持自定義字體大小、行高、顏色主題,以及系統字體和自定義 CSS 的多彩主題。
🟉 可聽文本:使用我們的文字轉語音引擎和 Microsoft AI TTS 聲音將任何文章轉換為語音播放。
🟉 語法支持:支持代碼高亮、LaTeX 數學格式和視頻顯示。
🟉 導出選項:將網頁轉換為 Word 文檔,打印或導出為 PDF 或自定義 PDF 文件,將網頁轉換為 Markdown,以及將網頁導出為 MP3 音頻文件。
🟉 複製格式:將文本複制為富文本、Markdown 或 HTML 格式。
🟉 內容提取器:提取字數、預計閱讀時間、語言檢測、鏈接和大綱等內容,幫助您快速找到所需信息。
🟉 快速彈出菜單:文本翻譯、維基查找、DuckDuckGo 搜索,以及從任何網站複製文本而無需擔心版權問題。
🟉 自動打開:將網頁添加到白名單中,自動以閱讀模式打開。
🟉 書籍佈局:切換為書籍佈局,獲得類似閱讀書籍的體驗。
此外,我們還提供了一系列 CLIP 功能,包括:
☆ 同步配置:在多個設備上使用相同的配置。
☆ 讀取稍後:在線同步您的書籤。
☆ 高亮註釋:將重點保存為標記。
☆ 剪輯文章:將文章快照保存到雲端,永遠不會丟失。
☆ RSS:在您喜愛的 RSS 閱讀器中閱讀。
☆ 播客:在您的播客應用中收聽。
☆ AI 助手:摘要文章並更快、更好地閱讀。
Latest reviews
- (2024-10-02) Mert Kaya: Gayet güzel. Emeği geçenlerin ellerine sağlık. Ancak bir şey fark ettim, bilmiyorum sadece bende mi oluyor. Konuşmayı duraklatıp yeniden başlattığımda, kaldığı yerden devam etmek yerine, metnin en başına gidiyor.
- (2024-09-13) Paul Van Cotthem: One of the best reader mode extensions.
- (2024-05-22) Ruixiang Zhang: 非常好的APP,阅读网页无压力
- (2024-05-16) 謝鎧騁: 寬度調整有上限,不能藏左右功能區域
- (2024-05-08) Markus Gieringer: spitzen App zum sammeln von Infos im Web. Auch der Preis ist klasse 👍
- (2024-04-26) Alessia Ronchi: Excellent, clean and fast. Works like a charm.
- (2024-04-02) alejo pdl: Es tan bueno que estoy considerando pagarlo para desbloquear todas las funciones
- (2024-03-26) Carlos Alberto Correa: muy bueno, gracias!
- (2024-03-24) Yuliya: Works very well! Thanks!
- (2024-03-14) Esteban Alonso Ramírez: Una completa maravilla. Mejora mi experiencia en línea y mi productividad.
- (2024-03-01) Jason Fun: 好用,不知道Copy的时候底部的评分请求能不能去掉
- (2024-02-19) Moh Mah: There's no easy way to cancel premium plan!
- (2024-02-12) Bin Liu: Update February 2024 The extension now renders links on many websites unclickable (e.g. https://www.dyson.com/en ). Seems quite problematic. ---------------- Original review posted in September 2022 Undoubtedly the best reading mode extension on market. Two small requests: 1. Could you add an option for toggling between left and justify alignment? 2. Is it possible to use customized font? If not could you please add Source Han Serif/Noto Serif CJK to the font selection options? Thanks a lot!
- (2024-01-22) truth B told: Finally, something as good as Safari's Read Mode!
- (2024-01-19) Irish Panda: wish the Print/Export pdf function can support A5 paper size for importing to my old kindle
- (2024-01-13) 三六白: 确实好用,排版整洁不少
- (2024-01-10) Adrián Flores Guerrero: Excelente
- (2023-12-30) Shubham singh: its make reading easier, suggesting to use to all of you
- (2023-12-26) Dmitry Gurovich (yrtimiD): Very useful and does its job very well! Even has a dark mode! Doesn't supports well RTL mode.
