Description from extension meta
Google Doodle-spill er interaktive spill som vises på Googles hjemmeside. Doodle-spill samlet i én utvidelse. Spill!
Image from store
Description from store
Doodles er de morsomme, overraskende og noen ganger spontane endringene som gjøres på Google-logoen for å feire høytider, jubileer og liv av berømte kunstnere, pionerer og forskere. Disse spesielle, midlertidige endringene i Google-logoen kalles Google Doodles. Noen av disse Google Doodles har blitt omgjort til interaktive spill, som gir en morsom og engasjerende måte å feire en anledning på.
For å gjøre det enklere for deg å få tilgang til og spille disse Google Doodle-spillene, har vi laget en praktisk utvidelse som samler alle spillene som er laget av Google Doodle på ett sted. Utvidelsen inkluderer populære spill som fotball, cricket, basketball, Rubik's Cube, halloween-spill og mye mer.
Denne utvidelsen sikrer at du kan spille alle dine favorittspill fra Google Doodle når som helst og hvor som helst, uten at du trenger å søke etter dem individuelt på internett. Det er perfekt for de gangene du vil ta en pause fra jobb eller studier og nyte litt avslappende gaming.
Enten du er fan av sport, puslespill eller bare vil utforske forskjellige spill, har denne utvidelsen noe for alle. Videre sikrer vi at samlingen alltid er oppdatert med de nyeste spillene som er laget av Google Doodle. Så du kan være trygg på at du ikke går glipp av noen av de morsomme og spennende spillene som Google Doodle kommer opp med.
Med bare noen få klikk kan du nå spille disse interaktive Google Doodle-spillene online, uten noen problemer eller avbrudd. Så hva venter du på? Installer Google Doodle Games-utvidelsen i dag og la moroa begynne!
Doodles er de kreative, spennende og ofte spontane endringene som gjøres i Google -logoen for å minne om ferier, merkedager og livene til anerkjente kunstnere, pionerer og forskere. Disse unike, kortsiktige modifikasjonene av Google-logoen er kjent som Google Doodles. Noen av disse Google Doodles er blitt omgjort til interaktive spill, og gir en hyggelig og engasjerende måte å feire en spesiell begivenhet på.
For å gjøre det lettere for deg å få tilgang til og spille disse doodle -spillene, har vi laget en praktisk utvidelse som samler alle spillene produsert av Doodle på ett sted. Utvidelsen inneholder populære spill som fotball, cricket, basketball, Rubik's Cube, Halloween -spill og mye mer.
Denne utvidelsen sikrer at du kan spille alle dine favoritt doodle -spill når som helst og hvor som helst, uten å måtte søke etter dem separat på internett. Det er ideelt for de øyeblikkene når du vil ta en pause fra jobben eller studere og nyte litt tilfeldig spill.
Enten du er tilhenger av sport, gåter eller bare vil utforske forskjellige spill, har denne utvidelsen har noe for alle. I tillegg garanterer vi at samlingen alltid er oppdatert med de siste spillene som er laget av Doodle. Så du kan være sikker på at du ikke vil gå glipp av noen av de morsomme og spennende spillene som Doodle kommer med.
Med bare noen få klikk, kan du nå spille disse interaktive doodle -spillene på nettet med letthet . Så hva venter du på? Installer Doodle Games -forlengelsen i dag og gjør deg klar for litt Google Doodle -moro! Spill online eller utfordre vennene dine til å slå poengsummen din i basketball eller fotball! Det er noe for alle denne Halloween -sesongen! Leter du etter en morsom og engasjerende måte å feire høytider, merkedager og livene til kjente artister, pionerer og forskere? Ikke se lenger enn Google Doodles! Disse spesielle, midlertidige endringene i Google -logoen er ikke bare overraskende og kreative, men gir også en mulighet til å spille online spill.
Det stemmer - noen Google Doodles har blitt omgjort til interaktive spill, og gir en morsom og engasjerende måte for å feire en anledning. Fra fotball og basketball til Rubiks Cube- og Halloween -spill, det er noe for enhver smak.
