extension ExtPose

Demandware With Ease

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Description from extension meta

Use Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C with ease!

Image from store Demandware With Ease
Description from store An extension which makes Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C (Demandware) a happy place! This plugin is intended for developer sandboxes and should be used with caution for staging and production! The following are just some of the features available. Store & Group Sandboxes You can store all of your instances, and use individual options for each of them. Open - will open the Business Manager Home page. Copy - will create a new instance with the same credentials, but with a -copy prefix. Edit - will allow you to edit your information any time. Remove You can group your sandboxes configurations.To do so, go to Options and edit any configuration. There is a field - Sandbox Group, click it to create a new group, or to select to which group the sandbox is assigned. The visible button in each group, can hide/show it from the extension quick popup sandboxes list. Keep BM Session Alive - will make your session never expire after the 15 minutes period in Business Manager. Login in BM automatically - will automatically log-in Business Manager whenever the login screen pops up,if username and password is present. Secured Password Your passwords are stored securely using AES encryption and are never visible in plain text once input. Passwords are optional.However, keep in mind that you will not be able to use the automatic login functionality. Account Manager Auto-Login and Multiple Account Manager Configurations You can store multiple Account Manager accounts and use them to log in quickly in a sandbox with Unified Authentication enabled. Download content asset button The extension adds an additional button inside the edit content asset page, where you can download .xml export of the current asset and all of its populated attributes. Smart Popup Shortcuts Gain faster access to most popular pages or quickly edit your configurations. Helper Context Menu Right-click context menu, to gain faster access to most popular pages.The context menu is configurable in the extension options. Import / Export Import & Export your configurations in JSON config file, if you do not want to loose your settings. Passwords are not exported! Account Lock Protection The extension stops auto login process immediately after wrong password which protects your account from getting locked.Re-check your credentials and try again. Notifications The extension will notify you if you visit a SFCC instance which is not saved or if the password input is wrong.You can turn off notifications in the options menu. Context menu The menu consists of a few default pages, with an option to configure your own, by going to the extension options page -> Context Menu, where you can also rearrange the context menu positions with drag and drop, or add new pages to it. You can set which menus you want to be active and appear in the right-click menu, and leave the unused for now as inactive. The context menu can be accessed by right clicking anywhere inside a saved instance browser tab. Apply/Update Hotkey You can use CTRL + S hotkey to instantly click the update/apply button, on Product edit and Content asset edit pages and save your changes. Business Manager Cache Status Cache status indicator in BM top bar, working as well as button that can switch it on/off. Automatic Redrect on Site Change! -Shows a notification popup in the top right corner @ Business Manager, asking you if you want to be redirected to the same page as you were before, but in the new selected site. The feature is tested with most of the pages, but it might still have some corner cases which are not handled correctly. You can exclude specific Business Manager Actions to prevent triggering of automatic redirect, when the site is changed. For included pages you will be automatically redirected even if 'Ask before redirection' option is enabled. Enhanced logs Today and yesterday logs are reordered on top of the logs page and are highlighted. If this option is enabled it also highlights most important words on logs. Breadcrumbs Transformed breadcrumb navigation in WebDav to be clickable for easier navigation. Recreated buttons on development Recreated New and Delete buttons in System Object -> Attribute Definitions. Recreated New Attribute Group form and Delete button in System Object -> Attribute Grouping. WebDav File Actions When you are in one of the following places in WebDav - /Cartridges, /Impex, /Securitylogs, /Temp, /Static, /Library The following options are present: - Upload file area, where you can drop files to upload them all, or left click to upload single file. - Create new file button - Create new folder button - Delete folder/file - Empty file - Edit file in the browser - Zip / Unzip file / folder - Live Log Reload, - opens the .log file in a new tab. The opened file