extension ExtPose

Turk Guru | For MTurk

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Description from extension meta

Increase your mturk earnings by automating HIT acceptance based on your preferences and using Machine Learning.

Image from store Turk Guru | For MTurk
Description from store For Amazon Mechanical Turk(MTurk) workers, this browser extension helps workers increase their earnings by automatically accepting new tasks based on their pre-set preferences as soon as they are posted and provides features to enhance efficiency. ★ Accept tasks based on your liked and disliked tasks history. ★ Accept tasks that have favorite keywords. ★ Block tasks that contain blocked keywords. ★ Accept tasks only from favorite requesters. ★ Filter tasks based on requester hourly wage, activity level, approval rate. ★ Return tasks automatically when away from the desktop. ★ View HITs queue, new qualifications easily on every MTurk page. ★ Reactions by workers for HITs and requesters. This tool reduces the time workers spend searching for tasks and helps the user get high-paying tasks, resulting in higher earnings and increased efficiency. For any questions, comments, or suggestions, contact [email protected]. Privacy Policy – https://www.turk-guru.com/privacy-policy Terms & conditions - https://www.turk-guru.com/terms-conditions The beta version can be found here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/turking-guru-beta/bcoojbcnbhappkcapafhmmldpnoemooc

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-27) Pattiann Vaccaro: I have been with them over 2 years but have not been getting hits in forever. I have emailed them and tried to contact them on social media but have gotten no response.
  • (2023-06-30) Maks Shepherds: Been using it for a few months (AND PAYING FOR IT) and if you get too many HiT's the turk site crashes. Have to uninstall the extension and wait for like 5 minutes then reload Amazon Turk and REINSTALL this!! It sucks!!
  • (2023-05-08) Patrick W: I wanted to love it, but it's just a buggy mess. There are definitely better options out there.
  • (2023-05-04) Cody Huber: Dishonest and unresponsive team. There's a reason it has a lot of low reviews.
  • (2023-02-16) Carleen Maranville: I have used this extension for several months with varying success but I did increase my earnings so I did not mind paying for it.Now this extension has missed quite a few good paying HITs that were within the parameters I set, and I likely could have caught myself.with HIT finder for free! I have tried stopping the extension as well as uninstalling it thinking that might help but to no avail, I'm giving it one more week and if it doesn't start catching some HITs there are other paid extensions out there and I'm pretty good on my own too. I would not recommend Turk Guru for anyone wanting to catch more HITs because you'll be kicking yourself when you see the ones you've missed!
  • (2023-01-25) Tenshi DaStrange: Helped me understand how to utilize the system better. Thank you!
  • (2022-12-13) CrowdNet International (Worker V.): I appreciate the extension and would really like to use it eventually but I have noticed that it misses many hits, despite the hits being available . I've set the extension to catch all hits except from blocked requesters and I've setup the appropriate minimum amounts but still see many hits fitting the criterias that the extension won't catch, even though the hits are readily available and can just accept them manually .
  • (2022-08-25) Simon Byrd: This works well enough for me, but I have a couple of requests. 1. Could you let us screen out any hit has too many (user set from 1 to whatever) Turkerview negative reviews? 2. Could we get an option of a different notification sound? Something a little less harsh.
  • (2022-05-18) Brandy Lloyd: love the extension. I have been using it for 2 years now and it is boss with catching good HITS for me.
  • (2022-02-14) Christopher Stark: I started using this script after STAX got shut down. I have not been disappointed, and it has also outperformed STAX, thus increasing my earnings. As far as I know it is the cheapest auto scraper out there. Thank you for making this tool, and please never increase the price.