For å gjøre det enda enklere å få tilgang til og spille disse doodle -spillene, har vi laget en praktisk forlengelse som aggregerer alle spillene laget av Doodle på en plass. Ikke mer å søke etter individuelle spill på Internett - med denne utvidelsen kan du spille alle dine favoritt doodle -spill når som helst og hvor som helst.
Enten du ønsker å ta en pause fra jobben eller studere eller bare ønsker å unne deg I noe tilfeldig spill har denne utvidelsen deg dekket. Og ikke bekymre deg for å gå glipp av noen nye spill-vi sikrer at samlingen alltid er oppdatert med de siste spillene som er laget av Doodle.
Så hva venter du på? Installer Doodle Games -forlengelsen i dag og begynn å spille! Scor stort i fotball eller basketball, løse gåter i Rubiks kube, eller komme inn i Halloween -ånden med nifs spill. Mulighetene er uendelige med Google Doodles! Leter du etter en morsom og engasjerende måte å feire høytider, merkedager og berømte personligheter? Ikke se lenger enn Google Doodles! Disse midlertidige endringene i Google -logoen er ofte overraskende og alltid underholdende. Og nå har noen av disse doodles blitt omgjort til interaktive spill som du kan spille på nettet!
, men å søke etter hvert enkelt spill kan være et problem. Derfor har vi laget en utvidelse som samler alle Doodle -spillene på ett sted. Fra fotball til basketball til Rubiks kube, det er noe for enhver smak. I tillegg sørger vi for at samlingen alltid er oppdatert med de nyeste spillene fra Doodle.
Så om du tar en pause fra jobben eller bare ser etter en morsom måte å passere tiden på, Installer Doodle Games -forlengelsen vår i dag! Du har tilgang til alle favorittspillene dine uten problemer eller avbrudd. Ikke gå glipp av moroa - score stort med doodle -spill i dag! Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Google Doodle, doodle -spill, spill, spill, spill online, score, basketball, halloween, fotball ,, Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists. These special, temporary alterations to the Google logo are called Google Doodles. Some of these Google Doodles have been turned into interactive games, providing a fun and engaging way to celebrate an occasion.
To make it easier for you to access and play these Google Doodle games, we have created a convenient extension that aggregates all the games made by Google Doodle in one place. The extension includes popular games such as Soccer, Cricket, Basketball, Rubik's Cube, Halloween games, and much more.
This extension ensures that you can play all your favorite Google Doodle games anytime and anywhere, without the need to search for them individually on the internet. It's perfect for those times when you want to take a break from work or study and indulge in some casual gaming.
Whether you are a fan of sports, puzzles, or just want to explore different games, this extension has something for everyone. Moreover, we ensure that the collection is always up-to-date with the latest games made by Google Doodle. So, you can rest assured that you won't miss any of the fun and exciting games that Google Doodle comes up with.
With just a few clicks, you can now play these interactive Google Doodle games online, without any hassle or interruptions. So, what are you waiting for? Install the Google Doodle Games extension today and let the fun begin!
Doodles are the creative, exciting, and often spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to commemorate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of renowned artists, pioneers, and scientists. These unique, short-term modifications to the Google logo are known as Google Doodles. Some of these Google Doodles have been converted into interactive games, providing an enjoyable and engaging way to celebrate a special event.
To make it easier for you to access and play these Doodle Games, we have created a handy extension that aggregates all the games produced by Doodle in one place. The extension contains popular games such as Soccer, Cricket, Basketball, Rubik's Cube, Halloween games, and much more.
This extension ensures that you can play all your favorite Doodle Games anytime and anywhere, without having to search for them separately on the internet. It's ideal for those moments when you want to take a break from work or study and enjoy some casual gaming.
Whether you're a fan of sports, puzzles, or just want to explore different games, this extension has something for everyone. Additionally, we guarantee that the collection is always up-to-date with the latest games created by Doodle. So, you can be sure that you won't miss out on any of the fun and thrilling games that Doodle comes up with.
With just a few clicks, you can now play these interactive Doodle Games online with ease. So what are you waiting for? Install the Doodle Games extension today and get ready for some google doodle fun! Play online or challenge your friends to beat your score in basketball or soccer! There's something for everyone this Halloween season!Looking for a fun and engaging way to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists? Look no further than Google Doodles! These special, temporary alterations to the Google logo are not only surprising and creative but also provide an opportunity to play online games.
