extension ExtPose

Toucan - 語言學習

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Image from store Toucan - 語言學習
Description from store Toucan 可以幫助您透過瀏覽網站學習新語言。不需要上課、使用速記卡,或舉辦讀書會。只要註冊後像平常一樣使用網路即可。 使用方式 ➤ 每當您造訪任何網站時,Toucan 會自動將頁面上的特定單字及片語翻譯成您正在學習的語言。如此一來,您便可透過已經熟悉的語言學習新語言的字彙。 提供的語種: 英文(西班牙文使用者用) 西班牙文 法文 日文 德文 韓文 葡萄牙文 義大利文 阿拉伯文 中文 希伯來文 印度文 未來將推出更多語言! 迅速安裝 ➤ 只要按兩下滑鼠就可以開始使用 瀏覽網路 ➤ Toucan 會自動翻譯關鍵單字及片語,幫助您建構語言知識 以自己的步調學習 ➤ 隨著您的程度提昇,Toucan 會加入新的單字及更複雜的片語供您學習 練習所學 ➤ 以小遊戲測驗您新學的單字,並將您的語言能力提高到新的水準 標記翻譯 ➤ Toucan 可以立刻將所選取的任何單字或片語就地翻譯成您正在學習的語言 如果您遭遇任何問題,可發信至此幫助 Toucan 在任何您愛用的網站上運作無礙:[email protected]。 *************** 您的隱私是 TOUCAN 最關注的第一優先事項 *************** 當您新增 Toucan 時,它會指出我們將可「讀取及變更您在所瀏覽之網站上的所有資料」。這只說對了一部分。更精確的描述是:它讓 Toucan 可以將您再往站上看到的單字翻譯成您正在學習的語言。雖然我們確定您一定是個非常有趣的人,但我們對掌握您的搜尋或購買紀錄毫無興趣。那不是我們要做的事情。 您可於此處進一步瞭解 Toucan 的隱私權政策:https://www.babbel.com/legal/privacy

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-17) Apollo: No issues so far, but there are SO many positives. Going on websites I frequent and having to decipher the hiragana I know of Japanese in the middle of a sentence, then guess what the word means based on context. As a novice Japanese learner, it has already helped me!
  • (2024-05-31) Isabela Maria: one of the best things that humankind has ever produced
  • (2024-05-07) Karol Jesionka (KAMJE): WAIT FOR POLISH
  • (2024-04-07) Alice “Chi” Raabe: Warms my heart everythime i see a word that i learned using toucan. Still far away from really know the language, but getting accoustumed to it helps a lot. Sometimes gets too much RAM, which is expected, but you can just use ctrl+e shortcut to disable until your pc gets some fresh air.
  • (2024-03-02) Krys Tropicales: really nice. thanks so much for helping me, i learn a lot from it everyday
  • (2024-02-11) Fernando Victor: ótima extensão para quem buscar o aprendizado de línguas
  • (2024-02-09) Daniela Iñiguez: Muy buena app, me ayuda a aprender y mejorar mi inglés.
  • (2024-01-06) Jair Cunha: It~s very good!
  • (2023-12-20) Passion Brown: germen is a language
  • (2023-10-14) Mariano: it doesn't work. I already gave the permission but still. when I click on it nothing happens
  • (2023-10-12) Maruf Hasan: Doesn't work when surfing Youtube. Words in the comment section remains unchanged. Is there any way to make it work?
  • (2023-10-08) saiin bellow: 请继续保持
  • (2023-09-28) Tegan Orrowe: A great extension for a little extra practice! in theory i think it's great, though practically I would say it can be a little spotty on the amount of translations per page. I have it set to 'high' but recently it exclusively translates only the word 'no' which is very unhelpful... hoping it is just a phase because i think it's a great app when it does work! having the 'extra practice' in ad spots is a stroke of genius, and while some of them are, honestly, a bit lame, I can't wait to see how it progresses over time.
  • (2023-09-26) Hakou Reggab: arabic its almost 2024 and steel waitnig
  • (2023-09-26) Mondreht: 怎么会有中国人给好评?
  • (2023-09-19) Josh A: Congrats on the Acquisition! I use toucan casually, and I would say it works best as a casual extension. I wouldn't expect to learn a whole language, but if you want a little extra practice, then this is for you. I love the idea as it is fun to use, and it is unique compared to all the language-learning platforms. However, some people, (including one family member), disliked the constant "annoyance" of having to hover over a word when trying to understand something. Especially when the word is complicated. However, I find no problem, and, if you are the same, give it a try! The Emails I receive really stand out to me, it gives me the feeling of an friendly group of people doing their dream, not a giant controlling monopoly. TLDR? Yes, use it. Just delete it if you hate it. Goodbye my friends!