  • (2022-01-18) Manos Simson: these guys cheating by using the auto renewal. they charged me even after i said to stop subscription. and coolly they saying we don't have refund option. till you pay there will no word like auto renewal and we wont be checking any check box like auto renewal. but after our money gone they will say auto renewal is nature. even when we cant use that subscription to they wont refund us. they doing big scam. in site there will be no terms and condition but in chat they will send us link. with our knowledge they will store our card details and auto renewal. i activated Indian paid version for 750rs. then second month also i renewed it manually. there was no mention like they will do auto renewal or i dint check any check box like that. but they coolly saying after 2 times renewal we will debit money automatically and we wont refund if we don't use it also...... the main scam is 2 days before renewal itself I texted them and stopped all subscriptions but still they tried to steal money from my account. and he saying answer so irresponsible like am not responsible. they not doing proper communication. no proper contact. latterly they doing like scam.... they saving our card details without our permission. i will share my screen short which sent by him in that u can see my cancelation date and date for they trying to steel money from my account..... https://ibb.co/hcDnzzK in above link you can check their fraud. be aware with them.
  • (2022-01-16) Mama J: DON'T USE THIS ADD ON karthic watwani is a Modern Beggar using this add on they charging auto debit no one ready to refund even we not using our script really they don't have Refund policy page on site that also some ware hidden on website .. if your really want money with using your staff you can directly beg otherwise don't stole money .. using service ready to pay but without using getting money means surly its consider chatting
  • (2021-11-16) Udayram Patil: It was able to catch few lousy hits but now its not working. I have multiple requester as my favorite but I am unable to catch a single hit from them. I now the high wages requesters are hard to catch but still I was able to catch few hits from them using panda crazy but this extension is not catching even one. Bad experience in trial period itself.
  • (2021-08-19) Rafael Andrade: best extension for mturk
  • (2021-07-30) Alin B: Garbage , and you have the guts to ask for money , gtfo
  • (2021-07-26) Ravi B: You people debited account automatically even i am not using your extension today. check and refund me my mail id [email protected]
  • (2021-07-12) Jodi Clark: It has not been updated in a while. While it catches HITS, it's not efficient at all. I see stuff go by that it should have caught for me. I have my parameters set up and check them daily. Not sure what's happening here, but I'm likely going to cancel and try something else. I've been using this for a few months now, so it's not like I'm not familiar with it.
  • (2021-05-18) BakaOppai: Its pretty good because there really isn't anything else. A bit buggy, loves to grab duplicate hits constantly. Missing basic features like custom sounds, alert levels based on $$ etc. I should maybe write one of these and charge half as much. hmm
  • (2021-05-08) Bhavesh Parmar: Amount debited without our intimation Dear Kartik Watwani, I subscribed for Turk Guru last month. This month, it got auto-debited from the account. We did the payment from Stripe. We use this platform to work as per availability of time. Currently we all are HIT due to COVID, so we are unable to work. May I request you to cancel and REFUND me my amount. I feel the subscription should be in our hand. Let me know when will the refund be processed. In this critical times, we expect you to revert positively. Posted by Bhavesh Parmar - 2 weeks ago
  • (2021-02-04) Chris: This Extension is the best! I love that it catches HITs in the background while I am working, and then I can just work my way through the list. It has helped me increase my earnings greatly.
  • (2021-01-11) B Parmar: It catches some HIT but misses many, some other free tools performing better. Will think twice before renewing it I was expecting much better performance than available free tools. Sorry
  • (2021-01-02) JEEPERS: Amazing Extension! I have been using Turking Guru for about 6 months now and it had really changed the game for me.
  • (2020-10-29) Francisco Javier Chacón: It has what other free alternatives don't. Simple as that.
  • (2020-10-20) Derrick Washington: I've been using this extension for a month now and I can honestly say that I hav ebeen making more than I ever did in a month's time before I purchased this. The irritating thing about it is it constantly adds HITS that I don't want to work on or adds certain HITS over and over. If these 2 issues could be rectified, this would be a home - run "HIT." Kartik, I used the blcok feature to block certain words like "record," "extract," "chat," and a few others, but HITS with these words in the title still come up. It's getting so bad that one specific chat HIT comes up sp much, that there are 6 or more tabs of the same HIT, and I hav eto quickly close them or Chrome crashes. Sometime, I just stop Turking Guru for a while until I'm able to restart it.
