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JWT Inspector kan du inspektera JSON webb Tokens i begäran, kakor och lokal lagring.
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Description from store
Få kontroll över dina JWT-tokens med utvecklarverktyget JWT Inspector! Granska JWT-tokens i begäranden, cookies, lokal lagring och sessionslagring direkt på din webbplats. Du kan också felsöka JWT-tokens direkt från konsolen eller det inbyggda användargränssnittet.
Med JWT Inspector kan du:
• Inspect JWTs in requests, including query strings, headers, and the request body
• Granska JWT-tokens i cookies
• Granska JWT-tokens i lokal lagring och sessionslagring
• Felsöka JWT-tokens med det inbyggda felsökningsprogrammet
• Felsöka JWT-tokens i konsolen med hjälp av console.jwt()
Alla dessa funktioner kommer i ett intuitivt användargränssnitt, som gör testning av JWT-tokens enkel.
Latest reviews
- (2020-01-07) ChengZu Wu: Great tool!
- (2017-11-06) Jake Burgy: Works great, but adds an unnecessary <script> tag to XML responses. Needs some love, but doesn't appear to be under active development. Shame.
- (2016-08-20) James Rowley: Completely breaks PDF loading from the web in Chrome 52 as well as some previous versions. Thought this was a Chrome problem but eventually narrowed it down to this plugin. Without it, everything is fine. With it, many (but inexplicably, not all) PDFs on the internet will not load at all, instead giving a gray screen (although, loading local PDFs always works). This has happened on two different computers. Aside from this issue, the plugin works fine. However, this makes it unusable.
- (2016-06-24) Ian Corcoran: Awesome tool!
- (2016-06-24) Julio Arias: Great tool! bye bye copy&paste tokens into debugger
- (2016-06-23) Les Hazlewood: I deal with JWTs almost every day - having to go to sites or code to decode or test JWTs is a huge pain. This plugin makes things *so* much easier. Thanks!!!!
- (2016-06-23) Brian Demers: It just works! A click of a button and I see the data.
- (2016-06-23) Lindsay Brunner: Holy buckets this is helpful. Super simple, but so useful.
- (2016-06-23) Alex Salazar: Love this thing.
- (2016-06-23) Edward Jiang: Awesome tool for looking at JWTs in your site =]
- (2016-06-13) Sai M: I like that I can easily debug without having to leave my current page. It saves time going back and forth. It also automatically pastes jwts once you copy one to your clipboard. Really neat.
- (2016-06-12) Matt Deady: Works flawlessly. Exactly what I needed.
- (2016-06-10) Kelsey Hayes: So glad that this extension exists!
- (2016-06-10) Brian Retterer: Debugging JWT's is a PITA, Not anymore. This is such a great plugin and helps me with my development and debugging of JWT's
- (2016-06-10) Randall Degges: Hah, this thing is totally amazing. My friend @typerandom is the author, but don't let that fool you: this is a legitimately awesome extension for working with JSON web tokens. It plugs really nicely into the typical Chrome Developer Toolchain, and lets you inspect JWTs on your websites, mess around with your own custom JWTs, and just generally handles everything I need to do when debugging JWT stuff. Huge +1
- (2016-06-10) Nate Barbettini: This makes my debugging workflow a LOT easier.