will be trimmed to show only the last part of the log. If you keep that page opened, the watch for file changes will automatically fetch and append the new log information to the page. - Open original log version, in case you want to see the log files without the extension interfering Live edit of files in WebDav The editor can be used while inside WebDav pages that contain file list tree, and by clicking the Edit icon next to the file that you want to modify. WebDav Additions / Improvements -Searching by filename - a text field for quick searching by name. The filtering allows also searching by RegExp when starting with / -Tagging of entries - Tags are a displayed for the entries which meet some criterion. There are built-in tags based on specific file characteristics such as time of last update, file size, file or directory, etc. There are also custom tags which are based on some RegEx match in filename. New custom tags can be added and customized in options page. -Filtering by tags - all tags can be used to filter the directory entries as well. Just hover tags header and the popup for tag selection and their corresponded number of entries will be displayed. -Recent entries - new highlight color for the files which are changed recently. By default the files which are changed within last 5 minutes will be with greenish background (there is also Recent built-in tag for these entries). The time can be configured in options. -Download icon - Every file and directory have a fancy icon. By clicking the icon of files the file is downloaded. -Auto refresh / Timer - At the top right corner, it is added a timeout after which the page will be automatically reloaded. If you want to stop the refreshing you can click the timer box which will be changed to time since you are on that page (in order to know how stall is the data). You can configure the timeout and the behavior of the timer in options. -Local time tooltip - when you hover the time of the file you can see your local time if you are in different time zone than GMT -Preserving of filters - All selected filters are saved so next time you land on the same WebDav scope (scopes such as Logs, Cartridges, IMPEX, etc.) your filters will be preselected. -Number of filtered entries - if some of the entries are filtered a message with the number of shown out of total entries will be displayed Additional Demandware With Ease toolbar in Business Manager, which allows you to skip a few steps and do everything on any page you want. The current implemented toolbar actions are: -> Run Search Reindex on options you prefer -> Roll Back/Delete/Add/Switch/Rename code versions without reload -> Turn on/off or invalidate static/page caches -> View and manage Cartridge Path -> Search with ease! Fast search found in the toolbar, from which you can search trough both menus - Merchant Tools and Administration, as well do quick searches for Customer, Order, Content, Product, etc. ----------------------------------------------- Enjoy using Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C with ease!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-15) Việt: Very useful!
  • (2023-08-03) Oleksandr Kulychok: Great extension. It is possible to automate extra step in login process? Last time I see the window with 2 buttons: "Link to salesforce account" and "Login with your account maganer account". It is really annoying extra window from SF
  • (2023-04-27) Adam Koehler: This extension was great but now it sends notifications non stop and it does not allow me to change the notifications permissions. Every time I switch from allow to block it auto flips back to allow
  • (2023-02-13) Michael Nichols: This extension is a huge timesaver. I really appreciate it.
  • (2023-01-04) Abdul Rauf Arif: Great extension! Very useful!
  • (2022-08-29) Oleg Sapishchuk: Must have plugin for anyone working in Salesforce Commerce Cloud ecosystem!
  • (2022-06-02) Nikita Genchev: Great extension! Very useful!
  • (2022-04-08) Colby Gatte: Great extension, been using it for years and it's saved me so much time. The only (minor) thing that has been bugging me recently is the auto-focus on the "Search with ease..." bar. I've been using a Vim keybindings extension with Chrome, so every page load, I have to press "esc" first to be able to navigate the page with the Vim keybindings. If I hide the "Search with ease..." bar, the auto-focus is no longer an issue, but then the ctrl-s shortcut (used to focus on the "Search with ease..." input) doesn't work. I know this is minor thing, but having a toggle to turn off the auto-focus would be perfect, so I could still access the input with the ctrl-s shortcut, and it wouldn't mess with the Vim keybindings.
  • (2022-02-18) Alexis Perelgritz: A huge time saver, with tons of enhancements and shortcuts to make your Salesforce B2C Commerce (aka Demandware) much easier! And the developers are very quick to update the extension to work with the new Business Manager UI refresh.
  • (2022-02-17) Muhammad Zaid Sarfraz: Loving it!