  • (2020-10-04) MANIVELAN KALIAPPAN: I was subscribed more than one year and was working fine, but past three months, this app fails to catch high paid hits and even I could not earn subscribed amount . I don't know the reason, it may be some one may use better apps to crab high paid hits. Mr. kartik Watwani must look this matter and solve it.
  • (2020-09-19) Alicia Metcalf: I think this extension is great especially for those using turk for the first time and want to get to know the ins and outs better.
  • (2020-09-18) Talesha J: So I have been using this extension for about 6 months. At first it was amazing and the money I was making double with this extension. As time went on it slowly stop pulling hits for me, and as of today I can start Turking and the extension does not pull any hits for hours. Unfortunately if this issue is not fixed I will have to uninstall this extension. I will not pay $9.99 a month for something that does not work. *UPDATE* Thank you so much for fixing the issue. The extension works great now.
  • (2020-09-11) Paul Benevich: I have been using turking guru for about 8 months now. this is a great extension. i have been getting much more high paying hits. my income has soared to about 5X what it was before using it. also, it is one of the easiest extensions to use. it is all clear and intuitive. some of the other extensions or scrapers are so confusing, you almost need to be a programmer to figure it out. Also their support is AAA+. whenever i have had a problem, they have spent whatever amount of time needed to fix it. I highly recommend this extension. the fee is pennies compared to how much you can make using the guru. GO GURU paul benevich
  • (2020-09-01) Chad McDuffie: I have made more in two months using this extension than I have in 5 years of using nothing. It's amazing and if you use it right and put in the work, you will pay for this in just an hour or so. Wonderful extension.
  • (2020-09-01) Ashley Louise: I am not a fan of this extension. I've been using Mturk for going on 10 years and do not see how this really made things any better for me. My settings would not save, everytime I clicked "turking guru settings" I had to put them in fresh all over again. Every time I went to a different Mturk page, it would make me click "start turking" all over again, so I have to leave the tab open and do nothing but even still, an hour in and it has not accepted a single HIT. I made my settings pretty lax to start, but nothing has happened. Assuming it starts working, I would give it 3 stars instead of 2, but the settings not saving/turking not staying on is not helpful. This is not something I would pay for, especially until the errors are worked out.
  • (2020-07-30) melbourne williams: worst service ever felt really bad with this. they activated for free trial and after one day of usage, they suspended my account. And telling unrelated reasons. very bad experience. Don't go for it. worst customer support.
  • (2020-07-29) Josh Peterson: I'm subscribed using my friend CC. But he's think like, In my account someone will work or I'm using my account in VPN or proxy. This is very unfair. He's not responding my messages and poor communication through the email support. He doesn't care about the customer as well.
  • (2020-07-25) Tom Head: Been using Turking Guru for over two months. Very helpful extension. Easily doubles income and the best part I don’t have to sit glued to the screen, just wait for Turking Guru to accept a hit meeting my requirements. Very well designed, sits in the header of the dashboard window. I use it along with Panda Crazy to show queue and also set PC to search for a couple low value batches I like.
  • (2020-07-07) Giovanni: Amazing extension. I consistently get high paying HITs. Easy to use and great customer service. It greatly increased my earnings
  • (2020-06-28) Sandeep Saroha: Works great. Some suggestions: 1) The bell often doesn't work. Leads to HITs expiring. Desktop notifications will be great. 2) Give option of other sounds in bell 3) The slider is difficult to set on specific value. Give option of either writing minimum reward amount or a clickable button for each increment and decrement. 4) The like and dislike buttons interfere with work because they exist in workspace. I think they are quite unnecessary.
  • (2020-06-23) Karen Rogers: This app has significantly increased my earnings on Amazon Turk! The app consistently finds high paying tasks. If you have a problem or a question, the customer service is excellent! This app is well worth the money.