  • (2023-09-10) ale fricher: Aprender vocabulario mientras haces otra cosa. Aprender sin sentarse a aprender. El nuevo idioma se filtra silencioso en tu diario uso de internet.
  • (2023-09-06) Istanda Huang: Please, please add a native language option for Traditional Chinese, and provide more language options so I can learn a third language with no problem. I'm a Traditional Chinese speaker and I'm learning Korean, and since I can only translate Korean from English, I can learn two languages at once, but the process is really mentally draining.
  • (2023-09-01) elina m: Зачем вы пишете название приложения в магазине на русском, если русского там нет? Человек скачивает, тратит свое время, пытается разобраться..
  • (2023-08-30) Darian Enting: Support are ignoring all messages to their support email, Facebook messages, Twitter @ tweets, and support tickets submitted through their system. There is no way to cancel premium subscription, so DO NOT pay this company money until they start answering messages. Plenty of other users also cannot contact them any more.
  • (2023-08-25) Gavin Lee: Can't contact support, and there's no premium.
  • (2023-08-21) Laila Regalado: love the idea and the concept. So good!
  • (2023-08-15) Denys Honcharov: Amazing idea and approach for learning languages. But please, add a ukranian language!
  • (2023-08-15) Karen Medina: si es una extensión de la fuerza de voluntad para aprender otro idioma, es como un buen amigo acordando que estudies. por eso hay que es super super recomendable y te diviertes a la vez... y asi es mas rapido familiarizarse con las palabras aprendidas, mas aun cuando uno va leyendo los articulos del trabajo. muy Agradecida
  • (2023-08-12) Natalya: Бесполезное. Русского языка в нем нет
  • (2023-07-24) Thomas: For words alone, it can be useful. For learning the correct contexts for applying learned words, it falls short. I wish Toucan translated the entire sentence in the background and swapped the correct word for the correct context rather than the direct and most common translation.
  • (2023-07-20) Arery Muñoz: Me encanta esta función, me ha ayudado a ampliar mi vocabulario de chino mandarín mientras navego en internet <3
  • (2023-07-17) Mehmet Murat Akburak: I really like this idea but I can not understand why you force to enable permissions on every website. There is a blocked list built in toucan but it only disables the word swapping, it does not stop toucan from reading the data. If you change this setting on chrome to allowlist certain website, toucan will not work. I am not super crazy about my privacy but I am not going to handover this data to a closed source software!!
  • (2023-07-12) Sildo Neto: i was using a lot for french language, but as soon as i switched to english language, now it shows both english and french languages mixed, i dont know how to solve it. thanks.
  • (2023-07-07) Girls Gillson: I love how it will give me a random word no matter what website I am at
  • (2023-07-06) Nicholas Sund: I'm using Toucan to learn German and Spanish. I am really enjoying Toucan so far, and I find the passive approach to vocabulary acquisition more effective than active studying. I already had an intermediate level with both languages, so although Toucan is great for expanding my vocabulary, new learners may need other like classes or tutoring to learn the grammar and sentence structure. Either way, Toucan has found a place in my ecosystem of language-learning tools and I will be recommending it to friends.
  • (2023-06-28) Jane PD: The core functionality is great and quite useful; I haven't been using it for very long and I've already used some words that I learned using this extension. However, it incessantly pushes other features on you, degrading the user experience. On every website I visited, it would place a box at the top asking if I wanted to try a "shortcut", which is a feature where you can focus on a specific subject matter in the language, like ordering food—it's a cool feature that I'm sure is very useful for some people, but not one that I would like to use right now. I found this box rather annoying, so eventually I clicked on the "take shortcut" button just to make it go away. Now, however, it puts a box prompting me to practice my food-ordering vocabulary at the top of every website. Now that I know that taking the "shortcut" doesn't prevent those annoying boxes (just changes the type of box), I wish I hadn't taken it, but as far as I can tell there's no way to stop taking a shortcut, so now to make it go away I have to practice a bunch of words I already know. I want to use the internet with this extension working in the background almost unnoticed, just helping me learn a few new words. But the extension seems like it wants for itself to be a primary focus; it insists on gamifying vocabulary-learning and putting it at the forefront of my attention. I'm sure this is nice for some people, but for me it just ends up being annoying—I wish it would just let me use it the way I want to and not bug me about using all these other features that I don't want, because the feature I'm trying to use (translating occasional words on webpages) is really good when it's not being interrupted by other things.