That's right - some Google Doodles have been turned into interactive games, providing a fun and engaging way to celebrate an occasion. From soccer and basketball to Rubik's Cube and Halloween games, there's something for everyone.
To make it even easier to access and play these Doodle Games, we've created a convenient extension that aggregates all the games made by Doodle in one place. No more searching for individual games on the internet - with this extension, you can play all your favorite Doodle Games anytime and anywhere.
Whether you're looking to take a break from work or study or simply want to indulge in some casual gaming, this extension has got you covered. And don't worry about missing out on any new games - we ensure that the collection is always up-to-date with the latest games made by Doodle.
So what are you waiting for? Install the Doodle Games extension today and start playing! Score big in soccer or basketball, solve puzzles in Rubik's Cube, or get into the Halloween spirit with spooky games. The possibilities are endless with Google Doodles!Looking for a fun and engaging way to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and famous personalities? Look no further than Google Doodles! These temporary changes to the Google logo are often surprising and always entertaining. And now, some of these Doodles have been turned into interactive games that you can play online!
But searching for each individual game can be a hassle. That's why we've created an extension that aggregates all of the Doodle games in one place. From soccer to basketball to Rubik's Cube, there's something for everyone. Plus, we make sure that the collection is always up-to-date with the latest games from Doodle.
So whether you're taking a break from work or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, install our Doodle Games extension today! You'll have access to all your favorite games without any hassle or interruptions. Don't miss out on the fun – score big with Doodle Games today!
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-12) Lauren Nibbs87: Rest in Peace Custom Logo (2019-2023) R.I.P 🪦😭😭😭😭😭
- (2023-02-11) Raffi Hakobyan: I Couldn't even change the font don't recommend installing this.
- (2022-10-16) Dialupdude: Stops working whenever chrome updates.
- (2022-09-13) Vamp: it barely works :/
- (2022-08-25) beluga: Awesome, love it. Would recomend.
- (2022-07-02) Sonia Vyas: terrible does not work with ease
- (2022-04-22) yWolfz: Faz oque promete, mas poderia ter 1 opção para deixar o tema escuro.
- (2022-04-22) Madeline Yan: this didn't work it just showed custom google logo I can't click on it. (I mean the exension) and I can't change the text
- (2022-02-09) The Blue Nightingale: Hi, Many People Said It Didn't Work... It Works For Me... You Need To Have The Latest Version Of Chrome And Refresh The Page A Few Times
- (2022-02-08) Nicky: Help how do i change the google logo to my custom image i have in my files
- (2022-01-29) Csaba: Hello, the concept is great but it doesn't work for some reason.
- (2022-01-19) Rose Taylor: Worked perfectly, logo shows up, but you cannot change your chrome wallpaper!
- (2021-12-30) Jennifer: I got it to work, but I would like to say the website that it brought me to was confusing to navigate through. In the "How to Use" page, although it may seem like they have answers for "How to add own logos" or "How to use logo constructor," when I scrolled and clicked through it all, it was basically just the instructions on how to download the extension repeated over and over again all the way to the bottom of the page. Most of the names and descriptions on the "Collections" page were in what seemed to be latin or italian from what google translate is telling me. Last but not least, the "About" page was normal enough, just your usual inspiring talk, but I did notice that the font they used formats some of the letters a little weird, specifically for the letter y. (That's just me nitpicking though). Onto the extension itself, it works from what I experienced so far but the thing is, it brings you to instead of the usual chrome homepage so if you have a custom background like me, the background will just be white instead of seeing your custom background. I wanted to try this extension as the usual google logo was blocking my background too much and didn't fit in with the rest of my customized desktop, but unfortunately since the white background defeats the whole purpose of me trying the extension in the first place, I'm going to say this extension isn't for me.
- (2021-12-16) Sarah Larson: IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2021-11-18) Tamsin Blewden: DOES NOT WORK
- (2021-08-26) Fernanda Costa: Você consegue alterar o ícone mas não consegue mudar o texto que fica no lugar do Google (sendo que no tutorial claramente aparece a pessoa alterando o texto).