  • (2020-06-23) john maina: Hello guys.If you are still stranded on increasing your M-turk earnings,kindly worry no more.Turking Guru is the ultimate solution to your problems.I am now on my second month with the software and it has not failed me at all.I have increased my earnings in an unbelievable way,sometimes the work is too much but what do i say,this is exactly what i needed.I cant forget to appreciate Mr Watwani who has been of immense help to me and my wife.He is always ready to sort any issue related to this noble software.He has done it not once,twice or thrice but he is always there in case you as the user has a problem.I always reach out to him directly via his email and i can assure you that he does not fail in making a helpful reply to any of the mails sent to him.Install the extension from the chrome webstore and experience the difference you have been longing for.
  • (2020-04-14) Daniel O'Reilly: It's good as long as you realize it's extremely hyperactive when adding new hits. It will grab hits you tell it you don't like. It will grab hits you have all ready completed. If you turk on multiple monitors and multiple windows, and turn it of in one, it will continue to grab hits in the other. Granted, this can be useful, but it can also be annoying to come back to your computer after being away for a bit and have a huge queue waiting for you along with a ton of newly opened tabs on your browser (even when you don't have that option selected in the settings!). Overall, it definitely will help you grab tons of hits. But even when you think you have it programmed correctly, it's a wild beast that doesn't want to be tamed.
  • (2020-04-14) Kumar Kumar: Hai, I have paid my subscription last month 26th (ie, March 26th). But today (14th April) it was cut and it is asking to subscribe. I couldn't understand/ Please help.
  • (2020-01-31) Cammie Haumschilt: Great extension. Once you get your settings dialed in, you just sit back and complete your HITs and let the extension do the searching. Definitely increased my income in the first couple of days. This extension pays for itself in less than a week.
  • (2020-01-18) Destini Star: I've only used it for 2 days and both days I've made my daily quota plus more. The monthly fee is worth it when I can make twice as much as I used to. There are times it is a little slow, but it picks eventually. I do hope they fix the duplication of hits when I return them, or I don't like them. I've had to return so many because of the same ones.
  • (2020-01-09) Ashton J: Exactly the kind of MTurk add-on I was hoping to find. Game changer. I was averaging $2-3 an hour before this extension, now I average $6-8.
  • (2020-01-08) Slayton: I was skeptical when I saw this advertised in a turk but decided to try it out based on the good reviews. It will legit pay for itself in one day. I make what used to take me maybe 8 hours in around 3 using this. It will snag all the good paying turks as soon as they are listed, ensuring you can work out of your queue constantly without having to stop to look for more, creating a better work flow. Worth every penny. I hit my $20 daily goal much faster using this.
  • (2020-01-03) Joe Davis JR: I've been using this for about 3-4 months now and I love it. Once you get it set-up it works extremely well.
  • (2019-12-08) yllama Davenport: This app is great it helps me find higher paying hits than the other apps. You cant beat the price for the app. Thank you so much.
  • (2019-12-03) Christina Marie: Ive paid for this. At first I was blown away, now it doesnt even pick some hits up I do. Other users are saying the same thing, check reddit. I do not think its wise of the developer to reply and say "its not the extension". What is it then? THIS IS HAPPENING a lot, you shouldnt shoot us (buyers) down for saying the truth. Thats extremely rude, and a way to get mturkers (who chat a lot with each other) to discredit this extension. It is strange it is slowing down and not catching hits that I do myself or other auto catchers.
  • (2019-11-29) Joe and Marisol: great extension as it up the money I make 3 x. Plus I had a recent problem loading the app and the support I got was great to fix the issue.
  • (2019-11-12) Sznitka: This add on has literally doubled my money. Love it!

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-05, v:2.0.41) Brandy Lloyd: I need to cancel
    I cannot get to the stripe portal because they suspended my mturk account so I need to cancel this subscription
  • (2023-06-26, v:2.0.41) John Doe: Turk Guru ID
    How do I find my turk guru id as I would like to subscribe again.
