extension ExtPose

Dropified Dropshipping

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Description from extension meta

Automate product importing and fulfillment for your Dropshipping store

Image from store Dropified Dropshipping
Description from store Dropified helps automate your drop shipping business. Dropified is a paid application for drop shipping business owners. The Chrome Extension works together with the web application and does a lot: - 1-Click Importing of Products to your Shopify store from various websites. - 1-Click Order Fulfillment of Orders - Product Price Change and Availability Alerts - Add Sub Users to help manage your business - Lightning Fast product research with Product Boards and "Save For Later" - 2 Built In Image Editors - Bulk Edit Mode - Automatic Updating of Supplier Order ID and Tracking Numbers - & Lots More Dropified was initially created in 2015 to automate dropshipping from AliExpress to Shopify and has helped thousands of E-commerce entrepreneurs automate their dropshipping business. Since then, Dropified has grown to support other platforms such as WooCommerce and GrooveKart. * View Dropified's Terms of Service here: https://app.dropified.com/terms-of-service/ * View Dropified's Privacy Policy here: https://www.dropified.com/privacy-policy/ * This site contains affiliate links for which Dropified may be compensated.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-14) Hasan Hamid: the are stealing the Infos. Email, Tel .
  • (2022-09-10) Wab Ben: Bad !!! Extremely disappointed!!! Reading these reviews, you quickly realize that they are false... I paid 100$ and I bite my fingers because I can have 1000 times better and for free too. I won't name the brand but it's dsers.com! Dropified gives you countless functions, but you only have access to the bare minimum. If you want more, you have to pay and very expensive. So small budgets go your way, you won't find anything useful. You can't even import a poor CSV file!!! Forget the list of features, you will only have the extremely basic. So a piece of advice, do like me, change the creamery... Nul !!! Extrêmement déçue !!! A lire ces avis, on comprend très vite qu'ils sont faux... J'ai payé 100$ et je m'en mords les doigts, car je peux avoir 1000 fois mieux et gratuitement en plus. Je ne vais pas citer la marque mais c'est dsers.com ! Dropified vous fais miroiter d'innombrables fonctions, mais vous n'avez accès qu'au stricte minimum. Si vous voulez plus, il faut payer et très cher. Donc petits budgets passez votre chemin, vous ne trouverez rien d'utile. On ne peut même pas importer un pauvre fichier CSV !!! Oubliez la liste de fonctionnalités, vous n'aurez que l'extrêmement basic. Alors un conseil, faites comme moi, changez de crèmerie...
  • (2022-05-09) Администратор Natalex: After I updated the version, some problems started to occur. Version 4.17 can't see some products on aliexpress. For example, this product is not found on the new version. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002566208908.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2rus&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%2448.60%21US%20%2448.60%21%21%21%21%21%400b0a0ac216520896239973461ee251%21%21sh&sku_id=12000021179927463&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.5.31c2249cPH8CKz It says No product found on this page! And so with many products. Please fix this. Thank you.
  • (2021-12-16) Massimo Colucci: My name is Massimo and I am starting a business. Before registering, I struggled with finding products and solutions that fit my needs. I knew this program was what I needed, but I needed some more certainty. Once I registered, I tested the potential of the product. Since using Dropified, I can't do without it anymore. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to start doing things seriously. You have to try it!
  • (2021-10-23) Juan Carlos: Awesome tool to have! Before signing up, I struggled with product research. I knew this would have helped me so much. Since joining Dropified, finding the right product/niche it got way easier. This is one of the most important apps in my stores! So if you are a beginner and don't want to go blind on your journey, this is definitely a must-have extension.
  • (2021-10-11) Jason Hodson: Before signing up, I struggled with the amount of admin work for transferring products. I knew this program was what I needed, but I wasn't sure one actually existed until I filled my Christmas Cringe store. Once I joined, I saved heaps of time! Since joining Dropified,my admin has been cut but 70% This app is perfect for anyone who wants to cut time, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to sort it asap bro!