  • (2022-01-31) Azaarutheen Musthafa: Easy To Handle both This extension and BM
  • (2020-10-22) Lana Swanson: My favorite extension! Very useful
  • (2020-08-24) Peter Schmalfeldt: Super useful, but would LOVE to what the keyboard shortcuts are listed out somewhere. It seems like this extensions adds a few that I discovered by chance, but would LOVE to see a full list for which ones are supported.
  • (2020-08-24) Martin Foulgoc: Best extension for anyone working on SFCC ! Possible do add it on Opera ? Thanks
  • (2020-08-11) Beltest Hentest: Should allow users to see and edit the current password for SFCC site. Needed when you have 12 site and the password must be changed each month .
  • (2020-07-03) Michael Birkeland: Makes life in Salesforce easier by a good margin ;)
  • (2020-06-24) Esmeralda Kapcari: This is very helpful, especially for Sandbox environments. Amazing work guys! Could you start working on the OAUTH authentication so that we would be even more eager to use this on all sandboxes and extend to production as well?
  • (2020-04-01) Alex Asenov: A great time-saver, definitely essential!
  • (2020-04-01) Kiril Kirov: When you use Salesforce Commerce Cloud this tool is indispensable. Great work team!
  • (2020-04-01) Teodor Evtimov: Great tool.Thanks
  • (2020-04-01) Hristo Iliev: The most useful plugin for Salesforce Commerce Cloud a.k.a. Demandware! Saves a lot of time!
  • (2020-04-01) Stati Chobanov: Cant imagine working without that tool now.
  • (2020-03-31) Kristiyan Bozhankov: It makes using demandware so much easier! Love it!
  • (2020-03-31) Simeon Lyubenov: Excellent extension! Should become a must for every Demandware developer.
  • (2020-03-31) Ivo Kamenarov: Great extension!
  • (2020-01-09) Dhruv Goel: Awesome tool, now all I need is the dashboard for launching Nasa's Rockets.
  • (2019-11-27) Carsten Bönsel: Hi Kiril, Great plugin! Thank you so much for all of your efforts. Feature Suggestion: I would like to be able to filter log file entries by site ID "Sites-{siteID}-Site". With the current project I'm working on having >50 sites, this feature would speed me up a lot in my daily dev work. Code on, Carsten
  • (2019-09-23) Feyyaz Akkus: Logs are not displaying when extension is active
  • (2019-06-28) Abdullah Obaidullah: Superb!
  • (2019-05-30) Michael Valeiko: Great Extension, any plans to support Unified authentication?
  • (2019-05-22) Suraj Tripathi: Loved it, easy to use, and makes demandware interesting in looks :) Great work to the development team
  • (2019-05-15) Cory Wright: Such a great time saver. Updates have been more frequent lately (which is awesome), and the interface never gets in the way. Huge thanks to the team!
  • (2019-04-05) Felipe Spengler: I love this extension, it's very useful. But the decision to split the SB's groups into tabs on version 2.0 and not giving us an option to keep it as one single list is bad UX. Now I need to do unnecessary clicks to access the other groups, or I'll just ditch groups all together. Please add an option to show SB's as a single list instead of using tabs.
  • (2019-04-05) Christoph Uschkrat: Great extension!
  • (2019-04-04) Borislava Todorova: Very helpful !!
  • (2019-04-04) Vladimir Vladimirov: Love it!
  • (2019-04-04) stanislav kostadinov: Awesome extension and it saves me a lot of time
  • (2019-04-04) Vladislav Andreev: I love it.
  • (2019-04-04) Evgeni Simeonov: I can't imagine my work without this plugin.
  • (2019-03-19) Boney Jose: Awesome extension.
  • (2019-01-14) Mohammad BagheriNasab: Very useful :)
  • (2018-12-07) oleg sapishchuk: Big thank you for this tool!
  • (2018-12-07) shine thazhava: Awesome!
  • (2018-10-15) Shener Halim: The best extension for Demandware!
  • (2018-10-04) Cory Wright: So handy. The keyboard shortcuts and auto-site selection alone probably save me at least an hour per month collectively!