  • (2023-03-24, v:2.0.38) Kat B: Not receiving any hits.
    I don't know what is going on but I am not getting any hits. I am paying for this, please fix asap/
  • (2023-02-25, v:2.0.36) Jono Oswin: Turk guru on iOS chrome
    Hello I’ve just heard about your product and is it possible to get it onto an iOS device ?
  • (2023-02-19, v:2.0.36) C C: Customer stripe panel will not open
    Hello, the customer stripe panel will not open in the extension for me to cancel my subscription. Please fix this?
  • (2023-01-31, v:2.0.36) Glen Hammons: Need to pause my account for now
    Not finding where I can cancel for a month or so. Traveling. Thank you!
  • (2023-01-07, v:2.0.36) Honeak: paying but the extension is not working
    not getting any hits what so ever. this is not what i am paying for. what is the problem? can you check?
  • (2022-12-06, v:2.0.36) Cordel Comunicação: pagamento do turk guru
    olá, quero cancelar minha inscriçao e nao ser mais cobrada automaticamente.
  • (2022-11-03, v:2.0.36) Sean: Can't access stripe gateway and other errors
    Hello, I am no longer able to access the stripe portal, it gives me a failure message. Failed to open customer portal. Also, when I inspect the popup, I am seeing this: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://kgejhghjgpndnehjgldgaknbiadbjoom/popup.js.map: System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://kgejhghjgpndnehjgldgaknbiadbjoom/styles/material-components-web.min.css.map: System error: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
  • (2022-06-22, v:2.0.34) Seb Doge (Seeeeeb): I am still being charged and I am not using your product.
  • (2022-06-02, v:2.0.34) Melissa Bryant: favorited requestor
    I have added Remesh countless times over the months that I have used this extension but it does not show up in the console and I try every day, every time that it pops up in MTS. I used to catch them but have not over the last several weeks. This is upsetting, as I would prefer to give you my money but know that Remesh is where the summer money is and may have to switch to another catcher it I can't catch them with Guru. I have sent dozens of people to you in the past few months from both Turkerview and Facebook. could you please tell me what's going wrong, fix it, or I will have to cancel in the next day before my subscription renews. It shows the requestors I want to block but not my favorite. This has been an issue for the last month but I have to renew tomorrow, so it is extremely concerning right now. Please advise ASAP. I just want the console to acknowledge to prioritize Remesh. Thanks Mel
  • (2022-05-30, v:2.0.34) Paul Benevich: not getting many hits
    can you check my settings to see if there is something wrong? i used to get hundres of hits per day, lately i only get a few per day. thank you paul benevich
  • (2022-03-23, v:2.0.34) Zippy09: How do I re-start a subscription?
    Hey there so I deicded to re-install turking guru after using the trial a few months ago and now i cant figure out how to start paying again and activate it, it just says "Turk Guru ID: B8AB84FCE99FECB Purchase status: Suspended". How can I begin paying the monthly fee and using turking guru?
  • (2022-03-11, v:2.0.34) Matt Weinman: Great Idea HORRRRRRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE
    Dont bother asking the person who made this for anything. He legit cant do anything lol he can refund! so if your not happy I suggest asking for a refund everyone.
  • (2022-03-04, v:2.0.31) SyamRajesh Kancharla: updats
    why are you not giving any updates for your software
  • (2022-02-16, v:2.0.31) Sherylann Zeiders: Keeps stopping .
    I have to constantly say keep turking start turking where before it was automatically so i could grab some even when I knew it would be 20 min before I could do any surveys for an example.
  • (2022-02-09, v:2.0.31) boro pola: payment problem
    i have been paid all the time with same card but now i can not pay with my master card
  • (2022-01-25, v:2.0.31) Joe and Marisol: Need to change the credit card
    I need to change my credit card on file which pays monthly for MTurk. How do I do that.