  • (2021-10-11) Lheisley Sam Fajardo: My name is Kevin Jay Hepiga and I am a Product Researcher. Before signing up, I struggled with doing products research. I knew this program was what I needed, but still needed a credit account Once I joined, everything is smooth. Since joining Dropified, everything is just a breeze. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to do Product research, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to Subscribe to this tool. Best regards. Kevin Jay
  • (2021-09-21) ronnie taylor: My name is Ron T. Before signing up, I struggled with even knowing where and how to get started, it was very frustrating. I knew this program was what I needed, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to understand it. Once I joined, I was relieved to see how user friendly it was and how much they care about my success. Since joining Dropified, my confidence as exploded and I am positive I will succeed. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to start their own business, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to join and get a incredible education.
  • (2021-09-12) Cesar Perez: Hi, I have serious problems in the past in the product research tasks, but since I use this powerful product research tool, all my product research frustations are solved! Thanks a lot guys!
  • (2021-09-09) Don't rewrite the default woocommerce paths. If you do that the app will not be able to write to your store. Shopify although expensive is easier to for beginners. This app is compatible with Shopify and Woocommerce.
  • (2021-09-06) Desmond R. Kelly: My name is Richard and I an eCommerce consultant. Before signing up, I struggled with the concept. I knew this program was what I needed, but I was not sure how to use it. Once I joined,the relief was amazing. Since joining Dropified, my workflow is so much better and everything seems so clear . This app is perfect for anyone who wants to Dropship, so if you are one of those people I would encourage you to try it out
  • (2021-08-28) Glenn Sousa: my name is gleidson sousa Before signing up, problems with other drop platforms I knew this program was what I needed, but I resisted a little. As soon as I joined, an easy to navigate platform Since joining Dropified, my sales have improved. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to get started on the drop, so if you are one of those people, I would encourage you to give it a try.
  • (2021-08-20) ERHAN TURKMEN: I just downloaded it. It's an excellent application. orders are fully automated. my friends said that this tool has by far the best price-to-service ratio when compared to other drop fulfillment tools
  • (2021-08-11) Sharnee Bennett: As a Shopify Store Owner who is dropshipping and looking to scale, we simply could not run our business without Dropified. Comparing alternatives such as time consuming staff processing that is prone to error & human interpretation, the relatively small fee of Dropified is easily justified with a saving on staff & overheads. Can highly recommend the Dropified app software, you will thank me for it later. Kind regards, Sharnee
  • (2021-08-02) Lubna Fatima: Before joining dropified, I tested a few systems and was not satisfied.I wanted something built on automation and I found dropified. What made me happy about this system is that its connected to 50+ dropshipping networks. I am looking forward to use this platform since I am currently on research plan. Excited to start this journey
  • (2021-06-17) joe Smith: very useful. Shopify + Shopified App is the Best Solution to save Time when it comes to Product Integration and Order Fullfillment for AliExpress.But AliExpress is more expensive than 1688. My new 1688 purchasing plugin: esdropshipping. URL: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/esdropshipping/acpefmnnjpbkagapjjmpggamglkjemoj. Also share with everyone.
  • (2020-04-08) Aliques Skin & Body Transformation: so far so good -
  • (2020-03-06) OBD onebetterdeal: Great dropshipping tool!! Really save my time and resources to look around for my business! Strongly recommended
  • (2020-02-26) Shiva Modi: awesome dropshipping tool!
  • (2020-02-06) Timothy Perera: Everything is done faster and more efficiently. INSTALL IT. Try it. Nothing better on the market!!!!!
  • (2020-02-02) N&N INSUN: goood+++++++++++
  • (2019-10-20) Liza H: Easy to use and packed with information to help your store succeed. From product research to integration to anything. I don't know how anyone creates a store without it. The support from CEO to cutomer service is unbelievable. Friendly service with a geniune active interest in helping you succeed. The app is beyond my expectations. Thank you for continuing to do the right thing.
  • (2019-10-15) Montse Ortiz: me gusta , es de gran utilidad
  • (2019-10-06) Xtra Income Latino: VERY SATISFIED WITH SHOPIFIED BUSINESS
