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Rýchlo si prečítajte svoje komiksy zo služby Disk Google alebo z miestneho počítača.
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Chcete si dnes prečítať svoje komiksy? Jednoducho si dnes nainštalujte náš softvér Comic Reader pre Google Chrome ™.
Otvorte dnes najobľúbenejšie formáty súborov komiksov, ako sú .cbr, .cbz a .pdf! Náš softvér načíta komiksy okamžite a umožní vám čítať komiksy behom niekoľkých minút. Tu sú uvedené príslušné kroky
Nainštalujte si softvér Comic Reader pre Google Chrome ™
Vyberte komiks, ktorý chcete otvoriť
Začnite čítať
Tento softvér je 100% zadarmo a umožňuje otváranie súborov komiksov nielen z počítača, podporujeme tiež Disk Google. Začnite čítať svoje komiksy online už teraz!
Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Upozorňujeme, že toto rozšírenie NIE je vyrobené spoločnosťou Google a je vyrobené nezávislým vývojovým tímom. Všetky autorské práva patria ich príslušným vlastníkom. Google toto rozšírenie pre Chrome nepodporuje ani nesponzoruje. Comic Reader pre Google Chrome ™ nevlastní, nemá licenciu a nie je dcérskou spoločnosťou spoločnosti Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-02) Kendry Vargas: Genial, me deja leer mis archivos de manera gratuita y sin molestar con anuncios
- (2024-03-14) Ernesto Jorge: Hace lo que tiene que hacer.
- (2024-02-19) Ralf Leismann: Kannste knicken. Wirft Einzelbilder aus der .cbr auf Display, die dann aber nicht angezeigt werden (können). Direkt wieder entfernt.
- (2024-02-03) Gabriella Ficarra: I is simple, free and soo useful. I now don't need to go to a newsagent whenever I want to read a comic!!!! 5 star for sure!!
- (2024-01-29) Felipe GaMa: Todo genial
- (2024-01-23) John Ballway: so pretty
- (2023-11-27) أحمد الفخرانى (alfkhrany): غير جيد وسيئ جدا جدا جدا جدا و معلوماته قبل تثبيته غير موجوده فيه بعد التثبيت .....!!!!!
- (2023-11-26) PhalanX CIWS: Muito bom. Simples, intuitivo, rápido e fácil de usar.
- (2023-10-29) Bruno Palavicini: facil y rapida
- (2023-10-21) Usman Naveed: best extension ihave ever sene of readers works best no lagging instant processing
- (2023-09-04) Jalen Lewis: Works, and I'd rather download an extension than some sketchy .exe
- (2023-08-30) Ellen Karp: So far so good, easy extension for Chrome. Using my Lenovo Chromebook to read my digital comics on my flash drives. Will try it using my Lenovo Yoga 7i next..
- (2023-08-26) Paulo Andrés Paulito Castíllo Astaíza: Excelente
- (2023-07-13) Patrick Bass: Easy to use and working without any bugs so far (6 issues in).
- (2023-07-03) Ilya Davoudi: worked better than any software i tried and they all failed me but this extension is perfectlyt functioning
- (2023-06-29) MAI BUI CAO THANH: mở mãi mà ko xem dc
- (2023-06-08) Emilio Mendoza: Muy rápida y confiable
- (2023-06-05) Raffaele D'Amore: ottimo
- (2023-05-09) Quít TV: simple, clean, should have continuous mode to be perfect :)
- (2023-05-08) Tom Balchandani: fantastic extension. works perfectly with comic book extensions cbr & cbz.. EXACTLY what i was looking for !!!! Thank you.
- (2023-05-06) Ed. Mediavilla M: No le doy 5 estrellas porque no se puede colocar en GDrive para leer los comics
- (2022-08-02) dexgon barnett: no funciona bien en chromebook
- (2022-06-21) qwert y: No continuous page mode
- (2022-05-18) Fazal Khan: Works really well. Easy to use. Tested with a CBZ file.
- (2022-04-05) Muhammad Zainal Muttaqin: works well, but i shound re open to read if was closed
- (2022-02-25) Alworu Berzenge: Can this extension view all images vertically by scrolling down vertical scroll bar? I've tried anyway but no luck. Does anyone know how to prove it? Thanks in advance!
- (2021-11-05) dthh plekuuu: K xem đc, là s v???? Đâu vui đc, đánh giá r tải về 2,3 lần r mà có xem đc đâu.
- (2021-10-31) Jun Adar: Runs offline. Very handy when reading cbz files
- (2021-10-31) Cara: nè sao ko đọc đc
- (2021-10-11) Joshua Sastre: Does what I need for my Chromebook, and great that it works offline.
- (2021-10-10) Nhã Anh: tôi mở hoài mà không đọc được :(((
- (2021-09-21) Raul Castaño: Excelente! Falta que lea directamente de Google Drive y seria perfecta! :)
- (2021-09-19) Guillermo Martinez (Wilhelm): So far, so good I've used it with CBR and CBZ formats and runs smoothly! I really recommend this extension
- (2021-09-15) fred bloggs: works well.
- (2021-09-08) Chandra HG: Clean and simple. Does the job without clutter and without advertisements. It took me a minute to figure out how to work it, but once I did it was easy to use. You have to open the extension that you just downloaded and then open your google drive files through that window. You can't just open your files directly from your drive like you would any other basic file.
- (2021-08-02) Nhung Lê: đánh giá rồi vẫn không cho đọc đùa nhau à
- (2021-06-08) Carlos Castilla Torres: MUY BUENO
- (2021-06-07) Aditya Mhetras: Reads my cbz comics
- (2021-04-06) おっちゃん: パソコンの不具合で画像ビューワが機能しなくなり困っていたが このアプリでは問題なく画像を閲覧できた 感謝
- (2021-04-01) Mahith Manne: It has a lot of bugs since it's the only offline comic book reader guess i am stuck with this.
- (2021-03-04) Derliz David Diaz: Muy estable y práctica
- (2021-02-26) huan huan: 不太好用
- (2021-02-09) Ivan Rojnica: It works nicely, but what are the keyboard shortcuts for zooming? Also if zoomed on certain level, this zoom level should be kept at next page
- (2020-11-18) yelluh chicken: so far it works just as promised. It's quick and easy. No fuss, no muss. I like it.
- (2020-10-30) Dove01s: I was looking for a simple plugin that would let me read CBR or CBZ in browser, but after installing this any attempt to drag-drop a file to the browser to read still just downloads a copy instead. It's actually an app that runs in the browser instead of a plugin that allows the browser to display the file, and thus useless if you have any other program to read them with.
- (2020-10-28) Shawn Mars: Convenient extension to open .CBR & .CBZ... That is all I have for comic files but, I would assume that it will open .CBT so, all in all it is good yet there are some issue's with fitting comics to the screen size that make them easier to read without having to use your mouse to slide the image back and forth in order to view the entire picture. I can tell you that I have had this issue with several free stand alone software that claims to be comic readers and because of the zooming issues I am giving this extension 4 stars.
- (2020-03-20) Artabaz Ghofrani: Quite simple and handy. Can open CBR files as well.
- (2020-02-15) Charles W. Jones: This extension works with CBR and CBZ files, but you have to change the default selection from CBT to All Files to see everything. I'd have given it 5 Stars if this wasn't the case.
- (2020-01-22) Ese Villano: Es engañoso. Fake App!!
- (2019-09-27) Bernie Lee: cbt only??