  • (2018-08-29) Jorge Matos: If this extension did not exist, I would have created it :)
  • (2018-08-20) Izabela Beretka: Awesome thing! It saved my time and nerves many times! :)
  • (2018-08-13) Bappy Das: BappyDas
  • (2018-07-10) Galen Goforth: Great time saver for SFCC developers!
  • (2018-04-12) Adrián Moreno Peña: Super top extension to work with SFCC!

Latest issues

  • (2024-03-05, v:3.11.1) Carrie Soto: logout
    keep bm session alive is not working today, for me and other associates. it keeps logging me out.
  • (2024-02-13, v:3.11.1) Kai Ohlthaver: Use product search "by ID"
    The product search in the search bar uses the deafult product search function, which is very slow. It would be great if it would be configurable to use the "by ID" search function instead because in most cases we're searching for product numbers. Either with a simple config switch or even more advanced, with a user-defined regex to determine what is a product ID and what is not.
  • (2024-02-07, v:3.11.0) Cody Kratzer: Auto Login Failure
    SFCC has made an update to their account management that has broken the auto-login feature.
  • (2024-02-07, v:3.11.0) Marc Sakalauskas: Auto Login not working
    Looks like there was a recent SF update. The script for auto login enters my password first instead of e-mail so I need to change to manual login until the extension gets updated.
  • (2024-02-07, v:3.11.0) Paolo Vicario: Cannot login
    Since this morning (February 7) cannot login anymore The password is inserted into the username slot Thank you
  • (2024-02-07, v:3.11.0) Masai Ecommerce: Cannot login this morning
    Seems like Salesforce changed something so the password is inserted into the username slot
  • (2024-01-11, v:3.10.0) Jodi Ong: SFCC BM was empty when demandware with ease widget is active
    Unable to login to SFCC BM, page was empty.
  • (2023-12-14, v:3.10.0) John Camp: Deleting logs
    After a recent audit of our website/SFCC we have been instructed to remove the ability to delete logs. Salesforce have informed us that users cannot delete logs and that logs are automatically deleted after 30 days (90 days for security logs). But the DemandWare With Ease extension offers options to 'Remove file' - does this override the native block on deleting logs? Are the logs actually deleted?
  • (2023-10-19, v:3.9.0) Basit Junaid Afzal: Cannot see Logs or IMPEX
    I cannot login to see Logs or IMPEX. The Sign-in pop-up keeps popping up indefinitely although I keep providing the correct credentials (user / password).
  • (2023-03-15, v:3.8.0) Ivan Georgiev: DWithEase triggers an SFCC error
    DWithEase triggers an SFCC error because of an invalid URL. Here is the error from the logs: https://i.imgur.com/gE7tzxO.png
  • (2023-02-28, v:3.8.0) Alex D: "Download asset" exports doubled attributes
    "Download asset" exports doubled attributes (i.e. <custom-attribute attribute-id="body"... twice for each language on a site). Seems like worked good before update.
  • (2023-02-14, v:3.8.0) Ihor Parkhomenko: Session expires for BM as well as autofill account not working
    Hey guys, it looks like on-demand sandboxes somehow do not want to work with BM keep alive and autologin option. It always pops me an account selection instead of using autofill, that is happening for development/staging environments as well as regular sandbox.
  • (2023-02-08, v:3.8.0) KENICHI Phạm: Session is expired after about 10~15 minutes
    Hi team, I have a problem, the session in BM is expired after about 10~15 minutes. This issue occurs in 1 month ago. Could you take a look? Thanks
  • (2023-02-03, v:3.8.0) Kirsten Vellek Kaminski: Search With Ease
    Hello! I am using the most updated version of Dwithease on Chrome. I cannot see/access search with ease bar in BM. Any suggestions for how to enable or why this would be blocked? thanks!