  • (2023-05-28) Bertie Poole: best way to learn languages online outside of tutors and talking to people in my honest opinion.
  • (2023-05-23) Daniela Vasquez Ramirez: Es una herramienta muy útil si deseas aprender inglés mientras estás usando tu pc.
  • (2023-05-04) Maddy: Great tool! When I skip a Spanish lesson on Duolingo, Toucan makes sure I get my Spanish in for the day!
  • (2023-04-25) Shane Devane: Great tool. Haven't had any bugs mentioned below. Using windows 11 16GB of ram. Missing some small feateures (like exporting saved words) but flashcards are really handy.
  • (2023-04-24) Ralph Capper: Buggy, doesn't work on some pages (e.g. Google News), causes lag on other pages. Embeds a massive 'Shortcuts' box on some pages which can't be removed and is way too intrusive. You can't complete your explore-the-app progress to 100% as 'explore premium' isn't possible to check off, even after clicking the link. There's a login/signup option on manage extensions that does nothing when you click it. Great idea but there's a lot about this I don't like.
  • (2023-04-13) Anonymo Modus (Just.Angemmanuel Sings): It's a cool concept but there's a pretty huge problem. I am currently using it for spanish. And I noticed that while it does put new words in and could be amazing for learning new vocab, it replaces words without taking context into account. I was reading a news article on political stuff, "win back" was changed to "win espalda" and "electoral college" was replaced by "electoral universidad" and these are just a few examples of really weird literal translations. It could be amazing, but right now I can't recommend it.
  • (2023-04-05) أبو يوسف المترجم في شيراز: Great idea
  • (2023-03-27) Hanna Nichols: Super frustrated as I found the extension useful for a few months but decided budget-wise, it just wasn't worth it. There's no other way to cancel a paid subscription than emailing them. Except they don't respond to emails. It's been over a week and I've sent multiple emails about cancelling it and haven't heard back.
  • (2023-03-24) SakuraHougetsu28: I CAN'T USE IT, 100% CPU USAGE. The idea about learning a language just reading or visiting websites is amazing, but i can't use the extension, when i installed, and i wanna use it chrome goes up its CPU Usage to 80-90 or even 100%, therefore i can't use , but i really wish use this extension, it seems really useful for me. my laptop is old but i use almost 15 extensions on chrome and neither of them go up CPU USAGE as much as "Toucan". i hope guys can fix this problem as soon as possible.
  • (2023-03-24) 常兵涛: Will it suport Chinese to English? I have saw many users need this function, but donot get reply.
  • (2023-03-23) Mateo Santos: Me encanto esta extension lo unico malo es que no puedes volver a practicar una palabra si ya la sabes.
  • (2023-03-19) Samuel Perez Guerrero: Me encanto bastante la verdad me ayudado bastante a aprender otro idioma y tiene una interfaz sencilla
  • (2023-03-12) Navin Rangar: loving it.
  • (2023-03-07) Sean Flesch: Update: 100% CPU issue is gone. I reinstalled the extension, but MalwareBytes Cloud is seeing it as Adware.SearchEngine.Hijack. Have contacted developer. Original review: Suddenly using 100% CPU on Chrome. I usually have a lot of tabs open so my only guess is something changed in the code recently where it is trying to work on EVERY SINGLE TAB. I can barely disable it and once already it was reenabled. Once again it has reenabled itself causing Chrome to come to a crawl.
  • (2023-02-28) Abdullah Khan: amazing just amazing
  • (2023-02-28) Susana Matos: Aplicativo muito bom, recomendo muito para quem está aprendendo inglês. Ajuda muito!
  • (2023-02-27) Rishabh Sharma: 5 star
  • (2023-02-22) Ethan Lonchar: Toucan is a simple, easy-to-use extension that anyone learning a language should have. Because the new language is incorporated into your native one, it feels effortless when you read it, yet you still pick up the words. And if you feel it's too easy or too hard, you can change the difficulty of translated words and the frequency at which words are translated. I highly recommend this extension, whether on its own, or as I use it, in tandem with other learning methods.


200,000 history
4.6006 (1,377 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-14 / 2.19.6
Listing languages
