Simple random password generator. The way to generate passwords. Tekpassword will help you don't lose your time thinking passwords.
Genera els teus passwords amb un sol clic, escollint la longitud i el tipus de caràcters del password. No et compliquis la vida pensant en claus complexes, Tekpassword les generarà per a tu en un instant.
Disponible en anglès, espanyol i català.
Latest reviews
- (2018-05-20) Amir alipour: good
- (2016-12-27) Rob Roosen: Been using it for quite a while now and it works great ! Would be cool if it automatically copy the password or if there was a copy button next to it :)
- (2016-12-25) Евгений Ширяев: Really random generator:) Doesn't include lower or numbers even if tickled in options.
- (2012-10-02) Russel: The best "secure password generator" on chrome web store.
- (2012-10-02) Всё крута