  • (2022-11-11, v:3.7.0) Bhalinder Singh: Session alive not working anymore
    Logs me out every few minutes
  • (2022-08-05, v:3.6.0) Damian Dobosz: Background color and text color still both black
    This makes using the product a large PIA. This is supposedly fixed in v3.5. I'm on DWEase 3.6, macOs 12.5 (21G72), Kernel Darwin 21.6.0, Chrome Version 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • (2022-08-01, v:3.6.0) Warren Galyen: Content Asset XML Export Fails Validation
    When I export a content asset as XML using the extension's Download button, the file always fails validation when trying to import into another server. This issue seems to be the the "sitemap" tags are saved before the "folder-links" section so it won't pass schema validation. Moving the "sitemap" tags after allows it pass and import successfully.
  • (2022-07-20, v:3.6.0) Viacheslav Sapigura: Custom site preferences blocked with mask element
    In some cases added mask element, which block edition Element example: <div class="dw-mask dw-mask-instant dw-mask-250 dw-mask-500 dw-mask-750 dw-mask-1000" style="z-index: 10001;"></div> How to reproduce: - open site custom preferences on STG instance - click on "Edit Across Sites" for some preference - change "Instance Type" in page head
  • (2022-07-06, v:3.6.0) Surjeet Dhillon: Opening a file from Webdav, shows black font with default dark mode of chrome browser
    When I am disabling the extension, the JSON file from WebDav shows in Black background and white font. When I enable the extension, I see Black background of file and Dark grey fonts, which makes the file unreadable. Is this something fixable through settings?
  • (2022-03-23, v:3.3.1) Abner Tsai: DwithEase menu disappear from Business Manager
    I have been experenced DwithEase Menu Bar disappear from SFCC Business Manager many times. I tried uninstalled it and reinstall it many times. It may or may not show the bar. Can anyone tell me how to solve it??
  • (2022-03-08, v:3.3.1) Alex Shalin: Logs files have broken background color MacOS 12.2.1 + Chrome Canary Version 101.0.4930.0
    Hi, I faced an Issue on my MacOS 12.2.1 with dark theme selected while working in Chrome Canary Version 101.0.4930.0 Chrome uses theme from MacOS(Dark one) and when I'm going to logs files(into the specific file) I'm having dark background colour on .dwithease-webdav .logs-container .log-wrapper element. Only thing that helps - adding white background colour via inspector or moving back to light theme in MacOS. Can you please add a hardcoded background-color: white style to .log-wrapper span?
  • (2022-02-25, v:3.3.1) Clyde WANG: Major security concern on DEV/PROD instance site template import/export
    We identified recently once enabled the DWithEase plugin, we'll see 'IMPORT' button appears on Development/Production instance 'Site import/export' page which shouldn't been there. This is a major security concern if anyone mis-operate the import. I've tried on development it even successfully triggering the import and end-up with success import!
  • (2022-02-18, v:3.3.0) Jodi Ong: Toolkit page or customer service center page will be empty
    Toolkit page or customer service center page was empty when demandware with ease it widget was active
  • (2022-02-17, v:3.2.0) Aqeel Khadim: Business Manager Toolbar not Showing
    On 17 Feb 2022, Commerce cloud graphics updates that's why extension business manager toolbar not work properly. Can its possible to fix asap?
  • (2022-02-17, v:3.2.0) Alessandro Tassinari: Salesforce updating the graphic break the header extension
    Hi, today 17/02 salesforce updated the header graphic, this make this extension not working properly. Waiting for an update asap :)
  • (2022-02-07, v:3.2.0) Oscar Eduardo Cala W.: Notifications to add news sandboxes not showing up
    Hi. For some reason the notifications to add a sandbox that has not been previously added are not showing up. I have the notification toggle switched on. Any Ideas what to look for, or what to reset in order to get the notifications working? I'm in chrome latest, windows 10, working with on demand sandboxes and PIG sandboxes. Thanks a lot
  • (2022-01-13, v:3.2.0) Iskren Stanislavov: Lock/Unlock product functionality
    Hey Dev, thanks for this great plugin, Could you please consider adding to some sprint a new feature to Lock/Unlock Products in BM. thank you :) BR, Iskren
  • (2021-08-11, v:3.1.0) Coder JS: "Redirect back to ..." feature do not work properly in particular scenario
    Hi team, not sure if you consider this as an issue, but... With the setup like: Site1 (Library1), Site2 (Library2), Site3 (Library3) and content asset "xxx" present in all 3 libraries (each library assigned to own site). If I'm on Site1. 1) search for content "xxx" and go to content edit page 2) switch the Site in top navigation to Site2 3) select "Once" in the green box of "Redirect back to ..." feature. Expected result: I'm redirected to edit page of content asset 'xxx' in Library2 (which is assigned to current Site2). Actual result: I'm redirected to the edit page of content asset from the same Library1 as before the first redirect while current site is still Site2.