- (2021-08-24) Vũ Phạm Phú Khang: well this just only keep the hello world and the dog smiling and the background is white dont install this it isnt a virus but doesnt work
- (2021-07-26) Dannu Lam: MAKE A DARK MODE
- (2021-07-01) Je ne pouvais pas changer ma page d'accueil. C'est horrible! Je vous conseille de ne pas installer cette extention!!! >:(
- (2021-05-30) The Amazing World of V: I hated this extension. It did not work at all and it does not let actually make a logo and put your own text for Google.
- (2021-04-14) Meaghan Kent: i used it like all the time but i picked a new theme and then i wanted use it again but it crashed
- (2021-03-22) CrewNew Freelance Web & Mobile App Developers: Fake like others say
- (2021-03-21) angel: it worked, but whenever I'd try to change the backround it would completely turn the language into ukrainian and theres no way to fix it :/
- (2021-03-19) sidra sarwar: I dont know why so many people say it does not work. For me it workks perfectly
- (2021-03-07) Pat MySecret: I appreciate the thought, and it's more than just fun.. I dislike the daily celebratory homepage junk that Chrome seems to give everybody no choice but to view, so this was a way out. However, installation was far from seamless and I gave up, homepage text seems obligatory, and most of the images were juvenile though the range can be endless if you get your own to work. Uninstalled
- (2021-02-24) ayebeeceedi: It worked pretty fine, its fun since I can put any gif or pictures in it, what do u guys mean?. If it didn't worked re-install it again and refresh . If u guys have further more questions or problems ask me maybe I can help you out.
- (2021-02-21) Spencer Bishop: I would use it to change the google logo to something fun if it didn't make me change my new tab page to a white google page. I want to keep my new tab page as my home page and it doesn't let me keep my original home page.
- (2021-02-14) Timm Turner: If you like me don't like the Google Doodles that Google have now forced onto us and have the option now to disable them this extension is for you. Only today they forced me and to remind me it's Valentine's Day. Now its gone. Many thanks
- (2021-02-04) Jaanbi Fernandez: ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- (2021-02-03) Кирилл Коваленко: It's a pity you can't change the background to your own That would be really cool
- (2021-01-30) Asya Elif Ekşi: uzantı yeni sekmede çalışıyor ama farklı hep öyle kalıyor gerçek google'a dönmek için uzantıyı silmelisiniz ama bence o kadar kötü değil...
- (2020-12-16) JOHN JOHN: it got rid of my shortcuts that I save for my most visited websites and I hated it
- (2020-12-04) Nathan Nitz: This logo changer works fine. At first it took me a minute or so to figure out how to get to the settings. You have to be on, then click the extension icon to get the settings to show up. Was able to upload an image then.
- (2020-11-26) Uday Rao: does not work, a waste of time. How to use section is completely wrong and useless.
- (2020-11-18) Javier: La mejor personalización del logo de G00GLe que he visto nunca. Divertida, limpia, sin publicidad y con decenas de logos gratis.
- (2020-10-12) 강현모: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- (2020-10-12) lisa niterman: Very good to use. It's amazing.👌👌👌👌
- (2020-10-12) Patrick Benson: Thanks! I can now finally use google with the old look.
- (2020-10-12) Tonni Lukka: A very fun extension for me
- (2020-09-22) Mango: 0/10 couldn't even open the thing now the hopes of seeing donald trump flossing every day are crushed.
- (2020-09-15) Mia: This doesnt work.....
- (2020-09-10) Lizward 208: 😂
- (2020-09-03) Ella Peng: I TRIED redownloading it but it was still white :/
- (2020-08-30) Sarmad Qureshi: FAKE IT JUST TOLD ME TO ADD AND ADD AND ADD AND ADD
- (2020-08-29) SuperHankinsBros: So far, for half a year, this worked. However, after a while, the home page with all the websites and stuff that opens when you open a new tab has just been replaced by Google. Can somebody provide a solution, because this feels off
- (2020-08-23) mostonxz studios: Thing wouldn't even work-
- (2020-08-13) Juan Manuel Davila Salas: exelente
- (2020-08-10) DeadyQuack: It used to work perfectly. now i dont know why, the images dont show and the text are under the search bar
3.4219 (192 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-06 / 2.3
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