  • (2022-01-16, v:2.0.31) Manos Simson: how to stop auto renewal
    please reply me with proper way immediately.
  • (2022-01-14, v:2.0.31) Ann Nyokabi: Turking has just stopped.
    The turking has just stopped. It is giving me a note in the platform that my subscription has been suspended what is happening?
  • (2022-01-14, v:2.0.31) Ann Nyokabi: Turking just stopped
    My turking guru has just stopped turking. It is saying that"Your Turk Guru subscription or free trial has been suspended." I had already payed this months subscription kindly assist me.
  • (2022-01-14, v:2.0.31) John Doe: Hits get accepted 2 or 3 times for the same HIT
    Turking Guru is accepting the same HIT 2 or 3 times for the same HIT.
  • (2021-11-07, v:2.0.13) Tar Nol: Suspended and I just payed for it
    Your Turk Guru subscription or free trial has been suspended. I just payed for this subscription. Why am I suspended?
  • (2021-10-14, v:2.0.13) Stephen Hamby: Cancellation
    I've cancelled the account and I still keep getting charged. I've removed my debit card and still, I'm being charged. I no longer require a membership. Please cancel my account.
  • (2021-09-08, v:1.9.3) Andrea Sonja Tindorf: Please cancel my subscription
    Hi, I don't need the Turk Guru add-on anymore. Please cancel my subscription. Thank you and Greetings - Andrea
  • (2021-08-15, v:1.9.3) Theresa Donner: Cancel My subscription
    I do not want the subscription anymore. I want it cancelled immediately.
  • (2021-06-06, v:1.9.3) Tylor Owens: Turk Guru only works sometimesH
    Hello, i have been using the app for about a week and i have noticed that sometimes it functions properly and accepts tasks for me from my "favorites" list. Other times i see lots of hits from my favorites in the list but nothing is being accepted. Am i doing something wrong? I have confirmed that i am signed in to Mturk and that the extension is running
  • (2021-06-05, v:1.9.3) Matt Weinman: Issues Purchasing Turk Guru
    Hello! I just downloaded Google Chrome and the Turk Guru extension in order to use your service. I cannot find the option to purchase the Turk Guru software. Where/How can I do this successfully? Thank you Matt
  • (2021-05-30, v:1.9.3) Moses: Payment
    Hi i need to change the card i make payments with, how do i go about doing that ? thanks
  • (2021-05-27, v:1.9.3) BakaOppai: Min wage doesnt work
    No matter what I set minimum wage per hour to it just does what it wants. Is this function completely broken or what?
  • (2021-05-13, v:1.9.3) SyamRajesh Kancharla: not turking properly
    even some hits cant identyfying i am browsing and accepting seperately
  • (2021-05-12, v:1.9.3) Saravanan Heaven: Subscription Method
    Sir, Not able to find the payment option in the website. How can we proceed further.
  • (2021-05-11, v:1.9.3) BakaOppai: Why does app suddenly need access? I can't even block it. What is it doing?
    This app wants permission to: See and download any of the extensions, themes, and apps in your developer account See the licenses you have access to See the in-app products of extensions installed by you Your extensions and apps may have sensitive content, such as your game or medical extensions
  • (2021-04-18, v:1.9.3) Bhavesh Parmar: Amount debited without our intimation
    Dear Kartik Watwani, I subscribed for Turk Guru last month. This month, it got auto-debited from the account. We did the payment from Stripe. We use this platform to work as per availability of time. Currently we all are HIT due to COVID, so we are unable to work. May I request you to cancel and REFUND me my amount. I feel the subscription should be in our hand. Let me know when will the refund be processed. In this critical times, we expect you to revert positively.
  • (2021-04-08, v:1.9.3) kate vins: OVER CHARGED
  • (2021-04-08, v:1.9.3) kate vins: OVER CHARGED
  • (2021-02-08, v:1.9.3) Tom Rutledge: Account
    Hi, I cancelled my account and just got billed for another month. While I will be using Turk Guru again, I won't need the service for a few months.