  • (2021-07-26, v:3.1.0) Richard Harper: WebDav Tree View
    Hi Team, I am facing an issue with tree view. I can't see files and folders in tree view when the files are present. Also, switching to classic view is not working.
  • (2021-07-21, v:3.1.0) Alessandro Tassinari: Edit file webDav save problem after undo
    Hi, when i edit a file, i then save and then cmd+z to undo the edits till the original file i can't save anymore, i need to make a fake edit (like add a space and then remove it) to be able to save the file step to reproduce: -Open cartridges webDav -locate a file -click on edit to open the webeditor -edit the file -save the file -undo the edits with cmd+z -try to safe the file
  • (2021-07-19, v:3.1.0) MK P: TOTP Not Working?
    Hello, First of all, thanks for this wonderful tool. It is really helpful in saving us a lot of time. Coming to the issue, recently I have noticed that the extension supports TOTP. However, when I try to configure (TOTP), I see the below error. Wondering if this is an issue at my end: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid base32 character in key at content.js:22 at e.exports (content.js:22) at a (content.js:22) at content.js:22 at /v1/verify/async chrome-extension:/ffhabonelknmejmdnekedmijlhebpcio/js/content.js:22
  • (2021-06-23, v:3.0.5) Felix Scholl: Can't add third sandbox group
    Hey guys, when I add a third sandbox group it is created, but then I can't add a sandbox to this group. After leaving the page, the group is removed as well. Thanks for taking a look!
  • (2021-06-01, v:3.0.5) Muhammad Hanif: Unable to change BM account password (Unified Authentication Accounts)
    In accounts tab it shows nothing but actually I have already added one unified authentication account and recently I changed it's password. Now I am stuck as I don't see any account to change password and when I try to add same account with new password it says account already exists.
  • (2021-05-17, v:3.0.5) Stiliyan Koev: Deleting empty groups
    If accidentally I click on "Add Group" on the Sandbox Configurations page it will create two Unnamed groups. The problem is when I click the delete button on one of them, it will delete both Unnamed groups.
  • (2021-05-11, v:3.0.5) Sonny darvishzadeh: Verify JSON site configs
    Companies could have multiple websites and manually copy-pasting JSON files to validators could be tedious. It would be nice if you could add this feature to textareas, so we don't push invalid JSON configs and bring the website down. Thanks.
  • (2021-05-11, v:3.0.5) Constantinos Paparas: Impossible to switch back to default view
    Hello, I switched to tree view in Catalogs to test it but I can't switch back to the default view. Is there any way to have the default view again? Thanks Regards
  • (2021-05-06, v:3.0.5) James Johnson: footer
    Please give me a way to remove the footer banner. On BM screens such as "Gift Certificates" it always hides the last line.
  • (2021-05-06, v:3.0.5) Cory Wright: Stealing focus on page load
    The DWithEase search bar steals focus on page load, which interferes with certain tab combinations used to access Business Manager features faster (specifically when importing files, I use the tab key to move to the refresh and next buttons faster than clicking.) If there was a way to disable that focus, or remove it from the plugin, it would help a ton.
  • (2021-04-21, v:3.0.4) Avram Meyerowitz: Edit images assignment in Product page, then save
    In BM, in Product page, "Edit" images. The usual way: I need to "Save" the changes in that pop-up, then "Apply" the changes to the whole page. The problem is, (using DWithEase), if I just assign images and press Ctrl-S it will just Apply, but the image assignments will not be saved. Please either - Save those changes first, then resave the whole page, or - Just save image changes, and I will press Ctrl-S again when it is done, or - Don't react to Ctrl-S while the Image Edit window is open, if you can't do the above. Thanks.