  • (2019-07-24) E Born Daniel: New to dropshipping and Dropified makes the transition more effective. Was able to talk to Greg and he navigated me through preparing my store for business. Thank you!
  • (2019-07-11) Gracia Oh: Kevin, the customer support manager is awesome. He's so professional and he really knows how to help and make their customer happy. Great experience!!
  • (2019-04-01) Tamela Orell: Dropified is amazing! The App is great but the training for E-commerce that comes with it is worth its weight in gold! Thanks Guys for making my life easier.
  • (2019-03-26) Ghe Lim: Best Dropshipping app there is! Topnotch customer support! <3
  • (2019-03-24) This tool is amazing! It's so easy to add products, change the variant mapping, select a desired shipping method and even more. Order fulfilment made easy!
  • (2019-02-27) Lowell Rempel: Such an amazing arsenal of e-commerce tools all bundled into one unbelievable software!! Awesome Dropified - Keep up the amazing work!!
  • (2019-02-08) je . viens . de . perdre toutes mes mot . de . passe . enregistrés . et . proposér . par . chrome , d'autre . part la . traduction automatique . posse . des . problemes . de . foncionement . de . dropfield et . tout . est . en . anglais .
  • (2019-01-23) Serena Carli: we were lucky to have had a store setup for us by a usa mob prior but they were using Oberlo, it was not that good and the process was oh so slow, FB posts, answering emails a lot, and having to manually go in and order and not having Tracking numbers so having to manually search for their tracking number. We are still learning and setup but now have 2 beautiful sites with shoptimized and automation through dropified. And more sites to build later. Dropifieds courses are very thorough and easy to follow although a lot of them for a right brainer like me who likes to jump in and get things moving fast. thanks for a great product to make this much more workable and easy. Now if i can just jump ahead thru some fo the courses hahahahahah
  • (2019-01-12) Wish Master: Je suis très content d'être passé d'oberlo à dropified, cependant, vue le prix de cette application, je trouve dommage qu'en 2019 elle ne soit pas traduite en plusieurs langues, surtout qu'il y a des gens qui serait prêt à aider pour que cela se fasse.
  • (2019-01-09) dalia anav: good+++
  • (2019-01-09) שלמה בייך: Very useful
  • (2018-12-13) Jay Smith: Amazing service! Lets me make dropshipping a breeze with it's automation functions. Customer service is top notch as well. I recommend using this service if you have or are thinking about having a dropshipping eCommerce store!
  • (2018-12-06) Leila Naidu: I LOVE Dropified...but this Chrome extension makes me love it that much more! It makes things so much easier and whenever you need it it's always there. I love that you're able able to choose more images or less before you import them as well as can change the name and add tags before you send it through. Another great feature is that you can import reviews through it too!! Very well though of extension! A MUST HAVE!!
  • (2018-11-25) Davi Edmond: They fill a big void that shopify has when it comes to productivity options, support when needed and eases the newbie experience of it all,
  • (2018-11-24) Mhy Place: This is great for beginners and experts in ecommerce. I got this when it first came out as Shopified and changed to Dropified, I still use it. This is my go to for my shopify stores. Easy to use and provides easy access many many products beyond Aliexpress. Whether I'm looking for products from China, USA or Europe this made it easy for me.
  • (2018-10-17) Patrick Brouwer: Saves me a TON of time, and making me A LOT of money!!
  • (2018-09-15) juan martinez: Tout est en ANGLAIS CA ME GONFLE
  • (2018-08-27) Katharina Siemens: This is the MOST important app on my store! I absolutely love every single feature it offers, and use many of them. Aside from being a super robust app, this app boasts a support team, that is literally unheard of! Kevin, Ben, and Bobby are freaking rockstars! They've helped me too many times to even count! They not only help me find solutions for my problems through existing features of the app, BUT they also pass my requests along to their development team to CREATE a solution for me! If you're wondering about whether to give Dropified a try ... my recommendation is "YES ABSOLUTELY"
  • (2018-08-22) Irina Filaudeau: Simple, rapide, utile ! Bravo !
  • (2018-07-16) Waheed Khan: Its a great and handy tool. It really saves you time. A must have extension for anyone who values time.
  • (2018-06-30) Pavan Jadhav: Loved the whole Dropified System.
  • (2018-06-18) Chris Danek: No contest - industry leader for dropshipping. Amazing.


20,000 history
4.7947 (151 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-10 / 5.0.45
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