  • (2021-01-30, v:1.9.3) Randy Turks: Charged I need Refund
    Hi I just noticed I am being charged for this extension and I have not used this extension in months. I stopped using this extension in September. But still I was charged since October till now 9.99 a month. Please refund my 5 payments September, October, November, December, January I have been charged since and I have not used this extension at all. You can check I have not used this extension at all. 0 Times I have used it since early september around the 8th I was still charged from September 23 till now. CWSSUB.3872-9080-9062-73492.5 CWSSUB.3872-9080-9062-73492.7 CWSSUB.3872-9080-9062-73492.9 CWSSUB.3872-9080-9062-73492.11 CWSSUB.3872-9080-9062-73492.13 Please refund my 5 payments please
  • (2021-01-19, v:1.8.9) Sherylann Zeiders: I need to cancel my subscription please
    How do I cancel it. I love it but not able to pay for it and not doing mturk as much!
  • (2021-01-05, v:1.8.9) Derrick Dawkins: Unable to process payment
    Hi, For whatever reason, my bank flags the purchase every time. I didn't okay the purchase in time and now it seems that when I try to make the purchase on stripe, my card cannot be confirmed/verified. Any help would be appreciated.
  • (2021-01-03, v:1.8.9) Bhavesh Parmar: Extension is not working
    I have done the payment for turk guru extension but it is still not working ans asking for payment kindly look in to the matter.
  • (2020-12-14, v:1.8.7) Brandy Lloyd: already paid for subscription
    hi, i had to unistall and then reinstall and i already have an account and pay via stripe. now it says i have to pay on google chrome to add the extension again. i already paid for this month. how do i get the extension without paying again?
  • (2020-12-09, v:1.8.7) Tom Rutledge: Liking jobs
    Where did the "like/dislike" buttons go from turk guru. I don't see them in previously done tasks or new tasks I would like mark as liked. Am I missing something? I used to have tons of hits I liked that were marked dislike which I had to go back and change manually to like and I don't see that option anymore.
  • (2020-12-05, v:1.8.7) Matt Weinman: purchased and not able to use
    I bought a few hours ago and I am still not able to use =-(
  • (2020-11-08, v:1.7.8) Liz Almond: Cancel Subscription
    How do I cancel my subscription.
  • (2020-10-30, v:1.7.3) Simon Rodriguez: Problem with migration to Stripe
    Hello, I have been working with the turking guru extension since late August of this year. I made my subscription through google web store. There have already been 2 bank debits from my Bofa account. Recently when I tried to activate the extension in my Amazon Turk account, I got a message indicating that I had to migrate to the stripe platform in order to make payments. Later I should deactivate my google chrome subscription which I already did. Since yesterday I am noticing that the turking guru extension is not working properly in my Amazon Turk account and I have stopped receiving surveys. Nor can I make modifications within the turking guru configuration. Can you please tell me what the problem is and help me solve it? In advance thank you very much for your attention. By the way my turking guru ID is: 871ADD8754A5564
  • (2020-10-27, v:1.5.0) Suzanna: my subscription
    I have paid and it still won't let me use it
  • (2020-10-26, v:1.5.0) Karen Rogers: Payment Not Going Through
    Hello. The first payment didn't go through. I just tried to pay again and I get a message that there's a problems and the transaction cannot be traced. Thanks for your help.
  • (2020-10-26, v:1.5.0) Karen Rogers: Subscription Renewal
    Hello. I paid to renew the subscription about an hour ago but when I click on Start Turking, it takes me back to the chrome web store and says I need to renew. Thanks for your help.
  • (2020-10-24, v:1.5.0) Matt Weinman: purchased and wont run
    I purchased the software but now when I go to start turking it just keeps telling me to go and purchase a subscription when its been charged now twice on my card.


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3.6053 (76 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-07 / 3.5.3
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