- (2023-12-20) Francisco Dominguez Revilla: Funciona a día de hoy, gracias.
- (2023-12-19) Kanav Katoch: Works completely fine.
- (2023-12-13) Moli Almacen: Genial, me ha ayudado mucho
- (2023-12-13) Chris McGimpsey-Jones: Works perfect for me and my websites!
- (2023-12-12) Allan Medeiros: Muito útil e com as configurações básicas
- (2023-12-05) Harsh: loved itt
- (2023-12-04) Stephen Rybacki: I love thisextension! It improves readability accross the board, but dark mode being available on every blindingly white pages is a true Godsend for me.
- (2023-11-29) AJay: Excellent extension that greatly improves readability for many articles. Much appreciated.
- (2023-11-23) jesus fdez: Esta muy bien.
- (2023-11-22) Randy Winchester: I use it almost every day. It helps me keep my focus and I waste a lot less time on the clickbait ads that inevitably drag me down a time waste hole.
- (2023-11-22) John Fung: Great for reading articles on web site. But there are some bugs/issues in the Pro functions. Like if you use the custom theme function to set the background to black and foreground to white, all the links will disappear, since the foreground color for links remain black and there is no way to change it. Custom CSS works but it's quite complicated for regular users.
- (2023-11-20) Charles Walter: very good
- (2023-11-16) Alexandre Boucher: Permet d'aller à l'essentiel, lecture plus facile et plus rapide.
- (2023-11-15) Huberto Iñigo: Me ha funcionado perfectamente las 3 veces que la he utilizado a la cuarta vez me ha salido que tenia que valorarla obligadamente para poder seguir usándola. Así que la valoro pero con con muy poco conocimiento de la implicación.
- (2023-11-14) Marcos Santana: Otima, me ajuda muito.
- (2023-11-13) Nicolas DeLaO: So frustrating not being able to simply TURN OFF THE DANG "CLIP" pop up on every freakin page element I hover on or touch ... christ
- (2023-11-08) Sergey Gourenkov: Works Fine All good clearly is the best
- (2023-11-01) Sam S (Sssamuel2): so far it works great and its premium features, while useful, arent necessary to make this a great app that is very useful
- (2023-10-25) Hong Jia: Great!
- (2023-10-23) Sebastien Berton: Works great for me
- (2023-10-10) Chris Hayes: As a reader it was pretty good. But, a big issue with this extension is that it injects a ton of code into every single site you visit whether you're using "Clearly Reader" or not. Most if not all of the code injected is completely unnecessary. It also breaks some websites even when Clearly is not being used, ie the clickup.com app.
- (2023-10-09) Odilson Moreira Riquelme (Rico): I want to cancel my premium subscription It's been more than two months that I've been trying to get in touch to cancel my premium subscription. Attention Brazilians, do not use a physical card because to cancel it you will have to disable it and ask for another physical card. They don't respond to messages!! I want to cancel my subscription!! Em Português:Quero cancelar minha assinatura premium Já tem mais de dois meses que tento entrar em contato para cancelar minha assinatura premium. Atenção Brasileiros não passem cartão físico pois para cancelar você terá que inabilita-lo e pedir outro cartão fisico. Eles não respondem as mensagens!! Quero cancelar minha assinatura!!
- (2023-09-17) Chris Huff: Fantastic. Definitely worth it.
- (2023-09-17) André Videira: Recomendo, podem instalar e usar. Você não tem nada a perder, se não gostar pode desinstalar em segundos, mas minha experiência com este app diz que você vai continuar usando =)
- (2023-09-15) CESAR SARMIENTO: Muy bueno
- (2023-09-14) Laila Regalado: so great, clear and minimalist. Love it!
- (2023-09-14) Valentin Stanciu: Even when you don't enable the extension, the extension processes the page internally. This makes some pages run _incredibly_ slow.
- (2023-09-12) glen manson: This app is the best over all others i have used !
- (2023-09-03) O K: i like it
- (2023-09-01) Amanda Weis: Easy to read web pages without the faff! Super easy to save to Evernote or other application.
- (2023-08-30) Livia Silva: Very good! This extension is helping me focus on my research.