  • (2021-04-13, v:3.0.4) Marian Bida: Communication log broken parsing on big object
    When we have big objects in communication log the parser breaks. We are sending SendGrid email payloads and it is not looking good.
  • (2021-03-25, v:3.0.4) Olivier Lance: UX regression after last update
    Last update injects an "AM account" selector that requires to manually select the account to login with. This breaks the previous behaviour that would do everything automatically (and thus more quickly). Could you restore that automated behaviour when there's only one account to choose from (i.e. there's actually no choice to be made)? Thanks!
  • (2021-02-26, v:3.0.3) Tom Doan: Extension hijacks Alt+S keyboard shortcut
    I noticed that after installing this extension AND opening the Options page once, the Alt+S keyboard shortcut no longer works in other extensions. You can reproduce this by using this codepen I created: https://codepen.io/thdoan/pen/ZEBXwjE Please fix this or provide a solution for us to disable the built-in keyboard shortcuts.
  • (2021-02-15, v:3.0.2) Scott McKibbin: Chrome Very sluggish after update
    Version 88.0.4324.96 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit) I and a coworker on Windows are having performance issues with chrome after updating to 88. This happened once before but went away organically. Is there a trick to getting rid of the sluggishness after an update?
  • (2021-02-11, v:3.0.2) Stefan Bräutigam: All right-click actions on the DWithEase symbol fail when using unified authentication
    When trying accessing logs, Impex folders etc. from the DWithEase symbol (right-click -> DWithEase -> Logs) it asks for login/password again. Account & Sandbox setup was done in plugin before. Still login/password dialog pops up. Neither AM credentials nor Access Keys work.
  • (2021-02-11, v:3.0.2) Stefan Bräutigam: Cartridge path drop-down fails for Account Manager authentication
    When having Account Manager authentication set up for a particular sandbox the cartridge path drop-down fails and asks for login/password. All correct entries are rejected, neither AM credentials nor Access Keys work. Search Indexes, Caching and Code Versions drop-down work.
  • (2021-02-10, v:3.0.2) Andy Schmidt: DW plugin breaks native Business Manager navigation
    It seems that the plugin within Business Manager has some CSS issue. BM icons show up oversized and navigation elements overlay each other. Fonts don't load and everything is in Times New Roman.
  • (2021-02-05, v:3.0.2) Kat Park: Sandbox List Configuration - accordion view?
    Hi, I work with lots of sandboxes organized into separate groups. It's difficult to drag and drop a long list of sandboxes to reorganize the list in the configuration page. It would be great if we can shrink and expand the sandbox groups into an accordion type list or you allow for up and down arrows so we can reorganize the list more easily. Also great if we can have tree structure within the group.
  • (2021-02-04, v:3.0.2) Jake Wilson: Domain names for sandboxes limit
    The sandbox domain name limitation is only 38 characters. This is way too short. I know sandbox domains vary but for example lots of the OD sandboxes end in commercecloud.salesforce.com which is 29 characters by itself. I have seen domain names 59+ characters in length. You gotta up that limit or else you can't even use it.
  • (2021-01-25, v:3.0.2) Abhishek Saxena: Unified Authentication configuration
    you limit the length of Email id up to 40. my Email id is more then 40 around 50 I am not able to use iit
  • (2020-12-27, v:3.0.2) Caitlyn Kukol: Cannot get out of Tree View
    I was uploading some images, and I accidentally clicked on "Switch to Tree View" and it came up with a large, blank looking page, where the only clickable thing is basically the search bar and two little paper looking icons in the top left corner. When I try to click on "Switch to Default View" nothing happens. I've tried reloading the page, turning chrome off and on, and have not been able to get this page to stop appearing. Because of this, I am unable to upload images anymore.


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4.9062 (96 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-08 / 3.11.1
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